Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼NKStandardShortcut | Convenient methods for access to the common accelerator keys in the key configuration |
CStandardShortcutWatcher | Watches for changes made to standard shortcuts and notifies about those changes |
CKAuthorized | The functions in this namespace provide the core of the Kiosk action restriction system; the KIO and KXMLGui frameworks build on this |
CKConfig | The central class of the KDE configuration data system |
CKConfigBase | Interface to interact with configuration |
CKConfigCompilerSignallingItem | |
CKConfigGroup | A class for one specific group in a KConfig object |
CKConfigLoader | A KConfigSkeleton that populates itself based on KConfigXT XML |
CKConfigParameters | Configuration Compiler Configuration |
CKConfigPropertyMap | An object that (optionally) automatically saves changes in a property map to a configuration object (e.g |
▼CKConfigSkeleton | Class for handling preferences settings for an application |
CItemColor | Class for handling a color preferences item |
CItemFont | Class for handling a font preferences item |
CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem | Base class for storing a preferences setting of type T |
CKConfigSkeletonItem | Class for storing a preferences setting |
CKConfigWatcher | Notifies when another client has updated this config file with the Notify flag set |
▼CKCoreConfigSkeleton | Class for handling preferences settings for an application |
CItemBool | Class for handling a bool preferences item |
CItemDateTime | Class for handling a QDateTime preferences item |
CItemDouble | Class for handling a floating point preference item |
CItemEnum | Class for handling enums |
CItemInt | Class for handling a 32-bit integer preferences item |
CItemIntList | Class for handling an integer list preferences item |
CItemLongLong | Class for handling a 64-bit integer preferences item |
CItemPassword | Class for handling a password preferences item |
CItemPath | Class for handling a path preferences item |
CItemPathList | Class for handling a path list preferences item |
CItemPoint | Class for handling a QPoint preferences item |
CItemPointF | Class for handling a QPointF preferences item |
CItemProperty | Class for handling a QVariant preferences item |
CItemRect | Class for handling a QRect preferences item |
CItemRectF | Class for handling a QRectF preferences item |
CItemSize | Class for handling a QSize preferences item |
CItemSizeF | Class for handling a QSizeF preferences item |
CItemString | Class for handling a string preferences item |
CItemStringList | Class for handling a string list preferences item |
CItemUInt | Class for handling an unsigned 32-bit integer preferences item |
CItemULongLong | Class for handling unsigned 64-bit integer preferences item |
CItemUrl | Class for handling a url preferences item |
CItemUrlList | Class for handling a url list preferences item |
CKDesktopFile | KDE Desktop File Management |
CKDesktopFileAction | Class for representing an Action of a desktop file |
CKEMailSettings | This is just a small class to facilitate accessing e-mail settings in a sane way, and allowing any program to manage multiple e-mail profiles effortlessly |
CKPropertySkeletonItem | Class for proxying a QObject property as a preferences setting |
CKSharedConfig | KConfig variant using shared memory |
CKWindowStateSaver | Saves and restores a window size and (when possible) position |
CKWindowStateSaverQuick | Creates a KWindowStateSaver in QML, and assigns it to the window it's parented to |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:59:53 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:59:53 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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