Overview | Components | Using libkiten | Adding New Dictionary Types
Below is a brief summary of the various components of libkiten
- DictQuery
Class to load with a query to the dictionary system.
- DictionaryManager
Main management class. These objects are the main interface to the library.
- DictionaryPreferenceDialog
Abstract Base Class, providing an interface between the individual dictionary preferences and the host application.
- Entry
Results from a dictionary search are returned to the user application in a list of type Entry, aggregated in an EntryList.
- EntryList
Results from a dictionary search are returned to the user application in a list of type Entry, aggregated in an EntryList.
- HistoryPtrList
A useful utility class if you want to keep a history of results. Contains a list of EntryLists. Automatically handles maximum history size, and truncation/tracking current item
- DictFile
An abstract base class, used internally for managing dictionary types
- kromajiedit
- An input box, can allow the user to enter kana without a japanese input manager installed
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