Qyoto  4.0.5
Qyoto is a C# language binding for Qt
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Package QtWebKit


class  Global
class  QWebDatabase
 The QWebDatabase class provides access to HTML 5 databases created with JavaScript. More...
class  QWebElementCollection
 The QWebElementCollection class represents a collection of web elements. More...
class  QWebFrame
 The QWebFrame class represents a frame in a web page. More...
class  QWebHistory
 The QWebHistory class represents the history of a QWebPage More...
class  QWebHistoryInterface
 The QWebHistoryInterface class provides an interface to implement link history. More...
class  QWebHistoryInterfaceInternal
class  QWebHistoryItem
 The QWebHistoryItem class represents one item in the history of a QWebPage More...
class  QWebHitTestResult
 The QWebHitTestResult class provides information about the web page content after a hit test. More...
class  QWebInspector
 The QWebInspector class allows the placement and control of a QWebPage's inspector. The inspector can display a page's hierarchy, its loading statistics and the current state of its individual elements. It is mostly used by web developers. More...
class  QWebPage
 The QWebPage class provides an object to view and edit web documents. More...
class  QWebPluginFactory
 The QWebPluginFactory class is used to embed custom data types in web pages. More...
class  QWebPluginFactoryInternal
class  QWebSecurityOrigin
 The QWebSecurityOrigin class defines a security boundary for web sites. More...
class  QWebSettings
 The QWebSettings class provides an object to store the settings used by QWebPage and QWebFrame. More...
class  QWebView
 The QWebView class provides a widget that is used to view and edit web documents. More...
interface  IQWebFrameSignals
interface  IQWebHistoryInterfaceSignals
interface  IQWebInspectorSignals
interface  IQWebPageSignals
interface  IQWebPluginFactorySignals
interface  IQWebViewSignals


using firstTextInput = document.findFirst(&quot
using staticInterceptor = new SmokeInvocation(typeof(QWebElement), null)


enum  StyleResolveStrategy { CascadedStyle = 1, ComputedStyle = 2, InlineStyle = 0 }
enum  QtMsgType {
  QtCriticalMsg = 2, QtDebugMsg = 0, QtFatalMsg = 3, QtSystemMsg = 2,
  QtWarningMsg = 1
enum  QtValidLicenseForActiveQtModule { LicensedActiveQt = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForCoreModule { LicensedCore = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForDBusModule { LicensedDBus = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForDeclarativeModule { LicensedDeclarative = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForGuiModule { LicensedGui = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForHelpModule { LicensedHelp = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForMultimediaModule { LicensedMultimedia = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForNetworkModule { LicensedNetwork = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForOpenGLModule { LicensedOpenGL = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForOpenVGModule { LicensedOpenVG = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForQt3SupportLightModule { LicensedQt3SupportLight = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForQt3SupportModule { LicensedQt3Support = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForScriptModule { LicensedScript = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForScriptToolsModule { LicensedScriptTools = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForSqlModule { LicensedSql = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForSvgModule { LicensedSvg = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForTestModule { LicensedTest = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForXmlModule { LicensedXml = 1 }
enum  QtValidLicenseForXmlPatternsModule { LicensedXmlPatterns = 1 }


