
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Hy Murveit <hy@murveit.com>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
7#pragma once
9#include <dms.h>
10#include <skypoint.h>
12class FITSData;
13class TestPolarAlign;
16 Polar alignment support class. Note, the telescope can be pointing anywhere.
17 It doesn't need to point at the pole.
19 Use this class as follows:
20 1) Construct with the geo information.
21 PolarAlign polarAlign(geoLocation);
22 2) Start the polar align procedure. Capture, solve and add wcs from the
23 solve to the FITSData image. Then:
24 polarAlign.addPoint(image);
25 3) Rotate the mount in RA ~30 degrees (could be less or more) east (or west)
26 and capture, solve and add wcs from the solve to the new image. Then:
27 polarAlign.addPoint(image);
28 4) Rotate the mount in RA another ~30 degrees east (or west)
29 and capture, solve and add wcs from the solve to the new image. Then:
30 polarAlign.addPoint(image);
31 5) Find the mount's axis of rotation as follows:
32 if (!polarAlign.findAxis())
33 error();
34 6) Compute the azimuth and altitude offset for the mount.
35 double altitudeError = axisAlt - latitudeDegrees;
36 double azimuthError = axisAz - 0;
37 7) Compute the overall error
38 dms polarError(hypot(azimuthError, altitudeError));
40Using the "move star" correction scheme:
42 8a) Compute a target correction
43 int correctedX, correctedY;
44 if (!polarAlign.findCorrectedPixel(
45 imageData, x, y, altitudeError, azimuthError, &correctedX, &correctedY))
46 error();
47 9a) The user uses the GEM azimuth and altitude adjustments to move the
48 object at position x,y in the image to position correctedX, correctedY.
50Using the plate solve correction scheme:
52 8b) Compute the remaining axis error (after partial correction)
53 SkyPoint coords, solution;
54 coords = [coordinates from plate-solving a refresh image]
55 // The signs of the error indicate the correction direction
56 processRefreshCoords(coords, currentTime, &azError, &altError);
57 9b) The user uses the GEM azimuth and altitude adjustments to move the telescope.
58 positive altitude error: reduce altitide.
59 positive azimuth error: point telescope more to the left.
60 *********************************************************************/
62class PolarAlign
64 public:
66 // The polealignment scheme requires the GeoLocation to operate properly.
67 // Certain aspects can be tested without it.
68 PolarAlign(const GeoLocation *geo = nullptr);
70 // Add a sample point.
71 bool addPoint(const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &image);
73 // Returns the i-th point (zero based).
74 const SkyPoint getPoint(int index)
75 {
76 if (index >= 0 && index < points.size())
77 return points[index];
78 return SkyPoint();
79 }
81 // Finds the mount's axis of rotation. Three points must have been added.
82 // Returns false if the axis can't be found.
83 bool findAxis();
85 // Returns the image coordinate that pixel x,y should be moved to to correct
86 // the mount's axis. Image is usually the 3rd PAA image. x,y are image coordinates.
87 // 3 Points must have been added and findAxis() must have been called.
88 // Uses the axis determined by findAxis(). Returns correctedX and correctedY,
89 // the target position that the x,y pixel should move to.
90 bool findCorrectedPixel(const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &image, const QPointF &pixel,
91 QPointF *corrected, bool altOnly = false);
93 // Returns the mount's azimuth and altitude error given the known geographic location
94 // and the azimuth center and altitude center computed in findAxis().
95 // The first version uses the internal variables azimuthCenter & altitudeCenter as the
96 // calculated axis, and the 2nd takes new values as inputs.
97 void calculateAzAltError(double *azError, double *altError) const;
98 void calculateAzAltErrorFromAzAlt(double *azError, double *altError, double az, double alt) const;
100 // Given the current axis, fill in azError and altError with the polar alignment
101 // error, if a star at location pixel were move in the camera view to pixel2.
102 // image would be the 3rd PAA image.
103 // Returns false if the paa error couldn't be computer.
104 bool pixelError(const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &image, const QPointF &pixel, const QPointF &pixel2,
105 double *azError, double *altError);
107 /// reset starts the process over, removing the points.
108 void reset();
110 // Returns the mount's axis--for debugging.
111 void getAxis(double *azAxis, double *altAxis) const;
113 // This is not required, and is a hint as to how far the pixelError method should search
114 // for a solution. The suggestion may be ignored if it is too large or small, but in
115 // general this should be a degree or so larger than the polar alignment error in degrees.
116 void setMaxPixelSearchRange(double degrees);
118 // Compute the remaining polar-alignment azimuth and altitude error from a new image's coordinates
119 // as compared with the coordinates from the last polar-align measurement image.
120 // The differences between the two coordinates is a measure of the rotation that has been
121 // applied during the polar-align correction phase.
122 bool processRefreshCoords(const SkyPoint &coords, const KStarsDateTime &time,
123 double *azError, double *altError,
124 double *azAdjustment = nullptr, double *altAdjustment = nullptr) const;
126 // Find the skypoints where the telescope needs to point (rotated there by adjusting az and alt)
127 // in order for the mount to be properly polar aligned.
128 bool refreshSolution(SkyPoint *solution, SkyPoint *altOnlySolution) const;
130 private:
131 // returns true in the northern hemisphere.
132 // if no geo location available, defaults to northern.
133 bool northernHemisphere() const;
135 // These internal methods find the pixel with the desired azimuth and altitude.
136 bool findAzAlt(const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &image, double azimuth, double altitude, QPointF *pixel) const;
138 // Does the necessary processing so that azimuth and altitude values
139 // can be retrieved for the x,y pixel in image.
140 bool prepareAzAlt(const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &image, const QPointF &pixel, SkyPoint *point) const;
143 // Internal utility used by the external findCorrectedPixel and by pixelError().
144 // Similar args as the public findCorrectedPixel().
145 bool findCorrectedPixel(const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &image, const QPointF &pixel,
146 QPointF *corrected, double azError, double altError);
148 // Internal utility used by the public pixelError, which iterates at different
149 // resolutions passed in to this method. As the resoltion can be coarse, actualPixel
150 // is the one used (as opposed to pixel2) for the error returned.
151 void pixelError(const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &image, const QPointF &pixel, const QPointF &pixel2,
152 double minAz, double maxAz, double azInc,
153 double minAlt, double maxAlt, double altInc,
154 double *azError, double *altError, QPointF *actualPixel);
156 // These three positions are used to estimate the polar alignment error.
157 QVector<SkyPoint> points;
158 QVector<KStarsDateTime> times;
160 // The geographic location used to compute azimuth and altitude.
161 const GeoLocation *geoLocation;
163 // Values set by the last call to findAxis() that correspond to the mount's axis.
164 double azimuthCenter { 0 };
165 double altitudeCenter { 0 };
167 // Constrains the search for the correction pixel. Units are degrees.
168 double maxPixelSearchRange { 2 };
170 friend TestPolarAlign;
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