
Search for usage in LXR

#include <normalvimode.h>

Public Member Functions

 NormalViMode (InputModeManager *viInputModeManager, KTextEditor::ViewPrivate *view, KateViewInternal *viewInternal)
void beginMonitoringDocumentChanges ()
bool commandAbort ()
bool commandAddToNumber ()
bool commandAlignLine ()
bool commandAlignLines ()
bool commandAppendToBlock ()
bool commandBottomView (bool onFirst)
bool commandBottomViewOnCursor ()
bool commandBottomViewOnNonBlank ()
bool commandCenterView (bool onFirst)
bool commandCenterViewOnCursor ()
bool commandCenterViewOnNonBlank ()
bool commandChange ()
bool commandChangeCase ()
bool commandChangeCaseLine ()
bool commandChangeCaseRange ()
bool commandChangeLine ()
bool commandChangeToEOL ()
bool commandCloseNocheck ()
bool commandCloseView ()
bool commandCloseWrite ()
bool commandCollapseLocal ()
bool commandCollapseToplevelNodes ()
bool commandDelete ()
bool commandDeleteChar ()
bool commandDeleteCharBackward ()
bool commandDeleteLine ()
bool commandDeleteToEOL ()
bool commandEnterInsertMode ()
bool commandEnterInsertModeAppend ()
bool commandEnterInsertModeAppendEOL ()
bool commandEnterInsertModeBeforeFirstNonBlankInLine ()
bool commandEnterInsertModeLast ()
bool commandEnterReplaceMode ()
bool commandEnterVisualBlockMode ()
bool commandEnterVisualLineMode ()
bool commandEnterVisualMode ()
bool commandExpandAll ()
bool commandExpandLocal ()
bool commandFormatLine ()
bool commandFormatLines ()
bool commandGoToNextJump ()
bool commandGoToPrevJump ()
bool commandgPaste ()
bool commandgPasteBefore ()
bool commandIndentedPaste ()
bool commandIndentedPasteBefore ()
bool commandIndentLine ()
bool commandIndentLines ()
bool commandJoinLines ()
bool commandMakeLowercase ()
bool commandMakeLowercaseLine ()
bool commandMakeUppercase ()
bool commandMakeUppercaseLine ()
bool commandOpenNewLineOver ()
bool commandOpenNewLineUnder ()
bool commandPaste ()
bool commandPasteBefore ()
bool commandPrependToBlock ()
bool commandPrintCharacterCode ()
bool commandRedo ()
bool commandRepeatLastChange ()
bool commandReplaceCharacter ()
bool commandReplayMacro ()
bool commandReselectVisual ()
bool commandScrollHalfPageDown ()
bool commandScrollHalfPageUp ()
bool commandScrollPageDown ()
bool commandScrollPageUp ()
bool commandSearchBackward ()
bool commandSearchForward ()
bool commandSetMark ()
bool commandSplitHoriz ()
bool commandSplitVert ()
bool commandStartRecordingMacro ()
bool commandSubstituteChar ()
bool commandSubstituteLine ()
bool commandSubtractFromNumber ()
bool commandSwitchToCmdLine ()
bool commandSwitchToDownView ()
bool commandSwitchToLeftView ()
bool commandSwitchToNextTab ()
bool commandSwitchToNextView ()
bool commandSwitchToPrevTab ()
bool commandSwitchToRightView ()
bool commandSwitchToUpView ()
bool commandToggleRegionVisibility ()
bool commandToOtherEnd ()
bool commandTopView (bool onFirst)
bool commandTopViewOnCursor ()
bool commandTopViewOnNonBlank ()
bool commandUndo ()
bool commandUnindentLine ()
bool commandUnindentLines ()
bool commandYank ()
bool commandYankLine ()
bool commandYankToEOL ()
bool handleKeypress (const QKeyEvent *e) override
Range motionDown ()
Range motionDownToFirstNonBlank ()
Range motionFindChar ()
Range motionFindCharBackward ()
Range motionHalfPageDown ()
Range motionHalfPageUp ()
Range motionLeft ()
Range motionPageDown ()
Range motionPageUp ()
Range motionRepeatlastTF ()
Range motionRepeatlastTFBackward ()
Range motionRight ()
Range motionToAfterParagraph ()
Range motionToBeforeParagraph ()
Range motionToChar ()
Range motionToCharBackward ()
Range motionToColumn0 ()
Range motionToEndOfPrevWORD ()
Range motionToEndOfPrevWord ()
Range motionToEndOfWORD ()
Range motionToEndOfWord ()
Range motionToEOL ()
Range motionToFirstCharacterOfLine ()
Range motionToFirstLineOfWindow ()
Range motionToIncrementalSearchMatch ()
Range motionToLastLineOfWindow ()
Range motionToLastNonBlank ()
Range motionToLineFirst ()
Range motionToLineLast ()
Range motionToMark ()
Range motionToMarkLine ()
Range motionToMatchingItem ()
Range motionToMiddleLineOfWindow ()
Range motionToNextBraceBlockEnd ()
Range motionToNextBraceBlockStart ()
Range motionToNextOccurrence ()
Range motionToNextSentence ()
Range motionToNextVisualLine ()
Range motionToPreviousBraceBlockEnd ()
Range motionToPreviousBraceBlockStart ()
Range motionToPreviousSentence ()
Range motionToPrevOccurrence ()
Range motionToPrevVisualLine ()
Range motionToScreenColumn ()
Range motionUp ()
Range motionUpToFirstNonBlank ()
Range motionWORDBackward ()
Range motionWordBackward ()
Range motionWORDForward ()
Range motionWordForward ()
virtual void reset ()
Range textObjectABackQuote ()
Range textObjectABracket ()
Range textObjectAComma ()
Range textObjectACurlyBracket ()
Range textObjectAInequalitySign ()
Range textObjectAParagraph ()
Range textObjectAParen ()
Range textObjectAQuoteDouble ()
Range textObjectAQuoteSingle ()
Range textObjectASentence ()
Range textObjectAWORD ()
Range textObjectAWord ()
Range textObjectInnerBackQuote ()
Range textObjectInnerBracket ()
Range textObjectInnerComma ()
Range textObjectInnerCurlyBracket ()
Range textObjectInnerInequalitySign ()
Range textObjectInnerParagraph ()
Range textObjectInnerParen ()
Range textObjectInnerQuoteDouble ()
Range textObjectInnerQuoteSingle ()
Range textObjectInnerSentence ()
Range textObjectInnerWORD ()
Range textObjectInnerWord ()

