
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2007 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
7#pragma once
9#include "akonadicore_export.h"
10#include "attribute.h"
12#include <QDebug>
13#include <QMetaType>
14#include <QSharedDataPointer>
16class QUrl;
18namespace Akonadi
20class CachePolicy;
21class CollectionPrivate;
25 * @short Represents a collection of PIM items.
26 *
27 * This class represents a collection of PIM items, such as a folder on a mail- or
28 * groupware-server.
29 *
30 * Collections are hierarchical, i.e., they may have a parent collection.
31 *
32 * @code
33 *
34 * using namespace Akonadi;
35 *
36 * // fetching all collections recursive, starting at the root collection
37 * CollectionFetchJob *job = new CollectionFetchJob( Collection::root(), CollectionFetchJob::Recursive );
38 * connect( job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(fetchFinished(KJob*)) );
39 *
40 * ...
41 *
42 * MyClass::fetchFinished( KJob *job )
43 * {
44 * if ( job->error() ) {
45 * qDebug() << "Error occurred";
46 * return;
47 * }
48 *
49 * CollectionFetchJob *fetchJob = qobject_cast<CollectionFetchJob*>( job );
50 *
51 * const Collection::List collections = fetchJob->collections();
52 * for ( const Collection &collection : collections ) {
53 * qDebug() << "Name:" << collection.name();
54 * }
55 * }
56 *
57 * @endcode
58 *
59 * @author Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
60 */
61class AKONADICORE_EXPORT Collection
64 Q_PROPERTY(Id id READ id WRITE setId)
65 Q_PROPERTY(QString remoteIdd READ remoteId WRITE setRemoteId)
66 Q_PROPERTY(bool isValid READ isValid)
67 Q_PROPERTY(QString remoteRevision READ remoteRevision WRITE setRemoteRevision)
68 Q_PROPERTY(bool enabled READ enabled WRITE setEnabled)
69 Q_PROPERTY(bool isVirtual READ isVirtual WRITE setVirtual)
70 Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName)
71 Q_PROPERTY(QString displayName READ displayName)
72 Q_PROPERTY(Rights rights READ rights WRITE setRights)
73 Q_PROPERTY(QStringList contentMimeTypes READ contentMimeTypes WRITE setContentMimeTypes)
74 Q_PROPERTY(QString resource READ resource WRITE setResource)
76 /**
77 * Describes the unique id type.
78 */
79 using Id = qint64;
81 /**
82 * Describes a list of collections.
83 */
86 /**
87 * Describes rights of a collection.
88 */
89 enum Right {
90 ReadOnly = 0x0, ///< Can only read items or subcollection of this collection
91 CanChangeItem = 0x1, ///< Can change items in this collection
92 CanCreateItem = 0x2, ///< Can create new items in this collection
93 CanDeleteItem = 0x4, ///< Can delete items in this collection
94 CanChangeCollection = 0x8, ///< Can change this collection
95 CanCreateCollection = 0x10, ///< Can create new subcollections in this collection
96 CanDeleteCollection = 0x20, ///< Can delete this collection
97 CanLinkItem = 0x40, ///< Can create links to existing items in this virtual collection @since 4.4
98 CanUnlinkItem = 0x80, ///< Can remove links to items in this virtual collection @since 4.4
100 | CanDeleteCollection) ///< Has all rights on this storage collection
101 };
102 Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Rights, Right)
103 Q_ENUM(Right)
105 /**
106 * Creates an invalid collection.
107 */
108 Collection();
110 /**
111 * Create a new collection.
112 *
113 * @param id The unique identifier of the collection.
114 */
115 explicit Collection(Id id);
117 /**
118 * Destroys the collection.
119 */
122 /**
123 * Creates a collection from an @p other collection.
124 */
125 Collection(const Collection &other);
127 /**
128 * Move constructor.
129 */
130 Collection(Collection &&other) noexcept;
132 /**
133 * Creates a collection from the given @p url.
134 */
135 static Collection fromUrl(const QUrl &url);
137 /**
138 * Sets the unique @p identifier of the collection.
139 */
140 void setId(Id identifier);
142 /**
143 * Returns the unique identifier of the collection.
144 */
145 [[nodiscard]] Id id() const;
147 /**
148 * Sets the remote @p id of the collection.
