KSAsteroid Member List
This is the complete list of members for KSAsteroid, including all inherited members.
aberrate(const KSNumbers *num) | SkyPoint | |
addEterms(void) | SkyPoint | |
addToTrail() | TrailObject | |
alt() const | SkyPoint | inline |
altCrit | SkyPoint | static |
altRefracted() const | SkyPoint | |
angSize() const | KSPlanetBase | inline |
angularDistanceTo(const SkyPoint *sp, double *const positionAngle=0) const | SkyPoint | |
apparentCoord(long double jd0, long double jdf) | SkyPoint | |
ASTERISM enum value | SkyObject | |
ASTEROID enum value | SkyObject | |
az() const | SkyPoint | inline |
B1950ToJ2000(void) | SkyPoint | |
bendlight() | SkyPoint | |
CATALOG_STAR enum value | SkyObject | |
checkBendLight() | SkyPoint | |
checkCircumpolar(const dms *gLat) | SkyPoint | |
clearTrail() | TrailObject | |
clearTrailsExcept(SkyObject *o) | TrailObject | static |
clipTrail() | TrailObject | |
clone() const | KSAsteroid | virtual |
color() | KSPlanetBase | inline |
COMET enum value | SkyObject | |
CONSTELLATION enum value | SkyObject | |
createPlanet(int n) | KSPlanetBase | static |
DARK_NEBULA enum value | SkyObject | |
dec() const | SkyPoint | inline |
dec0() const | SkyPoint | inline |
deprecess(const KSNumbers *num, long double epoch=J2000) | SkyPoint | |
drawTrail(SkyPainter *skyp) const | TrailObject | |
ecLat() const | KSPlanetBase | inline |
EclipticToEquatorial(const dms *Obliquity) | KSPlanetBase | |
ecLong() const | KSPlanetBase | inline |
emptyString | SkyObject | protectedstatic |
ep | KSPlanetBase | protected |
Equatorial1950ToGalactic(dms &galLong, dms &galLat) | SkyPoint | |
EquatorialToEcliptic(const dms *Obliquity) | KSPlanetBase | |
EquatorialToHorizontal(const dms *LST, const dms *lat) | SkyPoint | |
Eterms(void) | SkyPoint | |
findEcliptic(const dms *Obliquity, dms &EcLong, dms &EcLat) | SkyPoint | |
findGeocentricPosition(const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase *Earth=NULL) | KSAsteroid | protectedvirtual |
findPA(const KSNumbers *num) | KSPlanetBase | protected |
findPhase() | KSPlanetBase | protectedvirtual |
findPosition(const KSNumbers *num, const dms *lat=0, const dms *LST=0, const KSPlanetBase *Earth=0) | KSPlanetBase | |
GalacticToEquatorial1950(const dms *galLong, const dms *galLat) | SkyPoint | |
GALAXY enum value | SkyObject | |
GALAXY_CLUSTER enum value | SkyObject | |
GASEOUS_NEBULA enum value | SkyObject | |
getAbsoluteMagnitude() | KSAsteroid | inline |
getAlbedo() | KSAsteroid | inline |
getDiameter() | KSAsteroid | inline |
getDimensions() | KSAsteroid | inline |
getEarthMOID() | KSAsteroid | inline |
getOrbitClass() | KSAsteroid | inline |
getOrbitID() | KSAsteroid | inline |
getPerihelion() | KSAsteroid | inline |
getPeriod() | KSAsteroid | inline |
getRotationPeriod() | KSAsteroid | inline |
getSlopeParameter() | KSAsteroid | inline |
getUID() const | KSAsteroid | virtual |
GLOBULAR_CLUSTER enum value | SkyObject | |
hasAuxInfo() | SkyObject | inline |
hasLongName() const | SkyObject | inline |
hasName() const | SkyObject | inline |
hasName2() const | SkyObject | inline |
hasTrail() const | TrailObject | inline |
helEcLat() const | KSPlanetBase | inline |
helEcLong() const | KSPlanetBase | inline |
helEcPos | KSPlanetBase | protected |
HorizontalToEquatorial(const dms *LST, const dms *lat) | SkyPoint | |
image() | KSPlanetBase | inline |
ImageList() | SkyObject | inline |
ImageTitle() | SkyObject | inline |
info | SkyObject | protected |
InfoList() | SkyObject | inline |
InfoTitle() | SkyObject | inline |
init(const QString &s, const QString &image_file, const QColor &c, double pSize) | KSPlanetBase | |
invalidUID | SkyObject | static |
isMajorPlanet() const | KSPlanetBase | |
isNEO() | KSAsteroid | inline |
isSolarSystem() const | SkyObject | inline |
J2000ToB1950(void) | SkyPoint | |
JUPITER enum value | KSPlanetBase | |
KSAsteroid(int catN, const QString &s, const QString &image_file, long double JD, double a, double e, dms i, dms w, dms N, dms M, double H, double G) | KSAsteroid | |
KSPlanetBase(const QString &s=i18n("unnamed"), const QString &image_file=QString(), const QColor &c=Qt::white, double pSize=0) | KSPlanetBase | explicit |
