
Search for usage in LXR

#include <KConfigGroup>

Inheritance diagram for KConfigGroup:

Public Member Functions

 KConfigGroup ()
 KConfigGroup (const KConfigBase *master, const QString &group)
 KConfigGroup (const KConfigGroup &)
 KConfigGroup (const QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< KSharedConfig > &master, const QString &group)
 KConfigGroup (KConfigBase *master, const QString &group)
AccessMode accessMode () const override
KConfigconfig ()
const KConfigconfig () const
void copyTo (KConfigBase *other, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal) const
void deleteEntry (const char *key, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void deleteEntry (const QString &pKey, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void deleteGroup (const QString &group, WriteConfigFlags flags=Normal)
void deleteGroup (WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
QMap< QString, QStringentryMap () const
bool exists () const
QStringList groupList () const override
bool hasDefault (const char *key) const
bool hasDefault (const QString &key) const
bool hasKey (const char *key) const
bool hasKey (const QString &key) const
bool isEntryImmutable (const char *key) const
bool isEntryImmutable (const QString &key) const
bool isImmutable () const override
bool isValid () const
QStringList keyList () const
void markAsClean () override
void moveValuesTo (const QList< const char * > &keys, KConfigGroup &other, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void moveValuesTo (KConfigGroup &other, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
QString name () const
KConfigGroupoperator= (const KConfigGroup &)
KConfigGroup parent () const
QString readEntry (const char *key, const char *aDefault=nullptr) const
template<typename T >
QList< T > readEntry (const char *key, const QList< T > &aDefault) const
QString readEntry (const char *key, const QString &aDefault) const
QStringList readEntry (const char *key, const QStringList &aDefault) const
QVariant readEntry (const char *key, const QVariant &aDefault) const
QVariantList readEntry (const char *key, const QVariantList &aDefault) const
template<typename T >
readEntry (const char *key, const T &aDefault) const
QString readEntry (const QString &key, const char *aDefault=nullptr) const
template<typename T >
QList< T > readEntry (const QString &key, const QList< T > &aDefault) const
QString readEntry (const QString &key, const QString &aDefault) const
QStringList readEntry (const QString &key, const QStringList &aDefault) const
QVariant readEntry (const QString &key, const QVariant &aDefault) const
QVariantList readEntry (const QString &key, const QVariantList &aDefault) const
template<typename T >
readEntry (const QString &key, const T &aDefault) const
QString readEntryUntranslated (const char *key, const QString &aDefault=QString()) const
QString readEntryUntranslated (const QString &pKey, const QString &aDefault=QString()) const
QString readPathEntry (const char *key, const QString &aDefault) const
QStringList readPathEntry (const char *key, const QStringList &aDefault) const
QString readPathEntry (const QString &pKey, const QString &aDefault) const
QStringList readPathEntry (const QString &pKey, const QStringList &aDefault) const
QStringList readXdgListEntry (const char *key, const QStringList &aDefault=QStringList()) const
QStringList readXdgListEntry (const QString &pKey, const QStringList &aDefault=QStringList()) const
void reparent (KConfigBase *parent, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void revertToDefault (const char *key, WriteConfigFlags pFlag=WriteConfigFlags())
void revertToDefault (const QString &key, WriteConfigFlags pFlag=WriteConfigFlags())
bool sync () override
void writeEntry (const char *key, const char *value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeEntry (const char *key, const QByteArray &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
template<typename T >
void writeEntry (const char *key, const QList< T > &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeEntry (const char *key, const QString &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeEntry (const char *key, const QStringList &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeEntry (const char *key, const QVariant &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeEntry (const char *key, const QVariantList &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
template<typename T >
void writeEntry (const char *key, const T &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeEntry (const QString &key, const char *value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeEntry (const QString &key, const QByteArray &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
template<typename T >
void writeEntry (const QString &key, const QList< T > &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeEntry (const QString &key, const QString &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeEntry (const QString &key, const QStringList &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeEntry (const QString &key, const QVariant &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeEntry (const QString &key, const QVariantList &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
template<typename T >
void writeEntry (const QString &key, const T &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writePathEntry (const char *Key, const QString &path, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writePathEntry (const char *key, const QStringList &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writePathEntry (const QString &pKey, const QString &path, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writePathEntry (const QString &pKey, const QStringList &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeXdgListEntry (const char *key, const QStringList &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
void writeXdgListEntry (const QString &pKey, const QStringList &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
- Public Member Functions inherited from KConfigBase
virtual ~KConfigBase ()
void deleteGroup (const QString &group, WriteConfigFlags flags=Normal)
KConfigGroup group (const QString &group)
const KConfigGroup group (const QString &group) const
bool hasGroup (const QString &group) const
bool isGroupImmutable (const QString &group) const