149 */
150 void setRemoteId(const QString &id);
152 /**
153 * Returns the remote id of the collection.
154 */
155 [[nodiscard]] QString remoteId() const;
157 /**
158 * Sets the remote @p revision of the collection.
159 * @param revision the collections's remote revision
160 * The remote revision can be used by resources to store some
161 * revision information of the backend to detect changes there.
162 *
163 * @note This method is supposed to be used by resources only.
164 * @since 4.5
165 */
166 void setRemoteRevision(const QString &revision);
168 /**
169 * Returns the remote revision of the collection.
170 *
171 * @note This method is supposed to be used by resources only.
172 * @since 4.5
173 */
174 [[nodiscard]] QString remoteRevision() const;
176 /**
177 * Returns whether the collection is valid.
178 */
179 [[nodiscard]] bool isValid() const;
181 /**
182 * Returns whether this collections's id equals the
183 * id of the @p other collection.
184 */
185 [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const Collection &other) const;
187 /**
188 * Returns whether the collection's id does not equal the id
189 * of the @p other collection.
190 */
191 [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const Collection &other) const;
193 /**
194 * Assigns the @p other to this collection and returns a reference to this
195 * collection.
196 * @param other the collection to assign
197 */
198 Collection &operator=(const Collection &other);
200 /**
201 * @internal For use with containers only.
202 *
203 * @since 4.8
204 */
205 [[nodiscard]] bool operator<(const Collection &other) const;
207 /**
208 * Returns the parent collection of this object.
209 * @note This will of course only return a useful value if it was explicitly retrieved
210 * from the Akonadi server.
211 * @since 4.4
212 */
213 [[nodiscard]] Collection parentCollection() const;
215 /**
216 * Returns a reference to the parent collection of this object.
217 * @note This will of course only return a useful value if it was explicitly retrieved
218 * from the Akonadi server.
219 * @since 4.4
220 */
221 [[nodiscard]] Collection &parentCollection();
223 /**
224 * Set the parent collection of this object.
225 * @note Calling this method has no immediate effect for the object itself,
226 * such as being moved to another collection.
227 * It is mainly relevant to provide a context for RID-based operations
228 * inside resources.
229 * @param parent The parent collection.
230 * @since 4.4
231 */
232 void setParentCollection(const Collection &parent);
234 /**
235 * Adds an attribute to the collection.
236 *
237 * If an attribute of the same type name already exists, it is deleted and
238 * replaced with the new one.
239 *
240 * @param attribute The new attribute.
241 *
242 * @note The collection takes the ownership of the attribute.
243 */
246 /**
247 * Removes and deletes the attribute of the given type @p name.
248 */
249 void removeAttribute(const QByteArray &name);
251 /**
252 * Returns @c true if the collection has an attribute of the given type @p name,
253 * false otherwise.
254 */
255 bool hasAttribute(const QByteArray &name) const;
257 /**
258 * Returns a list of all attributes of the collection.
259 *
260 * @warning Do not modify the attributes returned from this method,
261 * the change will not be reflected when updating the Collection
262 * through CollectionModifyJob.
263 */
264 [[nodiscard]] Attribute::List attributes() const;
266 /**
267 * Removes and deletes all attributes of the collection.
268 */
269 void clearAttributes();
271 /**
272 * Returns the attribute of the given type @p name if available, 0 otherwise.
273 */
274 Attribute *attribute(const QByteArray &name);
275 const Attribute *attribute(const QByteArray &name) const;
277 /**
278 * Describes the options that can be passed to access attributes.
279 */
281 AddIfMissing, ///< Creates the attribute if it is missing
282 DontCreate ///< Default value
283 };
285 /**
286 * Returns the attribute of the requested type.
287 * If the collection has no attribute of that type yet, passing AddIfMissing
288 * as an argument will create and add it to the entity
289 *
290 * @param option The create options.
291 */
292 template<typename T>
293 inline T *attribute(CreateOption option = DontCreate);
295 /**
296 * Returns the attribute of the requested type or 0 if it is not available.
297 */
298 template<typename T>
299 inline const T *attribute() const;
301 /**
302 * Removes and deletes the attribute of the requested type.
303 */
304 template<typename T>
305 inline void removeAttribute();
307 /**
308 * Returns whether the collection has an attribute of the requested type.
