UCharReference is the dynamic counterpart of UChar. It's used when characters retrieved via index from a UString are used in an assignment expression (and therefore can't be treated as being const):
UString s("hello world"); s[0] = 'H'; |
If that sounds confusing your best bet is to simply forget about the existance of this class and treat is as being identical to UChar.
UCharReference& operator= (UChar c)
| operator= |
Set the referenced character to c.
UCharReference& operator= (char c)
| operator= |
Same operator as above except the argument that it takes.
unsigned short unicode ()
| unicode |
Returns: Unicode value.
unsigned char low ()
| low |
Returns: Lower byte.
unsigned char high ()
| high |
Returns: Higher byte.
UChar toLower ()
| toLower |
Returns: Character converted to lower case.
UChar toUpper ()
| toUpper |
Returns: Character converted to upper case.
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:50:27 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |