Class Hierarchy
Go to the graphical class hierarchyThis inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
- KMail::Accumulator
- KMail::ACLListEntry
- AddresseeLineEdit
- KMail::AnnotationAttribute
- KMail::AntiSpamConfig
- KMail::AttachmentCollector
- KMail::AttachmentStrategy
- KMail::Interface::BodyPart
- KMail::Interface::BodyPartFormatter
- KMail::BodyPartFormatter
- KMail::BodyPartFormatterFactory
- KMail::Interface::BodyPartFormatterPlugin
- KMail::Interface::BodyPartMemento
- KMail::Interface::BodyPartURLHandler
- KMail::BodyVisitor
- KMail::BodyVisitorFactory
- KMail::Callback
- KMail::AntiSpamWizard::ConfigReader
- CSSHelper
- CustomTemplateItem
- CustomTemplatesBase
- DCOPObject
- DeleteAndSetToZero< T >
- EncodingDetector
- KMail::ExtraFolder
- KMail::FilterImporterExporter
- Scalix::FolderAttributeParser
- GlobalSettingsBase
- KMail::HeaderStrategy
- KMail::HeaderStyle
- KMail::Interface::HtmlWriter
- Item
- Job
- KMail::ImapAccountBase::jobData
- KabcBridge
- KAboutData
- KAccount
- KCMultiDialog
- KDialogBase
- ChiasmusKeySelector
- DImapTroubleShootDialog
- DistributionListDialog
- KListBoxDialog
- KMAcctSelDlg
- KMail::AccountDialog
- KMail::ACLEntryDialog
- KMail::ExpiryPropertiesDialog
- KMail::FilterLogDialog
- KMail::FolderShortcutDialog
- KMail::IdentityDialog
- KMail::KMFolderSelDlg
- KMail::MailingListFolderPropertiesDialog
- KMail::ManageSieveScriptsDialog
- KMail::NamespaceEditDialog
- KMail::NewFolderDialog
- KMail::RedirectDialog
- KMail::SearchWindow
- KMail::SieveDebugDialog
- KMail::VacationDialog
- KMail::VCardViewer
- KMFilterDlg
- KMFolderDialog
- KMMsgPartDialog
- KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg
- KMTransportDialog
- KMTransportSelDlg
- KEdit
- Kleo::KeyResolver
- KFolderTree
- KFolderTreeItem
- KLineEdit
- KListBox
- KListView
- KListViewItem
- KListViewSearchLine
- KMainWindow
- KMDict
- KMDictItem
- KMFilter
- KMFilterAction
- KMFilterActionDesc
- KMFolderOpener
- KMMessagePart
- KMMsgBase
- KMMsgDict
- KMMsgMetaData
- KMPopHeaders
- KMSearchRule
- KSubscription
- KSystemTray
- KTextBrowser
- KWidgetLister
- KWizard
- KMail::Util::LaterDeleter
- KMail::MailingList
- MailTextSource
- MailTransportServiceIface
- KMail::MessageSender
- KMail::MessageStatus
- KMail::CachedImapJob::MsgForDownload
- KMail::ObjectTreeParser
- KMail::Interface::Observable
- KMail::Interface::Observer
- KMail::PartMetaData
- partNode
- KMail::ProcessResult
- QComboBox
- QDialog
- QDict< KMFilterActionDesc >
- QDragObject
- QGroupBox
- QHBox
- QLabel
- QListBoxItem
- QListViewItem
- QMemArray< KMMsgBase * >
- QObject
- AccountUpdater
- FolderShortcutCommand
- FolderStorage
- GlobalSettings
- KMAccount
- KMail::AccountManager
- KMail::ActionScheduler
- KMail::EditorWatcher
- KMail::FilterLog
- KMail::FolderIface
- KMail::FolderJob
- KMail::JobScheduler
- KMail::KHtmlPartHtmlWriter
- KMail::MessageActions
- KMail::MessageCopyHelper
- KMail::MessageProperty
- KMail::SieveJob
- KMail::UndoStack
- KMail::Vacation
- KMailICalIfaceImpl
- KMAtmListViewItem
- KMCommand
- AttachmentModifyCommand
- CreateTodoCommand
- KMAddBookmarksCommand
- KMCustomForwardCommand
- KMCustomReplyAllToCommand
- KMCustomReplyToCommand
- KMEditMsgCommand
- KMFilterActionCommand
- KMFilterCommand
- KMForwardAttachedCommand
- KMForwardDigestCommand
- KMForwardInlineCommand
- KMHandleAttachmentCommand
- KMIMChatCommand
- KMLoadPartsCommand
- KMMailingListCommand
- KMMailingListFilterCommand
- KMMailtoAddAddrBookCommand
- KMMailtoComposeCommand
- KMMailtoForwardCommand
- KMMailtoOpenAddrBookCommand
- KMMailtoReplyCommand
- KMMenuCommand
- KMNoQuoteReplyToCommand
- KMOpenMsgCommand
- KMPrintCommand
- KMRedirectCommand
- KMReplyAuthorCommand
- KMReplyListCommand
- KMReplyToAllCommand
- KMReplyToCommand
- KMResendMessageCommand
- KMSaveAttachmentsCommand
- KMSaveMsgCommand
- KMSetStatusCommand
- KMShowMsgSrcCommand
- KMUrlClickedCommand
- KMUrlCopyCommand
- KMUrlOpenCommand
- KMUrlSaveCommand
- KMUseTemplateCommand
- KMFilterMgr
- KMFolderMgr
- KMFolderNode
- KMFolderTreeItem
- KMKernel
- KMMetaFilterActionCommand
- KMMsgIndex
- KMMsgIndex::Search
- KMPrecommand
- KMSearch
- KMSender
- KMServerTest
- KMTransportInfo
- KWindowPositioner
- MessageComposer
- SnippetItem
- TemplateParser
- QPtrList< KMFolderNode >
- QPtrList< KMSearchRule >
- QPushButton
- QScrollView
- QSyntaxHighlighter
- Qt
- QToolTip
- KMail::QuotaInfo
- QVButtonGroup
- QWidget
- Composer
- KMail::ASWizPage
- KMail::FolderDiaTab
- KMail::FolderRequester
- KMail::RegExpLineEdit
- KMail::SieveConfigEditor
- KMail::SignatureConfigurator
- KMail::XFaceConfigurator
- KMFilterActionWithAddressWidget
- KMMainWidget
- KMReaderWin
- KMSearchRuleWidget
- KMSoundTestWidget
- RecipientLine
- RecipientsEditor
- SideWidget
- SimpleStringListEditor
- ReadOnlyPart
- Recipient
- RecipientItem
- RecipientsCollection
- KMAcctCachedImap::RenamedFolder
- KMail::RuleWidgetHandler
- KMail::RuleWidgetHandlerManager
- KMail::ScheduledTask
- KMail::SieveConfig
- SimpleJob
- SnippetConfig
- SnippetDlgBase
- SnippetSettingsBase
- KMail::SortCacheItem
- KMail::SpamAgent
- KMail::SpamHeaderAnalyzer
- KMail::SpamScore
- KMail::AntiSpamWizard::SpamToolConfig
- Kleo::KeyResolver::SplitInfo
- StatusBarExtension
- KMailICalIface::SubResource
- TemplatesConfigurationBase
- KMail::TransportManager
- KMail::UndoInfo
- KMail::URLHandler
- KMail::URLHandlerManager
- Scalix::Utils