
scripttester Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for scripttester:



Detailed Description

ktexteditor-script-tester6 is a program used to run unit tests on javascript scripts built into KTextEditor or written by users.

Getting Started

First, we need to load a script via loadScript. The script will be evaluated in the context of the global object.


The path above refers to scripts integrated directly into KTextEditor. In particular, it contains the moveLinesDown function, which will be used in what follows.

Next, we need to write a test case using one of the 3 available functions:

  • testCase
  • sequence
  • withInput

Each of these functions takes a optional name as first parameter and a function as last parameter. The name is displayed in case of failure, and cli options allow you to filter what will or won't be executed. The last parameter function contains our tests on moveLinesDown.

testCase("moveLinesDown test", () => {
// command input expected
cmd(moveLinesDown, "[1]\n2\n3\n4\n", "2\n[1]\n3\n4\n");
cmd(moveLinesDown, "2\n[1]\n3\n4\n", "2\n3\n[1]\n4\n");
cmd(moveLinesDown, "2\n3\n[1]\n4\n", "2\n3\n4\n[1]\n");

cmd() executes a command on a document whose state is represented by input and checks that the final document is in the state of expected.

The document state is the text and the position of cursors and selections represented by characters called placeholder. By default, | represents a cursor and [...] a selection.

If no cursor position is given, it will automatically be set after the selection or at the end of the document.

cmd(moveLinesDown, "[1]\n2\n3\n4\n", "2\n[1]\n3\n4\n");
// equivalent to
cmd(moveLinesDown, "[1]|\n2\n3\n4\n", "2\n[1]|\n3\n4\n");

Running the test gives us:

Success: 6 Failure: 0 Duration: 10ms

The number of successes is double that expected. This is normal, as by default cmd() executes tests twice: once with block selection disabled, a second time with block selection enabled.

With a more verbose display (ktexteditor-script-tester6 -p test.js) we can see the following result:

test.js:4: moveLinesDown test: cmd `moveLinesDown()` [blockSelection=0] Ok
test.js:4: moveLinesDown test: cmd `moveLinesDown()` [blockSelection=1] Ok
test.js:5: moveLinesDown test: cmd `moveLinesDown()` [blockSelection=0] Ok
test.js:5: moveLinesDown test: cmd `moveLinesDown()` [blockSelection=1] Ok
test.js:6: moveLinesDown test: cmd `moveLinesDown()` [blockSelection=0] Ok
test.js:6: moveLinesDown test: cmd `moveLinesDown()` [blockSelection=1] Ok
Success: 6 Failure: 0 Duration: 11ms

The -B option disables tests on block selection and --dual offers finer control. It can also be disabled directly in the test file via config():

// disable for all tests
config({blockSelection: false});
testCase("moveLinesDown test", () => {
// disable for current test case
config({blockSelection: false});
// ...

If we look closely at our test, the expected result corresponds to the next test input. The whole thing can be simplified using sequence():

sequence("moveLinesDown test"
// first input
, "[1]\n2\n3\n4\n", () => {
// command expected then next input
cmd(moveLinesDown, "2\n[1]\n3\n4\n");
cmd(moveLinesDown, "2\n3\n[1]\n4\n");
cmd(moveLinesDown, "2\n3\n4\n[1]\n");

By activating verbose mode (ktexteditor-script-tester6 -B -V test.js), we can see that the input to a test takes the expected value from the previous test:

test.js:5: moveLinesDown test: OK
cmd `moveLinesDown()` [blockSelection=0]:
input: [1]|\n2\n3\n4\n
output: 2\n[1]|\n3\n4\n
test.js:6: moveLinesDown test: OK
cmd `moveLinesDown()` [blockSelection=0]:
input: 2\n[1]|\n3\n4\n
output: 2\n3\n[1]|\n4\n
test.js:7: moveLinesDown test: OK
cmd `moveLinesDown()` [blockSelection=0]:
input: 2\n3\n[1]|\n4\n
output: 2\n3\n4\n[1]|\n
Success: 3 Failure: 0 Duration: 8ms

Note that a cursor is automatically added to the input.

