48 d->ownerDoc = element.ownerDocument(); // keep a copy of the (shared, thus cheap) document around to ensure the element isn't deleted too early (Bug 190068)
162QString ElementWrapper::extractElementTextNS(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
218QDomElement ElementWrapper::firstElementByTagNameNS(const QString &nsURI, const QString &localName) const
236QList<QDomElement> ElementWrapper::elementsByTagNameNS(const QString &nsURI, const QString &localName) const
bool hasAttributeNS(const QString &nsURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if this element has an attribute with the local name localName and the namespace URI nsU...
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:274
QString xmlBase() const
returns the xml:base value to be used for the wrapped element.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:78
QString text() const
Returns the wrapped element's text or an empty string.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:254
QString extractElementText(const QString &tagName) const
extracts the text from a child element, ignoring namespaces.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:156
QDomElement firstElementByTagNameNS(const QString &nsURI, const QString &tagName) const
searches the direct children of the wrapped element for an element with a given namespace and tag nam...
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:218
bool operator==(const ElementWrapper &other) const
compares two wrappers.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:63
QString completeURI(const QString &uri) const
completes relative URIs with a prefix specified via xml:base.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:121
bool isNull() const
returns whether the wrapped element is a null element
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:68
bool hasAttribute(const QString &name) const
Returns true if this element has an attribute called name; otherwise returns false.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:269
QString xmlLang() const
returns the xml:lang value to be used for the wrapped element.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:132
QString childNodesAsXML() const
returns the child nodes of the wrapped element as XML.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:199
QList< QDomElement > elementsByTagName(const QString &tagName) const
returns all child elements with tag name tagName Contrary to QDomElement::elementsByTagName() only di...
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:204
QList< QDomElement > elementsByTagNameNS(const QString &nsURI, const QString &tagName) const
returns all child elements with tag name tagname and namespace URI nsURI.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:236
ElementWrapper & operator=(const ElementWrapper &other)
Assigns another element wrapper to this one.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:57
QString attribute(const QString &name, const QString &defValue=QString()) const
Returns the attribute called name.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:259
QString extractElementTextNS(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
extracts the text from a child element, respecting namespaces.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:162
QString attributeNS(const QString &nsURI, const QString &localName, const QString &defValue=QString()) const
Returns the attribute with the local name localName and the namespace URI nsURI.
Definition elementwrapper.cpp:264
QString attributeNS(const QString &nsURI, const QString &localName, const QString &defValue) const const
bool hasAttributeNS(const QString &nsURI, const QString &localName) const const
void setAttributeNS(const QString &nsURI, const QString &qName, const QString &value)
QString tagName() const const
QString text() const const
QDomNodeList childNodes() const const
QDomNode firstChild() const const
bool isElement() const const
bool isNull() const const
QString localName() const const
QDomNode namedItem(const QString &name) const const
QString namespaceURI() const const
QDomNode parentNode() const const
QDomElement toElement() const const
void append(QList< T > &&value)
qsizetype count() const const
bool isEmpty() const const
value_type takeLast()
bool isEmpty() const const
QString trimmed() const const
bool isValid() const const
QUrl resolved(const QUrl &relative) const const
QString url(FormattingOptions options) const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:57:06 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:57:06 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.