Protected Types

enum  PasteLocation { AtCurrentPosition , AfterCurrentPosition }

Protected Member Functions

void addHighlightYank (KTextEditor::Range range)
virtual const std::vector< Command > & commands ()
void executeCommand (const Command *cmd)
bool executeKateCommand (const QString &command)
KTextEditor::Cursor findParagraphEnd ()
KTextEditor::Cursor findParagraphStart ()
KTextEditor::Cursor findSentenceEnd ()
KTextEditor::Cursor findSentenceStart ()
QRegularExpression generateMatchingItemRegex () const
int getFirstNonBlank (int line=-1) const
OperationMode getOperationMode () const
QSet< KTextEditor::MovingRange * > & highlightedYankForDocument ()
void highlightYank (const Range &range, const OperationMode mode=CharWise)
void joinLines (unsigned int from, unsigned int to) const
virtual const std::vector< Motion > & motions ()
bool motionWillBeUsedWithCommand () const
bool paste (NormalViMode::PasteLocation pasteLocation, bool isgPaste, bool isIndentedPaste)
void reformatLines (unsigned int from, unsigned int to) const
void resetParser ()
void shrinkRangeAroundCursor (Range &toShrink, const Range &rangeToShrinkTo) const
void stickStickyColumnToEOL ()
Range textObjectComma (bool inner) const
bool waitingForRegisterOrCharToSearch ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static KTextEditor::Cursor cursorPosAtEndOfPaste (const KTextEditor::Cursor pasteLocation, const QString &pastedText)

Protected Attributes

QStack< int > m_awaitingMotionOrTextObject
bool m_commandShouldKeepSelection
bool m_commandWithMotion
unsigned int m_countTemp
KTextEditor::Cursor m_currentChangeEndMarker
bool m_deleteCommand
bool m_findWaitingForChar
QSet< KTextEditor::MovingRange * > m_highlightedYanks
KTextEditor::Attribute::Ptr m_highlightYankAttribute
bool m_isRepeatedTFcommand
bool m_isUndo
QString m_keys
bool m_lastMotionWasLinewiseInnerBlock
QString m_lastTFcommand
bool m_linewiseCommand
QList< int > m_matchingCommands
QHash< QString, QStringm_matchingItems
QList< int > m_matchingMotions
QRegularExpression m_matchItemRegex
bool m_motionCanChangeWholeVisualModeSelection
int m_motionOperatorIndex
bool m_pendingResetIsDueToExit
KTextEditor::Cursor m_positionWhenIncrementalSearchBegan
int m_scroll_count_limit

Detailed Description

Commands for the vi normal mode.

Definition at line 38 of file normalvimode.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ PasteLocation

enum KateVi::NormalViMode::PasteLocation

Definition at line 338 of file normalvimode.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NormalViMode()

NormalViMode::NormalViMode ( InputModeManager * viInputModeManager,
KTextEditor::ViewPrivate * view,
KateViewInternal * viewInternal )

Definition at line 46 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ ~NormalViMode()

NormalViMode::~NormalViMode ( )

Definition at line 81 of file normalvimode.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addHighlightYank()

void NormalViMode::addHighlightYank ( KTextEditor::Range range)

Definition at line 3804 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ beginMonitoringDocumentChanges()

void NormalViMode::beginMonitoringDocumentChanges ( )

Definition at line 447 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandAbort()

bool NormalViMode::commandAbort ( )

Definition at line 1660 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandAddToNumber()

bool NormalViMode::commandAddToNumber ( )

Definition at line 1727 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandAlignLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandAlignLine ( )

Definition at line 1705 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandAlignLines()

bool NormalViMode::commandAlignLines ( )

Definition at line 1715 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandAppendToBlock()

bool NormalViMode::commandAppendToBlock ( )

Definition at line 1756 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandBottomView()

bool NormalViMode::commandBottomView ( bool onFirst)

Definition at line 1636 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandBottomViewOnCursor()

bool NormalViMode::commandBottomViewOnCursor ( )

Definition at line 1655 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandBottomViewOnNonBlank()

bool NormalViMode::commandBottomViewOnNonBlank ( )

Definition at line 1650 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandCenterView()

bool NormalViMode::commandCenterView ( bool onFirst)

Definition at line 1588 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandCenterViewOnCursor()

bool NormalViMode::commandCenterViewOnCursor ( )

Definition at line 1607 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandCenterViewOnNonBlank()

bool NormalViMode::commandCenterViewOnNonBlank ( )

Definition at line 1602 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandChange()

bool NormalViMode::commandChange ( )

Definition at line 1066 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandChangeCase()

bool NormalViMode::commandChangeCase ( )

Definition at line 852 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandChangeCaseLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandChangeCaseLine ( )

Definition at line 945 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandChangeCaseRange()

bool NormalViMode::commandChangeCaseRange ( )

Definition at line 924 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandChangeLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandChangeLine ( )

Definition at line 1117 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandChangeToEOL()

bool NormalViMode::commandChangeToEOL ( )

Definition at line 1105 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandCloseNocheck()

bool NormalViMode::commandCloseNocheck ( )

Definition at line 1908 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandCloseView()

bool NormalViMode::commandCloseView ( )

Definition at line 1836 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandCloseWrite()

bool NormalViMode::commandCloseWrite ( )

Definition at line 1913 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandCollapseLocal()

bool NormalViMode::commandCollapseLocal ( )

Definition at line 1918 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandCollapseToplevelNodes()

bool NormalViMode::commandCollapseToplevelNodes ( )

Definition at line 1878 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandDelete()

bool NormalViMode::commandDelete ( )

Definition at line 696 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandDeleteChar()

bool NormalViMode::commandDeleteChar ( )

Definition at line 1289 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandDeleteCharBackward()

bool NormalViMode::commandDeleteCharBackward ( )

Definition at line 1314 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandDeleteLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandDeleteLine ( )

Definition at line 663 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandDeleteToEOL()

bool NormalViMode::commandDeleteToEOL ( )

Definition at line 702 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandEnterInsertMode()

bool NormalViMode::commandEnterInsertMode ( )

enter insert mode at the cursor position

Definition at line 505 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandEnterInsertModeAppend()

bool NormalViMode::commandEnterInsertModeAppend ( )

enter insert mode after the current character

Definition at line 516 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandEnterInsertModeAppendEOL()

bool NormalViMode::commandEnterInsertModeAppendEOL ( )

start insert mode after the last character of the line

Definition at line 542 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandEnterInsertModeBeforeFirstNonBlankInLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandEnterInsertModeBeforeFirstNonBlankInLine ( )

Definition at line 553 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandEnterInsertModeLast()

bool NormalViMode::commandEnterInsertModeLast ( )

enter insert mode at the last insert position

Definition at line 570 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandEnterReplaceMode()

bool NormalViMode::commandEnterReplaceMode ( )

Definition at line 656 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandEnterVisualBlockMode()

bool NormalViMode::commandEnterVisualBlockMode ( )

Definition at line 591 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandEnterVisualLineMode()

bool NormalViMode::commandEnterVisualLineMode ( )

Definition at line 581 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandEnterVisualMode()

bool NormalViMode::commandEnterVisualMode ( )

Definition at line 636 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandExpandAll()

bool NormalViMode::commandExpandAll ( )

Definition at line 1928 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandExpandLocal()

bool NormalViMode::commandExpandLocal ( )

Definition at line 1935 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandFormatLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandFormatLine ( )

Definition at line 1863 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandFormatLines()

bool NormalViMode::commandFormatLines ( )

Definition at line 1872 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandGoToNextJump()

bool NormalViMode::commandGoToNextJump ( )

Definition at line 1780 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandGoToPrevJump()

bool NormalViMode::commandGoToPrevJump ( )

Definition at line 1788 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandgPaste()

bool NormalViMode::commandgPaste ( )

Definition at line 1267 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandgPasteBefore()

bool NormalViMode::commandgPasteBefore ( )

Definition at line 1274 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandIndentedPaste()

bool NormalViMode::commandIndentedPaste ( )

Definition at line 1279 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandIndentedPasteBefore()

bool NormalViMode::commandIndentedPasteBefore ( )

Definition at line 1284 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandIndentLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandIndentLine ( )

Definition at line 1492 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandIndentLines()

bool NormalViMode::commandIndentLines ( )

Definition at line 1510 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandJoinLines()

bool NormalViMode::commandJoinLines ( )

Definition at line 1017 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandMakeLowercase()

bool NormalViMode::commandMakeLowercase ( )

Definition at line 763 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandMakeLowercaseLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandMakeLowercaseLine ( )

Definition at line 790 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandMakeUppercase()

bool NormalViMode::commandMakeUppercase ( )

Definition at line 807 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandMakeUppercaseLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandMakeUppercaseLine ( )

Definition at line 835 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandOpenNewLineOver()

bool NormalViMode::commandOpenNewLineOver ( )

Definition at line 991 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandOpenNewLineUnder()

bool NormalViMode::commandOpenNewLineUnder ( )

Definition at line 972 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandPaste()

bool NormalViMode::commandPaste ( )

Definition at line 1251 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandPasteBefore()

bool NormalViMode::commandPasteBefore ( )

Definition at line 1257 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandPrependToBlock()

bool NormalViMode::commandPrependToBlock ( )

Definition at line 1741 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandPrintCharacterCode()

bool NormalViMode::commandPrintCharacterCode ( )

Definition at line 1667 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandRedo()

bool NormalViMode::commandRedo ( )

Definition at line 1460 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandRepeatLastChange()

bool NormalViMode::commandRepeatLastChange ( )

Definition at line 1691 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandReplaceCharacter()

bool NormalViMode::commandReplaceCharacter ( )

Definition at line 1340 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandReplayMacro()

bool NormalViMode::commandReplayMacro ( )

Definition at line 1891 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandReselectVisual()

bool NormalViMode::commandReselectVisual ( )

Definition at line 601 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commands()

const std::vector< Command > & NormalViMode::commands ( )

Return commands available for this mode.

Overwritten in sub classes to replace them, must be a stable reference!

