KMail::AboutData | |
KMail::AccountComboBox | A readonly combobox showing the accounts, to select one |
KMail::AccountDialog | |
KMail::AccountManager | The account manager is responsible for creating accounts of various types via the factory method create() and for keeping track of them |
AccountUpdater | DImap accounts need to be updated after just being created to show the folders it has |
AccountWizard | |
KMail::Accumulator | |
KMail::ACLEntryDialog | "New Access Control Entry" dialog |
KMail::ACLListEntry | One entry in the ACL list: user and permissions |
KMail::ActionScheduler | |
AddresseeLineEdit | |
KMail::AnnotationAttribute | One entry in the annotation list: attribute name and attribute value |
KMail::AntiSpamConfig | Singleton to manage loading the kmail.antispamrc file |
KMail::AntiSpamWizard | KMail anti-spam wizard |
KMail::ASWizInfoPage | |
KMail::ASWizPage | |
KMail::ASWizSpamRulesPage | |
KMail::ASWizSummaryPage | |
KMail::ASWizVirusRulesPage | |
KMail::AttachmentCollector | |
KMail::AttachmentListView | |
AttachmentModifyCommand | Base class for commands modifying attachements of existing messages |
KMail::AttachmentStrategy | |
KMail::Interface::BodyPart | Interface of message body parts |
KMail::Interface::BodyPartFormatter | |
KMail::BodyPartFormatter | |
KMail::BodyPartFormatterFactory | |
KMail::Interface::BodyPartFormatterPlugin | Interface for BodyPartFormatter plugins |
KMail::Interface::BodyPartMemento | Interface of classes that implement status for BodyPartFormatters |
KMail::Interface::BodyPartURLHandler | An interface to body part reader link handlers |
KMail::BodyVisitor | |
KMail::BodyVisitorFactory | |
KMail::BodyVisitorHidden | |
KMail::BodyVisitorInline | |
KMail::BodyVisitorSmart | |
KMail::CachedImapJob | |
KMail::Callback | This class is used for callback hooks needed by bodypart formatter plugins |
ChiasmusKeySelector | |
ColorListBox | |
ColorListItem | |
Composer | |
KMail::Composer | |
KMail::AntiSpamWizard::ConfigReader | Instances of this class control reading the configuration of the anti-spam tools from global and user config files as well as the merging of different config versions |
ConfigureDialog | |
KMail::CopyFolderJob | Copy a hierarchy of folders somewhere else in the folder tree |
CreateTodoCommand | |
CSSHelper | |
KMail::CSSHelper | |
CustomTemplateItem | |
CustomTemplates | |
CustomTemplatesBase | |
DCOPObject | |
KMail::ACLJobs::DeleteACLJob | Delete the permissions for a given user on a given url This class only exists to store the userid in the job |
DeleteAndSetToZero< T > | |
KMail::DictionaryComboBox | A combo box for selecting the dictionary used for spell checking |
DImapTroubleShootDialog | |
DistributionListDialog | |
KMail::EditorWatcher | Starts an editor for the given URL and emits an signal when editing has been finished |
EncodingDetector | Provides encoding detection capabilities |
KMail::ExpireJob | |
KMail::ExpiryPropertiesDialog | |
KMail::ExtraFolder | |
KMail::FavoriteFolderView | |
KMail::FavoriteFolderViewItem | |
KMail::FileHtmlWriter | |
KMail::FilterImporterExporter | Utility class that provides persisting of filters to/from KConfig |
KMail::FilterLog | KMail Filter Log Collector |
KMail::FilterLogDialog | KMail Filter Log Collector |
Scalix::FolderAttributeParser | This class takes a folder attribute string as argument and provides access to the single parts |
KMail::FolderDiaACLTab | "Access Control" tab in the folder dialog Internal class, only used by KMFolderDialog |
