
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2007 Aaron Seigo <>
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Marco Martin <>
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
11#include <QFont>
12#include <QGuiApplication>
13#include <QObject>
15#include <KSharedConfig>
16#include <plasma/plasma_export.h>
18class KPluginMetaData;
20namespace Plasma
22class ThemePrivate;
23class SvgPrivate;
26 * @class Theme plasma/theme.h <Plasma/Theme>
27 *
28 * @short Interface to the Plasma theme
29 *
30 *
31 * Plasma::Theme provides access to a common and standardized set of graphic
32 * elements stored in SVG format. This allows artists to create single packages
33 * of SVGs that will affect the look and feel of all workspace components.
34 *
35 * Plasma::Svg uses Plasma::Theme internally to locate and load the appropriate
36 * SVG data. Alternatively, Plasma::Theme can be used directly to retrieve
37 * file system paths to SVGs by name.
38 */
39class PLASMA_EXPORT Theme : public QObject
43 Q_PROPERTY(QString themeName READ themeName NOTIFY themeChanged)
44 Q_PROPERTY(bool useGlobalSettings READ useGlobalSettings NOTIFY themeChanged)
45 Q_PROPERTY(QString wallpaperPath READ wallpaperPath NOTIFY themeChanged)
47 // fonts
48 Q_PROPERTY(QFont defaultFont READ defaultFont NOTIFY defaultFontChanged)
49 Q_PROPERTY(QFont smallestFont READ smallestFont NOTIFY smallestFontChanged)
51 Q_PROPERTY(QPalette palette READ palette NOTIFY themeChanged)
53 Q_PROPERTY(qreal backgroundContrast READ backgroundContrast NOTIFY themeChanged)
54 Q_PROPERTY(qreal backgroundIntensity READ backgroundIntensity NOTIFY themeChanged)
55 Q_PROPERTY(qreal backgroundSaturation READ backgroundSaturation NOTIFY themeChanged)
58 enum ColorRole {
59 TextColor = 0, /**< the text color to be used by items resting on the background */
60 BackgroundColor = 1, /**< the default background color */
61 HighlightColor = 2, /**< the text highlight color to be used by items resting
62 on the background */
63 HoverColor = 3, /**< color for hover effect on view */
64 FocusColor = 4, /**< color for focus effect on view */
65 LinkColor = 5, /**< color for clickable links */
66 VisitedLinkColor = 6, /**< color visited clickable links */
67 HighlightedTextColor = 7, /**< color contrasting with HighlightColor, to be used for instance with */
68 PositiveTextColor = 8, /**< color of foreground objects with a "positive message" connotation (usually green) */
69 NeutralTextColor = 9, /**< color of foreground objects with a "neutral message" connotation (usually yellow) */
70 NegativeTextColor = 10, /**< color of foreground objects with a "negative message" connotation (usually red) */
71 DisabledTextColor = 11, /**< color of disabled text @since 5.64 */
72 };
74 enum ColorGroup {
75 NormalColorGroup = 0,
76 ButtonColorGroup = 1,
77 ViewColorGroup = 2,
78 ComplementaryColorGroup = 3,
79 HeaderColorGroup,
80 ToolTipColorGroup,
81 };
82 Q_ENUM(ColorGroup)
84 /**
85 * Default constructor. It will be the global theme configured in plasmarc
86 * @param parent the parent object
87 */
88 explicit Theme(QObject *parent = nullptr);
90 /**
91 * Construct a theme. It will be a custom theme instance of themeName.
92 * @param themeName the name of the theme to create
93 * @param parent the parent object
94 * @since 4.3
95 */
96 explicit Theme(const QString &themeName, QObject *parent = nullptr);
98 ~Theme() override;
100 /**
101 * Sets the current theme being used.
102 */
103 void setThemeName(const QString &themeName);
105 /**
106 * @return the name of the theme.
107 */
108 QString themeName() const;
110 /**
111 * Retrieve the path for an SVG image in the current theme.