309 */
310 template<typename T>
311 inline bool hasAttribute() const;
313 /**
314 * Returns the i18n'ed name of the collection.
315 */
316 [[nodiscard]] QString name() const;
318 /**
319 * Returns the display name (EntityDisplayAttribute::displayName()) if set,
320 * and Collection::name() otherwise. For human-readable strings this is preferred
321 * over Collection::name().
322 *
323 * @since 4.11
324 */
325 [[nodiscard]] QString displayName() const;
327 /**
328 * Sets the i18n'ed name of the collection.
329 *
330 * @param name The new collection name.
331 */
332 void setName(const QString &name);
334 /**
335 * Returns the rights the user has on the collection.
336 */
337 [[nodiscard]] Rights rights() const;
339 /**
340 * Sets the @p rights the user has on the collection.
341 */
342 void setRights(Rights rights);
344 /**
345 * Returns a list of possible content mimetypes,
346 * e.g. message/rfc822, x-akonadi/collection for a mail folder that
347 * supports sub-folders.
348 */
349 [[nodiscard]] QStringList contentMimeTypes() const;
351 /**
352 * Sets the list of possible content mime @p types.
353 */
354 void setContentMimeTypes(const QStringList &types);
356 /**
357 * Returns the root collection.
358 */
359 [[nodiscard]] static Collection root();
361 /**
362 * Returns the mimetype used for collections.
363 */
364 [[nodiscard]] static QString mimeType();
366 /**
367 * Returns the mimetype used for virtual collections
368 *
369 * @since 4.11
370 */
371 [[nodiscard]] static QString virtualMimeType();
373 /**
374 * Returns the identifier of the resource owning the collection.
375 */
376 [[nodiscard]] QString resource() const;
378 /**
379 * Sets the @p identifier of the resource owning the collection.
380 */
381 void setResource(const QString &identifier);
383 /**
384 * Returns the cache policy of the collection.
385 */
386 [[nodiscard]] CachePolicy cachePolicy() const;
388 /**
389 * Sets the cache @p policy of the collection.
390 */
391 void setCachePolicy(const CachePolicy &policy);
393 /**
394 * Returns the collection statistics of the collection.
395 */
396 [[nodiscard]] CollectionStatistics statistics() const;
398 /**
399 * Sets the collection @p statistics for the collection.
400 */
401 void setStatistics(const CollectionStatistics &statistics);
403 /**
404 * Describes the type of url which is returned in url().
405 *
406 * @since 4.7
407 */
408 enum UrlType {
409 UrlShort = 0, ///< A short url which contains the identifier only (equivalent to url())
410 UrlWithName = 1 ///< A url with identifier and name
411 };
413 /**
414 * Returns the url of the collection.
415 * @param type the type of url
416 * @since 4.7
417 */
418 [[nodiscard]] QUrl url(UrlType type = UrlShort) const;
420 /**
421 * Returns whether the collection is virtual, for example a search collection.
422 *
423 * @since 4.6
424 */
425 [[nodiscard]] bool isVirtual() const;
427 /**
428 * Sets whether the collection is virtual or not.
429 * Virtual collections can't be converted to non-virtual and vice versa.
430 * @param isVirtual virtual collection if @c true, otherwise a normal collection
431 * @since 4.10
432 */
433 void setVirtual(bool isVirtual);
435 /**
436 * Sets the collection's enabled state.
437 *
438 * Use this mechanism to set if a collection should be available
439 * to the user or not.
440 *
441 * This can be used in conjunction with the local list preference for finer grained control
442 * to define if a collection should be included depending on the purpose.
443 *
444 * For example: A collection is by default enabled, meaning it is displayed to the user, synchronized by the resource,
445 * and indexed by the indexer. A disabled collection on the other hand is not displayed, synchronized or indexed.
446 * The local list preference allows to locally override that default value for each purpose individually.
447 *
448 * The enabled state can be synchronized by backends.
449 * E.g. an imap resource may synchronize this with the subscription state.
450 *
451 * @since 4.14
452 * @see setLocalListPreference, setShouldList
453 */
454 void setEnabled(bool enabled);
456 /**
457 * Returns the collection's enabled state.