Protected Member Functions

void deleteGroupImpl (const QString &groupName, WriteConfigFlags flags) override
const KConfigGroup groupImpl (const QString &groupName) const override
KConfigGroup groupImpl (const QString &groupName) override
bool hasGroupImpl (const QString &groupName) const override
bool isGroupImmutableImpl (const QString &groupName) const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from KConfigBase
virtual void virtual_hook (int id, void *data)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from KConfigBase
enum  AccessMode { NoAccess , ReadOnly , ReadWrite }
enum  WriteConfigFlag {
  Persistent = 0x01 , Global = 0x02 , Localized = 0x04 , Notify = 0x08 | Persistent ,
  Normal = Persistent
typedef QFlags< WriteConfigFlagWriteConfigFlags

Detailed Description

A class for one specific group in a KConfig object.

If you want to access the top-level entries of a KConfig object, which are not associated with any group, use an empty group name.

A KConfigGroup will be read-only if it is constructed from a const config object or from another read-only group.

Definition at line 38 of file kconfiggroup.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KConfigGroup() [1/5]

KConfigGroup::KConfigGroup ( )

Constructs an invalid group.

See also

Definition at line 445 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ KConfigGroup() [2/5]

KConfigGroup::KConfigGroup ( KConfigBase * master,
const QString & group )

Construct a config group corresponding to group in master.

This allows the creation of subgroups by passing another group as master.

groupname of group

Definition at line 472 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ KConfigGroup() [3/5]

KConfigGroup::KConfigGroup ( const KConfigBase * master,
const QString & group )

Construct a read-only config group.

A read-only group will silently ignore any attempts to write to it.

This allows the creation of subgroups by passing an existing group as master.

Definition at line 477 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ KConfigGroup() [4/5]

KConfigGroup::KConfigGroup ( const QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< KSharedConfig > & master,
const QString & group )

Overload for KConfigGroup(const KConfigBase*,const QString&)

Definition at line 482 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ KConfigGroup() [5/5]

KConfigGroup::KConfigGroup ( const KConfigGroup & rhs)

Creates a copy of a group.

Definition at line 493 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ ~KConfigGroup()

KConfigGroup::~KConfigGroup ( )

Definition at line 498 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ accessMode()

KConfigGroup::AccessMode KConfigGroup::accessMode ( ) const
Reimplemented from superclass.

Implements KConfigBase.

Definition at line 1164 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ config() [1/2]

KConfig * KConfigGroup::config ( )

Return the config object that this group belongs to.

Definition at line 584 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ config() [2/2]

const KConfig * KConfigGroup::config ( ) const

Return the config object that this group belongs to.

Definition at line 591 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ copyTo()

void KConfigGroup::copyTo ( KConfigBase * other,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal ) const

Copies the entries in this group to another configuration object.

other can be either another group or a different file.
otherthe configuration object to copy this group's entries to
pFlagsthe flags to use when writing the entries to the other configuration object

Definition at line 1197 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ deleteEntry() [1/2]

void KConfigGroup::deleteEntry ( const char * key,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for deleteEntry(const QString&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 1079 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ deleteEntry() [2/2]

void KConfigGroup::deleteEntry ( const QString & pKey,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Deletes the entry specified by pKey in the current group.

This also hides system wide defaults.

pKeythe key to delete
pFlagsthe flags to use when deleting this entry
See also
deleteGroup(), readEntry(), writeEntry()

Definition at line 1087 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ deleteGroup() [1/2]

void KConfigBase::deleteGroup ( const QString & group,
WriteConfigFlags flags = Normal )

Delete group.

This marks group as deleted in the config object. This effectively removes any cascaded values from config files earlier in the stack.

Definition at line 108 of file kconfigbase.cpp.

