
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Alexander Lohnau <alexander.lohnau@gmx.de>
3 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
9#include "kcmutilscore_export.h"
11#include <QObject>
13#include <memory>
15class KPluginMetaData;
16class KAbstractConfigModulePrivate;
19 * Base class for QML and QWidgets config modules.
20 *
21 * @author Alexander Lohnau
22 * @since 6.0
23 */
24class KCMUTILSCORE_EXPORT KAbstractConfigModule : public QObject
28 Q_PROPERTY(KAbstractConfigModule::Buttons buttons READ buttons WRITE setButtons NOTIFY buttonsChanged)
29 Q_PROPERTY(bool defaultsIndicatorsVisible READ defaultsIndicatorsVisible WRITE setDefaultsIndicatorsVisible NOTIFY defaultsIndicatorsVisibleChanged)
30 Q_PROPERTY(bool needsAuthorization READ needsAuthorization NOTIFY authActionNameChanged)
31 Q_PROPERTY(bool representsDefaults READ representsDefaults WRITE setRepresentsDefaults NOTIFY representsDefaultsChanged)
32 Q_PROPERTY(bool needsSave READ needsSave WRITE setNeedsSave NOTIFY needsSaveChanged)
33 Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name CONSTANT)
34 Q_PROPERTY(QString description READ description CONSTANT)
36 /**
37 * An enumeration type for the buttons used by this module.
38 * You should only use Help, Default and Apply. The rest is obsolete.
39 * NoAdditionalButton can be used when we do not want have other button that Ok Cancel
40 *
41 * @see ConfigModule::buttons @see ConfigModule::setButtons
42 */
43 enum Button {
44 NoAdditionalButton = 0,
45 Help = 1,
46 Default = 2,
47 Apply = 4,
48 Export = 8,
49 };
51 Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Buttons, Button)
52 Q_FLAG(Buttons)
54 explicit KAbstractConfigModule(QObject *parent, const KPluginMetaData &metaData);
56 ~KAbstractConfigModule() override;
58 /**
59 * @brief Set if the module's save() method requires authorization to be executed
60 *
61 * It will still have to execute the action itself using the KAuth library, so
62 * this method is not technically needed to perform the action, but
63 * using this method will ensure that hosting
64 * applications like System Settings or kcmshell behave correctly.
65 *
66 * @param action the action that will be used by this ConfigModule
67 */
68 void setAuthActionName(const QString &action);
70 /**
71 * Returns the action previously set with setAuthActionName(). By default this will be a empty string.
72 *
73 * @return The action that has to be authorized to execute the save() method.
74 */
75 QString authActionName() const;
77 /**
78 * The auth action name has changed
79 */
82 /**
83 * Set this property to true when the user changes something in the module,
84 * signaling that a save (such as user pressing Ok or Apply) is needed.
85 */
86 void setNeedsSave(bool needs);
88 /**
89 * True when the module has something changed and needs save.
90 */
91 bool needsSave() const;
93 /**
94 * Indicate that the state of the modules contents has changed.
95 *
96 * This signal is emitted whenever the state of the configuration
97 * shown in the module changes. It allows the module container to
98 * keep track of unsaved changes.
99 */
102 /**
103 * Set this property to true when the user sets the state of the module
104 * to the default settings (e.g. clicking Defaults would do nothing).
105 */
108 /**
109 * True when the module state represents the default settings.
110 */
111 bool representsDefaults() const;
113 /**
114 * Indicate that the state of the modules contents has changed
115 * in a way that it might represents the defaults settings, or
116 * stopped representing them.
117 */
120 /**
121 * Sets the buttons to display.
122 *
123 * Help: shows a "Help" button.
124 *
125 * Default: shows a "Use Defaults" button.
126 *
127 * Apply: shows an "Ok", "Apply" and "Cancel" button.
128 *
129 * If Apply is not specified, kcmshell will show a "Close" button.
130 *
131 * @see ConfigModule::buttons
132 */
133 void setButtons(const Buttons btn);
135 /**
136 * Indicate which buttons will be used.
137 *
138 * The return value is a value or'ed together from
139 * the Button enumeration type.
140 *
141 * @see ConfigModule::setButtons
142 */
143 Buttons buttons() const;
145 /**
146 * Buttons to display changed.
147 */
150 /**
151 * @return true, if the authActionName is not empty
152 * @sa setAuthActionName
153 */
154 bool needsAuthorization() const;
156 /**
157 * @returns the name of the config module
158 */
159 QString name() const;
161 /**
162 * @returns the description of the config module
163 */
164 QString description() const;
166 /**
167 * Change defaultness indicator visibility
168 * @param visible
169 */
170 void setDefaultsIndicatorsVisible(bool visible);
172 /**
173 * @returns defaultness indicator visibility
174 */
175 bool defaultsIndicatorsVisible() const;
177 /**
178 * Emitted when kcm need to display indicators for field with non default value
179 */
182 /**
183 * Returns the metaData that was used when instantiating the plugin
184 */
187 /**
188 * This signal will be emited by a single-instance application (such as
189 * System Settings) to request activation and update arguments to a module
190 * that is already running
191 *
192 * The module should connect to this signal when it needs to handle
193 * the activation request and specially the new arguments
194 *
195 * @param args A list of arguments that get passed to the module
196 */
197 Q_SIGNAL void activationRequested(const QVariantList &args);
199 /**
200 * Load the configuration data into the module.
201 *
202 * The load method sets the user interface elements of the
203 * module to reflect the current settings stored in the
204 * configuration files.
205 *
206 * This method is invoked whenever the module should read its configuration
207 * (most of the times from a config file) and update the user interface.
208 * This happens when the user clicks the "Reset" button in the control
209 * center, to undo all of his changes and restore the currently valid
210 * settings. It is also called right after construction.
211 */
212 virtual void load();
214 /**
215 * The save method stores the config information as shown
216 * in the user interface in the config files.
217 *
218 * This method is called when the user clicks "Apply" or "Ok".
219 *
220 */
221 virtual void save();
223 /**
224 * Sets the configuration to default values.
225 *
226 * This method is called when the user clicks the "Default"
227 * button.
228 */
229 virtual void defaults();
232 const std::unique_ptr<KAbstractConfigModulePrivate> d;
Base class for QML and QWidgets config modules.
virtual void defaults()
Sets the configuration to default values.
void setNeedsSave(bool needs)
Set this property to true when the user changes something in the module, signaling that a save (such ...
KPluginMetaData metaData() const
Returns the metaData that was used when instantiating the plugin.
virtual void save()
The save method stores the config information as shown in the user interface in the config files.
void setDefaultsIndicatorsVisible(bool visible)
Change defaultness indicator visibility.
Q_SIGNAL void representsDefaultsChanged()
Indicate that the state of the modules contents has changed in a way that it might represents the def...
Q_SIGNAL void defaultsIndicatorsVisibleChanged()
Emitted when kcm need to display indicators for field with non default value.
Q_SIGNAL void buttonsChanged()
Buttons to display changed.
An enumeration type for the buttons used by this module.
virtual void load()
Load the configuration data into the module.
Q_SIGNAL void activationRequested(const QVariantList &args)
This signal will be emited by a single-instance application (such as System Settings) to request acti...
Q_SIGNAL void needsSaveChanged()
Indicate that the state of the modules contents has changed.
Q_SIGNAL void authActionNameChanged()
The auth action name has changed.
void setButtons(const Buttons btn)
Sets the buttons to display.
void setRepresentsDefaults(bool defaults)
Set this property to true when the user sets the state of the module to the default settings (e....
QObject(QObject *parent)
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