
Search for usage in LXR

#include <tasksmodel.h>

Inheritance diagram for TaskManager::TasksModel:

Public Types

enum  GroupMode { GroupDisabled = 0 , GroupApplications }
enum  SortMode {
  SortDisabled = 0 , SortManual , SortAlpha , SortVirtualDesktop ,
  SortActivity , SortLastActivated
- Public Types inherited from QAbstractItemModel
enum  CheckIndexOption
enum  LayoutChangeHint


QModelIndex activeTask
QString activity
bool anyTaskDemandsAttention
QML_ELEMENTint count
bool filterByActivity
RegionFilterMode::Mode filterByRegion
bool filterByScreen
bool filterByVirtualDesktop
bool filterHidden
bool filterMinimized
bool filterNotMaximized
bool filterNotMinimized
QStringList groupingAppIdBlacklist
QStringList groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist
int groupingWindowTasksThreshold
bool groupInline
GroupMode groupMode
bool hideActivatedLaunchers
int launcherCount
QStringList launcherList
bool launchInPlace
QRect regionGeometry
QRect screenGeometry
bool separateLaunchers
SortMode sortMode
bool taskReorderingEnabled
QVariant virtualDesktop
- Properties inherited from QSortFilterProxyModel
- Properties inherited from QAbstractProxyModel
- Properties inherited from QObject


void activeTaskChanged () const
void activityChanged () const
void anyTaskDemandsAttentionChanged () const
void countChanged () const
void filterByActivityChanged () const
void filterByRegionChanged ()
void filterByScreenChanged () const
void filterByVirtualDesktopChanged () const
void filterHiddenChanged () const
void filterMinimizedChanged ()
void filterNotMaximizedChanged () const
void filterNotMinimizedChanged () const
void groupingAppIdBlacklistChanged () const
void groupingLauncherUrlBlacklistChanged () const
void groupingWindowTasksThresholdChanged () const
void groupInlineChanged () const
void groupModeChanged () const
void hideActivatedLaunchersChanged () const
void launcherCountChanged () const
void launcherListChanged () const
void launchInPlaceChanged () const
void regionGeometryChanged ()
void screenGeometryChanged () const
void separateLaunchersChanged () const
void sortModeChanged () const
void taskReorderingEnabledChanged () const
void virtualDesktopChanged () const

Public Member Functions

 TasksModel (QObject *parent=nullptr)
QModelIndex activeTask () const
QString activity () const
bool anyTaskDemandsAttention () const
void classBegin () override
void componentComplete () override
QVariant data (const QModelIndex &proxyIndex, int role) const override
bool filterByActivity () const
RegionFilterMode::Mode filterByRegion () const
bool filterByScreen () const
bool filterByVirtualDesktop () const
bool filterHidden () const
bool filterMinimized () const
bool filterNotMaximized () const
bool filterNotMinimized () const
QStringList groupingAppIdBlacklist () const
QStringList groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist () const
int groupingWindowTasksThreshold () const
bool groupInline () const
TasksModel::GroupMode groupMode () const
bool hideActivatedLaunchers () const
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList launcherActivities (const QUrl &url)
int launcherCount () const
QStringList launcherList () const
Q_INVOKABLE int launcherPosition (const QUrl &url) const
bool launchInPlace () const
Q_INVOKABLE QModelIndex makeModelIndex (int row, int childRow=-1) const
Q_INVOKABLE QPersistentModelIndex makePersistentModelIndex (int row, int childRow=-1) const
Q_INVOKABLE bool move (int row, int newPos, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex())
QRect regionGeometry () const
Q_INVOKABLE void requestActivate (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestActivities (const QModelIndex &index, const QStringList &activities) override
Q_INVOKABLE bool requestAddLauncher (const QUrl &url)
Q_INVOKABLE bool requestAddLauncherToActivity (const QUrl &url, const QString &activity)
Q_INVOKABLE void requestClose (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestMove (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestNewInstance (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestNewVirtualDesktop (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestOpenUrls (const QModelIndex &index, const QList< QUrl > &urls) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestPublishDelegateGeometry (const QModelIndex &index, const QRect &geometry, QObject *delegate=nullptr) override
Q_INVOKABLE bool requestRemoveLauncher (const QUrl &url)
Q_INVOKABLE bool requestRemoveLauncherFromActivity (const QUrl &url, const QString &activity)
Q_INVOKABLE void requestResize (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleFullScreen (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleGrouping (const QModelIndex &index)
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleKeepAbove (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleKeepBelow (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleMaximized (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleMinimized (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleShaded (const QModelIndex &index) override
Q_INVOKABLE void requestVirtualDesktops (const QModelIndex &index, const QVariantList &desktops) override
QHash< int, QByteArrayroleNames () const override
Q_INVOKABLE int rowCount (const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const override
QRect screenGeometry () const
bool separateLaunchers () const
void setActivity (const QString &activity)
void setFilterByActivity (bool filter)
void setFilterByRegion (RegionFilterMode::Mode mode)
void setFilterByScreen (bool filter)
void setFilterByVirtualDesktop (bool filter)
void setFilterHidden (bool filter)
void setFilterMinimized (bool filter)
void setFilterNotMaximized (bool filter)
void setFilterNotMinimized (bool filter)
void setGroupingAppIdBlacklist (const QStringList &list)
void setGroupingLauncherUrlBlacklist (const QStringList &list)
void setGroupingWindowTasksThreshold (int threshold)
void setGroupInline (bool groupInline)
void setGroupMode (TasksModel::GroupMode mode)
void setHideActivatedLaunchers (bool hideActivatedLaunchers)
void setLauncherList (const QStringList &launchers)
void setLaunchInPlace (bool launchInPlace)
void setRegionGeometry (const QRect &geometry)
void setScreenGeometry (const QRect &geometry)
void setSeparateLaunchers (bool separate)
void setSortMode (SortMode mode)
void setTaskReorderingEnabled (bool enabled)
void setVirtualDesktop (const QVariant &desktop=QVariant())
SortMode sortMode () const
Q_INVOKABLE void syncLaunchers ()
bool taskReorderingEnabled () const
QVariant virtualDesktop () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QSortFilterProxyModel
 QSortFilterProxyModel (QObject *parent)
bool autoAcceptChildRows () const const
void autoAcceptChildRowsChanged (bool autoAcceptChildRows)
QBindable< bool > bindableAutoAcceptChildRows ()
QBindable< bool > bindableDynamicSortFilter ()
QBindable< Qt::CaseSensitivitybindableFilterCaseSensitivity ()
QBindable< int > bindableFilterKeyColumn ()
QBindable< QRegularExpressionbindableFilterRegularExpression ()
QBindable< int > bindableFilterRole ()
QBindable< bool > bindableIsSortLocaleAware ()
QBindable< bool > bindableRecursiveFilteringEnabled ()
QBindable< Qt::CaseSensitivitybindableSortCaseSensitivity ()
QBindable< int > bindableSortRole ()
virtual QModelIndex buddy (const QModelIndex &index) const const override
virtual bool canFetchMore (const QModelIndex &parent) const const override
virtual int columnCount (const QModelIndex &parent) const const override
virtual bool dropMimeData (const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) override
bool dynamicSortFilter () const const
virtual void fetchMore (const QModelIndex &parent) override
Qt::CaseSensitivity filterCaseSensitivity () const const
void filterCaseSensitivityChanged (Qt::CaseSensitivity filterCaseSensitivity)
int filterKeyColumn () const const
QRegularExpression filterRegularExpression () const const
int filterRole () const const
void filterRoleChanged (int filterRole)
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags (const QModelIndex &index) const const override
virtual bool hasChildren (const QModelIndex &parent) const const override
virtual QVariant headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const const override
virtual QModelIndex index (int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const const override
virtual bool insertColumns (int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent) override
virtual bool insertRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent) override
void invalidate ()
bool isRecursiveFilteringEnabled () const const
bool isSortLocaleAware () const const
virtual QModelIndex mapFromSource (const QModelIndex &sourceIndex) const const override
virtual QItemSelection mapSelectionFromSource (const QItemSelection &sourceSelection) const const override
virtual QItemSelection mapSelectionToSource (const QItemSelection &proxySelection) const const override
virtual QModelIndex mapToSource (const QModelIndex &proxyIndex) const const override
virtual QModelIndexList match (const QModelIndex &start, int role, const QVariant &value, int hits, Qt::MatchFlags flags) const const override
virtual QMimeDatamimeData (const QModelIndexList &indexes) const const override
virtual QStringList mimeTypes () const const override
virtual QModelIndex parent (const QModelIndex &child) const const override
void recursiveFilteringEnabledChanged (bool recursiveFilteringEnabled)
virtual bool removeColumns (int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent) override
virtual bool removeRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent) override
void setAutoAcceptChildRows (bool accept)
virtual bool setData (const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) override
void setDynamicSortFilter (bool enable)
void setFilterCaseSensitivity (Qt::CaseSensitivity cs)
void setFilterFixedString (const QString &pattern)
void setFilterKeyColumn (int column)
void setFilterRegularExpression (const QRegularExpression &regularExpression)
void setFilterRegularExpression (const QString &pattern)
void setFilterRole (int role)
void setFilterWildcard (const QString &pattern)
virtual bool setHeaderData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &value, int role) override
void setRecursiveFilteringEnabled (bool recursive)
void setSortCaseSensitivity (Qt::CaseSensitivity cs)
void setSortLocaleAware (bool on)
void setSortRole (int role)
virtual void setSourceModel (QAbstractItemModel *sourceModel) override
virtual QModelIndex sibling (int row, int column, const QModelIndex &idx) const const override
virtual void sort (int column, Qt::SortOrder order) override
Qt::CaseSensitivity sortCaseSensitivity () const const
void sortCaseSensitivityChanged (Qt::CaseSensitivity sortCaseSensitivity)
int sortColumn () const const
void sortLocaleAwareChanged (bool sortLocaleAware)
Qt::SortOrder sortOrder () const const
int sortRole () const const
void sortRoleChanged (int sortRole)
virtual QSize span (const QModelIndex &index) const const override
virtual Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions () const const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel (QObject *parent)
QBindable< QAbstractItemModel * > bindableSourceModel ()
virtual bool canDropMimeData (const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const const override
virtual bool clearItemData (const QModelIndex &index) override
virtual QMap< int, QVariantitemData (const QModelIndex &proxyIndex) const const override
virtual void revert () override
virtual bool setItemData (const QModelIndex &index, const QMap< int, QVariant > &roles) override
QAbstractItemModelsourceModel () const const
void sourceModelChanged ()
virtual bool submit () override
virtual Qt::DropActions supportedDragActions () const const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel (QObject *parent)
bool checkIndex (const QModelIndex &index, CheckIndexOptions options) const const
void columnsAboutToBeInserted (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
void columnsAboutToBeMoved (const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationColumn)
void columnsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
void columnsInserted (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
void columnsMoved (const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationColumn)
void columnsRemoved (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
void dataChanged (const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QList< int > &roles)
bool hasIndex (int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const const
void headerDataChanged (Qt::Orientation orientation, int first, int last)
bool insertColumn (int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
bool insertRow (int row, const QModelIndex &parent)
void layoutAboutToBeChanged (const QList< QPersistentModelIndex > &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint)
void layoutChanged (const QList< QPersistentModelIndex > &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint)
void modelAboutToBeReset ()
void modelReset ()
bool moveColumn (const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceColumn, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)
virtual bool moveColumns (const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceColumn, int count, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)
bool moveRow (const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)
virtual bool moveRows (const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceRow, int count, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)
virtual void multiData (const QModelIndex &index, QModelRoleDataSpan roleDataSpan) const const
bool removeColumn (int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
bool removeRow (int row, const QModelIndex &parent)
void rowsAboutToBeInserted (const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
void rowsAboutToBeMoved (const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationRow)
void rowsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
void rowsInserted (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
void rowsMoved (const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationRow)
void rowsRemoved (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
 QObject (QObject *parent)
QBindable< QStringbindableObjectName ()
bool blockSignals (bool block)
const QObjectListchildren () const const
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const const
void deleteLater ()
void destroyed (QObject *obj)
bool disconnect (const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const
bool disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const
void dumpObjectInfo () const const
void dumpObjectTree () const const
QList< QByteArraydynamicPropertyNames () const const
virtual bool event (QEvent *e)
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
findChild (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (const QRegularExpression &re, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
bool inherits (const char *className) const const
void installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj)
bool isQuickItemType () const const
bool isWidgetType () const const
bool isWindowType () const const
void killTimer (int id)
virtual const QMetaObjectmetaObject () const const
void moveToThread (QThread *targetThread)
QString objectName () const const
void objectNameChanged (const QString &objectName)
QObjectparent () const const
QVariant property (const char *name) const const
 Q_CLASSINFO (Name, Value)
 Q_ENUM (...)
 Q_ENUM_NS (...)
 Q_ENUMS (...)
 Q_FLAG (...)
 Q_FLAG_NS (...)
 Q_FLAGS (...)
qobject_cast (const QObject *object)
qobject_cast (QObject *object)
void removeEventFilter (QObject *obj)
void setObjectName (const QString &name)
void setObjectName (QAnyStringView name)
void setParent (QObject *parent)
bool setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value)
bool setProperty (const char *name, QVariant &&value)
bool signalsBlocked () const const
int startTimer (int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType)
int startTimer (std::chrono::milliseconds interval, Qt::TimerType timerType)
QThreadthread () const const

Protected Member Functions

std::shared_ptr< ActivityInfoactivityInfo () const
bool filterAcceptsRow (int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const override
bool lessThan (const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const override
std::shared_ptr< VirtualDesktopInfovirtualDesktopInfo () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QSortFilterProxyModel
virtual bool filterAcceptsColumn (int source_column, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const const
void invalidateColumnsFilter ()
void invalidateFilter ()
void invalidateRowsFilter ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QAbstractProxyModel
QModelIndex createSourceIndex (int row, int col, void *internalPtr) const const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QAbstractItemModel
void beginInsertColumns (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
void beginInsertRows (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
bool beginMoveColumns (const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceFirst, int sourceLast, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)
bool beginMoveRows (const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceFirst, int sourceLast, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)
void beginRemoveColumns (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
void beginRemoveRows (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
void beginResetModel ()
void changePersistentIndex (const QModelIndex &from, const QModelIndex &to)
void changePersistentIndexList (const QModelIndexList &from, const QModelIndexList &to)
QModelIndex createIndex (int row, int column, const void *ptr) const const
QModelIndex createIndex (int row, int column, quintptr id) const const
void endInsertColumns ()
void endInsertRows ()
void endMoveColumns ()
void endMoveRows ()
void endRemoveColumns ()
void endRemoveRows ()
void endResetModel ()
QModelIndexList persistentIndexList () const const
virtual void resetInternalData ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QObject
virtual void childEvent (QChildEvent *event)
virtual void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
virtual void customEvent (QEvent *event)
virtual void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
bool isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod &signal) const const
int receivers (const char *signal) const const
QObjectsender () const const
int senderSignalIndex () const const
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *context, Functor functor, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
bool disconnect (const QMetaObject::Connection &connection)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method)
QString tr (const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n)
- Public Attributes inherited from QAbstractItemModel
typedef CheckIndexOptions
- Public Attributes inherited from QObject
typedef QObjectList

Detailed Description

A unified tasks model.

This model presents tasks sourced from supplied launcher URLs, startup notification data and window data retrieved from the windowing server the host process is connected to. The underlying windowing system is abstracted away.

The source data is abstracted into a unified lifecycle for tasks suitable for presentation in a user interface.