The default display for block selection is different (controlled by -F), here's an extract:

file1.js:5: moveLinesDown test: OK
cmd `moveLinesDown()` [blockSelection=1]:
input: [1]|↵
output: 2↵

Finally, withInput() has an identical interface to sequence(), but input doesn't change each time cmd() is called.

Note that these functions can be called nested and that the script is started in a testCase with an empty name.

Checking return values

There are 2 ways to check the result of a function:

  • either test(command, op, expected, msgOrInfo)
function foo() { return 42; }
test(foo, '===', 42);
  • or cmd(command, input, expectedOutput, msgOrExpectedResultInfo) (parameter input does not exist with sequence() and withInput())
cmd(foo, 'input', 'expected output', {
expected: 42, // if specified, the value will be checked
op: '===', // is default
error: true, // alias of {op: 'hasError', expected: true}
error: "...", // alias of {op: 'errorMsg', expected: "..."}
error: OtherValue, // alias of {op: 'error', expected: OtherValue}

All operators are stored in the TestFramework.operators array, which a script can complete. It contains:

  • classic operators: ===, !=, <, etc
  • more advanced operators:
    • eqv: converts to string then compares. Conversion is done via a dedicated function explained in the next chapter.
    • !!: a double negation or, more simply, Boolean(result) == expected.
    • between for expected[0] <= result < expected[1].
    • inclusiveBetween for expected[0] <= result <= expected[1]
    • is for Object.is(result, expected)
  • some keywords:
    • instanceof
    • in
    • is type for typeof result === expected.
    • key for expected in result.
  • error operators: error, errorMsg, errorType, hasError.

test() has different aliases:

  • test on Boolean:
    • eqvTrue(command, msgOrInfo) = ‘test(command, ’!!', true, msgOrInfo) -eqvFalse(command, msgOrInfo=test(command, '!!', false, msgOrInfo) -eqTrue(command, msgOrInfo=test(command, '===', true, msgOrInfo) -eqFalse(command, msgOrInfo=test(command, '===', false, msgOrInfo)
  • test on errors: -error(command, expected, msgOrInfo=test(command, 'error', expected, msgOrInfo) -errorMsg(command, expected, msgOrInfo=test(command, 'errorMsg', expected, msgOrInfo) -errorType(command, expected, msgOrInfo=test(command, 'errorType', expected, msgOrInfo) -hasError(command, msgOrInfo=test(command, 'hasError', true, msgOrInfo)
  • alias for operators: -eqv(command, expected, msgOrInfo=test(command, 'eqv', expected, msgOrInfo) -is(command, expected, msgOrInfo=test(command, 'is', expected, msgOrInfo) -eq(command, expected, msgOrInfo=test(command, '===', expected, msgOrInfo) -ne(command, expected, msgOrInfo=test(command, '!=', expected, msgOrInfo) -lt(command, expected, msgOrInfo=test(command, '<', expected, msgOrInfo) -gt(command, expected, msgOrInfo=test(command, '>', expected, msgOrInfo) -le(command, expected, msgOrInfo=test(command, '<=', expected, msgOrInfo) -ge(command, expected, msgOrInfo=test(command, '>=', expected, msgOrInfo)`

Add a string conversion function

String conversions are used for display and with the eqv operator.

The conversion function used is TestFramework.addStringCodeFragments which displays basic types or use functions registered with TestFramework.addStringCodeFragments.{registerClassName, registerClass, registerSymbol, register}.

See sources in testframework.js for details.

Command parameter

the command parameter of cmd() and test() can be either

  • a function
  • a string to be executed in the global context (not recommended)
  • an array with a function or string as the first parameter and arguments for the following parameters
eq(String, ""); // for String()
eq("String()", ""); // equivalent to eval("String()")
eq([String, 2e33], "2e+33"); // for String(2e33)
eq(["String", 2e33], "2e+33"); // equivalent to eval("String(2e33)")

Unfortunately, this doesn't work well with methods because the this is lost:

const obj = [1,2,3];
eq(obj.join, "[1,2,3]"); // error: Value is undefined

To get around this problem, we can use calleeWrapper(), which retains the this and adds an object name to the function name display:

const obj = calleeWrapper("myArray", [1,2,3]);
eq(obj.join, "1,2,3"); // obj.join() ; display: myArray.join()
eq([obj.join, ", "], "1, 2, 3"); // obj.join(", ") ; display: myArray.join(", ")

If the first parameter of calleeWrapper is falsy, then a string representation of the object will be used.

const obj = calleeWrapper("", [1,2,3]);
eq(obj.join, "1,2,3"); // display: [1, 2, 3].join()
eq([obj.join, ", "], "1, 2, 3"); // display: [1, 2, 3].join(", ")

Note that calleeWrapper is not required with view, document and editor.

For lazy evaluation of function calls as parameters, we can use lazyfn(fn, ...args) or fn(fn, ...args):

function getSep() { return "|"; }
eq([obj.join, fn(getSep)], "1|2|3"); // obj.join("|") ; display: myArray.join(getSep())

To use a lazy function call in an array or object, we can use lazyarg(Array|Object) or arg(Array|Object):

function foo(a, b) { return `{${a};${b}}`; }
eq([foo, arg([fn(foo, "0", 1), 2]), 3], "{{0;1},2;3}"); // foo([foo("0", 1), 2], 3)


Placeholders are used with cmd() to insert cursors or selections in the input and expected output. They are configured via config().

There are a total of 7 placeholders distributed in 5 configuration variables:

  • cursor: represents the primary cursor. The default is ‘’|'. -selection: represents the start and end of a selection. Default is'[]'. -virtualText: used with block selection to introduce spaces to place a cursor outside the document text. It must always be followed by a placeholder or new line. -secondaryCursor: secondary cursor in multi-cursor. No default value. -secondarySelection`: secondary selection in multi-cursor. No default value.

If the placeholder is an empty string, it will not be used.

If cursor and secondaryCursor have the same value, then the first cursor found will be the primary cursor. The same applies to selection.

In some cases, a placeholder may not be configured, but used in the result display. This is configured via the -S command line option or with the following 5 configuration variables:

  • cursor2: the default is ‘’|' -selection2: the default is'[]' -virtualText2: the default is'·' -secondaryCursor2: the default is'┆' -secondarySelection2: the default is'❲❳'`

These variables are also used when a placeholder has a display conflict with another placeholder.

Unlike the first 5, setting an empty value reset to default value.

Multi-line string parameter

When parameters contain several line breaks, the text may be difficult to read. For example:

type('{', 'class X\n{\n void foo()\n {|}\n};\n'
, 'class X\n{\n void foo()\n {\n |\n }\n};\n');

This can be rewritten with concatenations in this form:

type('{', 'class X\n'
+ '{\n'
+ ' void foo()\n'
+ ' {|}\n'
+ '};'
, 'class X\n'
+ '{\n'
+ ' void foo()\n'
+ ' {\n'
+ ' |\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ '};');

But the use of ‘’
makes reading a little confusing. To overcome this problem, a tagged template namedc` exists:

type('{', c`> class X
> {
> void foo()
-> {|}
> }`
, c`> class X
> {
the text > void foo()
here is -> {
ignored -> |
-> }
> }`);

Characters at the beginning of a line up to > will be ignored.


There are 5 special constants:

  • DUAL_MODE: used with the blockSelection configuration variable so that cmd() runs the test first with block selection disabled, then, if the test does not fail, with block selection enabled.
  • ALWAYS_DUAL_MODE: Same as DUAL_MODE, but the 2 modes are always executed.
  • AS_INPUT: Special value for expectedOutput from cmd() which indicates that the expected output is the same as the input value.
  • REUSE_LAST_INPUT: in parameter of sequence() and withInput(), reuse the previous input.
  • REUSE_LAST_EXPECTED_OUTPUT: in parameter of sequence() and withInput(), use the previous expected output as input.


  • loadScript(path): load a javascript file in the context of the global object.
  • loadModule(path): load a javascript file as a module.
  • paste(str): paste str to the current position.
  • kdb.type(str): insert str into current documment. To be used as a command: cmd([kbd.type, str], ...)
  • kdb.enter(): insert a new line into current documment. To be used as a command: cmd(enter, ...)
  • keys(str) -> kdb.enter | [kbd.type, str]: To be used as a command: cmd(keys(str), ...)

For full documentation, see the functions and classes exported from testframework.js (those prefixed with export).

  • TestFramework.operators
  • TestFramework.formatArgs(args, sep)
  • TestFramework.toComparableString(value)
  • TestFramework.functionCallToString(fn, args)
  • TestFramework.addStringCodeFragments(value, codeFragments, ancestors, mustBeStable)
  • TestFramework.addStringCodeFragments.registerClassName(name, addString)
  • TestFramework.addStringCodeFragments.registerClass(type, addString)
  • TestFramework.addStringCodeFragments.registerSymbol(symbol, addString)
  • TestFramework.addStringCodeFragments.register(addString)

Unless otherwise indicated, these following functions are also found in TestFramework under the same name:

  • calleeWrapper(name, obj, newObj)
  • LazyFunc(fn, ...args) ; alias: fn, lazyfn
  • LazyArg(Array|Object) ; alias: arg, lazyarg
  • c(strings, ...values) (= TestFramework.sanitizeTag): tagged templates prefix sanitizer
  • config(object)
  • testCase(nameOrConfig: Optional[String|Object], fn): name is used for filter test. If it is an object, it is passed to config(). An object can contain the name property.
  • sequence(nameOrConfig: Optional[String|Object], input, fn)
  • withInput(nameOrConfig: Optional[String|Object], input, fn)
  • print(...args): equivalent to ‘printSep(’ ', ...args) -printSep(sep, ...args)`
  • cmd(command, input, expectedOutput: String | AS_INPUT, msgOrExpectedResultInfo: undefined | String | Object): inside sequence() and withInput(), the input parameter does not exist
  • xcmd(...): Same as cmd(), but for an expected failure.
  • type(str, input, expectedOutput, msgOrExpectedResultInfo): alias for cmd(keys(str), input, expectedOutput, msgOrExpectedResultInfo).
  • xtype(...): Same as type(), but for an expected failure.
  • indentFiles(dataDir): execute indentation on ${dataDir}/*/origin, compare with ${dataDir}/*/expected and write failure results in ${dataDir}/*/actual. If the ${dataDir}/.kateconfig file exists, it will be used for each test. Config variables (kate: ...) can also be specified at the beginning and end of each test file.
  • test(command, op: String, expected, msgOrInfo)
  • xtest(...): Same as test(), but for an expected failure.
  • eqvTrue(command, msgOrInfo)
  • eqvFalse(command, msgOrInfo)
  • eqTrue(command, msgOrInfo)
  • eqFalse(command, msgOrInfo)
  • error(command, expected, msgOrInfo)
  • errorMsg(command, expected, msgOrInfo)
  • errorType(command, expected, msgOrInfo)
  • hasError(command, msgOrInfo)
  • eqv(command, expected, msgOrInfo)
  • is(command, expected, msgOrInfo)
  • eq(command, expected, msgOrInfo)
  • ne(command, expected, msgOrInfo)
  • lt(command, expected, msgOrInfo)
  • gt(command, expected, msgOrInfo)
  • le(command, expected, msgOrInfo)
  • ge(command, expected, msgOrInfo)
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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:00:13 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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