</para > *< para > The first
list contains all span
elements in the document.The
second list contains span
elements that are children of
classified with intro.</para > *
< para > Using 
findFirst () is more efficient than calling findAll()
 documentElement ()
</para > *< para >
button.evaluateJavaScript & 
quot ()&quot;
</para > *< para > The
underlying content of
QWebElement is explicitly
shared.Creating a copy of a
QWebElement does not create a
copy of the content.both
instances point to the same
element.</para > *< para > The
contents of child elements can
be converted to plain text
toPlainText ()
override bool Equals (object o)
override int GetHashCode ()
 QWebElement (System.Type dummy)
 QWebElement ()
 QWebElement (QWebElement arg1)
virtual void CreateProxy ()
new void AddClass (string name)
new void AppendInside (QWebElement element)
new void AppendInside (string markup)
new void AppendOutside (QWebElement element)
new void AppendOutside (string markup)
new string Attribute (string name, string defaultValue="")
new string AttributeNS (string namespaceUri, string name, string defaultValue="")
< string > 
AttributeNames (string namespaceUri="")
< string > 
Classes ()
new QWebElement Clone ()
new QWebElement Document ()
new void EncloseContentsWith (QWebElement element)
new void EncloseContentsWith (string markup)
new void EncloseWith (QWebElement element)
new void EncloseWith (string markup)
new object EvaluateJavaScript (string scriptSource)
new QWebElementCollection FindAll (string selectorQuery)
new QWebElement FindFirst (string selectorQuery)
new QWebElement FirstChild ()
new QRect Geometry ()
new bool HasAttribute (string name)
new bool HasAttributeNS (string namespaceUri, string name)
new bool HasAttributes ()
new bool HasClass (string name)
new bool HasFocus ()
new bool IsNull ()
new QWebElement LastChild ()
new string LocalName ()
new string NamespaceUri ()
new QWebElement NextSibling ()
static bool operator!= (QWebElement arg1, QWebElement arg2)
static bool operator== (QWebElement arg1, QWebElement arg2)
new QWebElement Parent ()
new string Prefix ()
new void PrependInside (QWebElement element)
new void PrependInside (string markup)
new void PrependOutside (QWebElement element)
new void PrependOutside (string markup)
new QWebElement PreviousSibling ()
new void RemoveAllChildren ()
new void RemoveAttribute (string name)
new void RemoveAttributeNS (string namespaceUri, string name)
new void RemoveClass (string name)
new void RemoveFromDocument ()
new void Render (QPainter painter)
new void Render (QPainter painter, QRect clipRect)
new void Replace (QWebElement element)
new void Replace (string markup)
new void SetAttribute (string name, string value)
new void SetAttributeNS (string namespaceUri, string name, string value)
new void SetFocus ()
new void SetInnerXml (string markup)
new void SetOuterXml (string markup)
new void SetPlainText (string text)
new void SetStyleProperty (string name, string value)
new string StyleProperty (string name, QWebElement.StyleResolveStrategy strategy)
new string TagName ()
new QWebElement TakeFromDocument ()
new string ToInnerXml ()
new string ToOuterXml ()
new string ToPlainText ()
new void ToggleClass (string name)
new QWebFrame WebFrame ()
 ~QWebElement ()
new void Dispose ()


</para > *< para ></para > *
< para > QWebElementCollection 
allSpans = document.findAll(&quot;span&quot;)
 The QWebElement class provides convenient access to DOM elements in a QWebFrame.
</para > *< para >
introSpans = document.findAll(&quot;p.intro span&quot;)
</para > *< para > The first
list contains all span
elements in the document.The
second list contains span
elements that are children of 
setHtml & quot
</para > *< para > QWebElement doc = frame-&gt
</para > *< para > QWebElement body = doc.firstChild()
</para > *< para > QWebElement firstParagraph = body.firstChild()
</para > *< para > QWebElement secondParagraph = firstParagraph.nextSibling()
</para > *< para > QString storedText = firstTextInput.attribute(&quot;value&quot;)
</para > *< para > When the
same page is later 
</para > *< para > When the
same page is later the browser
can fill in the text field
automatically by modifying the
value attribute of the input 
</para > *< para ></para > *
< para ></para > *< para >
button = document.findFirst(&quot;input[type=submit]&quot;)
</para > *< para > The
underlying content of
QWebElement is explicitly
shared.Creating a copy of a
QWebElement does not create a
copy of the content. 
SmokeInvocation interceptor
System.IntPtr smokeObject

Typedef Documentation

using QtWebKit.firstTextInput = typedef document.findFirst(&quot
using QtWebKit.staticInterceptor = typedef new SmokeInvocation(typeof(QWebElement), null)

Enumeration Type Documentation


This enum describes how QWebElement's styleProperty resolves the given property name.


The property's value is determined using the inheritance and importance rules defined in the document's stylesheet.


The property's value is the absolute value of the style property resolved from the environment.


Return the property value as it is defined in the element, without respecting style inheritance and other CSS rules.

Function Documentation

new void QtWebKit.AddClass ( string  name)

Adds the specified class with the given name to the element.

new void QtWebKit.AppendInside ( QWebElement  element)

Appends the given element as the element's last child.

If element is the child of another element, it is re-parented to this element. If element is a child of this element, then its position in the list of children is changed.

Calling this function on a null element does nothing.

See also prependInside(), prependOutside(), and appendOutside().

new void QtWebKit.AppendInside ( string  markup)

Appends the result of parsing markup as the element's last child.

Calling this function on a null element does nothing.

See also prependInside(), prependOutside(), and appendOutside().

new void QtWebKit.AppendOutside ( QWebElement  element)

Inserts the given element after this element.

If element is the child of another element, it is re-parented to the parent of this element.

Calling this function on a null element does nothing.

See also appendInside(), prependInside(), and prependOutside().

new void QtWebKit.AppendOutside ( string  markup)

Inserts the result of parsing markup after this element.

Calling this function on a null element does nothing.

