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HoughLine Member List

This is the complete list of members for HoughLine, including all inherited members.

angle() const constQLineF
angleTo(const QLineF &line) const constQLineF
center() const constQLineF
COINCIDENT enum value (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
compareByScore(const HoughLine *line1, const HoughLine *line2) (defined in HoughLine)HoughLinestatic
compareByTheta(const HoughLine *line1, const HoughLine *line2) (defined in HoughLine)HoughLinestatic
DistancePointLine(const QPointF &point, QPointF &intersection, double &distance) (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
dx() const constQLineF
dy() const constQLineF
fromPolar(qreal length, qreal angle)QLineFstatic
getR() const (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
getScore() const (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
getSortedTopThreeLines(QVector< HoughLine * > &houghLines, QVector< HoughLine * > &top3Lines) (defined in HoughLine)HoughLinestatic
getTheta() const (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
HoughLine(double theta, double r, int width, int height, int score)HoughLine
INTERESECTING enum value (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
Intersect(const HoughLine &other_line, QPointF &intersection)HoughLine
IntersectionType enum nameQLineF
IntersectResult enum name (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
intersects(const QLineF &line, QPointF *intersectionPoint) const constQLineF
isNull() const constQLineF
length() const constQLineF
normalVector() const constQLineF
NOT_INTERESECTING enum value (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
Offset(const int offsetX, const int offsetY) (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
operator!=(const QLineF &line) const constQLineF
operator<(const HoughLine &other) const (defined in HoughLine)HoughLineinline
operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QLineF &line)QLineF
operator=(const HoughLine &other) (defined in HoughLine)HoughLineinline
operator==(const QLineF &line) const constQLineF
operator>>(QDataStream &stream, QLineF &line)QLineF
p1() const constQLineF
p2() const constQLineF
PARALLEL enum value (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
pointAt(qreal t) const constQLineF
printHoughLine() (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
QLineF(const QLine &line)QLineF
QLineF(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)QLineF
QLineF(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2)QLineF
RotatePoint(int x1, double r, double theta, int width, int height) (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
setAngle(qreal angle)QLineF
setLength(qreal length)QLineF
setLine(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2)QLineF
setP1(const QPointF &p1)QLineF
setP2(const QPointF &p2)QLineF
setPoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)QLineF
setTheta(const double theta) (defined in HoughLine)HoughLine
toLine() const constQLineF
translate(const QPointF &offset)QLineF
translate(qreal dx, qreal dy)QLineF
translated(const QPointF &offset) const constQLineF
translated(qreal dx, qreal dy) const constQLineF
unitVector() const constQLineF
x1() const constQLineF
x2() const constQLineF
y1() const constQLineF
y2() const constQLineF
~HoughLine()=default (defined in HoughLine)HoughLinevirtual
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