KMail::FolderDiaGeneralTab | "General" tab in the folder dialog Internal class, only used by KMFolderDialog |
KMail::FolderDiaQuotaTab | "Quota" tab in the folder dialog Internal class, only used by KMFolderDialog |
KMail::FolderDiaTab | This is the base class for tabs in the folder dialog |
KMail::FolderDiaTemplatesTab | "Templates" tab in the folder dialog Internal class, only used by KMFolderDialog |
KMail::FolderIface | |
KMail::FolderJob | |
KMail::FolderRequester | A widget that contains a KLineEdit which shows the current folder and a button that fires a KMFolderSelDlg The dialog is set to disable readonly folders by default Search folders are excluded |
FolderShortcutCommand | |
KMail::FolderShortcutDialog | |
FolderStorage | Bass class for the storage related aspects of a collection of mail (a folder) |
KMail::FolderTreeBase | |
KMail::FolderViewToolTip | |
KMail::ACLJobs::GetACLJob | List all ACLs for a given url |
KMail::AnnotationJobs::GetAnnotationJob | For getAnnotation() |
KMail::QuotaJobs::GetQuotarootJob | For getQuotaroot() |
KMail::QuotaJobs::GetStorageQuotaJob | For getStorageQuota() |
KMail::ACLJobs::GetUserRightsJob | Get the users' rights for a given url |
GlobalSettings | |
GlobalSettingsBase | |
KMail::HeaderItem | Visual representation of a member of the set of displayables (mails in the current folder) |
KMail::HeaderListQuickSearch | |
KMail::HeaderStrategy | |
KMail::HeaderStyle | This class encapsulates the visual appearance of message headers |
KMail::HtmlStatusBar | The HTML statusbar widget for use with the reader |
KMail::Interface::HtmlWriter | |
KMail::HtmlWriter | An interface to HTML sinks |
KMail::IdentityDialog | |
KMail::IdentityDrag | A QDragObject for KPIM::Identity |
KMail::IdentityListView | A listview for KPIM::Identity |
KMail::IdentityListViewItem | A QListViewItem for use in IdentityListView |
KMail::ImapAccountBase | |
KMail::ImapJob | |
KMail::ISubject | |
Item | |
Kleo::KeyResolver::Item | |
Job | |
KMail::ImapAccountBase::jobData | Info Data for the Job |
KMail::JobScheduler | The unique JobScheduler instance (owned by kmkernel) implements "background processing" of folder operations (like expiration and compaction) |
KabcBridge | |
KAboutData | |
KAccount | |
KCMultiDialog | |
KCursorSaver | Sets a cursor and makes sure it's restored on destruction Create a KCursorSaver object when you want to set the cursor |
KDialogBase | |
KEdit | |
Kleo::KeyResolver | A class to resolve signing/encryption keys w.r.t |
KFolderTree | |
KFolderTreeItem | |
KMail::KHtmlPartHtmlWriter | |
KLineEdit | |
KListBox | |
KListBoxDialog | |
KListView | |
KListViewIndexedSearchLine | Extends HeaderListQuickSearch to also search inside message bodies using KMMsgIndex |
KListViewSearchLine | |
KMAccount | |
KMAcctCachedImap | |
KMAcctFolder | Simple wrapper class that contains the kmail account handling stuff that is usually not required outside kmail |
KMAcctImap | |
KMAcctLocal | |
KMAcctMaildir | |
KMAcctSelDlg | Select account from given list of account types |
KMAddBookmarksCommand | |
KMailICalIface | |
KMailICalIfaceImpl | The implementation of the interface |
KMailIface | CheckMail wont show reader but will check mail |
KMailPart | |
KMailPartIface | |
KMailStatusBarExtension | |
KMainWindow | |
KMAtmListViewItem | |
KMCommand | |
KMComposeWin | |
KMCopyCommand | |
KMCustomForwardCommand | |
KMCustomReplyAllToCommand | |
KMCustomReplyToCommand | |
KMDeleteAttachmentCommand | |
KMDeleteMsgCommand | |
KMDict | KMDict implements a lightweight dictionary with serial numbers as keys |
KMDictItem | Class representing items in a KMDict |