458 * @since 4.14
459 * @see localListPreference
460 */
461 [[nodiscard]] bool enabled() const;
463 /**
464 * Describes the list preference value
465 *
466 * @since 4.14
467 */
469 ListEnabled, ///< Enable collection for specified purpose
470 ListDisabled, ///< Disable collection for specified purpose
471 ListDefault ///< Fallback to enabled state
472 };
474 /**
475 * Describes the purpose of the listing
476 *
477 * @since 4.14
478 */
480 ListSync, ///< Listing for synchronization
481 ListDisplay, ///< Listing for display to the user
482 ListIndex ///< Listing for indexing the content
483 };
485 /**
486 * Sets the local list preference for the specified purpose.
487 *
488 * The local list preference overrides the enabled state unless set to ListDefault.
489 * In case of ListDefault the enabled state should be taken as fallback (shouldList() implements this logic).
490 *
491 * The default value is ListDefault.
492 *
493 * @since 4.14
494 * @see shouldList, setEnabled
495 */
496 void setLocalListPreference(ListPurpose purpose, ListPreference preference);
498 /**
499 * Returns the local list preference for the specified purpose.
500 * @since 4.14
501 * @see setLocalListPreference
502 */
503 [[nodiscard]] ListPreference localListPreference(ListPurpose purpose) const;
505 /**
506 * Returns whether the collection should be listed or not for the specified purpose
507 * Takes enabled state and local preference into account.
508 *
509 * @since 4.14
510 * @see setLocalListPreference, setEnabled
511 */
512 [[nodiscard]] bool shouldList(ListPurpose purpose) const;
514 /**
515 * Sets whether the collection should be listed or not for the specified purpose.
516 * Takes enabled state and local preference into account.
517 *
518 * Use this instead of sestEnabled and setLocalListPreference to automatically set
519 * the right setting.
520 *
521 * @since 4.14
522 * @see setLocalListPreference, setEnabled
523 */
524 void setShouldList(ListPurpose purpose, bool shouldList);
526 /**
527 * Set during sync to indicate that the provided parts are only default values;
528 * @since 4.15
529 */
530 void setKeepLocalChanges(const QSet<QByteArray> &parts);
532 /**
533 * Returns what parts are only default values.
534 */
535 QSet<QByteArray> keepLocalChanges() const;
538 friend class CollectionCreateJob;
539 friend class CollectionFetchJob;
540 friend class CollectionModifyJob;
541 friend class ProtocolHelper;
543 void markAttributeModified(const QByteArray &type);
545 /// @cond PRIVATE
547 friend class CollectionPrivate;
548 /// @endcond
551AKONADICORE_EXPORT size_t qHash(const Akonadi::Collection &collection, size_t seed = 0) noexcept;
553template<typename T>
556 const QByteArray type = T().type();
557 markAttributeModified(type); // do this first in case it detaches
558 if (hasAttribute(type)) {
559 if (T *attr = dynamic_cast<T *>(attribute(type))) {
560 return attr;
561 }
562 qWarning() << "Found attribute of unknown type" << type << ". Did you forget to call AttributeFactory::registerAttribute()?";
563 } else if (option == AddIfMissing) {
564 T *attr = new T();
565 addAttribute(attr);
566 return attr;
567 }
569 return nullptr;
572template<typename T>
573inline const T *Akonadi::Collection::attribute() const
575 const QByteArray type = T().type();
576 if (hasAttribute(type)) {
577 if (const T *attr = dynamic_cast<const T *>(attribute(type))) {
578 return attr;
579 }
580 qWarning() << "Found attribute of unknown type" << type << ". Did you forget to call AttributeFactory::registerAttribute()?";
581 }
583 return nullptr;
586template<typename T>
589 removeAttribute(T().type());
592template<typename T>
595 return hasAttribute(T().type());
598} // namespace Akonadi
601 * Allows to output a collection for debugging purposes.
602 */
603AKONADICORE_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const Akonadi::Collection &collection);
Provides interface for custom attributes for Entity.
Definition attribute.h:132
QList< Attribute * > List
Describes a list of attributes.
Definition attribute.h:137
Represents the caching policy for a collection.
Definition cachepolicy.h:60
Job that creates a new collection in the Akonadi storage.
Job that fetches collections from the Akonadi storage.
Job that modifies a collection in the Akonadi storage.
Provides statistics information of a Collection.
Represents a collection of PIM items.
Definition collection.h:62
void setVirtual(bool isVirtual)
Sets whether the collection is virtual or not.