Definition at line 3972 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandScrollHalfPageDown()

bool NormalViMode::commandScrollHalfPageDown ( )

Definition at line 1578 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandScrollHalfPageUp()

bool NormalViMode::commandScrollHalfPageUp ( )

Definition at line 1568 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandScrollPageDown()

bool NormalViMode::commandScrollPageDown ( )

Definition at line 1548 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandScrollPageUp()

bool NormalViMode::commandScrollPageUp ( )

Definition at line 1558 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSearchBackward()

bool NormalViMode::commandSearchBackward ( )

Definition at line 1421 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSearchForward()

bool NormalViMode::commandSearchForward ( )

Definition at line 1428 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSetMark()

bool NormalViMode::commandSetMark ( )

Definition at line 1482 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSplitHoriz()

bool NormalViMode::commandSplitHoriz ( )

Definition at line 1826 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSplitVert()

bool NormalViMode::commandSplitVert ( )

Definition at line 1831 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandStartRecordingMacro()

bool NormalViMode::commandStartRecordingMacro ( )

Definition at line 1884 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSubstituteChar()

bool NormalViMode::commandSubstituteChar ( )

Definition at line 1148 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSubstituteLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandSubstituteLine ( )

Definition at line 1160 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSubtractFromNumber()

bool NormalViMode::commandSubtractFromNumber ( )

Definition at line 1734 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSwitchToCmdLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandSwitchToCmdLine ( )

Definition at line 1400 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSwitchToDownView()

bool NormalViMode::commandSwitchToDownView ( )

Definition at line 1802 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSwitchToLeftView()

bool NormalViMode::commandSwitchToLeftView ( )

Definition at line 1796 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSwitchToNextTab()

bool NormalViMode::commandSwitchToNextTab ( )

Definition at line 1841 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSwitchToNextView()

bool NormalViMode::commandSwitchToNextView ( )

Definition at line 1820 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSwitchToPrevTab()

bool NormalViMode::commandSwitchToPrevTab ( )

Definition at line 1852 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSwitchToRightView()

bool NormalViMode::commandSwitchToRightView ( )

Definition at line 1814 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandSwitchToUpView()

bool NormalViMode::commandSwitchToUpView ( )

Definition at line 1808 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandToggleRegionVisibility()

bool NormalViMode::commandToggleRegionVisibility ( )

Definition at line 1941 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandToOtherEnd()

bool NormalViMode::commandToOtherEnd ( )

Definition at line 646 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandTopView()

bool NormalViMode::commandTopView ( bool onFirst)

Definition at line 1612 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandTopViewOnCursor()

bool NormalViMode::commandTopViewOnCursor ( )

Definition at line 1631 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandTopViewOnNonBlank()

bool NormalViMode::commandTopViewOnNonBlank ( )

Definition at line 1626 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandUndo()

bool NormalViMode::commandUndo ( )

Definition at line 1435 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandUnindentLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandUnindentLine ( )

Definition at line 1501 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandUnindentLines()

bool NormalViMode::commandUnindentLines ( )

Definition at line 1529 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandYank()

bool NormalViMode::commandYank ( )

Definition at line 1166 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandYankLine()

bool NormalViMode::commandYankLine ( )

Definition at line 1183 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ commandYankToEOL()

bool NormalViMode::commandYankToEOL ( )

Definition at line 1203 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ cursorPosAtEndOfPaste()

KTextEditor::Cursor NormalViMode::cursorPosAtEndOfPaste ( const KTextEditor::Cursor pasteLocation,
const QString & pastedText )

Definition at line 3634 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ executeCommand()

void NormalViMode::executeCommand ( const Command * cmd)

Definition at line 453 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ executeKateCommand()

bool NormalViMode::executeKateCommand ( const QString & command)

Definition at line 3956 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ findParagraphEnd()

KTextEditor::Cursor NormalViMode::findParagraphEnd ( )

Definition at line 3258 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ findParagraphStart()

KTextEditor::Cursor NormalViMode::findParagraphStart ( )

Definition at line 3233 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ findSentenceEnd()

KTextEditor::Cursor NormalViMode::findSentenceEnd ( )

Definition at line 3189 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ findSentenceStart()

KTextEditor::Cursor NormalViMode::findSentenceStart ( )

Definition at line 3144 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ generateMatchingItemRegex()

QRegularExpression NormalViMode::generateMatchingItemRegex ( ) const

Definition at line 3495 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ getFirstNonBlank()

int NormalViMode::getFirstNonBlank ( int line = -1) const

Get the index of the first non-blank character from the given line.

lineThe line to be picked. The current line will picked instead if this parameter is set to a negative value.
the index of the first non-blank character from the given line. If a non-space character cannot be found, the 0 is returned.

