namespace KJS
Array of error names corresponding to ErrorType
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Public Types
- class Value
- class ValueImp
- class Undefined
- class Null
- class Boolean
- class String
- class Number
- class Object
- class ObjectImp
- class Reference
- class List
- class Completion
- class ExecState
- enum Type { UnspecifiedType = 0,
UndefinedType = 1,
NullType = 2,
BooleanType = 3,
StringType = 4,
NumberType = 5,
ObjectType = 6,
ReferenceType = 7,
ListType = 8,
CompletionType = 9
- class ListIterator
- enum ComplType { Normal, Break, Continue, ReturnValue, Throw }
- enum Attribute { None = 0,
ReadOnly = 1 << 1,
DontEnum = 1 << 2,
DontDelete = 1 << 3,
Internal = 1 << 4,
Function = 1 << 5 }
- struct ClassInfo
- enum ErrorType { GeneralError = 0,
EvalError = 1,
RangeError = 2,
ReferenceError = 3,
SyntaxError = 4,
TypeError = 5,
URIError = 6}
- class Error
- class Context
- class Interpreter
- class UCharReference
- class UString
- struct UChar
- class CString
Public Methods
- bool operator== (const Value &v1, const Value &v2)
- bool operator!= (const Value &v1, const Value &v2)
- bool isNaN (double d)
- bool isInf (double d)
- bool isPosInf (double d)
- bool isNegInf (double d)
- bool equal (ExecState *exec, const Value& v1, const Value& v2)
- bool strictEqual (ExecState *exec, const Value &v1, const Value &v2)
- int relation (ExecState *exec, const Value& v1, const Value& v2)
- int maxInt (int d1, int d2)
- int minInt (int d1, int d2)
- Value add (ExecState *exec, const Value &v1, const Value &v2, char oper)
- Value mult (ExecState *exec, const Value &v1, const Value &v2, char oper)
- inline bool operator== (const UChar &c1, const UChar &c2)
- bool operator== (const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
- inline bool operator!= (const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
- bool operator< (const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
- bool operator== (const UString& s1, const char *s2)
- inline bool operator!= (const UString& s1, const char *s2)
- inline bool operator== (const char *s1, const UString& s2)
- inline bool operator!= (const char *s1, const UString& s2)
- bool operator== (const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
- UString operator+ (const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
Public Members
Array of error names corresponding to ErrorType
Value objects are act as wrappers ("smart pointers") around ValueImp
objects and their descendents. Instead of using ValueImps
(and derivatives) during normal program execution, you should use a
Value-derived class.
Value maintains a pointer to a ValueImp object and uses a reference
counting scheme to ensure that the ValueImp object is not deleted or
garbage collected.
Note: The conversion operations all return values of various types -
if an error occurs during conversion, an error object will instead
be returned (where possible), and the execution state's exception
will be set appropriately.
ValueImp is the base type for all primitives (Undefined, Null, Boolean,
String, Number) and objects in ECMAScript.
Note: you should never inherit from ValueImp as it is for primitive types
only (all of which are provided internally by KJS). Instead, inherit from
Undefined (class) | Undefined |
Represents an primitive Undefined value. All instances of this class
share the same implementation object, so == will always return true
for any comparison between two Undefined objects.
Represents an primitive Null value. All instances of this class
share the same implementation object, so == will always return true
for any comparison between two Null objects.
Represents an primitive Null value
Represents an primitive Null value
Represents an primitive Number value
Represents an Object. This is a wrapper for ObjectImp
ObjectImp (class) | ObjectImp |
Reference (class) | Reference |
List is a native ECMAScript type. List values are only used for
intermediate results of expression evaluation and cannot be stored
as properties of objects.
The list is explicitly shared. Note that while copy() returns a deep
copy of the list the referenced objects are still shared.
Completion (class) | Completion |
Completion objects are used to convey the return status and value
from functions.
See FunctionImp::execute()
See also: FunctionImp
ExecState (class) | ExecState |
Represents the current state of script execution. This object allows you
obtain a handle the interpreter that is currently executing the script,
and also the current execution state context.
enum Type { UnspecifiedType = 0,
UndefinedType = 1,
NullType = 2,
BooleanType = 3,
StringType = 4,
NumberType = 5,
ObjectType = 6,
ReferenceType = 7,
ListType = 8,
CompletionType = 9
| Type |
Primitive types
bool operator== (const Value &v1, const Value &v2)
| operator== |
bool operator!= (const Value &v1, const Value &v2)
| operator!= |
extern const double NaN
| NaN |
extern const double Inf
| Inf |
ListIterator (class) | ListIterator |
enum ComplType { Normal, Break, Continue, ReturnValue, Throw }
| ComplType |
Completion types.
enum Attribute { None = 0,
ReadOnly = 1 << 1,
DontEnum = 1 << 2,
DontDelete = 1 << 3,
Internal = 1 << 4,
Function = 1 << 5 }
| Attribute |
ClassInfo (struct) | ClassInfo |
Class Information
enum ErrorType { GeneralError = 0,
EvalError = 1,
RangeError = 2,
ReferenceError = 3,
SyntaxError = 4,
TypeError = 5,
URIError = 6}
| ErrorType |
Types of Native Errors available. For custom errors, GeneralError
should be used.
Represents an execution context, as specified by section 10 of the ECMA
An execution context contains information about the current state of the
script - the scope for variable lookup, the value of "this", etc. A new
execution context is entered whenever global code is executed (e.g. with
Interpreter::evaluate()), a function is called (see Object::call()), or the builtin "eval" function is executed.
Most inheritable functions in the KJS api take a ExecState pointer as
their first parameter. This can be used to obtain a handle to the current
execution context.
Note: Context objects are wrapper classes/smart pointers for the internal
KJS ContextImp type. When one context variable is assigned to another, it
is still referencing the same internal object.
Interpreter (class) | Interpreter |
Interpreter objects can be used to evaluate ECMAScript code. Each
interpreter has a global object which is used for the purposes of code
evaluation, and also provides access to built-in properties such as
" Object" and "Number".
bool isNaN (double d)
| isNaN |
Returns: True if d is not a number (platform support required).
bool isInf (double d)
| isInf |
Returns: True if d is infinite (platform support required).
bool isPosInf (double d)
| isPosInf |
bool isNegInf (double d)
| isNegInf |
bool equal (ExecState *exec, const Value& v1, const Value& v2)
| equal |
bool strictEqual (ExecState *exec, const Value &v1, const Value &v2)
| strictEqual |
int relation (ExecState *exec, const Value& v1, const Value& v2)
| relation |
This operator performs an abstract relational comparision of the two
arguments that can be of arbitrary type. If possible, conversions to the
string or number type will take place before the comparison.
Returns: 1 if v1 is "less-than" v2, 0 if the relation is "greater-than-or-
equal". -1 if the result is undefined.
int maxInt (int d1, int d2)
| maxInt |
int minInt (int d1, int d2)
| minInt |
Value add (ExecState *exec, const Value &v1, const Value &v2, char oper)
| add |
Additive operator. Either performs an addition or substraction of v1
and v2.
oper | '+' or '-' for an addition or substraction, respectively.
Returns: The result of the operation.
Value mult (ExecState *exec, const Value &v1, const Value &v2, char oper)
| mult |
Multiplicative operator. Either multiplies/divides v1 and v2 or
calculates the remainder from an division.
oper | '*', '/' or '%' for a multiplication, division or
modulo operation.
Returns: The result of the operation.
UCharReference (class) | UCharReference |
UCharReference is the dynamic counterpart of UChar. It's used when
characters retrieved via index from a UString are used in an
assignment expression (and therefore can't be treated as being const):
UString s("hello world");
s[0] = 'H';
If that sounds confusing your best bet is to simply forget about the
existance of this class and treat is as being identical to UChar.
UChar represents a 16 bit Unicode character. It's internal data
representation is compatible to XChar2b and QChar. It's therefore
possible to exchange data with X and Qt with shallow copies.
inline bool operator== (const UChar &c1, const UChar &c2)
| operator== |
bool operator== (const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
| operator== |
inline bool operator!= (const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
| operator!= |
bool operator< (const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
| operator< |
bool operator== (const UString& s1, const char *s2)
| operator== |
inline bool operator!= (const UString& s1, const char *s2)
| operator!= |
inline bool operator== (const char *s1, const UString& s2)
| operator== |
inline bool operator!= (const char *s1, const UString& s2)
| operator!= |
bool operator== (const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
| operator== |
UString operator+ (const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
| operator+ |
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:50:27 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |