576 void setActiveWindow(xcb_window_t window, NET::RequestSource src, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp, xcb_window_t active_window);
608 void setDesktopLayout(NET::Orientation orientation, int columns, int rows, NET::DesktopLayoutCorner corner);
654 moveResizeRequest(xcb_window_t window, int x_root, int y_root, Direction direction, xcb_button_t button = XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_ANY, RequestSource source = RequestSource::FromUnknown);
669 void moveResizeWindowRequest(xcb_window_t window, int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height);
687 void restackRequest(xcb_window_t window, RequestSource source, xcb_window_t above, int detail, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp);
696 * This function takes the passed xcb_generic_event_t and returns the updated properties in the passed in arguments.
707 void event(xcb_generic_event_t *event, NET::Properties *properties, NET::Properties2 *properties2 = nullptr);
827 virtual void moveResize(xcb_window_t window, int x_root, int y_root, unsigned long direction, xcb_button_t button, RequestSource source)
858 virtual void changeActiveWindow(xcb_window_t window, NET::RequestSource src, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp, xcb_window_t active_window)
878 virtual void moveResizeWindow(xcb_window_t window, int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height)
899 virtual void restackWindow(xcb_window_t window, RequestSource source, xcb_window_t above, int detail, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp)
1567 void event(xcb_generic_event_t *event, NET::Properties *properties, NET::Properties2 *properties2 = nullptr);
1703 void update(NET::Properties dirtyProperties, NET::Properties2 dirtyProperties2 = NET::Properties2());
1705 void setIconInternal(NETRArray<NETIcon> &icons, int &icon_count, xcb_atom_t property, NETIcon icon, bool replace);
virtual void closeWindow(xcb_window_t window)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:805
virtual void changeDesktopViewport(int desktop, const NETPoint &viewport)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:781
void setClientList(const xcb_window_t *windows, unsigned int count)
Sets the list of managed windows on the Root/Desktop window.
Definition netwm.cpp:608
int clientListCount() const
Returns the number of managed windows in clientList array.
Definition netwm.cpp:2416
void setDesktopLayout(NET::Orientation orientation, int columns, int rows, NET::DesktopLayoutCorner corner)
Sets the desktop layout.
Definition netwm.cpp:1534
virtual void addClient(xcb_window_t window)
A Client should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a windo...
Definition netwm.h:729
NET::Orientation desktopLayoutOrientation() const
Returns the desktop layout orientation.
Definition netwm.cpp:2475
virtual void moveResizeWindow(xcb_window_t window, int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:878
int virtualRootsCount() const
Returns the number of window in the virtualRoots array.
Definition netwm.cpp:2470
void moveResizeRequest(xcb_window_t window, int x_root, int y_root, Direction direction, xcb_button_t button=XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_ANY, RequestSource source=RequestSource::FromUnknown)
Clients (such as pagers/taskbars) that wish to start a WMMoveResize (where the window manager control...
Definition netwm.cpp:1580
virtual void gotPing(xcb_window_t window, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to receive r...
Definition netwm.h:843
void showWindowMenuRequest(xcb_window_t window, int device_id, int x_root, int y_root)
Clients that wish to show the window menu using WM2GTKShowWindowMenu (_GTK_SHOW_WINDOW_MENU) should c...
Definition netwm.cpp:1609
void setDesktopViewport(int desktop, const NETPoint &viewport)
Sets the viewport for the current desktop to the specified point.
Definition netwm.cpp:753
virtual void showWindowMenu(xcb_window_t window, int device_id, int x_root, int y_root)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:929
virtual void restackWindow(xcb_window_t window, RequestSource source, xcb_window_t above, int detail, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:899
int currentDesktop(bool ignore_viewport=false) const
Returns the current desktop.
Definition netwm.cpp:2498
const xcb_window_t * clientListStacking() const
Returns an array of Window id's, which contain all managed windows in stacking order.
Definition netwm.cpp:2421
virtual void changeActiveWindow(xcb_window_t window, NET::RequestSource src, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp, xcb_window_t active_window)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:858
void restackRequest(xcb_window_t window, RequestSource source, xcb_window_t above, int detail, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp)
Sends the _NET_RESTACK_WINDOW request.
Definition netwm.cpp:1619
void setDesktopName(int desktop, const char *desktopName)
Sets the name of the specified desktop.
Definition netwm.cpp:689
void sendPing(xcb_window_t window, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp)
Sends a ping with the given timestamp to the window, using the _NET_WM_PING protocol.
Definition netwm.cpp:1630
const xcb_window_t * virtualRoots() const
Returns an array of Window id's, which contain the virtual root windows.
Definition netwm.cpp:2465
void activate()
Window Managers must call this after creating the NETRootInfo object, and before using any other meth...
Definition netwm.cpp:590
NET::Properties2 supportedProperties2() const
In the Window Manager mode, this is equivalent to the properties2 argument passed to the constructor.
Definition netwm.cpp:2266
int clientListStackingCount() const
Returns the number of managed windows in the clientListStacking array.
Definition netwm.cpp:2426
NETPoint desktopViewport(int desktop) const
Returns the viewport of the specified desktop.
Definition netwm.cpp:2436
void setWorkArea(int desktop, const NETRect &workArea)
Sets the workarea for the specified desktop.
Definition netwm.cpp:1476
NETRootInfo(xcb_connection_t *connection, xcb_window_t supportWindow, const char *wmName, NET::Properties properties, NET::WindowTypes windowTypes, NET::States states, NET::Properties2 properties2, NET::Actions actions, int screen=-1, bool doActivate=true)
Window Managers should use this constructor to create a NETRootInfo object, which will be used to set...
Definition netwm.cpp:436
void setSupported(NET::Property property, bool on=true)
Sets the given property if on is true, and clears the property otherwise.
Definition netwm.cpp:2311
virtual void changeDesktopGeometry(int desktop, const NETSize &geom)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:766
xcb_window_t supportWindow() const
Returns the Window id of the supportWindow.
Definition netwm.cpp:2251
NET::DesktopLayoutCorner desktopLayoutCorner() const
Returns the desktop layout starting corner.
Definition netwm.cpp:2485
const char * desktopName(int desktop) const
Returns the name for the specified desktop.
Definition netwm.cpp:2456
NET::Properties supportedProperties() const
In the Window Manager mode, this is equivalent to the properties argument passed to the constructor.
Definition netwm.cpp:2261
void closeWindowRequest(xcb_window_t window)
Clients (such as pagers/taskbars) that wish to close a window should call this function.
Definition netwm.cpp:1570
virtual void removeClient(xcb_window_t window)
A Client should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a windo...
Definition netwm.h:740
void setShowingDesktop(bool showing)
Sets the _NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP status (whether desktop is being shown).
Definition netwm.cpp:1554
virtual void changeNumberOfDesktops(int numberOfDesktops)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:752
void setDesktopGeometry(const NETSize &geometry)
Sets the desktop geometry to the specified geometry.
Definition netwm.cpp:732
virtual void moveResize(xcb_window_t window, int x_root, int y_root, unsigned long direction, xcb_button_t button, RequestSource source)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:827
void setCurrentDesktop(int desktop, bool ignore_viewport=false)
Sets the current desktop to the specified desktop.
Definition netwm.cpp:667
QSize desktopLayoutColumnsRows() const
Returns the desktop layout number of columns and rows.
Definition netwm.cpp:2480
const xcb_window_t * clientList() const
Returns an array of Window id's, which contain all managed windows.
Definition netwm.cpp:2411
void event(xcb_generic_event_t *event, NET::Properties *properties, NET::Properties2 *properties2=nullptr)
This function takes the passed xcb_generic_event_t and returns the updated properties in the passed i...
Definition netwm.cpp:1674
void setVirtualRoots(const xcb_window_t *windows, unsigned int count)
Sets the list of virtual root windows on the root window.
Definition netwm.cpp:1510
void moveResizeWindowRequest(xcb_window_t window, int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height)
Clients (such as pagers/taskbars) that wish to move/resize a window using WM2MoveResizeWindow (_NET_M...
Definition netwm.cpp:1598
NET::WindowTypes supportedWindowTypes() const
In the Window Manager mode, this is equivalent to the windowTypes argument passed to the constructor.
Definition netwm.cpp:2276
void setNumberOfDesktops(int numberOfDesktops)
Sets the number of desktops to the specified number.
Definition netwm.cpp:650
NETRect workArea(int desktop) const
Returns the workArea for the specified desktop.
Definition netwm.cpp:2446
NET::States supportedStates() const
In the Window Manager mode, this is equivalent to the states argument passed to the constructor.
Definition netwm.cpp:2271
virtual void changeCurrentDesktop(int desktop)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:794
bool isSupported(NET::Property property) const
Returns true if the given property is supported by the window manager.
Definition netwm.cpp:2386
NET::Actions supportedActions() const
In the Window Manager mode, this is equivalent to the actions argument passed to the constructor.
Definition netwm.cpp:2281
void setActiveWindow(xcb_window_t window, NET::RequestSource src, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp, xcb_window_t active_window)
Requests that the specified window becomes the active (focused) one.
Definition netwm.cpp:1459
const NETRootInfo & operator=(const NETRootInfo &rootinfo)
Assignment operator.
Definition netwm.cpp:1647
void setClientListStacking(const xcb_window_t *windows, unsigned int count)
Sets the list of managed windows in stacking order on the Root/Desktop window.
Definition netwm.cpp:626
virtual void changeShowingDesktop(bool showing)
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:915
int numberOfDesktops(bool ignore_viewport=false) const
Returns the number of desktops.
Definition netwm.cpp:2490
bool supportsProtocol(NET::Protocol protocol) const
Definition netwm.cpp:4878
void setHandledIcons(bool handled)
Set whether this application window handles icons.
Definition netwm.cpp:3263
void setFrameOverlap(NETStrut strut)
Sets the window frame overlap strut, i.e.
Definition netwm.cpp:3381
bool hasWindowType() const
This function returns false if the window has not window type specified at all.
Definition netwm.cpp:4682
void event(xcb_generic_event_t *event, NET::Properties *properties, NET::Properties2 *properties2=nullptr)
This function takes the passed in xcb_generic_event_t and returns the updated properties in the passe...
Definition netwm.cpp:3581
void setOpacityF(qreal opacity)
Sets opacity (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque) on the window.
Definition netwm.cpp:3301
void setState(NET::States state, NET::States mask)
Set the state for the application window (see the NET base class documentation for a description of w...
Definition netwm.cpp:2769
void setOpacity(unsigned long opacity)
Sets opacity (0 = transparent, 0xffffffff = opaque ) on the window.
Definition netwm.cpp:3293
void kdeGeometry(NETRect &frame, NETRect &window)
Places the window frame geometry in frame, and the application window geometry in window.
Definition netwm.cpp:3472
virtual void changeDesktop(int desktop)
A Window Manager should subclass NETWinInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when ...
Definition netwm.h:1669
const char * activities() const
returns a comma-separated list of the activities the window is associated with.
Definition netwm.cpp:4809
bool isBlockingCompositing() const
Returns whether the client wishes to block compositing (for better performance)
Definition netwm.cpp:4848
int desktop(bool ignore_viewport=false) const
Returns the desktop where the window is residing.
Definition netwm.cpp:4707
MappingState initialMappingState() const
Returns the initial mapping state as set in WM_HINTS.
Definition netwm.cpp:4774
xcb_window_t transientFor() const
Returns the WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property for the window, i.e.
Definition netwm.cpp:4754
void setDesktopFileName(const char *name)
Sets the name as the desktop file name.
Definition netwm.cpp:4893
MappingState mappingState() const
Returns the mapping state for the window (see the NET base class documentation for a description of m...
Definition netwm.cpp:4868
virtual void changeState(NET::States state, NET::States mask)
A Window Manager should subclass NETWinInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when ...
Definition netwm.h:1683
const char * windowRole() const
Returns the window role for the window (i.e.
Definition netwm.cpp:4799
void setIconName(const char *name)
Sets the iconic name for the application window.
Definition netwm.cpp:3172
virtual void changeFullscreenMonitors(NETFullscreenMonitors topology)
A Window Manager should subclass NETWinInfo2 and reimplement this function when it wants to know when...
Definition netwm.h:1697
xcb_pixmap_t icccmIconPixmapMask() const
Returns the mask for the icon pixmap as set in WM_HINTS.
Definition netwm.cpp:4784
WindowType windowType(WindowTypes supported_types) const
Returns the window type for this client (see the NET base class documentation for a description of th...
Definition netwm.cpp:4671
void setExtendedStrut(const NETExtendedStrut &extended_strut)
Set the extended (partial) strut for the application window.
Definition netwm.cpp:2708
void setGtkFrameExtents(NETStrut strut)
Sets the extents of the drop-shadow drawn by the client.
Definition netwm.cpp:3406
NETStrut gtkFrameExtents() const
Returns the extents of the drop-shadow drawn by a GTK client.
Definition netwm.cpp:3419
void setAppMenuServiceName(const char *name)
Sets the name as the D-BUS service name for the application menu.
Definition netwm.cpp:3443
NETExtendedStrut extendedStrut() const
Returns the extended (partial) strut specified by this client.