Destroys the collection.
qint64 Id
Describes the unique id type.
Definition collection.h:79
Describes the type of url which is returned in url().
Definition collection.h:408
@ UrlWithName
A url with identifier and name.
Definition collection.h:410
@ UrlShort
A short url which contains the identifier only (equivalent to url())
Definition collection.h:409
void setParentCollection(const Collection &parent)
Set the parent collection of this object.
void addAttribute(Attribute *attribute)
Adds an attribute to the collection.
Creates an invalid collection.
Describes the purpose of the listing.
Definition collection.h:479
@ ListSync
Listing for synchronization.
Definition collection.h:480
@ ListIndex
Listing for indexing the content.
Definition collection.h:482
@ ListDisplay
Listing for display to the user.
Definition collection.h:481
Collection(Collection &&other) noexcept
Move constructor.
bool hasAttribute(const QByteArray &name) const
Returns true if the collection has an attribute of the given type name, false otherwise.
bool operator<(const Collection &other) const
Attribute::List attributes() const
Returns a list of all attributes of the collection.
void setName(const QString &name)
Sets the i18n'ed name of the collection.
const T * attribute() const
Returns the attribute of the requested type or 0 if it is not available.
Definition collection.h:573
Describes the options that can be passed to access attributes.
Definition collection.h:280
@ AddIfMissing
Creates the attribute if it is missing.
Definition collection.h:281
@ DontCreate
Default value.
Definition collection.h:282
bool operator!=(const Collection &other) const
Returns whether the collection's id does not equal the id of the other collection.
void clearAttributes()
Removes and deletes all attributes of the collection.
Collection & operator=(const Collection &other)
Assigns the other to this collection and returns a reference to this collection.
void setRemoteId(const QString &id)
Sets the remote id of the collection.
void setResource(const QString &identifier)
Sets the identifier of the resource owning the collection.
static Collection fromUrl(const QUrl &url)
Creates a collection from the given url.
void setEnabled(bool enabled)
Sets the collection's enabled state.
Describes rights of a collection.
Definition collection.h:89
@ CanDeleteItem
Can delete items in this collection.
Definition collection.h:93
@ ReadOnly
Can only read items or subcollection of this collection.
Definition collection.h:90
@ CanDeleteCollection
Can delete this collection.
Definition collection.h:96
@ CanChangeCollection
Can change this collection.
Definition collection.h:94
@ CanCreateItem
Can create new items in this collection.
Definition collection.h:92
@ CanLinkItem
Can create links to existing items in this virtual collection.
Definition collection.h:97
@ CanCreateCollection
Can create new subcollections in this collection.
Definition collection.h:95
@ CanUnlinkItem
Can remove links to items in this virtual collection.
Definition collection.h:98
@ AllRights
Has all rights on this storage collection.
Definition collection.h:99
@ CanChangeItem
Can change items in this collection.
Definition collection.h:91
Collection parentCollection() const
Returns the parent collection of this object.
void setContentMimeTypes(const QStringList &types)
Sets the list of possible content mime types.
bool operator==(const Collection &other) const
Returns whether this collections's id equals the id of the other collection.
void setRights(Rights rights)
Sets the rights the user has on the collection.
bool hasAttribute() const
Returns whether the collection has an attribute of the requested type.
Definition collection.h:593
QList< Collection > List
Describes a list of collections.
Definition collection.h:84
void removeAttribute(const QByteArray &name)
Removes and deletes the attribute of the given type name.
Attribute * attribute(const QByteArray &name)
Returns the attribute of the given type name if available, 0 otherwise.
QUrl url(UrlType type=UrlShort) const
Returns the url of the collection.
void setRemoteRevision(const QString &revision)
Sets the remote revision of the collection.
void setId(Id identifier)
Sets the unique identifier of the collection.
QString remoteId() const
Returns the remote id of the collection.
void removeAttribute()
Removes and deletes the attribute of the requested type.
Definition collection.h:587
Describes the list preference value.
Definition collection.h:468
@ ListDefault
Fallback to enabled state.
Definition collection.h:471
@ ListDisabled
Disable collection for specified purpose.
Definition collection.h:470
@ ListEnabled
Enable collection for specified purpose.
Definition collection.h:469
Helper integration between Akonadi and Qt.
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:29 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.