SkyPoint Member List
This is the complete list of members for SkyPoint, including all inherited members.
aberrate(const KSNumbers *num, bool reverse=false) | SkyPoint | |
addEterms(void) | SkyPoint | |
airmass() const | SkyPoint | inline |
alt() const | SkyPoint | inline |
altCrit | SkyPoint | static |
altRefracted() const | SkyPoint | |
angularDistanceTo(const SkyPoint *sp, double *const positionAngle=nullptr) const | SkyPoint | |
apparentCoord(long double jd0, long double jdf) | SkyPoint | |
az() const | SkyPoint | inline |
B1950ToJ2000(void) | SkyPoint | |
bendlight() | SkyPoint | |
catalogueCoord(long double jdf) | SkyPoint | |
checkBendLight() | SkyPoint | |
checkCircumpolar(const dms *gLat) const | SkyPoint | |
dec() const | SkyPoint | inline |
dec0() const | SkyPoint | inline |
deprecess(const KSNumbers *num, long double epoch=J2000) | SkyPoint | |
Equatorial1950ToGalactic(dms &galLong, dms &galLat) | SkyPoint | |
EquatorialToHorizontal(const CachingDms *LST, const CachingDms *lat) | SkyPoint | |
EquatorialToHorizontal(const dms *LST, const dms *lat) (defined in SkyPoint) | SkyPoint | |
Eterms(void) | SkyPoint | |
findAltitude(const SkyPoint *p, const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, const double hour=0) | SkyPoint | static |
findEcliptic(const CachingDms *Obliquity, dms &EcLong, dms &EcLat) | SkyPoint | |
GalacticToEquatorial1950(const dms *galLong, const dms *galLat) | SkyPoint | |
getLastPrecessJD() const | SkyPoint | inline |
HorizontalToEquatorial(const dms *LST, const dms *lat) | SkyPoint | |
implementationIsLibnova (defined in SkyPoint) | SkyPoint | static |
isValid() const | SkyPoint | inline |
J2000ToB1950(void) | SkyPoint | |
lastPrecessJD (defined in SkyPoint) | SkyPoint | protected |
maxAlt(const dms &lat) const | SkyPoint | |
minAlt(const dms &lat) const | SkyPoint | |
moveAway(const SkyPoint &from, double dist) const | SkyPoint | |
nutate(const KSNumbers *num, const bool reverse=false) | SkyPoint | |
operator==(SkyPoint &p) const | SkyPoint | inline |
parallacticAngle(const CachingDms &LST, const CachingDms &lat) | SkyPoint | |
precess(const KSNumbers *num) | SkyPoint | protected |
precessFromAnyEpoch(long double jd0, long double jdf) | SkyPoint | |
ra() const | SkyPoint | inline |
ra0() const | SkyPoint | inline |
refract(const double alt, bool conditional=true) | SkyPoint | static |
refract(const dms alt, bool conditional=true) | SkyPoint | inlinestatic |
refractionCorr(double alt) | SkyPoint | static |
set(const dms &r, const dms &d) | SkyPoint | |
setAlt(dms alt) | SkyPoint | inline |
setAlt(double alt) | SkyPoint | inline |
setAltRefracted(dms alt_apparent) | SkyPoint | |
setAltRefracted(double alt_apparent) | SkyPoint | |
setAz(dms az) | SkyPoint | inline |
setAz(double az) | SkyPoint | inline |
setDec(dms d) | SkyPoint | inline |
setDec(const CachingDms &d) (defined in SkyPoint) | SkyPoint | inline |
setDec(double d) | SkyPoint | inline |
setDec0(dms d) | SkyPoint | inline |
setDec0(const CachingDms &d) (defined in SkyPoint) | SkyPoint | inline |
setDec0(double d) | SkyPoint | inline |
setFromEcliptic(const CachingDms *Obliquity, const dms &EcLong, const dms &EcLat) | SkyPoint | |
setRA(dms &r) | SkyPoint | inline |
setRA(const CachingDms &r) (defined in SkyPoint) | SkyPoint | inline |
setRA(double r) | SkyPoint | inline |
setRA0(dms r) | SkyPoint | inline |
setRA0(CachingDms r) (defined in SkyPoint) | SkyPoint | inline |
setRA0(double r) | SkyPoint | inline |
SkyPoint(const dms &r, const dms &d) | SkyPoint | inline |
SkyPoint(const CachingDms &r, const CachingDms &d) (defined in SkyPoint) | SkyPoint | inline |
SkyPoint(double r, double d) | SkyPoint | inlineexplicit |
SkyPoint() | SkyPoint | |
subtractEterms(void) | SkyPoint | |
timeTransformed(const SkyPoint *p, const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, const double hour=0) | SkyPoint | static |
unrefract(const double alt, bool conditional=true) | SkyPoint | static |
unrefract(const dms alt, bool conditional=true) | SkyPoint | inlinestatic |
updateCoords(const KSNumbers *num, bool includePlanets=true, const CachingDms *lat=nullptr, const CachingDms *LST=nullptr, bool forceRecompute=false) | SkyPoint | virtual |
updateCoordsNow(const KSNumbers *num) | SkyPoint | inlinevirtual |
vGeocentric(double vhelio, long double jd) | SkyPoint | |
vGeoToVHelio(double vgeo, long double jd) | SkyPoint | |
vHeliocentric(double vlsr, long double jd) | SkyPoint | |
vHelioToVlsr(double vhelio, long double jd) | SkyPoint | |
vREarth(long double jd0) | SkyPoint | |
vRSite(double vsite[3]) | SkyPoint | |
vRSun(long double jd) | SkyPoint | |
vTopocentric(double vgeo, double vsite[3]) | SkyPoint | |
vTopoToVGeo(double vtopo, double vsite[3]) | SkyPoint | |
~SkyPoint()=default (defined in SkyPoint) | SkyPoint | virtual |
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Jan 3 2025 11:47:17 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Jan 3 2025 11:47:17 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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