class KActionMenu

A KActionMenu is an action that holds a sub-menu of other actions. More...

Definition#include <kaction.h>
InheritsKAction [public ]
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Detailed Description

A KActionMenu is an action that holds a sub-menu of other actions. insert() and remove() allow to insert and remove actions into this action-menu. Plugged in a popupmenu, it will create a submenu. Plugged in a toolbar, it will create a button with a popup menu.

This is the action used by the XMLGUI since it holds other actions. If you want a submenu for selecting one tool among many (without icons), see KSelectAction. See also setDelayed about the main action.

 KActionMenu ( const QString& text, QObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 )


 KActionMenu ( const QString& text, const QIconSet& icon, QObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 )


 KActionMenu ( const QString& text, const QString& icon, QObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 )


 KActionMenu ( QObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 )


 ~KActionMenu ()



void  insert ( KAction*, int index = -1 )



void  remove ( KAction* )



KPopupMenu*  popupMenu ()



Reimplemented from KAction.

void  popup ( const QPoint& global )


bool  delayed ()



Returns true if this action creates a delayed popup menu when plugged in a KToolbar.

void  setDelayed (bool _delayed)


If set to true, this action will create a delayed popup menu when plugged in a KToolbar. Otherwise it creates a normal popup. Default: delayed

Remember that if the "main" action (the toolbar button itself) cannot be clicked, then you should call setDelayed(false).

On the opposite, if the main action can be clicked, it can only happen in a toolbar: in a menu, the parent of a submenu can't be activated. To get a "normal" menu item when plugged a menu (and no submenu) use KToolBarPopupAction.

bool  stickyMenu ()



Returns true if this action creates a sticky popup menu. See setStickyMenu.

void  setStickyMenu (bool sticky)


If set to true, this action will create a sticky popup menu when plugged in a KToolbar. "Sticky", means it's visible until a selection is made or the mouse is clicked elsewhere. This feature allows you to make a selection without having to press and hold down the mouse while making a selection. Default: sticky.

int  plug ( QWidget* widget, int index = -1 )



Reimplemented from KAction.

void  virtual_hook ( int id, void* data )


[protected virtual]

Reimplemented from KAction.

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