UString ()
| UString |
Constructs a null string.
UString (char c)
| UString |
Constructs a string from the single character c.
UString (const char *c)
| UString |
Constructs a string from a classical zero determined char string.
UString (const UChar *c, int length)
| UString |
Constructs a string from an array of Unicode characters of the specified length.
UString (UChar *c, int length, bool copy)
| UString |
If copy is false a shallow copy of the string will be created. That means that the data will NOT be copied and you'll have to guarantee that it doesn't get deleted during the lifetime of the UString object. Behaviour defaults to a deep copy if copy is true.
UString (const UString &)
| UString |
Copy constructor. Makes a shallow copy only.
UString (const QString &)
| UString |
Convenience declaration only ! You'll be on your own to write the implementation for a construction from QString.
Note: feel free to contact me if you want to see a dummy header for your favourite FooString class here !
UString (const DOM::DOMString &)
| UString |
Convenience declaration only ! See UString(const QString&).
~UString ()
| ~UString |
Destructor. If this handle was the only one holding a reference to the string the data will be freed.
UString from (int i)
| from |
Constructs a string from an int.
UString from (unsigned int u)
| from |
Constructs a string from an unsigned int.
UString from (double d)
| from |
Constructs a string from a double.
UString & append (const UString &)
| append |
Append another string.
CString cstring ()
| cstring |
Returns: The string converted to the 8-bit string type CString().
char * ascii ()
| ascii |
Convert the Unicode string to plain ASCII chars chopping of any higher bytes. This method should only be used for *debugging* purposes as it is neither Unicode safe nor free from side effects. In order not to waste any memory the char buffer is static and *shared* by all UString instances.
DOM::DOMString string ()
| string |
See also: UString(const, QString&).
QString qstring ()
| qstring |
See also: UString(const, QString&).
QConstString qconststring ()
| qconststring |
See also: UString(const, QString&).
UString & operator= (const char *c)
| operator= |
Assignment operator.
UString & operator= (const UString &)
| operator= |
Assignment operator.
UString & operator+= (const UString &s)
| operator+= |
Appends the specified string.
const UChar* data ()
| data |
Returns: A pointer to the internal Unicode data.
bool isNull ()
| isNull |
Returns: True if null.
bool isEmpty ()
| isEmpty |
Returns: True if null or zero length.
bool is8Bit ()
| is8Bit |
Use this if you want to make sure that this string is a plain ASCII string. For example, if you don't want to lose any information when using cstring() or ascii().
Returns: True if the string doesn't contain any non-ASCII characters.
int size ()
| size |
Returns: The length of the string.
UChar operator[] (int pos)
| operator[] |
Const character at specified position.
UCharReference operator[] (int pos)
| operator[] |
Writable reference to character at specified position.
double toDouble (bool tolerant=false)
| toDouble |
Attempts an conversion to a number. Apart from floating point numbers, the algorithm will recognize hexadecimal representations (as indicated by a 0x or 0X prefix) and +/- Infinity. Returns NaN if the conversion failed.
tolerant | if true, toDouble can tolerate garbage after the number. |
unsigned long toULong (bool *ok = 0L)
| toULong |
Attempts an conversion to an unsigned long integer. ok will be set according to the success.
int find (const UString &f, int pos = 0)
| find |
Returns: Position of first occurence of f starting at position pos. -1 if the search was not successful.
int rfind (const UString &f, int pos)
| rfind |
Returns: Position of first occurence of f searching backwards from position pos. -1 if the search was not successful.
UString substr (int pos = 0, int len = -1)
| substr |
Returns: The sub string starting at position pos and length len.
static UString null | null |
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:50:27 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |