Base class for parts.
A "part" is a GUI component, featuring:
See also ReadOnlyPart and ReadWritePart, which define the framework for a "viewer" part and for an "editor"-like part. Use Part directly only if your part doesn't fit into those.
Part ( QObject *parent = 0, const char* name = 0 )
| Part |
parent | Parent object of the part. |
name | QT-internal name of the part. |
~Part ()
| ~Part |
void embed ( QWidget * parentWidget )
| embed |
Embed this part into a host widget.
You don't need to do this if you created the widget with the correct parent widget - this is just a QWidget::reparent(). Note that the Part is still the holder of the QWidget, meaning that if you delete the Part, then the widget gets destroyed as well, and vice-versa. This method is not recommended since creating the widget with the correct parent is simpler anyway.
QWidget * widget ()
| widget |
Returns: The widget defined by this part, set by setWidget().
void setManager ( PartManager * manager )
| setManager |
Used by the part manager.
PartManager * manager ()
| manager |
Returns the part manager handling this part, if any (0L otherwise).
Part * hitTest ( QWidget *widget, const QPoint &globalPos )
| hitTest |
void setSelectable ( bool selectable )
| setSelectable |
selectable | Indicates whether the part is selectable or not. |
bool isSelectable ()
| isSelectable |
Returns whether the part is selectable or not.
void setWindowCaption ( const QString & caption )
| setWindowCaption |
Emitted by the part, to set the caption of the window(s) hosting this part
void setStatusBarText ( const QString & text )
| setStatusBarText |
Emited by the part, to set a text in the statusbar of the window(s) hosting this part
void setWidget ( QWidget * widget )
| setWidget |
[protected virtual]
Set the main widget.
Call this in the Part-inherited class constructor.
void customEvent ( QCustomEvent *event )
| customEvent |
[protected virtual]
void partActivateEvent ( PartActivateEvent *event )
| partActivateEvent |
[protected virtual]
Convenience method which is called when the Part received a PartActivateEvent . Reimplement this if you don't want to reimplement event and test for the event yourself or even install an event filter.
void partSelectEvent ( PartSelectEvent *event )
| partSelectEvent |
[protected virtual]
Convenience method which is called when the Part received a PartSelectEvent . Reimplement this if you don't want to reimplement event and test for the event yourself or even install an event filter.
void guiActivateEvent ( GUIActivateEvent *event )
| guiActivateEvent |
[protected virtual]
Convenience method which is called when the Part received a GUIActivateEvent . Reimplement this if you don't want to reimplement event and test for the event yourself or even install an event filter.
QWidget * hostContainer ( const QString &containerName )
| hostContainer |
Convenience method for KXMLGUIFactory::container.
Returns: a container widget owned by the Part's GUI.
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:50:22 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |