Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼NStepCore | |
CAdaptiveEulerSolver | Adaptive Euler solver |
CAnchor | Fixes position of the body |
CBasePolygon | Base class for all polygons |
CBody | Interface for bodies |
CBox | |
CCGConstraintSolver | |
CChargedParticle | ChargedParticle with mass and charge |
CChargedParticleErrors | Errors object for ChargedParticle |
CCircularMotor | Circular motor: applies a torque to the body |
CCollisionSolver | Collision solver interface |
CColor | |
CConstants | Common physical constants |
CConstraintsInfo | Constraints information structure XXX: Move it to constraintsolver.h |
CConstraintSolver | Constraint solver interface |
CContact | Description of contact between two bodies |
CController | Controller item to control properties of other objects |
CCoulombForce | Coulomb electrostatic force |
CCoulombForceErrors | Errors object for CoulombForce |
CDisk | Rigid disk |
CEulerSolver | Non-adaptive Euler solver |
CFactory | List of MetaObject |
CForce | Interface for forces |
CGas | Gas - a group of several GasParticle and a force |
CGasErrors | Errors object for Gas |
CGasLJForce | Lennard-Jones force with cut-off which acts between particles in the Gas |
CGasLJForceErrors | Errors object for GasLJForce |
CGasParticle | Gas particle |
CGenericEulerSolver | Adaptive and non-adaptive Euler solver with error estimation |
CGJKCollisionSolver | Discrete collision solver using Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi distance algorithm |
CGraph | Graph item |
CGravitationForce | Newton gravitational force |
CGravitationForceErrors | Errors object for GravitationForce |
CItem | The root class for any world items (bodies and forces) |
CItemGroup | Groups several items together |
CJoint | Interface for joints |
CLinearMotor | Linear motor: applies a force at given position on the body |
CMetaObject | Meta-information about class |
CMetaObjectHelper | |
CMetaObjectHelper< Class, MetaObject::ABSTRACT > | |
CMetaProperty | Meta-information about property |
CMetaPropertyHelper | |
CMeter | Meter to observe properties of other objects |
CNote | Textual note item |
CNoteFormula | LaTeX formula embedded in Note |
CNoteImage | Image embedded in Note |
CObject | Root of the StepCore classes hierarchy |
CObjectErrors | Base class for all errors objects |
CParticle | Particle with mass |
CParticleErrors | Errors object for Particle |
CPin | Fixes position of a given point on the body |
CPolygon | Rigid arbitrary-shaped polygon |
CRigidBody | Rigid body |
CRigidBodyErrors | Errors object for RigidBody |
CRope | Massless rope: maximal distance between two points on particles or rigid bodies |
CSoftBody | SoftBody - a group of several SoftBodyParticle and SoftBodySprings |
CSoftBodyParticle | Soft body particle |
CSoftBodySpring | Soft body spring |
CSolver | Generic Solver interface |
CSpring | Massless spring |
CSpringErrors | Errors object for Spring |
CStick | Massless stick: fixed distance between two points on particles or rigid bodies |
CTool | Interface for tools |
CTracer | Traces position of the body |
CWeightForce | Weight force (constant gravitational force) |
CWeightForceErrors | Errors object for WeightForce |
CWorld | Contains multiple Item, Solver and general properties such as time |
CXmlFile | Class for saving and loading World as XML file |
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:43:06 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:43:06 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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