KMEdit Member List
This is the complete list of members for
KMEdit, including all inherited members.
addSuggestion(const QString &text, const QStringList &lst, unsigned int) | KMEdit | [slot] |
attachPNGImageData(const QByteArray &image) | KMEdit | [signal] |
autoSpellChecking(bool) | KMEdit | |
brokenText() | KMEdit | |
checkExternalEditorFinished() | KMEdit | |
clear() | KMEdit | [slot] |
contentsDragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e) | KMEdit | |
contentsDragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e) | KMEdit | |
contentsDropEvent(QDropEvent *e) | KMEdit | |
contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) | KMEdit | [protected] |
createPopupMenu(const QPoint &) | KMEdit | |
cut() | KMEdit | [slot] |
del() | KMEdit | [slot] |
deleteAutoSpellChecking() | KMEdit | |
eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *) | KMEdit | [protected] |
focusChanged(bool) | KMEdit | [signal] |
focusUp() | KMEdit | [signal] |
initializeAutoSpellChecking() | KMEdit | [slot] |
insertSnippet() | KMEdit | [signal] |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *) | KMEdit | [protected] |
KMEdit(QWidget *parent=0, KMComposeWin *composer=0, KSpellConfig *spellConfig=0, const char *name=0) | KMEdit | |
lineBreakColumn() const | KMEdit | |
paste() | KMEdit | [slot] |
pasteImage() | KMEdit | [signal] |
setCursorPositionFromStart(unsigned int pos) | KMEdit | |
setExternalEditorPath(const QString &path) | KMEdit | [inline] |
setSpellCheckingActive(bool spellCheckingActive) | KMEdit | |
setUseExternalEditor(bool use) | KMEdit | [inline] |
slotCorrected(const QString &, const QString &, unsigned int) | KMEdit | [slot] |
slotExternalEditorDone(KProcess *) | KMEdit | [slot] |
slotMisspelling(const QString &, const QStringList &, unsigned int) | KMEdit | [slot] |
slotSpellcheck2(KSpell *) | KMEdit | [slot] |
slotSpellDone() | KMEdit | [slot] |
slotSpellResult(const QString &) | KMEdit | [slot] |
spellcheck() | KMEdit | |
spellcheck_done(int result) | KMEdit | [signal] |
~KMEdit() | KMEdit | |