Matching startup and window tasks replace launcher tasks. Startup tasks are omitted when matching window tasks exist. Tasks that desire not to be shown in a user interface are omitted.

Tasks may be filtered, sorted or grouped by setting properties on the model.

Tasks may be interacted with by calling methods on the model.

Eike Hein hein@.nosp@m.kde..nosp@m.org

Definition at line 47 of file tasksmodel.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ GroupMode


No grouping is done.


Tasks are grouped by the application backing them.

Definition at line 100 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ SortMode


No sorting is done.


Tasks can be moved with move() and syncLaunchers().


Tasks are sorted alphabetically, by AbstractTasksModel::AppName and Qt::DisplayRole.


Tasks are sorted by the virtual desktop they are on.


Tasks are sorted by the number of tasks on the activities they're on.


Tasks are sorted by the last time they were active.

Definition at line 90 of file tasksmodel.h.

Property Documentation

◆ activeTask

QModelIndex TaskManager::TasksModel::activeTask

Definition at line 87 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ activity

QString TaskManager::TasksModel::activity

Definition at line 63 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ anyTaskDemandsAttention

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::anyTaskDemandsAttention

Definition at line 58 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ count

QML_ELEMENTint TaskManager::TasksModel::count

Definition at line 53 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ filterByActivity

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterByActivity

Definition at line 67 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ filterByRegion

RegionFilterMode::Mode TaskManager::TasksModel::filterByRegion

Definition at line 68 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ filterByScreen

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterByScreen

Definition at line 66 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ filterByVirtualDesktop

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterByVirtualDesktop

Definition at line 65 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ filterHidden

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterHidden

Definition at line 72 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ filterMinimized

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterMinimized

Definition at line 69 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ filterNotMaximized

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterNotMaximized

Definition at line 71 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ filterNotMinimized

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterNotMinimized

Definition at line 70 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ groupingAppIdBlacklist

QStringList TaskManager::TasksModel::groupingAppIdBlacklist

Definition at line 83 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist

QStringList TaskManager::TasksModel::groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist

Definition at line 84 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ groupingWindowTasksThreshold

int TaskManager::TasksModel::groupingWindowTasksThreshold

Definition at line 81 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ groupInline

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::groupInline

Definition at line 80 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ groupMode

GroupMode TaskManager::TasksModel::groupMode

Definition at line 79 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ hideActivatedLaunchers

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::hideActivatedLaunchers

Definition at line 77 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ launcherCount

int TaskManager::TasksModel::launcherCount

Definition at line 54 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ launcherList

QStringList TaskManager::TasksModel::launcherList

Definition at line 56 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ launchInPlace

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::launchInPlace

Definition at line 76 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ regionGeometry

QRect TaskManager::TasksModel::regionGeometry

Definition at line 62 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ screenGeometry

QRect TaskManager::TasksModel::screenGeometry

Definition at line 61 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ separateLaunchers

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::separateLaunchers

Definition at line 75 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ sortMode

SortMode TaskManager::TasksModel::sortMode

Definition at line 74 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ taskReorderingEnabled

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::taskReorderingEnabled

Definition at line 86 of file tasksmodel.h.

◆ virtualDesktop

QVariant TaskManager::TasksModel::virtualDesktop

Definition at line 60 of file tasksmodel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TasksModel()

TaskManager::TasksModel::TasksModel ( QObject * parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 980 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ ~TasksModel()

TaskManager::TasksModel::~TasksModel ( )

Definition at line 1004 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ activeTask()

QModelIndex TaskManager::TasksModel::activeTask ( ) const

Finds the first active (AbstractTasksModel::IsActive) task in the model and returns its QModelIndex, or a null QModelIndex if no active task is found.

the model index for the first active task, if any.

Definition at line 1927 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ activity()

QString TaskManager::TasksModel::activity ( ) const

The id of the activity used in filtering by activity.

Usually set to the id of the current activity. Defaults to an empty id.

See also
the id of the activity used in filtering.

Definition at line 1114 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ activityInfo()

std::shared_ptr< ActivityInfo > TaskManager::TasksModel::activityInfo ( ) const
a shared pointer to ActivityInfo to access activity information

Definition at line 2061 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ anyTaskDemandsAttention()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::anyTaskDemandsAttention ( ) const

Returns whether any task in the model currently demands attention (AbstractTasksModel::IsDemandingAttention).

whether any task in the model currently demands attention.

Definition at line 1079 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ classBegin()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::classBegin ( )

Implements QQmlParserStatus.

Definition at line 1974 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ componentComplete()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::componentComplete ( )

Implements QQmlParserStatus.

Definition at line 1979 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ data()

QVariant TaskManager::TasksModel::data ( const QModelIndex & proxyIndex,
int role ) const

Reimplemented from QSortFilterProxyModel.

Definition at line 1022 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ filterAcceptsRow()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterAcceptsRow ( int sourceRow,
const QModelIndex & sourceParent ) const

Reimplemented from QSortFilterProxyModel.

Definition at line 1987 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ filterByActivity()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterByActivity ( ) const

Whether tasks should be filtered by activity.

Defaults to false.

Filtering by activity only happens if an activity id is set, even if this returns true.

See also
true if tasks should be filtered by activity.

Definition at line 1144 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ filterByRegion()

RegionFilterMode::Mode TaskManager::TasksModel::filterByRegion ( ) const

Whether tasks should be filtered by region.