Definition netwm.cpp:4625
const NETWinInfo & operator=(const NETWinInfo &wintinfo)
Assignment operator.
Definition netwm.cpp:2599
const char * visibleIconName() const
Returns the visible iconic name as set by the window manager in UTF-8 format.
Definition netwm.cpp:4702
const char * iconName() const
Returns the iconic name of the window in UTF-8 format.
Definition netwm.cpp:4697
void setActivities(const char *activities)
Sets the comma-separated list of activities the window is associated with.
Definition netwm.cpp:4814
xcb_pixmap_t icccmIconPixmap() const
Returns the icon pixmap as set in WM_HINTS.
Definition netwm.cpp:4779
NET::States state() const
Returns the state of the window (see the NET base class documentation for a description of the variou...
Definition netwm.cpp:4615
const char * startupId() const
Returns the startup notification id of the window.
Definition netwm.cpp:4726
void setWindowType(WindowType type)
Sets the window type for this client (see the NET base class documentation for a description of the v...
Definition netwm.cpp:3000
const char * clientMachine() const
Returns the client machine for the window (i.e.
Definition netwm.cpp:4804
void setVisibleName(const char *visibleName)
For Window Managers only: set the visible name ( i.e.
Definition netwm.cpp:3149
void setBlockingCompositing(bool active)
Sets whether the client wishes to block compositing (for better performance)
Definition netwm.cpp:4831
void setVisibleIconName(const char *name)
For Window Managers only: set the visible iconic name ( i.e.
Definition netwm.cpp:3195
void setDesktop(int desktop, bool ignore_viewport=false)
Set which window the desktop is (should be) on.
Definition netwm.cpp:3218
static const int OnAllDesktops
Sentinel value to indicate that the client wishes to be visible on all desktops.
Definition netwm.h:1659
const char * visibleName() const
Returns the visible name as set by the window manager in UTF-8 format.
Definition netwm.cpp:4692
xcb_window_t groupLeader() const
Returns the leader window for the group the window is in, if any.
Definition netwm.cpp:4759
void setStartupId(const char *startup_id)
Sets the startup notification id id on the window.
Definition netwm.cpp:3274
bool hasNETSupport() const
Returns true if the window has any window type set, even if the type itself is not known to this impl...
Definition netwm.cpp:4749
xcb_timestamp_t userTime() const
Returns the time of last user action on the window, or -1 if not set.
Definition netwm.cpp:4721
NETWinInfo(xcb_connection_t *connection, xcb_window_t window, xcb_window_t rootWindow, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2, Role role=Client)
Create a NETWinInfo object, which will be used to set/read/change information stored on an applicatio...
Definition netwm.cpp:2515
bool urgency() const
Returns whether the UrgencyHint is set in the WM_HINTS.flags.
Definition netwm.cpp:4764
void setFullscreenMonitors(NETFullscreenMonitors topology)
Sets the desired multiple-monitor topology (4 monitor indices indicating the top, bottom,...
Definition netwm.cpp:2750
void setAppMenuObjectPath(const char *path)
Sets the name as the D-BUS object path for the application menu.
Definition netwm.cpp:3424
void setUserTime(xcb_timestamp_t time)
Sets user timestamp time on the window (property _NET_WM_USER_TIME).
Definition netwm.cpp:3562
void setIcon(NETIcon icon, bool replace=true)
Set icons for the application window.
Definition netwm.cpp:2619
NET::Actions allowedActions() const
Returns actions that the window manager allows for the window.
Definition netwm.cpp:4744
NETFullscreenMonitors fullscreenMonitors() const
Returns the desired fullscreen monitor topology for this client, should it be in fullscreen state.
Definition netwm.cpp:4630
const char * windowClassName() const
Returns the name component of the window class for the window (i.e.
Definition netwm.cpp:4794
void setAllowedActions(NET::Actions actions)
Sets actions that the window manager allows for the window.
Definition netwm.cpp:3306
const char * windowClassClass() const
Returns the class component of the window class for the window (i.e.
Definition netwm.cpp:4789
void setIconGeometry(NETRect geometry)
Set the icon geometry for the application window.
Definition netwm.cpp:2681
Values for WindowType when they should be OR'ed together, e.g.
Definition netwm_def.h:453
QFlags< WindowTypeMask > WindowTypes
Stores a combination of WindowTypeMask values.
Definition netwm_def.h:478
Simple multiple monitor topology class for NET classes.
Definition netwm_def.h:277
Definition netwm_def.h:232
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 28 2025 11:54:57 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 28 2025 11:54:57 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.