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Analitza is a library that work with mathematical objects. Analitza add mathematical features to your program, such as symbolic computations and some numerical methods; for instance the library can parse mathematical expressions and let you evaluate and draw them.
Development of Analitza take place in this repository.
The library consists of the following modules:
- Analitza is the core module, it is the parser of mathematical expressions.
- AnalitzaPlot let you draw mathematical objects like functions, equations, etc.
- AnalitzaGUI several UI components based on QWidget and QML.
AnalitzaGUI depends of AnalitzaPlot and AnalitzaPlot depends of Analitza.
Design Aspects
Analitza is based on a subset of Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 2.0 so for instance the parser maintains structures that are mapped with a MathML content tag and thus can generate a MathML presentation for the current expression. This means also that all modules of the library are based implicitly on MathML.
Some important classes from each module are:
- Expression abstracts a valid expression from user input (a QString) and then Analyzer can evaluate the expression.
- PlotsModel manage the mathematical objects that can be drawn by Plotter2D or Plotter3D (both plotters are agnostic of technologies like QtWidgets or QtQuick).
- ExpressionEdit is a widget that allows inline editing of mathematical expressions. PlotsView2D is a widget that uses Plotter2D to show plots (same with PlotsView3D: it uses Plotter3D).
- Parser can work with lambdas, matrices, vectors, polynomials, custom variables, etc.
- Parser suport some symbolic computations like derivatives, solving equations, etc.
- MathML built-in, so (for instance) is easy to export formulas to Latex.
- Extensible framework for plotting mathematical objects such implicit surfaces, parametrical curves, etc. in many coordinate systems.
- GUI components for input and manage mathematical expressions.
- Maintainer(s):
- Aleix Pol <aleix> pol@ kde.o rg
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