labelOffset() const | KSPlanetBase | virtual |
labelString() const | SkyObject | virtual |
lastPrecessJD | SkyPoint | protected |
loadData() | KSAsteroid | virtual |
LongName | SkyObject | protected |
longname(void) const | SkyObject | inlinevirtual |
m_image | KSPlanetBase | protected |
mag(void) const | SkyObject | inline |
mag(const QString &band) const | SkyObject | inline |
MARS enum value | KSPlanetBase | |
MaxTrail | TrailObject | static |
MERCURY enum value | KSPlanetBase | |
messageFromTitle(const QString &imageTitle) | SkyObject | |
MOON enum value | KSPlanetBase | |
moveAway(const SkyPoint &from, double dist) | SkyPoint | |
MULT_STAR enum value | SkyObject | |
Name | SkyObject | protected |
name(void) const | SkyObject | inlinevirtual |
Name2 | SkyObject | protected |
name2(void) const | SkyObject | inline |
NEPTUNE enum value | KSPlanetBase | |
notes() | SkyObject | inline |
nutate(const KSNumbers *num) | SkyPoint | |
OPEN_CLUSTER enum value | SkyObject | |
operator==(SkyPoint &p) | SkyPoint | inline |
pa() const | KSPlanetBase | inlinevirtual |
Phase | KSPlanetBase | protected |
phase() | KSPlanetBase | inline |
physicalSize() const | KSPlanetBase | inline |
PLANET enum value | SkyObject | |
PLANETARY_NEBULA enum value | SkyObject | |
planetColor | KSPlanetBase | static |
Planets enum name | KSPlanetBase | |
PLUTO enum value | KSPlanetBase | |
precess(const KSNumbers *num) | SkyPoint | protected |
precessFromAnyEpoch(long double jd0, long double jdf) | SkyPoint | |
QUASAR enum value | SkyObject | |
ra() const | SkyPoint | inline |
ra0() const | SkyPoint | inline |
RADIO_SOURCE enum value | SkyObject | |
Rearth | KSPlanetBase | protected |
rearth() const | KSPlanetBase | inline |
recomputeCoords(const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo=0) | SkyObject | |
refract(const double alt) | SkyPoint | static |
refract(const dms alt) | SkyPoint | inlinestatic |
refractionCorr(double alt) | SkyPoint | static |
riseSetTime(const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, bool rst, bool exact=true) | SkyObject | |
riseSetTimeAz(const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, bool rst) | SkyObject | |
riseSetTimeUT(const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, bool rst, bool exact=true) | SkyObject | |
rsun() const | KSPlanetBase | inline |
SATELLITE enum value | SkyObject | |
SATURN enum value | KSPlanetBase | |
saveUserLog(const QString &newLog) | SkyObject | |
set(const dms &r, const dms &d) | SkyPoint | |
set_a(double newa) | KSAsteroid | inlineprotected |
set_e(double newe) | KSAsteroid | inlineprotected |
set_i(double newi) | KSAsteroid | inlineprotected |
set_M(double newM) | KSAsteroid | inlineprotected |
set_N(double newN) | KSAsteroid | inlineprotected |
set_P(double newP) | KSAsteroid | inlineprotected |
set_w(double neww) | KSAsteroid | inlineprotected |
setAlbedo(float albedo) | KSAsteroid | |
setAlt(dms alt) | SkyPoint | inline |
setAlt(double alt) | SkyPoint | inline |
setAngularSize(double size) | KSPlanetBase | inline |
setAz(dms az) | SkyPoint | inline |
setAz(double az) | SkyPoint | inline |
setColor(const QColor &c) | KSPlanetBase | inline |
setDec(dms d) | SkyPoint | inline |
setDec(double d) | SkyPoint | inline |
setDec0(dms d) | SkyPoint | inline |
setDec0(double d) | SkyPoint | inline |
setDiameter(float diam) | KSAsteroid | |
setDimensions(QString dim) | KSAsteroid | |
setEarthMOID(double earth_moid) | KSAsteroid | |
setEcLat(dms elat) | KSPlanetBase | inline |
setEcLong(dms elong) | KSPlanetBase | inline |
setFromEcliptic(const dms *Obliquity, const dms &EcLong, const dms &EcLat) | SkyPoint | |
setJD(long double jd) | KSAsteroid | inlineprotected |
setLongName(const QString &longname=QString()) | SkyObject | |
setMag(float m) | SkyObject | inlineprotected |
setMag(const QString &band, const double mag) | SkyObject | protected |
setName(const QString &name) | SkyObject | inlineprotected |
setName2(const QString &name2=QString()) | SkyObject | inlineprotected |
setNEO(bool neo) | KSAsteroid | |
setNotes(QString _notes) | SkyObject | inline |
setOrbitClass(QString orbit_class) | KSAsteroid | |
