133 return qMax( entityColumnCount( CollectionTreeHeaders ), entityColumnCount( ItemListHeaders ) );
166 QVariant EntityTreeModel::entityData( const Collection &collection, int column, int role ) const
217 const HeaderGroup headerGroup = static_cast<HeaderGroup>( ( role / static_cast<int>( TerminalUserRole ) ) );
278 return d->m_pendingCollectionRetrieveJobs.contains( collection.id() ) ? FetchingState : IdleState;
393 if ( rights & ( Collection::CanCreateCollection | Collection::CanCreateItem | Collection::CanLinkItem ) ) {
398 // dragging is always possible, even for read-only objects, but they can only be copied, not moved.
424 // dragging is always possible, even for read-only objects, but they can only be copied, not moved.
439 // TODO: Should this return the mimetypes that the items provide? Allow dragging a contact from here for example.
443 bool EntityTreeModel::dropMimeData( const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent )
516 kDebug() << "unwanted collection" << mimeChecker.wantedMimeTypes() << collection.contentMimeTypes();
525 KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n( "The target collection '%1' contains already\na collection with name '%2'.",
640 const int row = d->indexOf<Node::Collection>( d->m_childEntities.value( collection.parentCollection().id() ), collection.id() );
695 QVariant EntityTreeModel::entityHeaderData( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role, HeaderGroup headerGroup ) const
713 QVariant EntityTreeModel::headerData( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role ) const
715 const HeaderGroup headerGroup = static_cast<HeaderGroup>( ( role / static_cast<int>( TerminalUserRole ) ) );
815 EntityDisplayAttribute *eda = collection.attribute<EntityDisplayAttribute>( Entity::AddIfMissing );
838 EntityDisplayAttribute *displayAttribute = item.attribute<EntityDisplayAttribute>( Entity::AddIfMissing );
932 bool EntityTreeModel::entityMatch( const Item &item, const QVariant &value, Qt::MatchFlags flags ) const
940 bool EntityTreeModel::entityMatch( const Collection &collection, const QVariant &value, Qt::MatchFlags flags ) const
948 QModelIndexList EntityTreeModel::match( const QModelIndex& start, int role, const QVariant& value, int hits, Qt::MatchFlags flags ) const
1089 disconnect( d->m_monitor, SIGNAL(itemMoved(Akonadi::Item,Akonadi::Collection,Akonadi::Collection)),
1153 this, SLOT(monitoredCollectionMoved(Akonadi::Collection,Akonadi::Collection,Akonadi::Collection)) );
1167 static QPair<QList<const QAbstractProxyModel *>, const EntityTreeModel *> proxiesAndModel( const QAbstractItemModel *model )
1182 static QModelIndex proxiedIndex( const QModelIndex &idx, QList<const QAbstractProxyModel *> proxyChain )
1192 QModelIndex EntityTreeModel::modelIndexForCollection( const QAbstractItemModel *model, const Collection &collection )
1194 QPair<QList<const QAbstractProxyModel *>, const EntityTreeModel*> pair = proxiesAndModel( model );
1201 QModelIndexList EntityTreeModel::modelIndexesForItem( const QAbstractItemModel *model, const Item &item )
1203 QPair<QList<const QAbstractProxyModel *>, const EntityTreeModel*> pair = proxiesAndModel( model );
void setAllMonitored(bool monitored=true)
Sets whether all items shall be monitored.
Definition: monitor.cpp:146
virtual bool entityMatch(const Item &item, const QVariant &value, Qt::MatchFlags flags) const
Reimplement this in a subclass to return true if item matches value with flags in the AmazingCompleti...
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:932
Job that modifies a collection in the Akonadi storage.
Definition: collectionmodifyjob.h:82
void setIncludeRootCollection(bool include)
Sets whether the root collection shall be provided by the model.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:1109
Parts available in the model for the item.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:342
bool systemEntitiesShown() const
Returns true if internal system entities are shown, and false otherwise.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:106
QString iconName() const
Returns the icon name of the icon returned by icon().
Definition: entitydisplayattribute.cpp:64
Returns the number of unread items in a collection.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:349
QString displayName() const
Returns the display name (EntityDisplayAttribute::displayName()) if set, and Collection::name() other...
Definition: collection.cpp:86
virtual QVariant entityData(const Item &item, int column, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const
Provided for convenience of subclasses.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:136
Last role for user extensions. Don't use a role beyond this or headerData will break.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:354
Provides statistics information of a Collection.
Definition: collectionstatistics.h:69
Returns the FetchState of a particular item.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:350
QModelIndex indexForCollection(const Collection &collection) const
Returns the model index for the given collection.
Fetches collections, but does not put them in the model. This can be used to create a list of items i...
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:488
Describes how the model should populated its items.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:406
int indexOf(const QList< Node * > &nodes, Entity::Id id) const
Returns the index of the node in list with the id id.
Definition: entitytreemodel_p.h:194
QString displayName() const
Returns the name that should be used for display.
Definition: entitydisplayattribute.cpp:49
Do not include items in the model.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:407
Can create new subcollections in this collection.
Definition: collection.h:92
KJob * pasteUriList(const QMimeData *mimeData, const Collection &collection, Qt::DropAction action, Session *session=0)
URI list paste/drop.
Definition: pastehelper.cpp:126
Helper for checking MIME types of Collections and Items.
