Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼NKPublicTransport | Query operations and data types for accessing realtime public transport information from online services |
CAbstractQueryModel | Common base class for query models, do not use directly |
CAttribution | Copyright and license information about the provided data |
CBackend | Information about a backend service queried for location/departure/journey data |
CBackendModel | Model listing backends and allowing to configure which ones are active |
CCoverageArea | Describes the area a specific KPublicTransport::Backend can provide information for |
CEquipment | Status information about equipment such as elevators or escalators |
CFeature | An amenity, facility or other relevant property of a vehicle (train, bus, etc), vehicle part (e.g |
CIndividualTransport | Individual transport mode details for a journey section, and for specifying journey requests |
CJourney | A journey plan |
CJourneyQueryModel | Model representing journey query results |
CJourneyReply | Journey query response |
CJourneyRequest | Describes a journey search |
CJourneySection | A segment of a journey plan |
CLine | A public transport line |
CLineMetaData | Static information about a public transport line |
CLoadInfo | Vehicle load information |
CLocation | A location |
CLocationHistoryModel | Model of frequently/recently used locations |
CLocationQueryModel | Model representing location query results |
CLocationReply | Location query reply |
CLocationRequest | Describes a location search |
CManager | Entry point for starting public transport queries |
COnboardStatus | Access to public transport onboard API |
CPath | A path followed by any kind of location change |
CPathModel | Model representing a KPublicTransport::Path |
CPathSection | A section of a Path |
CPlatform | Information about the layout of a station platform |
CPlatformLayout | Methods for determining positions on a platform |
CPlatformSection | Information about a part of a platform |
CRentalVehicle | An individual rental vehicle used on a JourneySection, ie |
CRentalVehicleNetwork | A vehicle sharing system/network |
CRentalVehicleStation | Additional information for a vehicle renting station, attached to Location objects |
CReply | Query response base class |
CRoute | A route of a public transport line |
CStopover | Information about an arrival and/or departure of a vehicle at a stop area |
CStopoverQueryModel | Model representing arrival or departure query results |
CStopoverReply | Departure or arrival query reply |
CStopoverRequest | Describes an arrival or departure search |
CTripReply | Reply to a trip query |
CTripRequest | Request for a single trip |
CVehicle | Information about the vehicle used on a journey |
CVehicleLayoutQueryModel | Model for retrieving vehicle and platform layout query results |
CVehicleLayoutReply | Reply to a vehicle layout query |
CVehicleLayoutRequest | Describes a query for vehicle layout information |
CVehicleSection | Information about a part of a vehicle |
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 28 2025 11:50:13 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 28 2025 11:50:13 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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