
2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Marco Martin <>
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
5 */
7import QtQuick
8import QtQuick.Controls as QQC2
9import QtQuick.Templates as T
10import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
11import "templates/private" as TP
14 * A window that provides some basic features needed for all apps
15 * Use this class only if you need a custom content for your application,
16 * different from the Page Row behavior recommended by the HIG and provided
17 * by ApplicationWindow.
18 * It is recommended to use ApplicationWindow instead
19 * @see ApplicationWindow
20 *
21 * It's usually used as a root QML component for the application.
22 * It provides support for a central page stack, side drawers, and
23 * basic support for the Android back button.
24 *
25 * Setting a width and height property on the ApplicationWindow
26 * will set its initial size, but it won't set it as an automatically binding.
27 * to resize programmatically the ApplicationWindow they need to
28 * be assigned again in an imperative fashion
29 *
30 *
31 * Example usage:
32 * @code
33 * import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
34 *
35 * Kirigami.ApplicationWindow {
36 * [...]
37 * globalDrawer: Kirigami.GlobalDrawer {
38 * actions: [
39 * Kirigami.Action {
40 * text: "View"
41 * "view-list-icons"
42 * Kirigami.Action {
43 * text: "action 1"
44 * }
45 * Kirigami.Action {
46 * text: "action 2"
47 * }
48 * Kirigami.Action {
49 * text: "action 3"
50 * }
51 * },
52 * Kirigami.Action {
53 * text: "Sync"
54 * "folder-sync"
55 * }
56 * ]
57 * }
58 *
59 * contextDrawer: Kirigami.ContextDrawer {
60 * id: contextDrawer
61 * }
62 *
63 * pageStack: PageStack {
64 * ...
65 * }
66 * [...]
67 * }
68 * @endcode
69 *
70 * @inherit QtQuick.Controls.ApplicationWindow
71 */
72QQC2.ApplicationWindow {
73 id: root
75//BEGIN properties
76 /**
77 * @brief This property holds the stack used to allocate the pages and to manage the
78 * transitions between them.
79 *
80 * Put a container here, such as QtQuick.Controls.StackView.
81 */
82 property Item pageStack
84 /**
85 * @brief This property sets whether the standard chrome of the app is visible.
86 *
87 * These are the action button, the drawer handles, and the application header.
88 *
89 * default: ``true``
90 */
91 property bool controlsVisible: true
93 /**
94 * @brief This property holds the drawer for global actions.
95 *
96 * This drawer can be opened by sliding from the left screen edge
97 * or by dragging the ActionButton to the right.
98 *
99 * @note It is recommended to use the GlobalDrawer here.
100 * @property org::kde::kirigami::OverlayDrawer globalDrawer
101 */
102 property OverlayDrawer globalDrawer
104 /**
105 * @brief This property tells whether the application is in "widescreen" mode.
106 *
107 * This is enabled on desktops or horizontal tablets.
108 *
109 * @note Different styles can have their own logic for deciding this.
110 */
111 property bool wideScreen: width >= Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 60
113 /**
114 * @brief This property holds the drawer for context-dependent actions.
115 *
116 * The drawer that will be opened by sliding from the right screen edge
117 * or by dragging the ActionButton to the left.
118 *
119 * @note It is recommended to use the ContextDrawer type here.
120 *
121 * The contents of the context drawer should depend from what page is
122 * loaded in the main pageStack
123 *
124 * Example usage:
125 *
126 * @code
127 * import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
128 *
129 * Kirigami.ApplicationWindow {
130 * contextDrawer: Kirigami.ContextDrawer {
131 * enabled: true
132 * actions: [
133 * Kirigami.Action {
134 * "edit"
135 * text: "Action text"
136 * onTriggered: {
137 * // do stuff
138 * }
139 * },
140 * Kirigami.Action {
141 * "edit"
142 * text: "Action text"
143 * onTriggered: {
144 * // do stuff
145 * }
146 * }
147 * ]
148 * }
149 * }
150 * @endcode
152 * @property org::kde::kirigami::ContextDrawer contextDrawer
153 */
154 property OverlayDrawer contextDrawer
156 /**
157 * Effectively the same as T.Overlay.overlay
158 */
159 readonly property Item overlay: T.Overlay.overlay
161 /**
162 * This property holds a standard action that will quit the application when triggered.
163 * Its properties have the following values:
164 *
165 * @code
166 * Action {
167 * text: "Quit"
168 * "application-exit-symbolic"
169 * shortcut: StandardKey.Quit
170 * // ...