112 *
113 * @param name the name of the file in the theme directory (without the
114 * ".svg" part or a leading slash)
115 * @return the full path to the requested file for the current theme
116 */
117 QString imagePath(const QString &name) const;
119 /**
120 * Retrieves the default wallpaper associated with this theme.
121 *
122 * @param size the target height and width of the wallpaper; if an invalid size
123 * is passed in, then a default size will be provided instead.
124 * @return the full path to the wallpaper image
125 */
126 QString wallpaperPath(const QSize &size = QSize()) const;
128 Q_INVOKABLE QString wallpaperPathForSize(int width = -1, int height = -1) const;
130 /**
131 * Checks if this theme has an image named in a certain way
132 *
133 * @param name the name of the file in the theme directory (without the
134 * ".svg" part or a leading slash)
135 * @return true if the image exists for this theme
136 */
137 bool currentThemeHasImage(const QString &name) const;
139 /**
140 * Returns the color scheme configurationthat goes along this theme.
141 * This can be used with KStatefulBrush and KColorScheme to determine
142 * the proper colours to use along with the visual elements in this theme.
143 */
144 KSharedConfigPtr colorScheme() const;
146 /**
147 * Returns the text color to be used by items resting on the background
148 *
149 * @param role which role (usage pattern) to get the color for
150 * @param group which group we want a color of
151 */
152 QColor color(ColorRole role, ColorGroup group = NormalColorGroup) const;
154 /**
155 * Tells the theme whether to follow the global settings or use application
156 * specific settings
157 *
158 * @param useGlobal pass in true to follow the global settings
159 */
160 void setUseGlobalSettings(bool useGlobal);
162 /**
163 * @return true if the global settings are followed, false if application
164 * specific settings are used.
165 */
166 bool useGlobalSettings() const;
168 /**
169 * Returns a QPalette with the colors set as defined by the theme.
170 * @since 5.68
171 */
172 QPalette palette() const;
174 /**
175 * @return plugin metadata for this theme, with information such as
176 * name, description, author, website etc
177 * @since 5.95
178 */
179 KPluginMetaData metadata() const;
181 /**
182 * @return The default application font
183 * @since 5.0
184 */
185 QFont defaultFont() const;
187 /**
188 * @return The smallest readable font
189 * @since 5.0
190 */
191 QFont smallestFont() const;
193 /** This method allows Plasma to enable and disable the background
194 * contrast effect for a given theme, improving readability. The
195 * value is read from the "enabled" key in the "ContrastEffect"
196 * group in the Theme's metadata file.
197 * The configuration in the metadata.desktop file of the theme
198 * could look like this (for a lighter background):
199 * \code
200 * [ContrastEffect]
201 * enabled=true
202 * contrast=0.45
203 * intensity=0.45
204 * saturation=1.7
205 * \endcode
206 * @return Whether or not to enable the contrasteffect
207 * @since 5.0
208 */
209 bool backgroundContrastEnabled() const;
211 /** This method allows Plasma to enable and disable the adaptive
212 * transparency option of the panel, which allows user to decide
213 * whether the panel should be always transparent, always opaque
214 * or only opaque when a window is maximized.
215 * The configuration in the metadata.desktop file of the theme
216 * could look like this (for a lighter background):
217 * \code
218 * [AdaptiveTransparency]
219 * enabled=true
220 * \endcode
221 * @return Whether or not to enable the adaptive transparency
222 * @since 5.20
223 */
224 bool adaptiveTransparencyEnabled() const;
226 /** This method allows Plasma to set a background contrast effect
227 * for a given theme, improving readability. The value is read
228 * from the "contrast" key in the "ContrastEffect" group in the
229 * Theme's metadata file.
230 * @return The contrast provided to the contrasteffect
231 * @since 5.0
232 * @see backgroundContrastEnabled
233 */
234 qreal backgroundContrast() const;
236 /** This method allows Plasma to set a background contrast effect
237 * for a given theme, improving readability. The value is read
238 * from the "intensity" key in the "ContrastEffect" group in the
239 * Theme's metadata file.
