StepCore is a physical simulation library. StepCore focuses on accurate simulations with error estimations but still tries to be lightweight and fast. Currently StepCore can simulate two-dimensional classical mechanics.
StepCore provides collection of physical bodies and forces which can be used in simulations and collections of exchangeable solvers with various integration algorithms. It can be easily extended with new bodies, forces and solvers.
StepCore is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2.
- Object oriented, easy to use
- Accurate simulations, local error estimations
- Reflections for all objects and properties
- Factory for reflections and object creation
- XML file save and load (requires Qt4)
- Bodies:
- Forces:
- Solvers:
- EulerSolver with error estimations
- GslSolver - all solvers from GSL library (requires GSL library)
Please refer to Introduction to StepCore design for more information about StepCore design.
You can checkout the development tree of StepCore by anonymous svn, by doing:
svn co svn://
or view it online at this address:
Original Author: Vladimir Kuznetsov (ks dot vladimir at gmail dot com)
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