Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
►NEkos | |
►NISD | |
►NOAL | |
CAddCatDialog | Dialog for adding custom object catalogs to KStars |
CAddCatDialogUI | |
CAddLinkDialog | |
CAddLinkDialogUI | |
CADVTreeData | |
CAltVsTime | Altitude vs |
CAltVsTimeUI | |
CArgChangeViewOption | |
CArgExportImage | |
CArgFindObject | |
CArgLoadColorScheme | |
CArgLookToward | |
CArgPrintImage | |
CArgSetActionINDI | |
CArgSetAltAz | |
CArgSetCCDTempINDI | |
CArgSetColor | |
CArgSetDeviceINDI | |
CArgSetFilterNumINDI | |
CArgSetFocusSpeedINDI | |
CArgSetFocusTimeoutINDI | |
CArgSetFrameTypeINDI | |
CArgSetGeoLocation | |
CArgSetGeoLocationINDI | |
CArgSetLocalTime | |
CArgSetPortINDI | |
CArgSetRaDec | |
CArgSetScopeActionINDI | |
CArgSetTargetCoordINDI | |
CArgSetTargetNameINDI | |
CArgSetTrack | |
CArgShutdownINDI | |
CArgStartExposureINDI | |
CArgStartFocusINDI | |
CArgStartINDI | |
CArgSwitchINDI | |
CArgTimeScale | |
CArgWaitFor | |
CArgWaitForKey | |
CArgZoom | |
CAsteroidsComponent | Represents the asteroids on the sky map |
CAstroCalc | Astrocalc is the base class for the KStars astronomical calculator |
CAuxInfo | Stores Users' Logs and QStringLists of URLs for images and webpages regarding an object in the sky |
CAVTPlotWidget | An extension of the KPlotWidget for the AltVsTime tool |
CAzimuthalEquidistantProjector | |
CBinFileHelper | This class provides utility functions to handle binary data files in the format prescribed by KStars |
CCalendarWidget | An extension of the KPlotWidget for the SkyCalendar tool |
Ccalibrationparams_t | |
CCatalogComponent | Represents a custom user-defined catalog |
CCatalogData | Add the catalog with given details into the database |
CCatalogDB | |
CCatalogEntryData | Class to store details of a Catalog Entry |
Ccgmath | |
CClickLabel | QLabel with a clicked() signal |
CClientManager | |
CColorScheme | This class stores all of the adjustable colors in KStars, in a QMap object keyed by the names of the colors |
CCometsComponent | This class encapsulates the Comets |
CConjunctionsTool | Predicts conjunctions using KSConjunct in the background |
CConstellationBoundary | Collection of lines comprising the borders between constellations |
CConstellationBoundaryLines | |
CConstellationLines | |
CConstellationNamesComponent | Represents the constellation names on the sky map |
CCoordinateGrid | Collection of all the circles in the coordinate grid |
Ccproc_in_params | |
Ccproc_out_params | |
Ccscroll_graph | |
CCultureList | A list of all cultures |
Ccustom_drawer | |
CDatabaseWidget | |
CDataCometWidget | |
CdataElement | A structure describing a data field in the file |
CDataWidget | |
CDeepSkyComponent | Represents the deep sky objects separated by catalogs |
CDeepSkyObject | Provides all necessary information about a deep-sky object: data inherited from SkyObject (coordinates, type, magnitude, 2 names, and URLs) and data specific to DeepSkyObjects (common name, angular size, position angle, Image, catalog) |
CDeepStarComponent | Stores and manages unnamed stars, most of which are dynamically loaded into memory |
CdeepStarData | Structure that holds star data for really faint stars |
CDeepStarData | |
Cdelta_data_t | |
CDetailDialog | Window showing detailed information for a selected object |
CDetailsTable | Represents details tables that can be inserted to finder charts and logging forms |
CDeviceInfo | |
CDeviceManager | |
CDeviceManagerUI | |
Cdms | An angle, stored as degrees, but expressible in many ways |
CdmsBox | A KLineEdit which is capable of displaying and parsing angle values flexibly and robustly |
CDragListBox | Extension of KListWidget that allows Drag-and-Drop with other DragListBoxes |
CDriverInfo | |
CDriverManager | |
CDriverManagerUI | |
CEcliptic | Represents the ecliptic on the sky map |
CEclipticPosition | The ecliptic position of a planet (Longitude, Latitude, and distance from Sun) |