Definition at line 3693 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ getOperationMode()

OperationMode NormalViMode::getOperationMode ( ) const

Definition at line 3526 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ handleKeypress()

bool NormalViMode::handleKeypress ( const QKeyEvent * e)

parses a key stroke to check if it's a valid (part of) a command

true if a command was completed and executed, false otherwise

Definition at line 90 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ highlightedYankForDocument()

QSet< KTextEditor::MovingRange * > & NormalViMode::highlightedYankForDocument ( )

Definition at line 3830 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ highlightYank()

void NormalViMode::highlightYank ( const Range & range,
const OperationMode mode = CharWise )

Definition at line 3789 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ joinLines()

void NormalViMode::joinLines ( unsigned int from,
unsigned int to ) const

Definition at line 3648 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionDown()

Range NormalViMode::motionDown ( )

Definition at line 1952 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionDownToFirstNonBlank()

Range NormalViMode::motionDownToFirstNonBlank ( )

Definition at line 2037 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionFindChar()

Range NormalViMode::motionFindChar ( )

Definition at line 2290 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionFindCharBackward()

Range NormalViMode::motionFindCharBackward ( )

Definition at line 2319 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionHalfPageDown()

Range NormalViMode::motionHalfPageDown ( )

Definition at line 2015 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionHalfPageUp()

Range NormalViMode::motionHalfPageUp ( )

Definition at line 2026 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionLeft()

Range NormalViMode::motionLeft ( )

Definition at line 1962 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionPageDown()

Range NormalViMode::motionPageDown ( )

Definition at line 1991 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionPageUp()

Range NormalViMode::motionPageUp ( )

Definition at line 2003 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionRepeatlastTF()

Range NormalViMode::motionRepeatlastTF ( )

Definition at line 2429 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionRepeatlastTFBackward()

Range NormalViMode::motionRepeatlastTFBackward ( )

Definition at line 2449 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionRight()

Range NormalViMode::motionRight ( )

Definition at line 1976 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motions()

const std::vector< Motion > & NormalViMode::motions ( )

Return motions available for this mode.

Overwritten in sub classes to replace them, must be a stable reference!

Definition at line 4091 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToAfterParagraph()

Range NormalViMode::motionToAfterParagraph ( )

Definition at line 2943 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToBeforeParagraph()

Range NormalViMode::motionToBeforeParagraph ( )

Definition at line 2915 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToChar()

Range NormalViMode::motionToChar ( )

Definition at line 2356 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToCharBackward()

Range NormalViMode::motionToCharBackward ( )

Definition at line 2389 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToColumn0()

Range NormalViMode::motionToColumn0 ( )

Definition at line 2269 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToEndOfPrevWORD()

Range NormalViMode::motionToEndOfPrevWORD ( )

Definition at line 2215 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToEndOfPrevWord()

Range NormalViMode::motionToEndOfPrevWord ( )

Definition at line 2192 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToEndOfWORD()

Range NormalViMode::motionToEndOfWORD ( )

Definition at line 2171 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToEndOfWord()

Range NormalViMode::motionToEndOfWord ( )

Definition at line 2150 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToEOL()

Range NormalViMode::motionToEOL ( )

Definition at line 2245 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToFirstCharacterOfLine()

Range NormalViMode::motionToFirstCharacterOfLine ( )

Definition at line 2278 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToFirstLineOfWindow()

Range NormalViMode::motionToFirstLineOfWindow ( )

Definition at line 2798 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToIncrementalSearchMatch()

Range NormalViMode::motionToIncrementalSearchMatch ( )

Definition at line 2972 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToLastLineOfWindow()

Range NormalViMode::motionToLastLineOfWindow ( )

Definition at line 2826 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToLastNonBlank()

Range NormalViMode::motionToLastNonBlank ( )

Definition at line 2256 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToLineFirst()

Range NormalViMode::motionToLineFirst ( )

Definition at line 2469 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToLineLast()

Range NormalViMode::motionToLineLast ( )

