
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAboutPluginA copy of Kirigami.AboutPage adapted to KPluginMetadata instead of KAboutData
 CAbstractKCMThis component is intended to be used as root item for KCMs with arbitrary content
 CGridDelegateBase delegate for KControlmodules based on Grid views of thumbnails Use the onClicked signal handler for managing the main action when the user clicks on the thumbnail @inherits QtQuick.Templates.ItemDelegate
 CGridViewA ScrollView containing a GridView, with the default behavior about sizing and background as recommended by the user interface guidelines For most KControl modules, it's recommended to use instead the GridViewKCM component as the root element of your module
 CGridViewKCMThis component is intended to be used as the root item for KCMs that are based upon a grid view of thumbnails, such as the theme or wallpaper selectors
 CKAbstractConfigModuleBase class for QML and QWidgets config modules
 CKCModuleThe base class for QWidgets configuration modules
 CKCModuleDataA base class that offers information about a KCModule state
 CKCMultiDialogA class that offers a KPageDialog containing config modules
 CKPluginModelA model that provides a list of available plugins and allows to disable/enable them
 CKPluginWidgetA widget that shows a list of available plugins and allows to disable/enable them and open their configuration UI
 CKQuickConfigModuleThe base class for QtQuick configuration modules
 CKQuickManagedConfigModuleThe base class for configuration modules using KConfigXT settings
 CPluginSelectorListView for showing plugins with their info and configuration
 CScrollViewA ScrollView containing a GridView, with the default behavior about sizing and background as recommended by the user interface guidelines For most KControl modules, it's recommended to use instead the GridViewKCM component as the root element of your module
 CScrollViewKCMThis component is intended to be used as the root item for KCMs that are based upon a list view or another vertical flickable
 CSettingHighlighterSettingHighlighter automatically impacts the representation of an item based on the value of a setting
 CSettingStateBindingSettingStateBinding automatically impacts the representation of an item based on the state of a setting
 CSettingStateProxyThis element allows to represent in a declarative way the state of a particular setting in a config object
 CSimpleKCMThis component is intended to be used as root item for KCMs with arbitrary content
 CUnboundScrollAreaCustom QScrollArea class that doesn't limit its size hint
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