May be removed in KDE 4.0 Determine auto-magically the type of file, not only by using its extension, but also by reading its contents.
Unless specified otherwise, KMimeMagic uses $KDEDIR/share/mimelnk/magic for this purpose.
To make KMimeMagic restore the 'atime' of a file after it opened it, add its directory in kmimemagicrc like: [Settings] atimeDirs=/tmp,/var/tmp,/home/dfaure/tmp This isn't done by default because it changes the 'ctime'. See kmimemagic.cpp for a full discussion on this issue.
The basic usage of KMimeMagic is :
...Type() methods.
The result is contained in the class KMimeMagicResult.
KMimeMagic ( const QString & configFile )
| KMimeMagic |
Create a parser and initialize it with the given config file.
~KMimeMagic ()
| ~KMimeMagic |
Destroy the parser.
bool mergeConfig ( const QString & configFile )
| mergeConfig |
Merge an existing parse table with the data from the given file.
Returns: true
on success.
bool mergeBufConfig (char *)
| mergeBufConfig |
Merge an existing parse table with the data from the given buffer.
Returns: true
on success.
void setFollowLinks ( bool _enable )
| setFollowLinks |
Enable/Disable follow-links.
(Default is disabled.)
KMimeMagicResult* findFileType ( const QString & _filename )
| findFileType |
Try to find a MimeType for the given file.
If no special MimeType is found, the default MimeType is returned. This function looks at the content of the file.
Returns: A pointer to the result object. Do not delete the result object. After another call to KMimeMagic the returned result object changes its value since it is reused by KMimeMagic.
KMimeMagicResult* findBufferType ( const QByteArray &p )
| findBufferType |
Same functionality as above, except data is not read from a file.
Instead a buffer can be supplied which is examined.
Returns: A pointer to the result object. Do not delete the result object. After another call to KMimeMagic the returned result object changes its value since it is reused by KMimeMagic.
KMimeMagicResult * findBufferFileType ( const QByteArray &, const QString & filename )
| findBufferFileType |
Same functionality as findBufferType() but with additional capability of distinguishing between C-headers and C-Source.
For this purpose this function looks at the extension of the filename. This means that 'filename' can be a filename on some FTP server, too.
Returns: A pointer to the result object. Do not delete the result object. After another call to KMimeMagic the returned result object changes its value since it is reused by KMimeMagic.
KMimeMagic* self ()
| self |
Returns a pointer to the unique KMimeMagic instance in this process.
KMimeMagicResult * magicResult | magicResult |
void initStatic ()
| initStatic |
[protected static]
The result type.
static KMimeMagic* s_pSelf | s_pSelf |
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:49:48 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |