RecipientsPicker Member List
This is the complete list of members for
RecipientsPicker, including all inherited members.
accept() | QDialog | |
done(int r) | QDialog | |
enum{Rejected, Accepted} | QDialog | |
exec() | QDialog | |
extension() const | QDialog | |
initCollections() | RecipientsPicker | [protected] |
insertAddressBook(AddressBook *) | RecipientsPicker | [protected, slot] |
insertCollection(RecipientsCollection *coll) | RecipientsPicker | [protected] |
insertDistributionLists() | RecipientsPicker | [protected] |
insertRecentAddresses() | RecipientsPicker | [protected] |
isModal() const | QDialog | |
isSizeGripEnabled() const | QDialog | |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *ev) | RecipientsPicker | [protected] |
ldapSearchResult() | RecipientsPicker | [protected, slot] |
orientation() const | QDialog | |
pick(Recipient::Type) | RecipientsPicker | [protected] |
pickedRecipient(const Recipient &) | RecipientsPicker | [signal] |
prop-whether show() should pop up the dialog as modal or modeless | QDialog | |
prop-whether the size grip is enabled | QDialog | |
QDialog(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, bool modal=FALSE, WFlags f=0) | QDialog | |
QDialog() | QDialog | |
readConfig() | RecipientsPicker | [protected] |
rebuildAllRecipientsList() | RecipientsPicker | [protected] |
RecipientsPicker(QWidget *parent) | RecipientsPicker | |
reject() | QDialog | |
resetSearch() | RecipientsPicker | [protected, slot] |
result() const | QDialog | |
setDefaultButton(QPushButton *button) | RecipientsPicker | [protected] |
setDefaultType(Recipient::Type) | RecipientsPicker | |
setExtension(QWidget *extension) | QDialog | |
setFocusList() | RecipientsPicker | [protected, slot] |
setModal(bool modal) | QDialog | |
setOrientation(Orientation orientation) | QDialog | |
setRecipients(const Recipient::List &) | RecipientsPicker | |
setResult(int i) | QDialog | |
setSizeGripEnabled(bool) | QDialog | |
show() | QDialog | |
showExtension(bool showIt) | QDialog | |
slotBccClicked() | RecipientsPicker | [protected, slot] |
slotCcClicked() | RecipientsPicker | [protected, slot] |
slotPicked(QListViewItem *) | RecipientsPicker | [protected, slot] |
slotPicked() | RecipientsPicker | [protected, slot] |
slotSearchLDAP() | RecipientsPicker | [protected, slot] |
slotToClicked() | RecipientsPicker | [protected, slot] |
updateList() | RecipientsPicker | [protected, slot] |
updateRecipient(const Recipient &) | RecipientsPicker | |
writeConfig() | RecipientsPicker | [protected] |
~RecipientsPicker() | RecipientsPicker | |