Definition at line 2482 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToMark()

Range NormalViMode::motionToMark ( )

Definition at line 2515 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToMarkLine()

Range NormalViMode::motionToMarkLine ( )

Definition at line 2537 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToMatchingItem()

Range NormalViMode::motionToMatchingItem ( )

Definition at line 2546 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToMiddleLineOfWindow()

Range NormalViMode::motionToMiddleLineOfWindow ( )

Definition at line 2812 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToNextBraceBlockEnd()

Range NormalViMode::motionToNextBraceBlockEnd ( )

Definition at line 2722 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToNextBraceBlockStart()

Range NormalViMode::motionToNextBraceBlockStart ( )

Definition at line 2669 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToNextOccurrence()

Range NormalViMode::motionToNextOccurrence ( )

Definition at line 2774 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToNextSentence()

Range NormalViMode::motionToNextSentence ( )

Definition at line 2889 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToNextVisualLine()

Range NormalViMode::motionToNextVisualLine ( )

Definition at line 2840 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToPreviousBraceBlockEnd()

Range NormalViMode::motionToPreviousBraceBlockEnd ( )

Definition at line 2751 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToPreviousBraceBlockStart()

Range NormalViMode::motionToPreviousBraceBlockStart ( )

Definition at line 2698 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToPreviousSentence()

Range NormalViMode::motionToPreviousSentence ( )

Definition at line 2850 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToPrevOccurrence()

Range NormalViMode::motionToPrevOccurrence ( )

Definition at line 2786 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToPrevVisualLine()

Range NormalViMode::motionToPrevVisualLine ( )

Definition at line 2845 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionToScreenColumn()

Range NormalViMode::motionToScreenColumn ( )

Definition at line 2500 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionUp()

Range NormalViMode::motionUp ( )

Definition at line 1957 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionUpToFirstNonBlank()

Range NormalViMode::motionUpToFirstNonBlank ( )

Definition at line 2044 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionWillBeUsedWithCommand()

bool KateVi::NormalViMode::motionWillBeUsedWithCommand ( ) const

Definition at line 297 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ motionWORDBackward()

Range NormalViMode::motionWORDBackward ( )

Definition at line 2129 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionWordBackward()

Range NormalViMode::motionWordBackward ( )

Definition at line 2085 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionWORDForward()

Range NormalViMode::motionWORDForward ( )

Definition at line 2107 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ motionWordForward()

Range NormalViMode::motionWordForward ( )

Definition at line 2051 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ paste()

bool NormalViMode::paste ( NormalViMode::PasteLocation pasteLocation,
bool isgPaste,
bool isIndentedPaste )

Definition at line 3548 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ reformatLines()

void NormalViMode::reformatLines ( unsigned int from,
unsigned int to ) const

Definition at line 3663 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ reset()

void NormalViMode::reset ( )

Definition at line 440 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ resetParser()

void NormalViMode::resetParser ( )

(re)set to start configuration.

This is done when a command is completed executed or when a command is aborted

Definition at line 411 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ shrinkRangeAroundCursor()

void NormalViMode::shrinkRangeAroundCursor ( Range & toShrink,
const Range & rangeToShrinkTo ) const

Definition at line 3706 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ stickStickyColumnToEOL()

void NormalViMode::stickStickyColumnToEOL ( )

Definition at line 2238 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectABackQuote()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectABackQuote ( )

Definition at line 3398 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectABracket()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectABracket ( )

Definition at line 3418 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectAComma()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectAComma ( )

Definition at line 3485 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectACurlyBracket()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectACurlyBracket ( )

Definition at line 3428 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectAInequalitySign()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectAInequalitySign ( )

Definition at line 3475 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectAParagraph()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectAParagraph ( )

Definition at line 3342 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectAParen()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectAParen ( )

Definition at line 3408 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectAQuoteDouble()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectAQuoteDouble ( )

Definition at line 3378 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectAQuoteSingle()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectAQuoteSingle ( )

Definition at line 3388 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectASentence()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectASentence ( )

Definition at line 3299 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectAWORD()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectAWORD ( )

Definition at line 3065 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectAWord()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectAWord ( )