240 * @return The intensity provided to the contrasteffect
241 * @since 5.0
242 * @see backgroundContrastEnabled
243 */
244 qreal backgroundIntensity() const;
246 /** This method allows Plasma to set a background contrast effect
247 * for a given theme, improving readability. The value is read
248 * from the "saturation" key in the "ContrastEffect" group in the
249 * Theme's metadata file.
250 * @return The saturation provided to the contrasteffect
251 * @since 5.0
252 * @see backgroundContrastEnabled
253 */
254 qreal backgroundSaturation() const;
256 /** This method allows Plasma to enable and disable the blurring
257 * of what is behind the background for a given theme. The
258 * value is read from the "enabled" key in the "BlurBehindEffect"
259 * group in the Theme's metadata file. Default is @c true.
260 *
261 * The configuration in the metadata.desktop file of the theme
262 * could look like this:
263 * \code
264 * [BlurBehindEffect]
265 * enabled=false
266 * \endcode
267 * @return Whether or not to enable blurring of what is behind
268 * @since 5.57
269 */
270 bool blurBehindEnabled() const;
272 /**
273 * Returns the size of the letter "M" as rendered on the screen with the given font.
274 * This values gives you a base size that:
275 * * scales dependent on the DPI of the screen
276 * * Scales with the default font as set by the user
277 * You can use it like this in QML Items:
278 * \code
279 * Item {
280 * width: PlasmaCore.Theme.mSize(PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont).height
281 * height: width
282 * }
283 * \endcode
284 * This allows you to dynamically scale elements of your user interface with different font settings and
285 * different physical outputs (with different DPI).
286 * @param font The font to use for the metrics.
287 * @return The size of the letter "M" as rendered on the screen with the given font.
288 * @since 5.0
289 */
290 Q_INVOKABLE QSizeF mSize(const QFont &font = QGuiApplication::font()) const;
292 QString backgroundPath(const QString &image) const;
294 static QPalette globalPalette();
296 static KSharedConfigPtr globalColorScheme();
299 /**
300 * Emitted when the user changes the theme. Stylesheet usage, colors, etc. should
301 * be updated at this point. However, SVGs should *not* be repainted in response
302 * to this signal; connect to Svg::repaintNeeded() instead for that, as Svg objects
303 * need repainting not only when themeChanged() is emitted; moreover Svg objects
304 * connect to and respond appropriately to themeChanged() internally, emitting
305 * Svg::repaintNeeded() at an appropriate time.
306 */
309 /** Notifier for change of defaultFont property */
311 /** Notifier for change of smallestFont property */
315 friend class SvgPrivate;
316 friend class FrameSvg;
317 friend class FrameSvgPrivate;
318 friend class ThemePrivate;
319 ThemePrivate *d;
322} // Plasma namespace
324#endif // multiple inclusion guard
void defaultFontChanged()
Notifier for change of defaultFont property.
void smallestFontChanged()
Notifier for change of smallestFont property.
Theme(QObject *parent=nullptr)
Default constructor.
Definition theme.cpp:32
void themeChanged()
Emitted when the user changes the theme.
@ DisabledTextColor
color of disabled text
Definition theme.h:71
@ PositiveTextColor
color of foreground objects with a "positive message" connotation (usually green)
Definition theme.h:68
@ HighlightedTextColor
color contrasting with HighlightColor, to be used for instance with
Definition theme.h:67
@ VisitedLinkColor
color visited clickable links
Definition theme.h:66
@ HighlightColor
the text highlight color to be used by items resting on the background
Definition theme.h:61
@ LinkColor
color for clickable links
Definition theme.h:65
@ NeutralTextColor
color of foreground objects with a "neutral message" connotation (usually yellow)
Definition theme.h:69
@ HoverColor
color for hover effect on view
Definition theme.h:63
@ NegativeTextColor
color of foreground objects with a "negative message" connotation (usually red)
Definition theme.h:70
@ BackgroundColor
the default background color
Definition theme.h:60
@ TextColor
the text color to be used by items resting on the background
Definition theme.h:59
@ FocusColor
color for focus effect on view
Definition theme.h:64
Namespace for everything in libplasma.
QObject(QObject *parent)
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Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:56:20 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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