Definition: mimetypechecker.h:109
virtual QVariant entityHeaderData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role, HeaderGroup headerGroup) const
Reimplement this to provide different header data.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:695
There is no fetch of items in this collection in progress.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:373
bool isCollectionPopulated(Akonadi::Collection::Id) const
Returns whether the collection has been populated.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:926
void setName(const QString &name)
Sets the i18n'ed name of the collection.
Definition: collection.cpp:93
Returns the progress of synchronization in percent for a particular collection.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:351
Header information for a collection-only tree.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:383
Describes what header information the model shall return.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:381
Fetch items only when requested (using canFetchMore/fetchMore)
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:409
Returns whether a Collection has been populated, i.e. whether its items have been fetched...
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:352
Attribute * attribute(const QByteArray &name) const
Returns the attribute of the given type name if available, 0 otherwise.
Definition: entity.cpp:165
void setCollectionFetchStrategy(CollectionFetchStrategy strategy)
Sets the collection fetch strategy of the model.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:1137
Can create links to existing items in this virtual collection.
Definition: collection.h:94
Collection parentCollection() const
Returns the parent collection of this object.
Definition: entity.cpp:186
ItemPopulationStrategy itemPopulationStrategy() const
Returns the item population strategy of the model.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:1103
Role used to implement amazing completion.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:339
QModelIndexList indexesForItem(const Item &item) const
Returns the model indexes for the given item.
QStringList wantedMimeTypes() const
Returns the list of wanted MIME types this instance checks against.
Definition: mimetypechecker.cpp:51
void setBackgroundColor(const QColor &color)
Sets the backgroundColor to color.
Definition: entitydisplayattribute.cpp:158
Can create new items in this collection.
Definition: collection.h:89
The parent collection of the entity.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:340
QString rootCollectionDisplayName() const
Returns the display name of the root collection.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:1131
void setDisplayName(const QString &name)
Sets the name that should be used for display.
Definition: entitydisplayattribute.cpp:54
void fetchCollection(bool enable)
Enables automatic fetching of changed collections from the Akonadi storage.
Definition: monitor.cpp:179
Retrieve items immediately when their parent is in the model. This is the default.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:408
bool isWantedCollection(const Collection &collection) const
Checks whether a given collection has one of the wanted MIME types.
Definition: mimetypechecker.cpp:83
Rights rights() const
Returns the rights the user has on the collection.
Definition: collection.cpp:99
static QModelIndex modelIndexForCollection(const QAbstractItemModel *model, const Collection &collection)
Returns a QModelIndex in model which points to collection.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:1192
void setRootCollectionDisplayName(const QString &name)
Sets the display name of the root collection of the model.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:1123
void setItemPopulationStrategy(ItemPopulationStrategy strategy)
Sets the item population strategy of the model.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:1076
Fetches nothing. This creates an empty model.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:485
Header information for a list of items.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:384
QColor backgroundColor() const
Returns the backgroundColor or an invalid color if none is set.
Definition: entitydisplayattribute.cpp:153
Parts available in the Akonadi server for the item.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:343
void setWantedMimeTypes(const QStringList &mimeTypes)
Sets the list of wanted MIME types this instance checks against.
Definition: mimetypechecker.cpp:56
QStringList childCollectionNames(const Collection &collection) const
Returns the list of names of the child collections of collection.
CollectionFetchStrategy collectionFetchStrategy() const
Returns the collection fetch strategy of the model.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:1161
void setShowSystemEntities(bool show)
Some Entities are hidden in the model, but exist for internal purposes, for example, custom object directories in groupware resources.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:112
bool isWantedItem(const Item &item) const
Checks whether a given item has one of the wanted MIME types.
Definition: mimetypechecker.cpp:71
bool hasAttribute(const QByteArray &name) const
Returns true if the entity has an attribute of the given type name, false otherwise.
Definition: entity.cpp:146
A model for collections and items together.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:317
Job that modifies an existing item in the Akonadi storage.
Definition: itemmodifyjob.h:97
There is a fetch of items in this collection in progress.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:374
qint64 unreadCount() const
Returns the number of unread items in this collection or -1 if this information is not available...
Definition: collectionstatistics.cpp:77
QStringList contentMimeTypes() const
Returns a list of possible content mimetypes, e.g.
Definition: collection.cpp:115
bool isCollectionTreeFetched() const
Returns whether the collection tree has been fetched at initialisation.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:919
static QModelIndexList modelIndexesForItem(const QAbstractItemModel *model, const Item &item)
Returns a QModelIndex in model which points to item.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:1201
virtual QModelIndexList match(const QModelIndex &start, int role, const QVariant &value, int hits=1, Qt::MatchFlags flags=Qt::MatchFlags(Qt::MatchStartsWith|Qt::MatchWrap)) const
Reimplemented to handle the AmazingCompletionRole.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:948
The akonadi:/ Url of the entity as a string. Item urls will contain the mimetype. ...
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:348
Describes what collections shall be fetched by and represent in the model.
Definition: entitytreemodel.h:484
bool includeUnsubscribed() const
Returns whether unsubscribed entities will be included in the listing.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:91
static Collection fromUrl(const KUrl &url)
Creates a collection from the given url.
Definition: collection.cpp:172
CollectionStatistics statistics() const
Returns the collection statistics of the collection.
Definition: collection.cpp:238
bool includeRootCollection() const
Returns whether the root collection is provided by the model.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:1117
Attribute that stores the properties that are used to display an entity.
Definition: entitydisplayattribute.h:39
void setIncludeUnsubscribed(bool show)
Sets whether unsubscribed entities will be included in the listing.
Definition: entitytreemodel.cpp:97
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 23:00:27 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 23:00:27 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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