CEdge | |
CEkosManager | |
CeqPlotWidget | |
CEquator | Represents the equator on the sky map |
CEquatorialCoordinateGrid | Collection of all the circles in the equatorial coordinate grid |
CEquipmentWriter | |
CEquirectangularProjector | |
CExecute | |
CExportImageDialog | Export sky image dialog |
CExportImageDialogUI | |
CFindDialog | Dialog window for finding SkyObjects by name |
CFindDialogUI | |
CFinderChart | Class that represents finder chart document |
CFITSHistogram | |
CFITSHistogramCommand | |
CFITSImage | |
CFITSLabel | |
CFITSOverlay | |
CFITSTab | |
CFITSView | |
CFITSViewer | |
CFlagComponent | Represents a flag on the sky map |
CFlagManager | Flag manager Dialog box to add and remove flags |
CFlagManagerUI | |
CFocusDialog | A small dialog for setting the focus coordinates manually |
CFocusDialogUI | |
CFOV | Class encapulating a Field-of-View symbol |
CFOVDialog | Select a Field-of-View indicator (or create a new one) |
CFOVDialogUI | |
CFovEditorDialog | Class representing FOV Editor Dialog which enables user to edit FOV snapshots |
CFovEditorDialogUI | User interface for FOV Editor Dialog |
CFOverlay | |
CFovSnapshot | Class that represents single field of view snapshot |
CFOVWidget | |
CGenericCalendarWidget | Uses any KDateTable subclass for the date table and provides a calendar with options to choose a month / year |
CGeoLocation | Contains all relevant information for specifying a location on Earth: City Name, State/Province name, Country Name, Longitude, Latitude, Elevation, Time Zone, and Daylight Savings Time rule |
CGnomonicProjector | |
Cguide_dir_desc | |
Cguide_square_t | |
CGUIManager | |
CHighPMStarList | |
ChistDrawArea | |
ChistogramUI | |
CHorizonComponent | Represents the horizon on the sky map |
CHorizontalCoordinateGrid | Collection of all the circles in the horizontal coordinate grid |
CHTMesh | |
CHtmRange | |
CHtmRangeIterator | |
CIDevice | |
CImageExporter | Backends for exporting a sky image, either raster or vector, with a legend |
CImageLabel | |
CImageViewer | Image viewer window for KStars |
CINDIDriver | |
CINDIHostsInfo | |
CINDIListener | |
CINDIMenu | |
Cinfo_params_t | |
CInfoBoxes | |
CInfoBoxWidget | Small optianally transparent box for display of text messages |
CJMoonTool | Display the positions of Jupiter's moons as a function of time |
CJupiterMoons | Implements the four largest moons of Jupiter |
CKConfigSkeleton | |
CKDateTable | |
CKDateTime | |
CKDialog | |
CKDoubleNumInput | |
CKIntSpinBox | |
CKLineEdit | |
CKListWidget | |
CKMenu | |
CKPageDialog | |
CKPlotWidget | |
CKSAlmanac | A class that implements methods to find sun rise, sun set, twilight begin / end times, moon rise and moon set times |
CKSAsteroid | A subclass of KSPlanetBase that implements asteroids |
CKSComet | A subclass of KSPlanetBase that implements comets |
CKSConjunct | A class that implements a method to compute close conjunctions between any two solar system objects excluding planetary moons |
CKSFileReader | |
CKSHelpLabel | Label for displaying links to AstroInfo project |
CKSMoon | A subclass of SkyObject that provides information needed for the Moon |
CKSNumbers | There are several time-dependent values used in position calculations, that are not specific to an object |
CKSParser | Generic class for text file parsers used in KStars |
►CKSPlanet | A subclass of KSPlanetBase for seven of the major planets in the solar system (Earth and Pluto have their own specialized classes derived from KSPlanetBase) |
CKSPlanetBase | A subclass of TrailObject that provides additional information needed for most solar system objects |
CKSplashScreen | |
CKSPluto | A subclass of KSAsteroid that represents the planet Pluto |
CKSPopupMenu | The KStars Popup Menu |
CKSSun | Child class of KSPlanetBase; encapsulates information about the Sun |
CKStars | This is the main window for KStars |