setOrbitID(QString orbit_id) | KSAsteroid | |
setPA(double p) | KSPlanetBase | inline |
setPerihelion(double perihelion) | KSAsteroid | |
setPeriod(float per) | KSAsteroid | |
setPhysicalSize(double size) | KSPlanetBase | inline |
setRA(dms r) | SkyPoint | inline |
setRA(double r) | SkyPoint | inline |
setRA0(dms r) | SkyPoint | inline |
setRA0(double r) | SkyPoint | inline |
setRearth(double r) | KSPlanetBase | inline |
setRearth(const KSPlanetBase *Earth) | KSPlanetBase | |
setRotationPeriod(float rot_per) | KSAsteroid | |
setRsun(double r) | KSPlanetBase | inline |
setType(int t) | SkyObject | inline |
showPopupMenu(KSPopupMenu *pmenu, const QPoint &pos) | SkyObject | |
SkyObject(int t=TYPE_UNKNOWN, dms r=dms(0.0), dms d=dms(0.0), float m=0.0, const QString &n=QString(), const QString &n2=QString(), const QString &lname=QString()) | SkyObject | explicit |
SkyObject(int t, double r, double d, float m=0.0, const QString &n=QString(), const QString &n2=QString(), const QString &lname=QString()) | SkyObject | |
SkyPoint(const dms &r, const dms &d) | SkyPoint | inline |
SkyPoint(double r, double d) | SkyPoint | inlineexplicit |
SkyPoint() | SkyPoint | |
solarsysUID(UID type) const | KSPlanetBase | inlineprotected |
STAR enum value | SkyObject | |
starString | SkyObject | protectedstatic |
subtractEterms(void) | SkyPoint | |
SUN enum value | KSPlanetBase | |
SUPERNOVA enum value | SkyObject | |
SUPERNOVA_REMNANT enum value | SkyObject | |
trail() const | TrailObject | inline |
Trail | TrailObject | protected |
TrailObject(int t=TYPE_UNKNOWN, dms r=dms(0.0), dms d=dms(0.0), float m=0.0, const QString &n=QString()) | TrailObject | explicit |
TrailObject(int t, double r, double d, float m=0.0, const QString &n=QString()) | TrailObject | |
trailObjects | TrailObject | protectedstatic |
transitAltitude(const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo) | SkyObject | |
transitTime(const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo) | SkyObject | |
transitTimeUT(const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo) | SkyObject | |
translatedLongName() const | SkyObject | inline |
translatedName() const | SkyObject | inline |
translatedName2() const | SkyObject | inline |
TYPE enum name | SkyObject | |
type(void) const | SkyObject | inline |
TYPE_UNKNOWN enum value | SkyObject | |
typeName(const int t) | SkyObject | static |
typeName() const | SkyObject | |
UID typedef | SkyObject | |
UID_DEEPSKY | SkyObject | static |
UID_GALAXY | SkyObject | static |
UID_SOL_ASTEROID | KSPlanetBase | protectedstatic |
UID_SOL_BIGOBJ | KSPlanetBase | protectedstatic |
UID_SOL_COMET | KSPlanetBase | protectedstatic |
UID_SOLARSYS | SkyObject | static |
UID_STAR | SkyObject | static |
UNKNOWN_PLANET enum value | KSPlanetBase | |
unnamedObjectString | SkyObject | protectedstatic |
unnamedString | SkyObject | protectedstatic |
unrefract(const double alt) | SkyPoint | static |
unrefract(const dms alt) | SkyPoint | inlinestatic |
updateCoords(KSNumbers *num, bool includePlanets=true, const dms *lat=0, const dms *LST=0, bool forceRecompute=false) | KSPlanetBase | virtual |
updateTrail(dms *LST, const dms *lat) | TrailObject | |
URANUS enum value | KSPlanetBase | |
userLog() | SkyObject | inline |
VENUS enum value | KSPlanetBase | |
vGeocentric(double vhelio, long double jd) | SkyPoint | |
vGeoToVHelio(double vgeo, long double jd) | SkyPoint | |
vHeliocentric(double vlsr, long double jd) | SkyPoint | |
vHelioToVlsr(double vhelio, long double jd) | SkyPoint | |
vREarth(long double jd0) | SkyPoint | |
vRSite(double vsite[3]) | SkyPoint | |
vRSun(long double jd) | SkyPoint | |
vTopocentric(double vgeo, double vsite[3]) | SkyPoint | |
vTopoToVGeo(double vtopo, double vsite[3]) | SkyPoint | |
~KSAsteroid() | KSAsteroid | inlinevirtual |
~KSPlanetBase() | KSPlanetBase | inlinevirtual |
~SkyObject() | SkyObject | virtual |
~SkyPoint() | SkyPoint | virtual |
~TrailObject() | TrailObject | virtual |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:36:22 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:36:22 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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