◆ deleteGroup() [2/2]

void KConfigGroup::deleteGroup ( WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal)

Delete all entries in the entire group.

pFlagsflags passed to KConfig::deleteGroup
See also

Definition at line 544 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ deleteGroupImpl()

void KConfigGroup::deleteGroupImpl ( const QString & groupName,
WriteConfigFlags flags )
groupNamename of group

Implements KConfigBase.

Definition at line 1178 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ entryMap()

QMap< QString, QString > KConfigGroup::entryMap ( ) const

Returns a map (tree) of entries for all entries in this group.

Only the actual entry string is returned, none of the other internal data should be included.

a map of entries in this group, indexed by key

Definition at line 577 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ exists()

bool KConfigGroup::exists ( ) const

Check whether the containing KConfig object actually contains a group with this name.

Definition at line 559 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ groupImpl() [1/2]

const KConfigGroup KConfigGroup::groupImpl ( const QString & groupName) const
groupNamename of group

Implements KConfigBase.

Definition at line 515 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ groupImpl() [2/2]

KConfigGroup KConfigGroup::groupImpl ( const QString & groupName)
groupNamename of group

Implements KConfigBase.

Definition at line 503 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ groupList()

QStringList KConfigGroup::groupList ( ) const
Reimplemented from superclass.

Implements KConfigBase.

Definition at line 1143 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ hasDefault() [1/2]

bool KConfigGroup::hasDefault ( const char * key) const

Overload for hasDefault(const QString&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 1105 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ hasDefault() [2/2]

bool KConfigGroup::hasDefault ( const QString & key) const

Whether a default is specified for an entry in either the system wide configuration file or the global KDE config file.

If an application computes a default value at runtime for a certain entry, e.g. like:

QColor computedDefault = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text);
QColor color = group.readEntry(key, computedDefault);
KConfigGroup group(const QString &group)
Returns an object for the named subgroup.
T readEntry(const QString &key, const T &aDefault) const
Reads the value of an entry specified by pKey in the current group.

then it may wish to make the following check before writing back changes:

if ( (value == computedDefault) && !group.hasDefault(key) )
group.writeEntry(key, value);
bool hasDefault(const QString &key) const
Whether a default is specified for an entry in either the system wide configuration file or the globa...
void revertToDefault(const QString &key, WriteConfigFlags pFlag=WriteConfigFlags())
Reverts an entry to the default settings.
void writeEntry(const QString &key, const QVariant &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
Writes a value to the configuration object.

This ensures that as long as the entry is not modified to differ from the computed default, the application will keep using the computed default and will follow changes the computed default makes over time.

keythe key of the entry to check
true if the global or system settings files specify a default for key in this group, false otherwise

Definition at line 1114 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ hasGroupImpl()

bool KConfigGroup::hasGroupImpl ( const QString & groupName) const
groupNamename of group

Implements KConfigBase.

Definition at line 1171 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ hasKey() [1/2]

bool KConfigGroup::hasKey ( const char * key) const

Overload for hasKey(const QString&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 1119 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ hasKey() [2/2]

bool KConfigGroup::hasKey ( const QString & key) const

Checks whether the key has an entry in this group.

Use this to determine if a key is not specified for the current group (hasKey() returns false).

If this returns false for a key, readEntry() (and its variants) will return the default value passed to them.

keythe key to search for
true if the key is defined in this group by any of the configuration sources, false otherwise
See also

Definition at line 1131 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ isEntryImmutable() [1/2]

bool KConfigGroup::isEntryImmutable ( const char * key) const

Overload for isEntryImmutable(const QString&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 598 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ isEntryImmutable() [2/2]

bool KConfigGroup::isEntryImmutable ( const QString & key) const

Checks if it is possible to change the given entry.

If isImmutable() returns true, then this method will return true for all inputs.

keythe key to check
false if the key may be changed using this configuration group object, true otherwise

Definition at line 605 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ isGroupImmutableImpl()

bool KConfigGroup::isGroupImmutableImpl ( const QString & groupName) const
groupNamename of group

Implements KConfigBase.

Definition at line 1186 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ isImmutable()

bool KConfigGroup::isImmutable ( ) const

Whether this group may be changed.

false if the group may be changed, true otherwise

Implements KConfigBase.

Definition at line 1136 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ isValid()

bool KConfigGroup::isValid ( ) const

Whether the group is valid.

A group is invalid if it was constructed without arguments.

You should not call any functions on an invalid group.

true if the group is valid, false if it is invalid.

Definition at line 450 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ keyList()

QStringList KConfigGroup::keyList ( ) const

Returns a list of keys this group contains.

Definition at line 1150 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ markAsClean()

void KConfigGroup::markAsClean ( )
Reimplemented from superclass.

Implements KConfigBase.

Definition at line 1157 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ moveValuesTo() [1/2]

void KConfigGroup::moveValuesTo ( const QList< const char * > & keys,
KConfigGroup & other,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Moves the key-value pairs from one config group to the other.

In case the entries do not exist the key is ignored.


Definition at line 1247 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ moveValuesTo() [2/2]

void KConfigGroup::moveValuesTo ( KConfigGroup & other,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Moves the key-value pairs from one config group to the other.


Definition at line 1257 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ name()

QString KConfigGroup::name ( ) const

The name of this group.

The root group is named "<default>".

Definition at line 552 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ operator=()

KConfigGroup & KConfigGroup::operator= ( const KConfigGroup & rhs)

Definition at line 487 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ parent()

KConfigGroup KConfigGroup::parent ( ) const

Returns the group that this group belongs to.

the parent group, or an invalid group if this is a top-level group

Definition at line 527 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntry() [1/14]

QString KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const char * key,
const char * aDefault = nullptr ) const

Overload for readEntry(const QString&, const QString&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 626 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntry() [2/14]

template<typename T >
QList< T > KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const char * key,
const QList< T > & aDefault ) const

Overload for readEntry<T>(const QString&, const QList<T>&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 769 of file kconfiggroup.h.

◆ readEntry() [3/14]

QString KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const char * key,
const QString & aDefault ) const

Overload for readEntry(const QString&, const QString&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 636 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntry() [4/14]

QStringList KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const char * key,
const QStringList & aDefault ) const

Overload for readEntry(const QString&, const QStringList&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 660 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntry() [5/14]

QVariant KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const char * key,
const QVariant & aDefault ) const

Overload for readEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 677 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntry() [6/14]

QVariantList KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const char * key,
const QVariantList & aDefault ) const

Overload for readEntry(const QString&, const QVariantList&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 699 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntry() [7/14]

template<typename T >
T KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const char * key,
const T & aDefault ) const

Overload for readEntry<T>(const QString&, const T&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 762 of file kconfiggroup.h.

◆ readEntry() [8/14]

QString KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const QString & key,
const char * aDefault = nullptr ) const

Overload for readEntry(const QString&, const QString&) const.

Definition at line 631 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntry() [9/14]

template<typename T >
QList< T > KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const QString & key,
const QList< T > & aDefault ) const

Reads a list of values from the config object.

keythe key to search for
aDefaultthe default value to use if the key does not exist
the list, or aDefault if key does not exist
See also
readXdgListEntry(), writeEntry(), deleteEntry(), hasKey()

Definition at line 317 of file kconfiggroup.h.

◆ readEntry() [10/14]

QString KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const QString & key,
const QString & aDefault ) const

Reads the string value of an entry specified by key in the current group.

If you want to read a path, please use readPathEntry().

keythe key to search for
aDefaulta default value returned if the key was not found
the value for this key, or aDefault if the key was not found
See also
readPathEntry(), writeEntry(), deleteEntry(), hasKey()

Definition at line 655 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntry() [11/14]

QStringList KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const QString & key,
const QStringList & aDefault ) const

Reads a list of strings from the config object.

keyThe key to search for
aDefaultThe default value to use if the key does not exist
The list, or aDefault if key does not exist
See also
readXdgListEntry(), writeEntry(), deleteEntry(), hasKey()

Definition at line 672 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntry() [12/14]

QVariant KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const QString & key,
const QVariant & aDefault ) const

Reads the value of an entry specified by key in the current group.

keythe key to search for
aDefaulta default value returned if the key was not found
the value for this key, or aDefault if the key was not found
See also
writeEntry(), deleteEntry(), hasKey()

Definition at line 694 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntry() [13/14]

QVariantList KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const QString & key,
const QVariantList & aDefault ) const

Overload for readEntry(const QString&, const QStringList&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8
This function doesn't convert the items returned to any type. It's actually a list of QVariant::String's. If you want the items converted to a specific type use readEntry(const char*, const QList<T>&) const

Definition at line 719 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntry() [14/14]

template<typename T >
T KConfigGroup::readEntry ( const QString & key,
const T & aDefault ) const

Reads the value of an entry specified by pKey in the current group.