See also appendInside(), prependInside(), and prependOutside().

new string QtWebKit.Attribute ( string  name,
string  defaultValue = "" 

Returns the attribute with the given name. If the attribute does not exist, defaultValue is returned.

See also setAttribute(), setAttributeNS(), and attributeNS().

new System.Collections.Generic.List<string> QtWebKit.AttributeNames ( string  namespaceUri = "")

Return the list of attributes for the namespace given as namespaceUri.

See also attribute() and setAttribute().

new string QtWebKit.AttributeNS ( string  namespaceUri,
string  name,
string  defaultValue = "" 

Returns the attribute with the given name in namespaceUri. If the attribute does not exist, defaultValue is returned.

See also setAttributeNS(), setAttribute(), and attribute().

new System.Collections.Generic.List<string> QtWebKit.Classes ( )

Returns the list of classes of this element.

new QWebElement QtWebKit.Clone ( )

Returns a clone of this element.

The clone may be inserted at any point in the document.

See also appendInside(), prependInside(), prependOutside(), and appendOutside().

virtual void QtWebKit.CreateProxy ( )
new void QtWebKit.Dispose ( )
new QWebElement QtWebKit.Document ( )

Returns the document which this element belongs to.

QtWebKit.documentElement ( )
new void QtWebKit.EncloseContentsWith ( QWebElement  element)

Encloses the contents of this element with element. This element becomes the child of the deepest descendant within element.

### illustration

See also encloseWith().

new void QtWebKit.EncloseContentsWith ( string  markup)

Encloses the contents of this element with the result of parsing markup. This element becomes the child of the deepest descendant within markup.

See also encloseWith().

new void QtWebKit.EncloseWith ( QWebElement  element)

Encloses this element with element. This element becomes the child of the deepest descendant within element.

See also replace().

new void QtWebKit.EncloseWith ( string  markup)

Encloses this element with the result of parsing markup. This element becomes the child of the deepest descendant within markup.

See also replace().

override bool QtWebKit.Equals ( object  o)
new object QtWebKit.EvaluateJavaScript ( string  scriptSource)

Executes scriptSource with this element as this object.

new QWebElementCollection QtWebKit.FindAll ( string  selectorQuery)

Returns a new list of child elements matching the given CSS selector selectorQuery. If there are no matching elements, an empty list is returned.

Standard CSS2 selector syntax is used for the query.

Note: This search is performed recursively.

See also findFirst().

</para> *<para> The first list contains all span elements in the document.The second list contains span elements that are children of classified with intro.</para> *<para> Using QtWebKit.findFirst ( )
new QWebElement QtWebKit.FindFirst ( string  selectorQuery)

Returns the first child element that matches the given CSS selector selectorQuery.

Standard CSS2 selector syntax is used for the query.

Note: This search is performed recursively.

See also findAll().

new QWebElement QtWebKit.FirstChild ( )

Returns the element's first child.

See also lastChild(), previousSibling(), and nextSibling().

new QRect QtWebKit.Geometry ( )

Returns the geometry of this element, relative to its containing frame.

See also tagName().

override int QtWebKit.GetHashCode ( )
new bool QtWebKit.HasAttribute ( string  name)

Returns true if this element has an attribute with the given name; otherwise returns false.

See also attribute() and setAttribute().

new bool QtWebKit.HasAttributeNS ( string  namespaceUri,
string  name 

Returns true if this element has an attribute with the given name, in namespaceUri; otherwise returns false.

See also attributeNS() and setAttributeNS().

new bool QtWebKit.HasAttributes ( )

Returns true if the element has any attributes defined; otherwise returns false;

See also attribute() and setAttribute().

new bool QtWebKit.HasClass ( string  name)

Returns true if this element has a class with the given name; otherwise returns false.

new bool QtWebKit.HasFocus ( )

Returns true if the element has keyboard input focus; otherwise, returns false

See also setFocus().

new bool QtWebKit.IsNull ( )

Returns true if the element is a null element; otherwise returns false.

new QWebElement QtWebKit.LastChild ( )

Returns the element's last child.

See also firstChild(), previousSibling(), and nextSibling().

new string QtWebKit.LocalName ( )

Returns the local name of the element. If the element does not use namespaces, an empty string is returned.

new string QtWebKit.NamespaceUri ( )

Returns the namespace URI of this element. If the element has no namespace URI, an empty string is returned.

new QWebElement QtWebKit.NextSibling ( )

Returns the element's next sibling.

