Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
▼ sources | |
▼ kcoreaddons | |
▼ src | |
▼ lib | |
► caching | |
ksdclock.cpp | |
ksdcmemory.cpp | |
kshareddatacache.cpp | |
kshareddatacache.h | |
kshareddatacache_win.cpp | |
posix_fallocate_mac.h | |
► io | |
kautosavefile.cpp | |
kautosavefile.h | |
kbackup.cpp | |
kbackup.h | |
kdirwatch.cpp | |
kdirwatch.h | |
kfilesystemtype.cpp | |
kfilesystemtype.h | |
kfileutils.cpp | |
kfileutils.h | |
knetworkmounts.cpp | |
knetworkmounts.h | |
kprocess.cpp | |
kprocess.h | |
kurlmimedata.cpp | |
kurlmimedata.h | |
► jobs | |
kcompositejob.cpp | |
kcompositejob.h | |
kjob.cpp | |
kjob.h | |
kjobtrackerinterface.cpp | |
kjobtrackerinterface.h | |
kjobuidelegate.cpp | |
kjobuidelegate.h | |
► plugin | |
kpluginfactory.cpp | |
kpluginfactory.h | |
kpluginmetadata.cpp | |
kpluginmetadata.h | |
kstaticpluginhelpers.cpp | |
► randomness | |
krandom.cpp | |
krandom.h | |
► text | |
kemoticonsparser.cpp | |
kfuzzymatcher.cpp | |
kfuzzymatcher.h | |
kjsonutils.cpp | |
kjsonutils.h | |
kmacroexpander.cpp | |
kmacroexpander.h | |
kmacroexpander_unix.cpp | |
kmacroexpander_win.cpp | |
kstringhandler.cpp | |
kstringhandler.h | |
ktexttohtml.cpp | |
ktexttohtml.h | |
► util | |
kformat.cpp | |
kformat.h | |
kformatprivate.cpp | |
klibexec.cpp | |
klibexec.h | |
klistopenfilesjob.h | |
klistopenfilesjob_unix.cpp | |
klistopenfilesjob_win.cpp | |
kmemoryinfo.cpp | |
kmemoryinfo.h | |
kosrelease.cpp | |
kosrelease.h | |
kprocesslist.cpp | |
kprocesslist.h | |
kprocesslist_unix.cpp | |
kprocesslist_unix_procstat.cpp | |
kprocesslist_win.cpp | |
kruntimeplatform.cpp | |
kruntimeplatform.h | |
ksandbox.cpp | |
ksandbox.h | |
kshell.cpp | |
kshell.h | |
kshell_unix.cpp | |
kshell_win.cpp | |
ksignalhandler.cpp | |
ksignalhandler.h | |
kuser.h | |
kuser_unix.cpp | |
kuser_win.cpp | |
kaboutdata.cpp | |
kaboutdata.h | |
kcoreaddons.cpp | |
kcoreaddons.h | |
▼ qml | |
formats.cpp | |
formats.h | |
kcoreaddonsplugin.cpp | |
kosreleaseproxy.cpp | |
kosreleaseproxy.h | |
kuserproxy.cpp | |
kuserproxy.h | |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:52:14 by
doxygen 1.13.2 written
Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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