KMEdit | |
KMEditAttachmentCommand | |
KMEditMsgCommand | |
KMFilter | |
KMFilterAction | Abstract base class for KMail's filter actions |
KMFilterActionCommand | |
KMFilterActionDesc | Auxiliary struct to KMFilterActionDict |
KMFilterActionDict | Dictionary that contains a list of all registered filter actions with their creation functions |
KMFilterActionWidget | This widgets allows to edit a single KMFilterAction (in fact any derived class that is registered in KMFilterActionDict) |
KMFilterActionWidgetLister | |
KMFilterActionWithAddress | Abstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a mail address as parameter, e.g |
KMFilterActionWithAddressWidget | |
KMFilterActionWithCommand | |
KMFilterActionWithFolder | Abstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a mail folder as parameter, e.g |
KMFilterActionWithNone | Abstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need no parameter, e.g |
KMFilterActionWithString | Abstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a free-form parameter, e.g |
KMFilterActionWithStringList | Abstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a parameter which can be chosen from a fixed set, e.g |
KMFilterActionWithTest | |
KMFilterActionWithUOID | Abstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a parameter that has a UOID, e.g |
KMFilterActionWithUrl | Abstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a command line as parameter, e.g |
KMFilterCommand | |
KMFilterDlg | The filter dialog |
KMFilterListBox | This is a complex widget that is used to manipulate KMail's filter list |
KMFilterMgr | |
KMFolder | Mail folder |
KMFolderCachedImap | |
KMFolderComboBox | |
KMFolderDialog | Dialog for handling the properties of a mail folder |
KMFolderDir | KMail list that manages the contents of one directory that may contain folders and/or other directories |
KMFolderImap | |
KMFolderIndex | A FolderStorage with an index for faster access to often used message properties |
KMFolderMaildir | |
KMFolderMbox | |
KMFolderMgr | |
KMFolderNode | |
KMFolderOpener | RAII for KMFolder::open() / close() |
KMFolderRootDir | |
KMFolderSearch | |
KMail::KMFolderSelDlg | |
KMFolderTree | |
KMFolderTreeItem | |
KMForwardAttachedCommand | |
KMForwardDigestCommand | |
KMForwardInlineCommand | |
KMHandleAttachmentCommand | |
KMHeaders | The widget that shows the contents of folders |
KMIMChatCommand | |
KMKernel | Central point of coordination in KMail |
KMLineEdit | |
KMLineEditSpell | |
KMLoadPartsCommand | |
KMMailingListArchivesCommand | |
KMMailingListCommand | |
KMMailingListFilterCommand | |
KMMailingListHelpCommand | |
KMMailingListPostCommand | |
KMMailingListSubscribeCommand | |
KMMailingListUnsubscribeCommand | |
KMMailtoAddAddrBookCommand | |
KMMailtoComposeCommand | |
KMMailtoForwardCommand | |
KMMailtoOpenAddrBookCommand | |
KMMailtoReplyCommand | |
KMMainWidget | |
KMMainWin | |
KMMenuCommand | Returns a popupmenu containing a hierarchy of folder names |
KMMessage | This is a Mime Message |
KMMessagePart | |
KMMetaFilterActionCommand | |
KMMimePartTree | |
KMMimePartTreeItem | |
KMMoveCommand | |
KMMsgBase | |
KMMsgDict | KMail message dictionary |
KMMsgIndex | |
KMMsgInfo | |
KMMsgList | An abstraction of an array of pointers to messages |
KMMsgMetaData | |
KMMsgPartDialog | GUI for KMMsgPartDialog |
KMMsgPartDialogCompat | The attachment dialog with convenience backward compatible methods |
KMNoQuoteReplyToCommand | |
KMOpenMsgCommand | |
KMPopFilterActionWidget | |
KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg | |
KMPopHeaders | |
KMPopHeadersView | |
KMPopHeadersViewItem | |
KMPrecommand | |
KMPrintCommand | |
KMReaderMainWin | |
KMReaderWin | This class implements a "reader window", that is a window used for reading or viewing messages |
KMRedirectCommand | |
KMReplyAuthorCommand | |
KMReplyListCommand | |
KMReplyToAllCommand | |
KMReplyToCommand | |
KMResendMessageCommand | |
KMSaveAttachmentsCommand | |
KMSaveMsgCommand | |
KMSearch | |
KMSearchPattern | This class is an abstraction of a search over messages |
KMSearchPatternEdit | This widget is intended to be used in the filter configuration as well as in the message search dialogs |
KMSearchRule | Incoming mail is sent through the list of mail filter rules before it is placed in the associated mail folder (usually "inbox") |
KMSearchRuleNumerical | This class represents a search to be performed against a numerical value, such as the age of the message in days or its size |
KMSearchRuleStatus | This class represents a search to be performed against the status of a messsage |
KMSearchRuleString | This class represents a search to be performed against a string |
KMSearchRuleWidget | A widget to edit a single KMSearchRule |
KMSearchRuleWidgetLister | |
KMSender | |
KMServerTest | |
KMSetStatusCommand | |
KMShowMsgSrcCommand | |
KMSoundTestWidget | |
KMSystemTray | KMSystemTray extends KSystemTray and handles system tray notification for KMail |
KMTextSource | |
KMTransportDialog | |
KMTransportInfo | |
KMTransportSelDlg | |
KMUrlClickedCommand | |
KMUrlCopyCommand | |
KMUrlOpenCommand | |
KMUrlSaveCommand | |
KMUseTemplateCommand | |
KSubscription | |
KSystemTray | |
KTextBrowser | |
KWidgetLister | |
KWindowPositioner | |
KWizard | |
KXMLGUIClient | |
KMail::Util::LaterDeleter | A LaterDeleter is intended to be used with the RAII ( Resource Acquisition is Initialization ) paradigm |
KMail::ListJob | Generic folder list job for (d)imap accounts |
KMail::LocalSubscriptionDialog | |
MailComposerIface | DCOP interface for mail composer window |
KMail::MaildirCompactionJob | A job that runs in the background and compacts maildir folders |
KMail::MaildirJob | |
KMail::MailingList | Class is used for all Mailing List handling inside KMail |
KMail::MailingListFolderPropertiesDialog | |
KMail::MailServiceImpl | |
KMail::MailSourceHighlighter | |
KMail::MailSourceViewer | |
MailTextSource | |
MailTransportServiceIface | |
KMail::ManageSieveScriptsDialog | |
KMail::MboxCompactionJob | A job that runs in the background and compacts mbox folders |
KMail::MboxJob | |
KMail::MessageActions | Manages common actions that can be performed on one or more messages |
MessageComposer | |
KMail::MessageCopyHelper | Helper class to copy/move a set of messages defined by their serial numbers from arbitrary folders into a common destination folder |
KMail::MessageProperty | |
KMail::MessageSender | |
KMail::MessageStatus | |
KMail::CachedImapJob::MsgForDownload | Information about a message to be downloaded (from the 'IMAP envelope') |
KMail::AnnotationJobs::MultiGetAnnotationJob | For multiGetAnnotation |
KMail::ACLJobs::MultiSetACLJob | Set and delete a list of permissions for different users on a given url |
KMail::AnnotationJobs::MultiSetAnnotationJob | For multiSetAnnotation |
KMail::AnnotationJobs::MultiUrlGetAnnotationJob | For multiUrlGetAnnotation |
KMail::NamespaceEditDialog | |
KMail::NamespaceLineEdit | |
KMail::NetworkAccount | |
KMail::NewFolderDialog | |
KMail::ObjectTreeParser | |
KMail::Interface::Observable | Observable interface |
KMail::Interface::Observer | Observer interface |