See also firstChild(), previousSibling(), and lastChild().

static bool QtWebKit.operator!= ( QWebElement  arg1,
QWebElement  arg2 

Returns true if this element points to a different underlying DOM object than o; otherwise returns false.

static bool QtWebKit.operator== ( QWebElement  arg1,
QWebElement  arg2 

Returns true if this element points to the same underlying DOM object as o; otherwise returns false.

new QWebElement QtWebKit.Parent ( )

Returns the parent element of this elemen. If this element is the root document element, a null element is returned.

new string QtWebKit.Prefix ( )

Returns the namespace prefix of the element. If the element has no namespace prefix, empty string is returned.

new void QtWebKit.PrependInside ( QWebElement  element)

Prepends element as the element's first child.

If element is the child of another element, it is re-parented to this element. If element is a child of this element, then its position in the list of children is changed.

Calling this function on a null element does nothing.

See also appendInside(), prependOutside(), and appendOutside().

new void QtWebKit.PrependInside ( string  markup)

Prepends the result of parsing markup as the element's first child.

Calling this function on a null element does nothing.

See also appendInside(), prependOutside(), and appendOutside().

new void QtWebKit.PrependOutside ( QWebElement  element)

Inserts the given element before this element.

If element is the child of another element, it is re-parented to the parent of this element.

Calling this function on a null element does nothing.

See also appendInside(), prependInside(), and appendOutside().

new void QtWebKit.PrependOutside ( string  markup)

Inserts the result of parsing markup before this element.

Calling this function on a null element does nothing.

See also appendInside(), prependInside(), and appendOutside().

new QWebElement QtWebKit.PreviousSibling ( )

Returns the element's previous sibling.

See also firstChild(), nextSibling(), and lastChild().

</para> *<para> button.evaluateJavaScript& QtWebKit.quot ( )
QtWebKit.QWebElement ( System.Type  dummy)
QtWebKit.QWebElement ( )

Constructs a null web element.

QtWebKit.QWebElement ( QWebElement  arg1)

Constructs a copy of other.

new void QtWebKit.RemoveAllChildren ( )

Removes all children from this element.

See also removeFromDocument() and takeFromDocument().

new void QtWebKit.RemoveAttribute ( string  name)

Removes the attribute with the given name from this element.

See also attribute(), setAttribute(), and hasAttribute().

new void QtWebKit.RemoveAttributeNS ( string  namespaceUri,
string  name 

Removes the attribute with the given name, in namespaceUri, from this element.

See also attributeNS(), setAttributeNS(), and hasAttributeNS().

new void QtWebKit.RemoveClass ( string  name)

Removes the specified class with the given name from the element.

new void QtWebKit.RemoveFromDocument ( )

Removes this element from the document and makes it a null element.

See also removeAllChildren() and takeFromDocument().

new void QtWebKit.Render ( QPainter  painter)

Render the element into painter .

new void QtWebKit.Render ( QPainter  painter,
QRect  clipRect 

Render the element into painter clipping to clip.

new void QtWebKit.Replace ( QWebElement  element)

Replaces this element with element.

This method will not replace the <html>, <head> or <body> elements.

See also encloseWith().

new void QtWebKit.Replace ( string  markup)

Replaces this element with the result of parsing markup.

This method will not replace the <html>, <head> or <body> elements.

See also encloseWith().

new void QtWebKit.SetAttribute ( string  name,
string  value 

Adds an attribute with the given name and value. If an attribute with the same name exists, its value is replaced by value.

See also attribute(), attributeNS(), and setAttributeNS().

new void QtWebKit.SetAttributeNS ( string  namespaceUri,
string  name,
string  value 

Adds an attribute with the given name in namespaceUri with value. If an attribute with the same name exists, its value is replaced by value.

See also attributeNS(), attribute(), and setAttribute().

new void QtWebKit.SetFocus ( )

Gives keyboard input focus to this element

See also hasFocus().

new void QtWebKit.SetInnerXml ( string  markup)

Replaces the contents of this element with markup. The string may contain HTML or XML tags, which is parsed and formatted before insertion into the document.

Note: This is currently implemented for (X)HTML elements only.

See also toInnerXml(), toOuterXml(), and setOuterXml().

new void QtWebKit.SetOuterXml ( string  markup)

Replaces the contents of this element as well as its own tag with markup. The string may contain HTML or XML tags, which is parsed and formatted before insertion into the document.

Note: This is currently only implemented for (X)HTML elements.

See also toOuterXml(), toInnerXml(), and setInnerXml().

new void QtWebKit.SetPlainText ( string  text)

Replaces the existing content of this element with text.

This is equivalent to setting the HTML innerText property.

See also toPlainText().

new void QtWebKit.SetStyleProperty ( string  name,
string  value 

Sets the value of the inline style with the given name to value.

