
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CKConfigBaseInterface to interact with configuration
 CKConfigThe central class of the KDE configuration data system
 CKDesktopFileKDE Desktop File Management
 CKSharedConfigKConfig variant using shared memory
 CKConfigGroupA class for one specific group in a KConfig object
 CKConfigParametersConfiguration Compiler Configuration
 CKConfigSkeletonItemClass for storing a preferences setting
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QColor >
 CKConfigSkeleton::ItemColorClass for handling a color preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QFont >
 CKConfigSkeleton::ItemFontClass for handling a font preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< bool >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemBoolClass for handling a bool preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QDateTime >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemDateTimeClass for handling a QDateTime preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< double >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemDoubleClass for handling a floating point preference item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< qint32 >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemIntClass for handling a 32-bit integer preferences item
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemEnumClass for handling enums
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QList< int > >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemIntListClass for handling an integer list preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< qint64 >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemLongLongClass for handling a 64-bit integer preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QPoint >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemPointClass for handling a QPoint preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QPointF >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemPointFClass for handling a QPointF preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QVariant >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemPropertyClass for handling a QVariant preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QRect >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemRectClass for handling a QRect preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QRectF >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemRectFClass for handling a QRectF preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QSize >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemSizeClass for handling a QSize preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QSizeF >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemSizeFClass for handling a QSizeF preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QString >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemStringClass for handling a string preferences item
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemPasswordClass for handling a password preferences item
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemPathClass for handling a path preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QStringList >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemStringListClass for handling a string list preferences item
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemPathListClass for handling a path list preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< quint32 >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemUIntClass for handling an unsigned 32-bit integer preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< quint64 >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemULongLongClass for handling unsigned 64-bit integer preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QUrl >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemUrlClass for handling a url preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< QList< QUrl > >
 CKCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemUrlListClass for handling a url list preferences item
 CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem< T >Base class for storing a preferences setting of type T
 CKPropertySkeletonItemClass for proxying a QObject property as a preferences setting
 CKDesktopFileActionClass for representing an Action of a desktop file
 CKEMailSettingsThis is just a small class to facilitate accessing e-mail settings in a sane way, and allowing any program to manage multiple e-mail profiles effortlessly
 CQObject [external]
 CKAuthorizedThe functions in this namespace provide the core of the Kiosk action restriction system; the KIO and KXMLGui frameworks build on this
 CKConfigWatcherNotifies when another client has updated this config file with the Notify flag set
 CKCoreConfigSkeletonClass for handling preferences settings for an application
 CKConfigSkeletonClass for handling preferences settings for an application
 CKConfigLoaderA KConfigSkeleton that populates itself based on KConfigXT XML
 CKStandardShortcut::StandardShortcutWatcherWatches for changes made to standard shortcuts and notifies about those changes
 CKWindowStateSaverSaves and restores a window size and (when possible) position
 CKWindowStateSaverQuickCreates a KWindowStateSaver in QML, and assigns it to the window it's parented to
 CQQmlPropertyMap [external]
 CKConfigPropertyMapAn object that (optionally) automatically saves changes in a property map to a configuration object (e.g
 CQQmlParserStatus [external]
 CKWindowStateSaverQuickCreates a KWindowStateSaver in QML, and assigns it to the window it's parented to
 CQSharedData [external]
 CKSharedConfigKConfig variant using shared memory
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Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 12:01:53 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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