This template method makes it possible to write QString foo = readEntry("...", QString("default")); and the same with all other types supported by QVariant.

The return type of the method is simply the same as the type of the default value.

readEntry("...", Qt::white) will not compile because Qt::white is an enum. You must turn it into readEntry("...", QColor(Qt::white)).
Only the following QVariant types are allowed : String, StringList, List, Font, Point, PointF, Rect, RectF, Size, SizeF, Color, Int, UInt, Bool, Double, LongLong, ULongLong, DateTime and Date.
keyThe key to search for
aDefaultA default value returned if the key was not found
The value for this key, or aDefault.
See also
writeEntry(), deleteEntry(), hasKey()

Definition at line 223 of file kconfiggroup.h.

◆ readEntryUntranslated() [1/2]

QString KConfigGroup::readEntryUntranslated ( const char * key,
const QString & aDefault = QString() ) const

Overload for readEntryUntranslated(const QString&, const QString&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 615 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readEntryUntranslated() [2/2]

QString KConfigGroup::readEntryUntranslated ( const QString & pKey,
const QString & aDefault = QString() ) const

Reads an untranslated string entry.

You should not normally need to use this.

pKeythe key to search for
aDefaulta default value returned if the key was not found
the value for this key, or aDefault if the key does not exist

Definition at line 610 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readPathEntry() [1/4]

QString KConfigGroup::readPathEntry ( const char * key,
const QString & aDefault ) const

Overload for readPathEntry(const QString&, const QString&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 769 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readPathEntry() [2/4]

QStringList KConfigGroup::readPathEntry ( const char * key,
const QStringList & aDefault ) const

Overload for readPathEntry(const QString&, const QStringList&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 788 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readPathEntry() [3/4]

QString KConfigGroup::readPathEntry ( const QString & pKey,
const QString & aDefault ) const

Reads a path.

Read the value of an entry specified by pKey in the current group and interpret it as a path. This means, dollar expansion is activated for this value, so that e.g. $HOME gets expanded.

pKeyThe key to search for.
aDefaultA default value returned if the key was not found.
The value for this key. Can be QString() if aDefault is null.

Definition at line 764 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readPathEntry() [4/4]

QStringList KConfigGroup::readPathEntry ( const QString & pKey,
const QStringList & aDefault ) const

Reads a list of paths.

Read the value of an entry specified by pKey in the current group and interpret it as a list of paths. This means, dollar expansion is activated for this value, so that e.g. $HOME gets expanded.

pKeythe key to search for
aDefaulta default value returned if the key was not found
the list, or aDefault if the key does not exist

Definition at line 783 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readXdgListEntry() [1/2]

QStringList KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry ( const char * key,
const QStringList & aDefault = QStringList() ) const

Overload for readXdgListEntry(const QString&, const QStringList&) const.

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 729 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ readXdgListEntry() [2/2]

QStringList KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry ( const QString & pKey,
const QStringList & aDefault = QStringList() ) const

Reads a list of strings from the config object with semicolons separating them (i.e.

following desktop entry spec separator semantics).

pKeythe key to search for
aDefaultthe default value to use if the key does not exist
the list, or aDefault if pKey does not exist
See also
readEntry(const QString&, const QStringList&) const

Definition at line 724 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ reparent()

void KConfigGroup::reparent ( KConfigBase * parent,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Changes the configuration object that this group belongs to.

other can be another group, the top-level KConfig object or a different KConfig object entirely.

If parent is already the parent of this group, this method will have no effect.

parentthe config object to place this group under
pFlagsthe flags to use in determining which storage source to write the data to

Definition at line 1212 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ revertToDefault() [1/2]

void KConfigGroup::revertToDefault ( const char * key,
WriteConfigFlags pFlag = WriteConfigFlags() )

Overload for revertToDefault(const QString&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 1092 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ revertToDefault() [2/2]

void KConfigGroup::revertToDefault ( const QString & key,
WriteConfigFlags pFlag = WriteConfigFlags() )

Reverts an entry to the default settings.

Reverts the entry with key key in the current group in the application specific config file to either the system wide (default) value or the value specified in the global KDE config file.

To revert entries in the global KDE config file, the global KDE config file should be opened explicitly in a separate config object.

This is not the same as deleting the key, as instead the global setting will be copied to the configuration file that this object manipulates.
keyThe key of the entry to revert.

Definition at line 1100 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ sync()

bool KConfigGroup::sync ( )
Reimplemented from superclass.

Syncs the parent config.

Implements KConfigBase.

Definition at line 566 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writeEntry() [1/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const char * key,
const char * value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for writeEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 821 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writeEntry() [2/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const char * key,
const QByteArray & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for writeEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 826 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writeEntry() [3/16]

template<typename T >
void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const char * key,
const QList< T > & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for writeEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 798 of file kconfiggroup.h.

◆ writeEntry() [4/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const char * key,
const QString & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for writeEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 800 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writeEntry() [5/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const char * key,
const QStringList & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for writeEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 839 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writeEntry() [6/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const char * key,
const QVariant & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for writeEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 878 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writeEntry() [7/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const char * key,
const QVariantList & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for writeEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 859 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writeEntry() [8/16]

template<typename T >
void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const char * key,
const T & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for writeEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 791 of file kconfiggroup.h.

◆ writeEntry() [9/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const QString & key,
const char * value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

◆ writeEntry() [10/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const QString & key,
const QByteArray & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

◆ writeEntry() [11/16]

template<typename T >
void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const QString & key,
const QList< T > & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

◆ writeEntry() [12/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const QString & key,
const QString & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

◆ writeEntry() [13/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const QString & key,
const QStringList & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

◆ writeEntry() [14/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const QString & key,
const QVariant & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Writes a value to the configuration object.

keythe key to write to
valuethe value to write
pFlagsthe flags to use when writing this entry
See also
readEntry(), writeXdgListEntry(), deleteEntry()

Definition at line 1014 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writeEntry() [15/16]

void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const QString & key,
const QVariantList & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

◆ writeEntry() [16/16]

template<typename T >
void KConfigGroup::writeEntry ( const QString & key,
const T & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

◆ writePathEntry() [1/4]

void KConfigGroup::writePathEntry ( const char * Key,
const QString & path,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for writePathEntry(const QString&, const QString&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 1052 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writePathEntry() [2/4]

void KConfigGroup::writePathEntry ( const char * key,
const QStringList & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for writePathEntry(const QString&, const QStringList&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 1065 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writePathEntry() [3/4]

void KConfigGroup::writePathEntry ( const QString & pKey,
const QString & path,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Writes a file path to the configuration.

If the path is located under $HOME, the user's home directory is replaced with $HOME in the persistent storage. The path should therefore be read back with readPathEntry()

pKeythe key to write to
paththe path to write
pFlagsthe flags to use when writing this entry
See also
writeEntry(), readPathEntry()

Definition at line 1047 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writePathEntry() [4/4]

void KConfigGroup::writePathEntry ( const QString & pKey,
const QStringList & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Writes a list of paths to the configuration.

If any of the paths are located under $HOME, the user's home directory is replaced with $HOME in the persistent storage. The paths should therefore be read back with readPathEntry()

pKeythe key to write to
valuethe list to write
pFlagsthe flags to use when writing this entry
See also
writeEntry(), readPathEntry()

Definition at line 1060 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writeXdgListEntry() [1/2]

void KConfigGroup::writeXdgListEntry ( const char * key,
const QStringList & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Overload for writeXdgListEntry(const QString&, const QStringList&, WriteConfigFlags)

keyname of key, encoded in UTF-8

Definition at line 1029 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

◆ writeXdgListEntry() [2/2]

void KConfigGroup::writeXdgListEntry ( const QString & pKey,
const QStringList & value,
WriteConfigFlags pFlags = Normal )

Writes a list of strings to the config object, following XDG desktop entry spec separator semantics.

pKeythe key to write to
valuethe list to write
pFlagsthe flags to use when writing this entry
See also
writeEntry(), readXdgListEntry()

Definition at line 1024 of file kconfiggroup.cpp.

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Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Oct 25 2024 11:52:40 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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