Setting a value, does not necessarily mean that it will become the applied value, due to the fact that the style property's value might have been set earlier with a higher priority in external or embedded style declarations.

In order to ensure that the value will be applied, you may have to append "!important" to the value.

See also styleProperty().

new string QtWebKit.StyleProperty ( string  name,
QWebElement.StyleResolveStrategy  strategy 

Returns the value of the style with the given name using the specified strategy. If a style with name does not exist, an empty string is returned.

In CSS, the cascading part depends on which CSS rule has priority and is thus applied. Generally, the last defined rule has priority. Thus, an inline style rule has priority over an embedded block style rule, which in return has priority over an external style rule.

If the "!important" declaration is set on one of those, the declaration receives highest priority, unless other declarations also use the "!important" declaration. Then, the last "!important" declaration takes predecence.

See also setStyleProperty().

new string QtWebKit.TagName ( )

Returns the tag name of this element.

See also geometry().

new QWebElement QtWebKit.TakeFromDocument ( )

Removes this element from the document and returns a reference to it.

The element is still valid after removal, and can be inserted into other parts of the document.

See also removeAllChildren() and removeFromDocument().

new void QtWebKit.ToggleClass ( string  name)

Adds the specified class with the given name if it is not present. If the class is already present, it will be removed.

new string QtWebKit.ToInnerXml ( )

Returns the XML content between the element's start and end tags.

Note: This is currently implemented for (X)HTML elements only.

Note: The format of the markup returned will obey the namespace of the document containing the element. This means the return value will obey XML formatting rules, such as self-closing tags, only if the document is 'text/xhtml+xml'.

See also setInnerXml(), setOuterXml(), and toOuterXml().

new string QtWebKit.ToOuterXml ( )

Returns this element converted to XML, including the start and the end tags as well as its attributes.

Note: This is currently implemented for (X)HTML elements only.

Note: The format of the markup returned will obey the namespace of the document containing the element. This means the return value will obey XML formatting rules, such as self-closing tags, only if the document is 'text/xhtml+xml'.

See also setOuterXml(), setInnerXml(), and toInnerXml().

</para> *<para> The underlying content of QWebElement is explicitly shared.Creating a copy of a QWebElement does not create a copy of the content.both instances point to the same element.</para> *<para> The contents of child elements can be converted to plain text with QtWebKit.toPlainText ( )
new string QtWebKit.ToPlainText ( )

Returns the text between the start and the end tag of this element.

This is equivalent to reading the HTML innerText property.

See also setPlainText().

new QWebFrame QtWebKit.WebFrame ( )

Returns the web frame which this element is a part of. If the element is a null element, null is returned.

QtWebKit.~QWebElement ( )

Destroys the element. However, the underlying DOM element is not destroyed.

Variable Documentation

</para> *<para></para> *<para> QWebElementCollection QtWebKit.allSpans = document.findAll(&quot;span&quot;)

The QWebElement class provides convenient access to DOM elements in a QWebFrame.

A QWebElement object allows easy access to the document model, represented by a tree-like structure of DOM elements. The root of the tree is called the document element and can be accessed using QWebFrame::documentElement().

Specific elements can be accessed using findAll() and findFirst(). These elements are identified using CSS selectors. The code snippet below demonstrates the use of findAll().

QWebElement document = frame->documentElement();

/* Assume the document has the following structure:

<p class=intro>








</para> *<para> QWebElement QtWebKit.body = doc.firstChild()
</para> *<para></para> *<para></para> *<para> QWebElement QtWebKit.button = document.findFirst(&quot;input[type=submit]&quot;)
</para> *<para> QWebElement QtWebKit.doc = frame-&gt
</para> *<para> When the same page is later the browser can fill in the text field automatically by modifying the value attribute of the input QtWebKit.element
</para> *<para> QWebElement QtWebKit.firstParagraph = body.firstChild()
</para> *<para> The underlying content of QWebElement is explicitly shared.Creating a copy of a QWebElement does not create a copy of the content. QtWebKit.Instead
SmokeInvocation QtWebKit.interceptor
</para> *<para> QWebElementCollection QtWebKit.introSpans = document.findAll(&quot;p.intro span&quot;)
</para> *<para> The first list contains all span elements in the document.The second list contains span elements that are children of QtWebKit.p
</para > *< para > textInput setAttribute & QtWebKit.quot
</para> *<para> When the same page is later QtWebKit.revisited
</para> *<para> QWebElement QtWebKit.secondParagraph = firstParagraph.nextSibling()
System.IntPtr QtWebKit.smokeObject
</para> *<para> QString QtWebKit.storedText = firstTextInput.attribute(&quot;value&quot;)