class KURLRequester

A widget to request a filename/url from the user. More...

Definition#include <kurlrequester.h>
InheritsQHBox (qt) [public ]
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Public Methods

Public Slots


Protected Methods

Protected Slots

Protected Members

Detailed Description

This class is a widget showing a lineedit and a button, which invokes a filedialog. File name completion is available in the lineedit.

The defaults for the filedialog are to ask for one existing local file, i.e. KFileDialog::setMode( KFile::File | KFile::ExistingOnly | KFile::LocalOnly ) The default filter is "*", i.e. show all files, and the start directory is the current working directory, or the last directory where a file has been selected.

You can change this behavior by using setMode() or setFilter().

 KURLRequester ( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 )


Constructs a KURLRequester widget.

 KURLRequester ( const QString& url, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 )


Constructs a KURLRequester widget with the initial URL url.

 KURLRequester ( QWidget *editWidget, QWidget *parent, const char *name=0 )


Special constructor, which creates a KURLRequester widget with a custom edit-widget. The edit-widget can be either a KComboBox or a KLineEdit (or inherited thereof). Note: for geometry management reasons, the edit-widget is reparented to have the KURLRequester as parent.

modalspecifies whether the filedialog should be opened as modal or not.

 ~KURLRequester ()


Destructs the KURLRequester.

QString  url ()



Returns: the current url in the lineedit. May be malformed, if the user entered something weird. ~user or environment variables are substituted for local files.

void  setShowLocalProtocol ( bool b )


Enables/disables showing file:/ in the lineedit, when a local file has been selected in the filedialog or was set via setURL(). Default is false, not showing file:/

See also: showLocalProtocol

void  setMode ( unsigned int m )


Sets the mode of the file dialog. Note: you can only select one file with the filedialog, so KFile::Files doesn't make much sense.

See also: KFileDialog::setMode()

void  setFilter (const QString& filter)


Sets the filter for the file dialog.

See also: KFileDialog::setFilter()

bool  showLocalProtocol ()



Returns: whether local files will be prefixed with file:/ in the lineedit

See also: setShowLocalProtocol

KFileDialog *  fileDialog ()


[const virtual]

Returns: a pointer to the filedialog You can use this to customize the dialog, e.g. to specify a filter. Never returns 0L.

KLineEdit *  lineEdit ()



It is provided so that you can e.g. set an own completion object (e.g. KShellCompletion) into it.

Returns: a pointer to the lineedit, either the default one, or the special one, if you used the special constructor.

KComboBox *  comboBox ()



Returns: a pointer to the combobox, in case you have set one using the special constructor. Returns 0L otherwise.

KPushButton *  button ()



Returns: a pointer to the pushbutton. It is provided so that you can specify an own pixmap or a text, if you really need to.

KURLCompletioncompletionObject ()



Returns: the KURLCompletion object used in the lineedit/combobox.

void  setURL (const QString& url)



Sets the url in the lineedit to url. Depending on the state of showLocalProtocol(), file:/ on local files will be shown or not.

void  clear ()



Clears the lineedit/combobox.

void  textChanged (const QString&)



Emitted when the text in the lineedit changes. The parameter contains the contents of the lineedit.

void  returnPressed ()



Emitted when return or enter was pressed in the lineedit.

void  returnPressed ( const QString& )



Emitted when return or enter was pressed in the lineedit. The parameter contains the contents of the lineedit.

void  openFileDialog ( KURLRequester * )



Emitted before the filedialog is going to open. Connect to this signal to "configure" the filedialog, e.g. set the filefilter, the mode, a preview-widget, etc. It's usually not necessary to set a URL for the filedialog, as it will get set properly from the editfield contents.

If you use multiple KURLRequesters, you can connect all of them to the same slot and use the given KURLRequester pointer to know which one is going to open.

void  urlSelected ( const QString& )



Emitted when the user changed the URL via the file dialog. The parameter contains the contents of the lineedit.

void  init ()



KURLCompletion * myCompletion



void  slotOpenDialog ()


[protected slots slot]

Called when the button is pressed to open the filedialog. Also called when KStdAccel::Open (default is Ctrl-O) is pressed.

void  virtual_hook ( int id, void* data )


[protected virtual]