CAboutItem | An about item that displays the about data |
CApplicationItem | An item that provides the features of ApplicationWindow without the window itself |
CApplicationWindow | A window that provides some basic features needed for all apps |
Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::private::BackButton | Import Statement
Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::private::BorderPropertiesGroup | Import Statement
CCard | This is the standard layout of a Card |
CCheckSubtitleDelegate | A convenience wrapper combining QtQuick Controls CheckDelegate and IconTitleSubtitle |
CChip | A compact element that represents an attribute, action, or filter |
Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::private::ContextIcon | Import Statement
CContextualHelpButton | An inline help button that shows a tooltip when clicked |
CDefaultCardBackground | This is the default background for Cards |
Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::private::DrawerHandle | Import Statement
Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::private::ForwardButton | Import Statement
Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::private::GenericDrawerIcon | Import Statement
CGlobalDrawer | A specialized form of the Drawer intended for showing an application's always-available global actions |
Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::private::IconPropertiesGroup | Group of icon properties |
CIconTitleSubtitle | A simple item containing an icon, title and subtitle |
►Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::InlineMessage | An inline message item with support for informational, positive, warning and error types, and with support for associated actions |
CInlineMessage | An inline message item with support for informational, positive, warning and error types, and with support for associated actions |
CInlineMessage | An inline message item with support for informational, positive, warning and error types, and with support for associated actions |
CInlineMessage | An inline message item with support for informational, positive, warning and error types, and with support for associated actions |
CInlineViewHeader | A fancy inline view header showing a title and optional actions |
CLoadingPlaceholder | A placeholder for loading pages |
CMenuDialog | A dialog that prompts users with a context menu, with list items that perform actions |
Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::private::MenuIcon | Import Statement
CNavigationTabBar | Page navigation tab-bar, used as an alternative to sidebars for 3-5 elements |
CNavigationTabButton | Navigation buttons to be used for the NavigationTabBar component |
►Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::OverlaySheet | An overlay sheet that covers the current Page content |
COverlaySheet | An overlay sheet that covers the current Page content |
CPagePoolAction | An action used to load Pages coming from a common PagePool in a PageRow or QtQuickControls2 StackView |
CPageRow | PageRow implements a row-based navigation model, which can be used with a set of interlinked information pages |
Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::private::PassiveNotificationsManager | PassiveNotificationManager is meant to display small, passive and inline notifications in the app |
CPromptDialog | A simple dialog to quickly prompt a user with information, and possibly perform an action |
CPullDownIndicator | A pull-down to refresh indicator that can be added to any Flickable or ScrollablePage |
►CQObject [external] | |
CActionHelper | |
CBorderGroup | Grouped property for rectangle border |
CColorUtils | Utilities for processing items to obtain colors and information useful for UIs that need to adjust to variable elements |
CColumnViewAttached | This is an attached property to every item that is inserted in the ColumnView, used to access the view and page information such as the position and information for layouting, such as fillWidth |
CCornersGroup | Grouped property for corner radius |
CFormLayoutAttached | This attached property contains the information for decorating a org::kde::kirigami::FormLayout: |
CImageColors | Extracts the dominant colors from an element or an image and exports it to a color palette |
CKirigami::Platform::IconSizes | Provides access to platform-dependent icon sizing |
CKirigami::Platform::InputMethod | This exposes information about the current used input method |
CKirigami::Platform::PlatformPluginFactory | This class is reimpleented by plugins to provide different implementations of PlatformTheme |
CKirigami::Platform::PlatformTheme | This class is the base for color management in Kirigami, different platforms can reimplement this class to integrate with system platform colors of a given platform |
CKirigami::Platform::Settings | This class contains global kirigami settings about the current device setup It is exposed to QML as the singleton "Settings" |
CKirigami::Platform::SmoothScrollWatcher | This class reports on the status of the SmoothScroll DBus interface, which sends a message when the smooth scroll setting gets changed |
CKirigami::Platform::TabletModeWatcher | This class reports on the status of certain transformable devices which can be both tablets and laptops at the same time, with a detachable keyboard |
CKirigami::Platform::Units | A set of values to define semantically sizes and durations |
CKirigami::Platform::VirtualKeyboardWatcher | This class reports on the status of KWin's VirtualKeyboard DBus interface |
CKirigamiWheelEvent | Describes the mouse wheel event |
CMnemonicAttached | This Attached property is used to calculate automated keyboard sequences to trigger actions based upon their text: if an "&" mnemonic is used (ie "&Ok"), the system will attempt to assign the desired letter giving it priority, otherwise a letter among the ones in the label will be used if possible and not conflicting |
COverlayZStackingAttached | This attached property manages z-index for stacking overlays relative to each other |
CPagePool | A Pool of Page items, pages will be unique per url and the items will be kept around unless explicitly deleted |