Definition at line 2985 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectComma()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectComma ( bool inner) const

Definition at line 3757 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerBackQuote()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerBackQuote ( )

Definition at line 3403 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerBracket()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerBracket ( )

Definition at line 3423 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerComma()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerComma ( )

Definition at line 3490 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerCurlyBracket()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerCurlyBracket ( )

Definition at line 3433 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerInequalitySign()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerInequalitySign ( )

Definition at line 3480 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerParagraph()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerParagraph ( )

Definition at line 3328 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerParen()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerParen ( )

Definition at line 3413 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerQuoteDouble()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerQuoteDouble ( )

Definition at line 3383 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerQuoteSingle()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerQuoteSingle ( )

Definition at line 3393 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerSentence()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerSentence ( )

Definition at line 3285 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerWORD()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerWORD ( )

Definition at line 3119 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ textObjectInnerWord()

Range NormalViMode::textObjectInnerWord ( )

Definition at line 3039 of file normalvimode.cpp.

◆ waitingForRegisterOrCharToSearch()

bool NormalViMode::waitingForRegisterOrCharToSearch ( )

Definition at line 3837 of file normalvimode.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_awaitingMotionOrTextObject

QStack<int> KateVi::NormalViMode::m_awaitingMotionOrTextObject

Definition at line 356 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_commandShouldKeepSelection

bool KateVi::NormalViMode::m_commandShouldKeepSelection

Definition at line 364 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_commandWithMotion

bool KateVi::NormalViMode::m_commandWithMotion

Definition at line 361 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_countTemp

unsigned int KateVi::NormalViMode::m_countTemp

Definition at line 350 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_currentChangeEndMarker

KTextEditor::Cursor KateVi::NormalViMode::m_currentChangeEndMarker

Definition at line 381 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_deleteCommand

bool KateVi::NormalViMode::m_deleteCommand

Definition at line 365 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_findWaitingForChar

bool KateVi::NormalViMode::m_findWaitingForChar

Definition at line 358 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_highlightedYanks

QSet<KTextEditor::MovingRange *> KateVi::NormalViMode::m_highlightedYanks

Definition at line 378 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_highlightYankAttribute

KTextEditor::Attribute::Ptr KateVi::NormalViMode::m_highlightYankAttribute

Definition at line 377 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_isRepeatedTFcommand

bool KateVi::NormalViMode::m_isRepeatedTFcommand

Definition at line 359 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_isUndo

bool KateVi::NormalViMode::m_isUndo

Definition at line 368 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_keyParser

KeyParser* KateVi::NormalViMode::m_keyParser

Definition at line 375 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_keys

QString KateVi::NormalViMode::m_keys

Definition at line 347 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_lastMotionWasLinewiseInnerBlock

bool KateVi::NormalViMode::m_lastMotionWasLinewiseInnerBlock

Definition at line 362 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_lastTFcommand

QString KateVi::NormalViMode::m_lastTFcommand

Definition at line 348 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_linewiseCommand

bool KateVi::NormalViMode::m_linewiseCommand

Definition at line 360 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_matchingCommands

QList<int> KateVi::NormalViMode::m_matchingCommands

Definition at line 354 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_matchingItems

QHash<QString, QString> KateVi::NormalViMode::m_matchingItems

Definition at line 372 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_matchingMotions

QList<int> KateVi::NormalViMode::m_matchingMotions

Definition at line 355 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_matchItemRegex

QRegularExpression KateVi::NormalViMode::m_matchItemRegex

Definition at line 373 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_motionCanChangeWholeVisualModeSelection

bool KateVi::NormalViMode::m_motionCanChangeWholeVisualModeSelection

Definition at line 363 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_motionOperatorIndex

int KateVi::NormalViMode::m_motionOperatorIndex

Definition at line 351 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_pendingResetIsDueToExit

bool KateVi::NormalViMode::m_pendingResetIsDueToExit

Definition at line 367 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_positionWhenIncrementalSearchBegan

KTextEditor::Cursor KateVi::NormalViMode::m_positionWhenIncrementalSearchBegan

Definition at line 382 of file normalvimode.h.

◆ m_scroll_count_limit

int KateVi::NormalViMode::m_scroll_count_limit

Definition at line 352 of file normalvimode.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Oct 25 2024 11:56:27 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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