Defaults to RegionFilterMode::Disabled.

Filtering by region only happens if a region is set, even if the filter is enabled.

See also
Region filter mode.

Definition at line 1154 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ filterByScreen()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterByScreen ( ) const

Whether tasks should be filtered by screen.

Defaults to false.

Filtering by screen only happens if a screen number is set, even if this returns true.

See also
true if tasks should be filtered by screen.

Definition at line 1134 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ filterByVirtualDesktop()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterByVirtualDesktop ( ) const

Whether tasks should be filtered by virtual desktop.

Defaults to false.

Filtering by virtual desktop only happens if a virtual desktop number is set, even if this returns true.

See also
true if tasks should be filtered by virtual desktop.

Definition at line 1124 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ filterHidden()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterHidden ( ) const

Whether hidden tasks should be filtered.

Defaults to false.

See also
true if hidden tasks should be filtered.

Definition at line 1194 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ filterMinimized()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterMinimized ( ) const

Whether minimized tasks should be filtered out.

Defaults to false.

true if minimized tasks should be filtered out.
See also

Definition at line 1164 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ filterNotMaximized()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterNotMaximized ( ) const

Whether non-maximized tasks should be filtered.

Defaults to false.

See also
true if non-maximized tasks should be filtered.

Definition at line 1184 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ filterNotMinimized()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::filterNotMinimized ( ) const

Whether non-minimized tasks should be filtered.

Defaults to false.

See also
true if non-minimized tasks should be filtered.

Definition at line 1174 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ groupingAppIdBlacklist()

QStringList TaskManager::TasksModel::groupingAppIdBlacklist ( ) const

A blacklist of app ids (AbstractTasksModel::AppId) that is consulted before grouping a task.

If a task's app id is found on the blacklist, it is not grouped.

The default app id blacklist is empty.

See also
the blacklist of app ids consulted before grouping a task.

Definition at line 1356 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist()

QStringList TaskManager::TasksModel::groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist ( ) const

A blacklist of launcher URLs (AbstractTasksModel::LauncherUrl) that is consulted before grouping a task.

If a task's launcher URL is found on the blacklist, it is not grouped.

The default launcher URL blacklist is empty.

See also
the blacklist of launcher URLs consulted before grouping a task.

Definition at line 1372 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ groupingWindowTasksThreshold()

int TaskManager::TasksModel::groupingWindowTasksThreshold ( ) const

As window tasks (AbstractTasksModel::IsWindow) come and go, groups will be formed when this threshold value is exceeded, and broken apart when it matches or falls below.

Defaults to -1, which means grouping is done regardless of the number of window tasks.

When the groupInline property is set to true, the threshold is ignored: Grouping is always done.

See also
the threshold number of window tasks used in grouping decisions.

Definition at line 1338 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ groupInline()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::groupInline ( ) const

Returns whether grouping is done "inline" or not, i.e.

whether groups are maintained inside the flat, top-level list, or by forming a tree. In inline grouping mode, move() on a group member will move all siblings as well, and sorting is first done among groups, then group members.

Further, in inline grouping mode, the groupingWindowTasksThreshold setting is ignored: Grouping is always done.

See also
whether grouping is done inline or not.

Definition at line 1322 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ groupMode()

TasksModel::GroupMode TaskManager::TasksModel::groupMode ( ) const

Returns the current group mode, i.e.

the criteria by which tasks should be grouped.

Defaults to TasksModel::GroupApplication, which groups tasks backed by the same application.

If the group mode is TasksModel::GroupDisabled, no grouping is done.

See also
the current group mode.

Definition at line 1283 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ hideActivatedLaunchers()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::hideActivatedLaunchers ( ) const

Whether launchers should be hidden after they have been activated.

Defaults to true.

See also
whether launchers will be hidden after they have been activated.

Definition at line 1292 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ launcherActivities()

QStringList TaskManager::TasksModel::launcherActivities ( const QUrl & url)

Return the list of activities the launcher belongs to.

If there is no launcher with that url, the list will be empty, while if the launcher is on all activities, it will contain a null uuid.

URLs are compared for equality after removing the query string used to hold metadata.

Definition at line 1488 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ launcherCount()

int TaskManager::TasksModel::launcherCount ( ) const

The number of launcher tasks in the tast list.

the number of launcher tasks in the task list.

Definition at line 1074 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ launcherList()

QStringList TaskManager::TasksModel::launcherList ( ) const

The list of launcher URLs serialized to strings along with the activities they belong to.

See also
the list of launcher URLs serialized to strings.

Definition at line 1400 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ launcherPosition()

int TaskManager::TasksModel::launcherPosition ( const QUrl & url) const

Return the position of the launcher with the given URL.

URLs are compared for equality after removing the query string used to hold metadata.

See also
urlA launcher URL.
-1 if no launcher exists for the given URL.

Definition at line 1497 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ launchInPlace()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::launchInPlace ( ) const

Whether window tasks should be sorted as their associated launcher tasks or separately.

Defaults to false.

See also
whether window tasks should be sorted as their associated launcher tasks.

Definition at line 1267 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ lessThan()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::lessThan ( const QModelIndex & left,
const QModelIndex & right ) const

Reimplemented from QSortFilterProxyModel.

Definition at line 2040 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ makeModelIndex()

QModelIndex TaskManager::TasksModel::makeModelIndex ( int row,
int childRow = -1 ) const

Given a row in the model, returns a QModelIndex for it.

To get an index for a child in a task group, an optional child row may be passed as well.

This easier to use from Qt Quick views than QAbstractItemModel::index is.

rowA row index in the model.
childRowA row index for a child of the task group at the given row.
a model index for the task at the given row, or for one of its child tasks.

Definition at line 1950 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ makePersistentModelIndex()

QPersistentModelIndex TaskManager::TasksModel::makePersistentModelIndex ( int row,
int childRow = -1 ) const

Given a row in the model, returns a QPersistentModelIndex for it.

To get an index for a child in a task group, an optional child row may be passed as well.

rowA row index in the model.
childRowA row index for a child of the task group at the given row.
a model index for the task at the given row, or for one of its child tasks.

Definition at line 1969 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ move()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::move ( int row,
int newPos,
const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() )

Moves a task to a new position in the list.

The insert position is is bounded to the list start and end.

syncLaunchers() should be called after a set of move operations to update the launcherList property to reflect the new order.

When the groupInline property is set to true, a move request for a group member will bring all siblings along.

See also
indexAn index in this tasks model.
newPosThe new list position to move the task to.

Definition at line 1627 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ regionGeometry()

QRect TaskManager::TasksModel::regionGeometry ( ) const

The geometry of the region used in filtering by region.

Defaults to a null QRect.

See also
the geometry of the region used in filtering.

Definition at line 1104 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestActivate()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestActivate ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request activation of the task at the given index.

Derived classes are free to interpret the meaning of "activate" themselves depending on the nature and state of the task, e.g. launch or raise a window task.

indexAn index in this tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1506 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestActivities()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestActivities ( const QModelIndex & index,
const QStringList & activities )

Request moving the task at the given index to the specified activities.

This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be a no-op when there is no window.

This base implementation does nothing.

indexAn index in this tasks model.
activitiesThe new list of activities.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1604 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestAddLauncher()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::requestAddLauncher ( const QUrl & url)

Request adding a launcher with the given URL.

If this URL is already in the list, the request will fail. URLs are compared for equality after removing the query string used to hold metadata.

See also
urlA launcher URL.
true if a launcher was added.

Definition at line 1416 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestAddLauncherToActivity()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::requestAddLauncherToActivity ( const QUrl & url,
const QString & activity )

Request adding a launcher with the given URL to current activity.

If this URL is already in the list, the request will fail. URLs are compared for equality after removing the query string used to hold metadata.

See also
urlA launcher URL.
true if a launcher was added.

Definition at line 1452 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestClose()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestClose ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request the task at the given index be closed.

indexAn index in this tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1527 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestMove()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestMove ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request starting an interactive move for the task at the given index.

This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be a no-op when there is no window.

indexAn index in this tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1534 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestNewInstance()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestNewInstance ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request an additional instance of the application backing the task at the given index.

indexAn index in this tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1513 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestNewVirtualDesktop()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestNewVirtualDesktop ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request entering the window at the given index on a new virtual desktop, which is created in response to this request.

indexAn index in this window tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1597 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestOpenUrls()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestOpenUrls ( const QModelIndex & index,
const QList< QUrl > & urls )

Requests to open the given URLs with the application backing the task at the given index.

indexAn index in this tasks model.
urlsThe URLs to be passed to the application.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1520 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestPublishDelegateGeometry()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestPublishDelegateGeometry ( const QModelIndex & index,
const QRect & geometry,
QObject * delegate = nullptr )

Request informing the window manager of new geometry for a visual delegate for the task at the given index.

The geometry should be in screen coordinates.

If the task at the given index is a group parent, the geometry is set for all of its children. If the task at the given index is a group member, the geometry is set for all of its siblings.

indexAn index in this tasks model.
geometryVisual delegate geometry in screen coordinates.
delegateThe delegate. Implementations are on their own with regard to extracting information from this, and should take care to reject invalid objects.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1611 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestRemoveLauncher()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::requestRemoveLauncher ( const QUrl & url)

Request removing the launcher with the given URL.

If this URL is already in the list, the request will fail. URLs are compared for equality after removing the query string used to hold metadata.

See also
urlA launcher URL.
true if the launcher was removed.

Definition at line 1433 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestRemoveLauncherFromActivity()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::requestRemoveLauncherFromActivity ( const QUrl & url,
const QString & activity )

Request removing the launcher with the given URL from the current activity.

If this URL is already in the list, the request will fail. URLs are compared for equality after removing the query string used to hold metadata.

See also
urlA launcher URL.
true if the launcher was removed.

Definition at line 1469 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestResize()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestResize ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request starting an interactive resize for the task at the given index.

This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be a no-op when there is no window.

indexAn index in this tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1541 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestToggleFullScreen()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestToggleFullScreen ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request toggling the fullscreen state of the task at the given index.

This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be a no-op when there is no window.

indexAn index in this tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1576 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestToggleGrouping()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestToggleGrouping ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request toggling whether the task at the given index, along with any tasks matching its kind, should be grouped or not.

Task groups will be formed or broken apart as needed, along with affecting future grouping decisions as new tasks appear.

As grouping is toggled for a task, updates are made to the grouping*Blacklist properties of the model instance.