►CQQuickItem [external] | |
CColumnView | ColumnView is a container that lays out items horizontally in a row, when not all items fit in the ColumnView, it will behave like a Flickable and will be a scrollable view which shows only a determined number of columns |
CHeaderFooterLayout | Replicates a little part of what Page does, It's a container with 3 properties, header, contentItem and footer which will be laid out oone on top of each other |
CIcon | Class for rendering an icon in UI |
CPadding | This item simply adds an external padding to contentItem's size |
►CQQuickPaintedItem [external] | |
CPaintedRectangleItem | A rectangle with a border and rounded corners, rendered through QPainter |
►CShadowedRectangle | A rectangle with a shadow behind it |
CShadowedTexture | A rectangle with a shadow, using a QQuickItem as texture |
CToolBarLayout | An item that creates delegates for actions and lays them out in a row |
CScenePositionAttached | This attached property contains the information about the scene position of the item: Its global x and y coordinates will update automatically and can be binded |
CShadowGroup | Grouped property for the rectangle's shadow |
CSizeGroup | SizeGroup is a utility object that makes groups of items request the same size |
CSpellCheckAttached | This attached property contains hints for spell checker |
CToolBarLayoutAttached | Attached property for ToolBarLayout delegates |
CWheelHandler | Handles scrolling for a Flickable and 2 attached ScrollBars |
►CQQmlParserStatus [external] | |
CQQuickItem [external] | |
CSizeGroup | SizeGroup is a utility object that makes groups of items request the same size |
CWheelHandler | Handles scrolling for a Flickable and 2 attached ScrollBars |
►CQSGMaterial [external] | |
►CShadowedRectangleMaterial | A material rendering a rectangle with a shadow |
CShadowedBorderRectangleMaterial | A material rendering a rectangle with a shadow and a border |
CShadowedTextureMaterial | A material rendering a rectangle with a shadow |
►CQSGNode [external] | |
►CQSGBasicGeometryNode [external] | |
►CQSGGeometryNode [external] | |
►CShadowedRectangleNode | Scene graph node for a shadowed rectangle |
CShadowedTextureNode | Scene graph node for a shadowed texture source |
►CQtQuick.Controls.AbstractButton [external] | |
Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::Chip | Chip is a visual object based on AbstractButton that provides a friendly way to display predetermined elements with the visual styling of "tags" or "tokens." |
►CQtQuick.Controls.ApplicationWindow [external] | |
CAbstractApplicationWindow | A window that provides some basic features needed for all apps Use this class only if you need a custom content for your application, different from the Page Row behavior recommended by the HIG and provided by ApplicationWindow |
►CQtQuick.Controls.Control [external] | |
CActionToolBar | A toolbar built out of a list of actions |
►CQtQuick.Controls.Drawer [external] | |
►Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::OverlayDrawer | Overlay Drawers are used to expose additional UI elements needed for small secondary tasks for which the main UI elements are not needed |
►COverlayDrawer | Overlay Drawers are used to expose additional UI elements needed for small secondary tasks for which the main UI elements are not needed |
CContextDrawer | A specialized type of drawer that will show a list of actions relevant to the application's current page |
►CQtQuick.Controls.ItemDelegate [external] | |
►Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::AbstractCard | A AbstractCard is the base for cards |
CAbstractCard | AbstractCard is the base for cards |
►CQtQuick.Controls.Label [external] | |
CLinkButton | A button that looks like a link |
►CQtQuick.Controls.TextArea [external] | |
CSelectableLabel | This is a label which supports text selection |
►CQtQuick.Item [external] | |
CAbstractApplicationItem | An item that provides the features of AbstractApplicationWindow without the window itself |
CFormLayout | This is the base class for Form layouts conforming to the Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines |
CListItemDragHandle | Implements a drag handle supposed to be in items in ListViews to reorder items The ListView must visualize a model which supports item reordering, such as ListModel.move() or QAbstractItemModel instances with moveRows() correctly implemented |
►Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::AbstractApplicationHeader | An item that can be used as a title for the application |
CAbstractApplicationHeader | An item that can be used as a title for the application |
►CQtQuick.Layouts.ColumnLayout [external] | |
CFlexColumn | FlexColumn is a column that grows in width to a fixed cap |
►CQtQuick.Layouts.GridLayout [external] | |
CCardsLayout | A GridLayout optimized for showing one or two columns of cards, depending on the available space |
►CQtQuick.ListView [external] | |
CCardsListView | CardsListView is a ListView which can have AbstractCard as its delegate: it will automatically assign the proper spacings and margins around the cards adhering to the design guidelines |
►CQtQuick.Rectangle [external] | |
CSeparator | A visual separator |
CRadioSubtitleDelegate | A convenience wrapper combining QtQuick Controls RadioDelegate and IconTitleSubtitle |
CScrollablePage | ScrollablePage is a Page that holds scrollable content, such as a ListView |
CSearchDialog | A dialog to let's you do a global search accross your applications documents, chat rooms and more |
CShadowedImage | An image with a shadow |
Corg::kde::kirigami::templates::SingletonHeaderSizeGroup | Import Statement
CSubtitleDelegate | A convenience wrapper combining QtQuick Controls ItemDelegate and IconTitleSubtitle |
CSwipeListItem | An item delegate intended to support extra actions obtainable by uncovering them by dragging away the item with the handle |
CSwitchSubtitleDelegate | A convenience wrapper combining QtQuick Controls SwitchDelegate and IconTitleSubtitle |
CTitleSubtitle | A simple item containing a title and subtitle label |
CUrlButton | A link button that contains a URL |