171 * }
172 * @endcode
173 * @since 5.76
174 */
175 readonly property Kirigami.Action quitAction: Kirigami.Action {
176 text: qsTr("Quit")
177 "application-exit";
178 shortcut: StandardKey.Quit
179 onTriggered: source => root.close();
180 }
181//END properties
183//BEGIN functions
184 /**
185 * @brief This function shows a little passive notification at the bottom of the app window
186 * lasting for few seconds, with an optional action button.
188 * @param message The text message to be shown to the user.
189 * @param timeout How long to show the message:
190 * possible values: "short", "long" or the number of milliseconds
191 * @param actionText Text in the action button, if any.
192 * @param callBack A JavaScript function that will be executed when the
193 * user clicks the button.
194 */
195 function showPassiveNotification(message, timeout, actionText, callBack) {
196 notificationsObject.showNotification(message, timeout, actionText, callBack);
197 }
199 /**
200 * @brief This function hides the passive notification at specified index, if any is shown.
201 * @param index Index of the notification to hide. Default is 0 (oldest notification).
202 */
203 function hidePassiveNotification(index = 0) {
204 notificationsObject.hideNotification(index);
205 }
207 /**
208 * @brief This function returns application window's object anywhere in the application.
209 * @returns a pointer to this application window
210 * can be used anywhere in the application.
211 */
212 function applicationWindow() {
213 return root;
214 }
215//END functions
217 LayoutMirroring.enabled: Qt.application.layoutDirection === Qt.RightToLeft
218 LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true
220 color: Kirigami.Theme.backgroundColor
222 TP.PassiveNotificationsManager {
223 id: notificationsObject
224 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
225 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
226 z: 1
227 }
229 contentItem.z: 1
230 contentItem.anchors.left: contentItem.parent.left
231 contentItem.anchors.right: contentItem.parent.right
232 contentItem.anchors.topMargin: root.wideScreen && header && controlsVisible ? header.height : 0
233 contentItem.anchors.leftMargin: root.globalDrawer && root.globalDrawer.modal === false && (!root.pageStack || root.pageStack.leftSidebar !== root.globalDrawer) ? root.globalDrawer.width * root.globalDrawer.position : 0
234 contentItem.anchors.rightMargin: root.contextDrawer && root.contextDrawer.modal === false ? root.contextDrawer.width * root.contextDrawer.position : 0
236 Binding {
237 target: root.header
238 property: "x"
239 value: -contentItem.x
240 }
241 Binding {
242 target: root.footer
243 property: "x"
244 value: -contentItem.x
245 }
247 // Don't use root.overlay property here. For one, we know that in a window
248 // it will always be the same as T.Overlay.overlay; secondly Drawers
249 // don't care about being contained/parented to anything else anyway.
250 onGlobalDrawerChanged: {
251 if (globalDrawer) {
252 globalDrawer.parent = Qt.binding(() => T.Overlay.overlay);
253 }
254 }
255 onContextDrawerChanged: {
256 if (contextDrawer) {
257 contextDrawer.parent = Qt.binding(() => T.Overlay.overlay);
258 }
259 }
260 onPageStackChanged: {
261 if (pageStack) {
262 // contentItem is declared as CONSTANT, so binding isn't needed.
263 pageStack.parent = contentItem;
264 }
265 }
267 width: Kirigami.Settings.isMobile ? Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 30 : Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 55
268 height: Kirigami.Settings.isMobile ? Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 45 : Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 40
269 visible: true
271 Component.onCompleted: {
272 // Explicitly break the binding as we need this to be set only at startup.
273 // if the bindings are active, after this the window is resized by the
274 // compositor and then the bindings are reevaluated, then the window
275 // size would reset ignoring what the compositor asked.
276 // see BUG 433849
277 root.width = root.width;
278 root.height = root.height;
279 }
281 // This is needed because discover in mobile mode does not
282 // close with the global drawer open.
283 Shortcut {
284 sequence: root.quitAction.shortcut
285 enabled: root.quitAction.enabled
286 context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
287 onActivated: root.close();
288 }
bool controlsVisible
This property sets whether the standard chrome of the app is visible.
Item overlay
Effectively the same as T.Overlay.overlay.
KirigamiAction quitAction
This property holds a standard action that will quit the application when triggered.
OverlayDrawer contextDrawer
This property holds the drawer for context-dependent actions.
void showPassiveNotification(message, timeout, actionText, callBack)
This function shows a little passive notification at the bottom of the app window lasting for few sec...
bool wideScreen
This property tells whether the application is in "widescreen" mode.
OverlayDrawer globalDrawer
This property holds the drawer for global actions.
Item pageStack
This property holds the stack used to allocate the pages and to manage the transitions between them.
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:49:05 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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