See also
indexAn index in this tasks model.

Definition at line 1619 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestToggleKeepAbove()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestToggleKeepAbove ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request toggling the keep-above state of the task at the given index.

This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be a no-op when there is no window.

indexAn index in this tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1562 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestToggleKeepBelow()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestToggleKeepBelow ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request toggling the keep-below state of the task at the given index.

This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be a no-op when there is no window.

indexAn index in this tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1569 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestToggleMaximized()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestToggleMaximized ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request toggling the maximized state of the task at the given index.

This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be a no-op when there is no window.

indexAn index in this tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1555 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestToggleMinimized()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestToggleMinimized ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request toggling the minimized state of the task at the given index.

This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be a no-op when there is no window.

indexAn index in this tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1548 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestToggleShaded()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestToggleShaded ( const QModelIndex & index)

Request toggling the shaded state of the task at the given index.

This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be a no-op when there is no window.

indexAn index in this tasks model.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1583 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ requestVirtualDesktops()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::requestVirtualDesktops ( const QModelIndex & index,
const QVariantList & desktops )

Request entering the window at the given index on the specified virtual desktops.

On Wayland, virtual desktop ids are QStrings. On X11, they are uint >0.

An empty list has a special meaning: The window is entered on all virtual desktops in the session.

On X11, a window can only be on one or all virtual desktops. Therefore, only the first list entry is actually used.

On X11, the id 0 has a special meaning: The window is entered on all virtual desktops in the session.

indexAn index in this window tasks model.
desktopsA list of virtual desktop ids.

Implements TaskManager::AbstractTasksModelIface.

Definition at line 1590 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ roleNames()

QHash< int, QByteArray > TaskManager::TasksModel::roleNames ( ) const

Reimplemented from QAbstractProxyModel.

Definition at line 1008 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ rowCount()

int TaskManager::TasksModel::rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const

Reimplemented from QSortFilterProxyModel.

Definition at line 1017 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ screenGeometry()

QRect TaskManager::TasksModel::screenGeometry ( ) const

The geometry of the screen used in filtering by screen.

Defaults to a null QRect.

See also
the geometry of the screen used in filtering.

Definition at line 1094 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ separateLaunchers()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::separateLaunchers ( ) const

Whether launchers are kept separate from other kinds of tasks.

Defaults to true.

When enabled, launcher tasks are sorted first in the tasks model and move() disallows moving them below the last launcher task, or moving a different kind of task above the first launcher. New launcher tasks are inserted after the last launcher task. When disabled, move() allows mixing, and new launcher tasks are appended to the model.

Further, when disabled, the model always behaves as if launchInPlace is enabled: A window task takes the place of the first matching launcher task.

See also
whether launcher tasks are kept separate.

Definition at line 1250 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setActivity()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setActivity ( const QString & activity)

Set the id of the activity to use in filtering by activity.

See also
activityAn activity id.

Definition at line 1119 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setFilterByActivity()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setFilterByActivity ( bool filter)

Set whether tasks should be filtered by activity.

Defaults to false.

Filtering by activity only happens if an activity id is set, even if this is set to true.

See also
filterWhether tasks should be filtered by activity.

Definition at line 1149 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setFilterByRegion()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setFilterByRegion ( RegionFilterMode::Mode mode)

Set whether tasks should be filtered by region.

Defaults to RegionFilterMode::Disabled.

Filtering by region only happens if a region is set, even if the filter is enabled.

See also
modeRegion filter mode.

Definition at line 1159 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setFilterByScreen()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setFilterByScreen ( bool filter)

Set whether tasks should be filtered by screen.

Filtering by screen only happens if a screen number is set, even if this is set to true.

See also
filterWhether tasks should be filtered by screen.

Definition at line 1139 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setFilterByVirtualDesktop()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setFilterByVirtualDesktop ( bool filter)

Set whether tasks should be filtered by virtual desktop.

Filtering by virtual desktop only happens if a virtual desktop number is set, even if this is set to true.

See also
filterWhether tasks should be filtered by virtual desktop.

Definition at line 1129 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setFilterHidden()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setFilterHidden ( bool filter)

Set whether hidden tasks should be filtered.

See also
filterWhether hidden tasks should be filtered.

Definition at line 1199 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setFilterMinimized()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setFilterMinimized ( bool filter)

Sets whether non-minimized tasks should be filtered out.

filterWhether minimized tasks should be filtered out.
See also

Definition at line 1169 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setFilterNotMaximized()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setFilterNotMaximized ( bool filter)

Set whether non-maximized tasks should be filtered.

See also
filterWhether non-maximized tasks should be filtered.

Definition at line 1189 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setFilterNotMinimized()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setFilterNotMinimized ( bool filter)

Set whether non-minimized tasks should be filtered.

See also
filterWhether non-minimized tasks should be filtered.

Definition at line 1179 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setGroupingAppIdBlacklist()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setGroupingAppIdBlacklist ( const QStringList & list)

Sets the blacklist of app ids (AbstractTasksModel::AppId) that is consulted before grouping a task.

If a task's app id is found on the blacklist, it is not grouped.

When set, groups will be formed and broken apart as necessary.

See also
lista blacklist of app ids to be consulted before grouping a task.

