23void EyepieceField::generateEyepieceView(SkyPoint *sp, QImage *skyChart, QImage *skyImage, const FOV *fov,
36void EyepieceField::generateEyepieceView(SkyPoint *sp, QImage *skyChart, QImage *skyImage, double fovWidth,
57 // Otherwise, we will assume that the user wants the FOV of the image and we'll try to guess it from there
134 QImage *mySkyChart = new QImage(arcMinToScreen * fovWidth * 2.0, arcMinToScreen * fovHeight * 2.0,
160 QImage *mySkyImage = new QImage(int(arcMinToScreen * fovWidth * 2.0), int(arcMinToScreen * fovHeight * 2.0),
192 QPointF(mySkyImage->width() / 2.0 - img.width() / 2.0, mySkyImage->height() / 2.0 - img.height() / 2.0),
201void EyepieceField::renderEyepieceView(const QImage *skyChart, QPixmap *renderChart, const double rotation,
222 Q_ASSERT(overlay || renderImage); // in debug mode, check for calls that supply skyImage but not renderImage
244 skyChart->createMaskFromColor(skyColor.rgb()).transformed(transform, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
262void EyepieceField::renderEyepieceView(SkyPoint *sp, QPixmap *renderChart, double fovWidth, double fovHeight,
272 renderEyepieceView(skyChart, renderChart, rotation, scale, flip, invert, skyImage, renderImage, overlay,
295 3600.0); // Equinox precession in ecliptic longitude per year in degrees (ref: http://star-www.st-and.ac.uk/~fv/webnotes/chapt16.htm)
296 dms netEquinoxPrecession(double((sp->getLastPrecessJD() - J2000) / 365.25) * equinoxPrecessionPerYear);
298 (netEquinoxPrecession.cos() - sp->dec0().sin() * sp->dec().sin()) / (sp->dec0().cos() * sp->dec().cos());
304 // We trust that EquatorialToHorizontal has been called on sp, after all, how else can it have an alt/az representation.
305 // Use spherical cosine rule (the triangle with vertices at sp, zenith and NCP) to compute the angle between direction of increasing altitude and north
306 double cosNorthAngle2 = (lat->sin() - sp->alt().sin() * sp->dec().sin()) / (sp->alt().cos() * sp->dec().cos());
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setApproxFOV(double FOV_Degrees)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:1001
virtual void updateCoordsNow(const KSNumbers *num)
updateCoordsNow Shortcut for updateCoords( const KSNumbers *num, false, nullptr, nullptr,...
Definition skypoint.h:410
void EquatorialToHorizontal(const CachingDms *LST, const CachingDms *lat)
Determine the (Altitude, Azimuth) coordinates of the SkyPoint from its (RA, Dec) coordinates,...
Definition skypoint.cpp:77
virtual void updateCoords(const KSNumbers *num, bool includePlanets=true, const CachingDms *lat=nullptr, const CachingDms *LST=nullptr, bool forceRecompute=false)
Determine the current coordinates (RA, Dec) from the catalog coordinates (RA0, Dec0),...
Definition skypoint.cpp:602
const dms reduce() const
return the equivalent angle between 0 and 360 degrees.
Definition dms.cpp:251
static constexpr double PI
PI is a const static member; it's public so that it can be used anywhere, as long as dms....
Definition dms.h:385
const QString toDMSString(const bool forceSign=false, const bool machineReadable=false, const bool highPrecision=false) const
Definition dms.cpp:287
KDOCTOOLS_EXPORT QString transform(const QString &file, const QString &stylesheet, const QList< const char * > ¶ms=QList< const char * >())
QBitmap fromImage(QImage &&image, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags)
QRgb rgb() const const
bool exists() const const
virtual void close() override
const_iterator end() const const
QImage createMaskFromColor(QRgb color, Qt::MaskMode mode) const const
void fill(Qt::GlobalColor color)
int height() const const
void invertPixels(InvertMode mode)
bool isNull() const const
QImage transformed(const QTransform &matrix, Qt::TransformationMode mode) const const
int width() const const
QPixmap fromImage(QImage &&image, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags)
int height() const const
void setMask(const QBitmap &mask)
QImage toImage() const const
int width() const const
void setFileName(const QString &fileName)
void setResolution(int dpi)
void setSize(const QSize &size)
void setViewBox(const QRect &viewBox)
QFuture< void > map(Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&function)
virtual QString fileName() const const override
bool open()
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:55:45 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:55:45 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.