KMail::PartMetaData | |
partNode | |
KMail::PartNodeBodyPart | Implemenation of the BodyPart interface using partNodes |
KMail::PopAccount | KMail account for pop mail account |
KMail::ProcessResult | |
KMail::QuotaInfo | |
ReadOnlyPart | |
Recipient | |
RecipientComboBox | |
RecipientItem | |
RecipientLine | |
RecipientLineEdit | |
RecipientsCollection | |
RecipientsEditor | |
RecipientsListToolTip | |
RecipientsPicker | |
RecipientsToolTip | |
RecipientsView | |
RecipientViewItem | |
KMail::RedirectDialog | KMail message redirection dialog |
KMail::RegExpLineEdit | |
KMAcctCachedImap::RenamedFolder | |
KMail::RenameJob | Rename and move (d)imap folders They can be moved everywhere (except search folders) as a new folder is created, all messages are moved there and the original folder is deleted |
KMail::RuleWidgetHandler | An interface to filter/search rule widget handlers |
KMail::RuleWidgetHandlerManager | Singleton to manage the list of RuleWidgetHandlers |
KMail::ScheduledCompactionTask | A scheduled "compact mails in this folder" task |
KMail::ScheduledExpireTask | A scheduled "expire mails in this folder" task |
KMail::ScheduledJob | Base class for scheduled jobs |
KMail::ScheduledTask | A scheduled task is some information about a folder job that should be run later |
KMMsgIndex::Search | |
KMail::SearchJob | Search job |
SearchLine | |
KMail::SearchWindow | Dialog for triggering a search on folders and storing that search as a search folder |
KMail::SecondaryWindow | Window class for secondary KMail window like the composer window and the separate message window |
SideWidget | |
KMail::SieveConfig | |
KMail::SieveConfigEditor | |
KMail::SieveDebugDialog | Diagnostic info for Sieve |
KMail::SieveJob | |
KMail::SignatureConfigurator | |
KMail::SimpleFolderTree | |
SimpleJob | |
SimpleStringListEditor | |
SnippetConfig | This class stores the values that can be configured via the KDevelop settings dialog |
SnippetDlg | |
SnippetDlgBase | |
SnippetGroup | This class represents one group in the listview |
SnippetItem | This class represents one CodeSnippet-Item in the listview |
SnippetSettings | This class is the widget that is showen in the KDevelop settings dialog |
SnippetSettingsBase | |
SnippetWidget | This is the widget which gets added to the right TreeToolView |
KMail::SortCacheItem | Represents an item in the set of mails to be displayed but only as far as sorting, threading and reading/writing of the current sort order to a disk cache is concerned |
KMail::SpamAgent | |
KMail::SpamHeaderAnalyzer | Flyweight for analysing spam headers |
KMail::SpamScore | A simple tupel of agent, score and header |
KMail::AntiSpamWizard::SpamToolConfig | Instances of this class store the settings for one tool as read from the config file |
Kleo::KeyResolver::SplitInfo | |
StatusBarExtension | |
KMailICalIface::SubResource | |
KMail::SubscriptionDialog | |
KMail::SubscriptionDialogBase | |
KMail::TeeHtmlWriter | A HtmlWriter that dispatches all calls to a list of other HtmlWriters |
TemplateParser | |
TemplatesConfiguration | |
TemplatesConfigurationBase | |
TemplatesInsertCommand | |
KMail::TransportManager | Currently only used to provide a function for reading the transport list |
KMail::UndoInfo | A class for storing Undo information |
KMail::UndoStack | |
KMail::URLHandler | An interface to reader link handlers |
KMail::URLHandlerManager | Singleton to manage the list of URLHandlers |
Scalix::Utils | |
KMail::Vacation | |
KMail::VacationDialog | |
KMail::VCardViewer | |
KMail::XFaceConfigurator | |