Definition at line 1365 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setGroupingLauncherUrlBlacklist()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setGroupingLauncherUrlBlacklist ( const QStringList & list)

Sets the blacklist of launcher URLs (AbstractTasksModel::LauncherUrl) that is consulted before grouping a task.

If a task's launcher URL is found on the blacklist, it is not grouped.

When set, groups will be formed and broken apart as necessary.

See also
lista blacklist of launcher URLs to be consulted before grouping a task.

Definition at line 1381 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setGroupingWindowTasksThreshold()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setGroupingWindowTasksThreshold ( int threshold)

Sets the number of window tasks (AbstractTasksModel::IsWindow) above which groups will be formed, and at or below which groups will be broken apart.

If set to -1, grouping will be done regardless of the number of window tasks in the source model.

When the groupInline property is set to true, the threshold is ignored: Grouping is always done.

See also
thresholdA threshold number of window tasks used in grouping decisions.

Definition at line 1343 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setGroupInline()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setGroupInline ( bool groupInline)

Sets whether grouping is done "inline" or not, i.e.

whether groups are maintained inside the flat, top-level list, or by forming a tree. In inline grouping mode, move() on a group member will move all siblings as well, and sorting is first done among groups, then group members.

See also
inlineWhether to do grouping inline or not.

Definition at line 1327 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setGroupMode()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setGroupMode ( TasksModel::GroupMode mode)

Sets the group mode, i.e.

the criteria by which tasks should be grouped.

The group mode can be set to TasksModel::GroupDisabled to disable grouping entirely, breaking apart any existing groups.

See also
modeA group mode.

Definition at line 1310 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setHideActivatedLaunchers()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setHideActivatedLaunchers ( bool hideActivatedLaunchers)

Sets whether launchers should be hidden after they have been activated.

Defaults to true.

See also
hideActivatedLaunchersWhether launchers should be hidden after they have been activated.

Definition at line 1297 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setLauncherList()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setLauncherList ( const QStringList & launchers)

Replace the list of launcher URL strings.

Invalid or empty URLs will be rejected. Duplicate URLs will be collapsed.

See also
launchersA list of launcher URL strings.

Definition at line 1409 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setLaunchInPlace()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setLaunchInPlace ( bool launchInPlace)

Sets whether window tasks should be sorted as their associated launcher tasks or separately.

See also
launchInPlaceWhether window tasks should be sorted as their associated launcher tasks.

Definition at line 1272 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setRegionGeometry()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setRegionGeometry ( const QRect & geometry)

Set the geometry of the screen to use in filtering by region.

If set to an invalid QRect, filtering by region is disabled.

See also
geometryA region geometry.

Definition at line 1109 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setScreenGeometry()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setScreenGeometry ( const QRect & geometry)

Set the geometry of the screen to use in filtering by screen.

If set to an invalid QRect, filtering by screen is disabled.

See also
geometryA screen geometry.

Definition at line 1099 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setSeparateLaunchers()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setSeparateLaunchers ( bool separate)

Sets whether launchers are kept separate from other kinds of tasks.

When enabled, launcher tasks are sorted first in the tasks model and move() disallows moving them below the last launcher task, or moving a different kind of task above the first launcher. New launcher tasks are inserted after the last launcher task. When disabled, move() allows mixing, and new launcher tasks are appended to the model.

Further, when disabled, the model always behaves as if launchInPlace is enabled: A window task takes the place of the first matching launcher task.

See also
separateWhether to keep launcher tasks separate.

Definition at line 1255 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setSortMode()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setSortMode ( SortMode mode)

Sets the sort mode used in sorting tasks.

See also
modeA sort mode.

Definition at line 1209 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setTaskReorderingEnabled()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setTaskReorderingEnabled ( bool enabled)

Enables or disables tasks reordering.

enabledenables tasks reordering if true; disables it otherwise.

Definition at line 1393 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ setVirtualDesktop()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::setVirtualDesktop ( const QVariant & desktop = QVariant())

Set the id of the virtual desktop to use in filtering by virtual desktop.

If set to an empty id, filtering by virtual desktop is disabled.

See also
desktopA virtual desktop id (QString on Wayland; uint >0 on X11).

Definition at line 1089 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ sortMode()

TasksModel::SortMode TaskManager::TasksModel::sortMode ( ) const

The sort mode used in sorting tasks.

Defaults to SortAlpha.

See also
the current sort mode.

Definition at line 1204 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ syncLaunchers()

void TaskManager::TasksModel::syncLaunchers ( )

Updates the launcher list to reflect the new order after calls to move(), if needed.

See also

Definition at line 1852 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ taskReorderingEnabled()

bool TaskManager::TasksModel::taskReorderingEnabled ( ) const

Returns whether tasks reordering is enabled or not.

whether tasks reordering is enabled or not.

Definition at line 1388 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ virtualDesktop()

QVariant TaskManager::TasksModel::virtualDesktop ( ) const

The id of the virtual desktop used in filtering by virtual desktop.

Usually set to the id of the current virtual desktop. Defaults to empty.

See also
the number of the virtual desktop used in filtering.

Definition at line 1084 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

◆ virtualDesktopInfo()

std::shared_ptr< VirtualDesktopInfo > TaskManager::TasksModel::virtualDesktopInfo ( ) const
a shared pointer to VirtualDesktopInfo to access virtual desktop information

Definition at line 2050 of file tasksmodel.cpp.

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