CKStarsData | KStarsData is the backbone of KStars |
CKStarsDateTime | Extension of KDateTime for KStars KStarsDateTime can represent the date/time as a Julian Day, using a long double, in which the fractional portion encodes the time of day to a precision of a less than a second |
CKStarsDocument | Base class for KStars documents |
CKStarsSplash | The KStars Splash Screen |
CKSUserDB | Single class to delegate all User database I/O |
CKSUtils | KStars utility functions |
CKSWizard | The Setup Wizard will be automatically opened when KStars runs for the first time |
CKTextEdit | |
CKXmlGuiWindow | |
CLabelListIndex | An abstract parent class to be inherited by Ecliptic and Equator |
CLambertProjector | |
CLegend | Legend class is used for painting legends on class inheriting QPaintDevice |
CLineList | |
CLineListIndex | |
CLineListLabel | |
CLinksWidget | |
CListComponent | An abstract parent class, to be inherited by SkyComponents that store a QList of SkyObjects |
CLocationDialog | Dialog for changing the geographic location of the observer |
CLogEdit | Simple derivative of KTextEdit, that just adds a focusOut() signal, emitted when the edit loses focus |
CLoggingForm | Class that represents logging form |
CLogWidget | |
CMagnitudeSpinBox | A special spinbox for entering magnitude values |
CMapCanvas | Used in LocationDialog for displaying a map of the Earth |
CMatrix | |
CMeshBuffer | |
CMeshIterator | |
CMilkyWay | |
CMlkyWay | Draw filled areas as Milky Way and Magellanic clouds |
CmodCalcAltAz | |
CmodCalcAngDist | Module to compute the angular distance between two points in the sky |
CmodCalcApCoord | Module to compute the equatorial coordinates for a given date and time from a given epoch or equinox |
CmodCalcDayLength | Module to compute the equatorial coordinates for a given date and time from a given epoch or equinox |
CmodCalcEclCoords | Class which implements the KStars calculator module to compute geocentric ecliptic coordinates to/from geocentric equatorial coordinates |
CmodCalcEquinox | |
CmodCalcGalCoord | Class which implements the KStars calculator module to compute Galactic coordinates to/from Equatorial coordinates |
CmodCalcGeodCoord | Class which implements the KStars calculator module to compute Geodetic coordinates to/from Cartesian coordinates |
CmodCalcJD | Class for KStars module which computes JD, MJD and Date/Time from the any of the other entries |
CmodCalcPlanets | |
CmodCalcSidTime | Class which implements the KStars calculator module to compute Universal time to/from Sidereal time |
CmodCalcVlsr | |
CModelManager | Manages models for QML listviews of different types of sky-objects |
CMoonPhaseCalendar | |
CMoonPhaseTool | Shows a moon phase calendar for an entire month |
Cmouse_delegate | |
CNewFOV | Defining a new FOV symbol |
CNOMADStarDataWriter | Writes NOMAD star data |
CNoPrecessIndex | |
CNotifyUpdatesUI | |
CObsConditions | This class deals with the observing conditions of the night sky |
CObserverAdd | |
CObservingList | Tool window for managing a custom list of objects |
CObservingListUI | |
CObsListPopupMenu | The Popup Menu for the observing list in KStars |
CObsListWizard | Wizard for constructing observing lists |
CObsListWizardUI | |
COpsAdvanced | The Advanced Tab of the Options window |
COpsCatalog | The Catalog page for the Options window |
COpsColors | The Colors page allows the user to adjust all of the colors used to display the night sky |
COpsEkos | |
COpsGuides | |
COpsINDI | |
COpsSatellites | The Satellites Tab of the Options window |
COpsSolarSystem | The Solar System page for the Options window |
COpsSupernovae | The Supernovae Tab of the Options window |
COpsXplanet | |
COptions | |
COptionsTreeView | |
COptionsTreeViewWidget | |
COrthographicProjector | |
Covr_params_t | |
CPlanetMoons | Implements the moons of a planet |
CPlanetMoonsComponent | Represents the planetmoons on the sky map |
CPlanetViewer | Display an overhead view of the solar system |
CPlanetViewerUI | |
Cpoint_t | |
CPointListComponent | An abstract parent class, to be inherited by SkyComponents that store a QList of SkyPoints |
CPolyList | |
CPositionWidget | |
CPrintingWizard | Class representing Printing Wizard for KStars printed documents (currently only finder charts) |
CProjector | This class serves as an interface to handle projections |
CPVPlotWidget | |
CPWizChartConfigUI | User interface for "Configure basic finder chart settings" step of the Printing Wizard |
CPWizChartContentsUI | User interface for "Configure chart contents" step of the Printing Wizard |
CPWizFovBrowseUI | User interface for "Browse captured FOV images" step of Printing Wizard |
CPWizFovConfigUI | User interface for "Configure common FOV export options" step of the Printing Wizard |
CPWizFovManualUI | User interface for "Manual FOV capture" step of the Printing Wizard |
CPWizFovShUI | User interface for "Star hopper FOV snapshot capture" step of the Printing Wizard |
CPWizFovTypeSelectionUI | User interface for "Select FOV capture method" step of the Printing Wizard |
CPWizObjectSelectionUI | User interface for "Select observed object" step of the Printing Wizard |
CPWizPrintUI | User interface for last "Print and export finder chart" step of the Printing Wizard |
CPWizWelcomeUI | User interface for the first step of the Printing Wizard |
CQAbstractListModel | |
CQDialog | |
CQFrame | |
CQGLWidget | |
CQGraphicsView | |
CQLabel | |
CQList | |
CQObject | |
CQProgressIndicator | Lets an application display a progress indicator to show that a lengthy task is under way |
CQScrollArea | |
CQSharedData | |
CQSortFilterProxyModel | |
CQTextStream | |
CQUndoCommand | |
CQWidget | |
CRangeConvex | A spatial convex is composed of spatial constraints |
CRay | |
Crcalibration | |
CRectangle | |
Crguider | |
CSatellite | Represents an artificial satellites |
CSatelliteGroup | Represents a group of artificial satellites |
CSatellitesComponent | Represents artificial satellites on the sky map |
CSatelliteSortFilterProxyModel | |
CScriptBuilder | A GUI tool for building behavioral DBus scripts for KStars |
CScriptBuilderUI | |
CScriptFunction | Jason Harris |
CScriptNameDialog | |
CScriptNameWidget | |
CScrollBar | This qml code implements a vertical scrollbar which shall be displayed in listview of sky-objects |
CServerManager | |
CSessionSortFilterProxyModel | Sort best observation times by reimplementing lessThan() to work on the transit times of objects |
CShFovExporter | Helper class used as a wrapper for StarHopper when capturing FOV snapshots |
CSimClock | Kstars simulation clock |
CSimple | Adding a custom URL to a popup menu |
CSimpleFovExporter | SimpleFovExporter class is used for FOV representation exporting |
CSkipList | |
CSkipListElement | |
CSkyCalendar | |
CSkyCalendarUI | |
CSkyComponent | SkyComponent represents an object on the sky map |
CSkyComposite | SkyComposite is a kind of container class for SkyComponent objects |
CSkyGLPainter | |
CSkyLabel | |
CSkyLabeler | The purpose of this class is to prevent labels from overlapping |
CSkyLine | A series of connected line segments in the sky, composed of SkyPoints at its vertices |
CSkyMap | This is the canvas on which the sky is painted |
CSkyMapComposite | SkyMapComposite is the root object in the object hierarchy of the sky map |
CSkyMapDrawAbstract | This class defines the methods that both rendering engines (GLPainter and QPainter) must implement |
CSkyMapGLDraw | This class draws the SkyMap using OpenGL |
CSkyMapQDraw | This class draws the SkyMap using native QPainter |
CSkyMesh | |
CSkyObject | Provides all necessary information about an object in the sky: its coordinates, name(s), type, magnitude, and QStringLists of URLs for images and webpages regarding the object |
CSkyObjItem | Represents an item in the list of interesting sky-objects |
CSkyObjListModel | Represents a model for the list of interesting sky-objects to be displayed in the QML interface |
CSkyPainter | Draws things on the sky, without regard to backend |
CSkyPoint | The sky coordinates of a point in the sky |
CSkyQPainter | The QPainter-based painting backend |
CSolarSystemComposite | The solar system composite manages all planets, asteroids and comets |
CSolarSystemListComponent | |
CSolarSystemSingleComponent | This class encapsulates some methods which are shared between all single-object solar system components (Sun, Moon, Planet, Pluto) |
CSpatialBoundsError | SpatialException thrown on violation of array bounds |
CSpatialConstraint | The Constraint is really a cone on the sky-sphere |
CSpatialEdge | |
CSpatialException | HTM SpatialIndex Exception base class This is the base class for all Science Archive exceptions |
CSpatialFailure | SpatialException thrown on operational failure |
CSpatialIndex | The Spatial Index is a quad tree of spherical triangles |
CSpatialInterfaceError | SpatialException thrown on violation of interface protocols |
CSpatialUnimplemented | SpatialException thrown by unimplemented functions |
CSpatialVector | The SpatialVector is a 3D vector usually living on the surface of the sphere |
Csquare_alg_t | |
CStarBlock | Holds a block of stars and various peripheral variables to mark its place in data structures |
CStarBlockFactory | A factory that creates StarBlocks and recycles them in an LRU Cache |
CStarBlockList | Maintains a list of StarBlocks that contain the stars lying in a single trixel |
CStarComponent | Represents the stars on the sky map |
CstarData | Structure that holds star data |
CStarHopper | Helps planning star hopping |
CStarObject | This is a subclass of SkyObject |
CStereographicProjector | |
CStreamWG | |
CSupernova | Represents the supernova object |
CSupernovaeComponent | Encapsulates Supernovae |
CTargetListComponent | Highlights objects present in certain lists by drawing "target" symbols around them |
CTelescopeFL | Calculating telescope focal length from f-number and diameter |
CtelescopeWizardProcess | |
CTestCSVParser | |
CTestFWParser | |
CTextureManager | Singleton class to manage texture loading/retrieval |
CThumbImage | |
CThumbnailEditor | |
CThumbnailEditorUI | |
CThumbnailPicker | Dialog for modifying an object's thumbnail image |
CThumbnailPickerUI | |
CTimeDialog | A class for adjusting the Time and Date |
CTimeSpinBox | Custom spinbox to handle selection of timestep values with variable units |
CTimeStepBox | This composite widget consists of a TimeSpinBox (a QSpinBox), coupled with a TimeUnitBox (a second pair of up/down buttons) |
CTimeUnitBox | A pair of buttons, arranged one above the other, labeled "+"/"-" |
CTimeZoneRule | This class provides the information needed to determine whether Daylight Savings Time (DST; a.k.a |
CTrailObject | SkyObject with an attachable Trail |
CVector | |
CVideoWG | |
CViewParams | This is just a container that holds infromation needed to do projections |
Cwcs_point | |
CWIEquipSettings | User interface for "Equipment Type and Parameters" page in WI settings dialog |
CWILPSettings | User interface for "Light Pollution Settings" page in WI settings dialog This class deals with light pollution settings for WI |
CWIView | Manages the QML user interface for What's Interesting |
Cwiview | |
CWizDownloadUI | |
CWizLocationUI | |
CWizWelcomeUI | |
CWUTDialog | What's up tonight dialog is a window which lists all skyobjects that will be visible during the next night |
CWUTDialogUI |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:36:24 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:36:24 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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