Go to the documentation of this file.
39 mVersionItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Version" ), mVersion );
56 mBackendItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Backend" ), mBackend, valuesBackend );
58 mBackendItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Data storage backend currently used by KAlarm.") );
60 mBase_TimeZoneItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "TimeZone" ), mBase_TimeZone );
62 mBase_TimeZoneItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Select the time zone which <application>KAlarm</application> should use as its default for displaying and entering dates and times.") );
64 mBase_HolidayRegionItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HolidayRegion" ), mBase_HolidayRegion );
66 mBase_HolidayRegionItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Select the holiday region to use.") );
68 mDefaultFgColourItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemColor( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MessageForegroundColour" ), mDefaultFgColour, KColorScheme(QPalette::Active).foreground().color() );
70 mDefaultFgColourItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default foreground color for alarm message windows.") );
72 mDefaultBgColourItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemColor( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MessageBackgroundColour" ), mDefaultBgColour, KColorScheme(QPalette::Active).background(KColorScheme::NegativeBackground).color() );
74 mDefaultBgColourItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default background color for alarm message windows.") );
76 mMessageFontItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemFont( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MessageFont" ), mMessageFont, QFont(KGlobalSettings::generalFont().family(), 16, QFont::Bold) );
78 mMessageFontItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default font for displaying alarm messages.") );
80 mShowInSystemTrayItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowInSystemTray" ), mShowInSystemTray, true );
82 mShowInSystemTrayItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "<para>Check to show <application>KAlarm</application>'s icon in the system tray. Showing it in the system tray provides easy access and a status indication.</para>") );
84 mAutoHideSystemTrayItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "AutoHideSystemTray" ), mAutoHideSystemTray, 1440 );
85 mAutoHideSystemTrayItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Auto-hide in system tray if no alarms due within period") );
86 mAutoHideSystemTrayItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "<para>Enter -1 to auto-hide <application>KAlarm</application>'s icon in the system tray when there are no active alarms.</para><para>To auto-hide the system tray icon when there are no alarms due within a set period of time, enter the time period in minutes.</para><para>Enter 0 to always show the system tray icon.</para>") );
88 mAutoStartItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "AutoStart" ), mAutoStart, false );
90 mAutoStartItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "<para>Automatically start <application>KAlarm</application> whenever you start KDE.</para><para>This option should always be checked unless you intend to discontinue use of <application>KAlarm</application>.</para>") );
92 mNoAutoStartItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "NoAutoStart" ), mNoAutoStart, false );
95 mDefaultDeferTimeItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "DeferTime" ), mDefaultDeferTime, 5 );
97 mDefaultDeferTimeItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Enter the default time interval (in minutes) to defer alarms, used by the Defer Alarm dialog.") );
99 mAskResourceItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "AskResource" ), mAskResource, true );
101 mAskResourceItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "<para>When saving a new alarm or alarm template, prompt for which calendar to store it in, if there is more than one active calendar.</para><para>Note that archived alarms are always stored in the default archived alarm calendar.</para>") );
103 mModalMessagesItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ModalMessages" ), mModalMessages, true );
104 mModalMessagesItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Message windows have a title bar and take keyboard focus") );
105 mModalMessagesItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "<para>Specify the characteristics of alarm message windows:<list><item>If checked, the window is a normal window with a title bar, which grabs keyboard input when it is displayed.</item><item>If unchecked, the window does not interfere with your typing when it is displayed, but it has no title bar and cannot be moved or resized.</item></list></para>") );
107 mMessageButtonDelayItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MessageButtonDelay" ), mMessageButtonDelay, 0 );
110 mMessageButtonDelayItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Delay before message window buttons are enabled") );
111 mMessageButtonDelayItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "<para>Specify the positioning of alarm message windows, and the delay in seconds after a window shows until its buttons are enabled.\n"
112 " <list><item>0 to position message windows as far from the cursor as possible with no enable delay.</item>\n"
113 " <item>> 0 to position in center of screen and specify delay before enabling buttons.</item>\n"
117 mTooltipAlarmCountItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "TooltipAlarmCount" ), mTooltipAlarmCount, 5 );
119 mTooltipAlarmCountItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Number of alarms to show in system tray tooltip") );
120 mTooltipAlarmCountItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "<para>How many alarms due in the next 24 hours to show in the system tray tooltip:\n"
126 mShowTooltipAlarmTimeItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowTooltipAlarmTime" ), mShowTooltipAlarmTime, true );
127 mShowTooltipAlarmTimeItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Show alarm times in system tray tooltip") );
128 mShowTooltipAlarmTimeItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Specify whether to show in the system tray tooltip, the time at which each alarm is due.") );
130 mShowTooltipTimeToAlarmItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowTooltipTimeToAlarm" ), mShowTooltipTimeToAlarm, true );
131 mShowTooltipTimeToAlarmItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Show time to alarms in system tray tooltip") );
132 mShowTooltipTimeToAlarmItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Specify whether to show in the system tray tooltip, how long until each alarm is due.") );
134 mTooltipTimeToPrefixItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "TooltipTimeToPrefix" ), mTooltipTimeToPrefix, QLatin1String("+") );
135 mTooltipTimeToPrefixItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Time-to-alarm prefix in system tray tooltip") );
136 mTooltipTimeToPrefixItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Enter the text to be displayed in front of the time until the alarm, in the system tray tooltip.") );
151 mEmailClientItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "EmailClient" ), mEmailClient, valuesEmailClient, kmail );
153 mEmailClientItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "<para>How to send email when an email alarm is triggered.<list><item>KMail: The email is sent automatically via <application>KMail</application>. <application>KMail</application> is started first if necessary.</item><item>Sendmail: The email is sent automatically. This option will only work if your system is configured to use <application>sendmail</application> or a sendmail compatible mail transport agent.</item></list></para>") );
155 mBase_EmailCopyToKMailItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "EmailCopyToKMail" ), mBase_EmailCopyToKMail, false );
156 mBase_EmailCopyToKMailItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Whether to copy sent emails into KMail's Sent folder.") );
157 mBase_EmailCopyToKMailItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Whether after sending an email to store a copy in KMail's sent-mail folder. Only applies when sendmail is selected as the email client.") );
159 mBase_EmailFromItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "EmailFrom" ), mBase_EmailFrom, KAlarmCal::Identities::identitiesExist() ? QLatin1String("@KMail") : QLatin1String("@SystemSettings") );
161 mBase_EmailFromItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Your email address, used to identify you as the sender when sending email alarms. Enter \"@SystemSettings\" to use the email address set in System Settings, \"@KMail\" to allow choice of KMail identities, or enter the actual email address otherwise.") );
163 mBase_EmailBccAddressItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "EmailBccAddress" ), mBase_EmailBccAddress, QLatin1String("@SystemSettings") );
165 mBase_EmailBccAddressItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Your email address, used for blind copying email alarms to yourself. If you want blind copies to be sent to your account on the computer which KAlarm runs on, you can simply enter your user login name. Enter \"@SystemSettings\" to use the email address set in System Settings, or enter the actual email address otherwise.") );
167 mBase_CmdXTermCommandItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CmdXTerm" ), mBase_CmdXTermCommand );
169 mBase_CmdXTermCommandItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Command line to execute command alarms in a terminal window, including special codes described in the KAlarm handbook.") );
171 mBase_StartOfDayItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDateTime( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "StartOfDay" ), mBase_StartOfDay, QDateTime(QDate(1900,1,1),QTime(0,0)) );
173 mBase_StartOfDayItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "The earliest time of day at which a date-only alarm will be triggered.") );
175 mBase_WorkDayStartItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDateTime( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "WorkDayStart" ), mBase_WorkDayStart, QDateTime(QDate(1900,1,1),QTime(8,0)) );
177 mBase_WorkDayStartItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "The start time of the working day.") );
179 mBase_WorkDayEndItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDateTime( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "WorkDayEnd" ), mBase_WorkDayEnd, QDateTime(QDate(1900,1,1),QTime(17,0)) );
181 mBase_WorkDayEndItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "The end time of the working day.") );
183 mBase_WorkDaysItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "WorkDays" ), mBase_WorkDays, KAlarm::defaultWorkDays() );
185 mBase_WorkDaysItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "OR'ed bits indicating which days of the week are work days, 1 = Monday ... 64 = Sunday.") );
187 mDisabledColourItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemColor( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "DisabledColour" ), mDisabledColour, KColorScheme(QPalette::Disabled).foreground(KColorScheme::InactiveText).color() );
189 mDisabledColourItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Choose the text color in the alarm list for disabled alarms.") );
191 mArchivedColourItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemColor( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ExpiredColour" ), mArchivedColour, KColorScheme(QPalette::Active).foreground(KColorScheme::VisitedText).color() );
193 mArchivedColourItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Choose the text color in the alarm list for archived alarms.") );
195 mArchivedKeepDaysItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ExpiredKeepDays" ), mArchivedKeepDays, 7 );
198 mArchivedKeepDaysItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "<para>Specify how many days to keep alarms after they expire or are deleted (except deleted alarms which were never triggered):\n"
204 mKOrgEventDurationItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "KOrgEventDuration" ), mKOrgEventDuration, 0 );
206 mKOrgEventDurationItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Enter the event duration in minutes, for alarms which are copied to KOrganizer.") );
208 mWakeFromSuspendAdvanceItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "WakeFromSuspendAdvance" ), mWakeFromSuspendAdvance, 2 );
209 mWakeFromSuspendAdvanceItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Number of minutes before alarm to wake from suspend") );
210 mWakeFromSuspendAdvanceItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Enter how many minutes before the alarm trigger time to wake the system from suspend. This can be used to ensure that the system is fully restored by the time the alarm triggers.") );
215 mDefaultLateCancelItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "LateCancel" ), mDefaultLateCancel, 0 );
218 mDefaultLateCancelItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default value in the alarm edit dialog for late cancellation time (in minutes). 0 for no late cancellation, >0 how many minutes before cancelling.") );
220 mDefaultAutoCloseItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "AutoClose" ), mDefaultAutoClose, false );
221 mDefaultAutoCloseItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Auto-close window after late-cancellation time") );
222 mDefaultAutoCloseItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default setting in the alarm edit dialog for \"auto close if late\".") );
224 mDefaultConfirmAckItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ConfirmAck" ), mDefaultConfirmAck, false );
226 mDefaultConfirmAckItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default setting in the alarm edit dialog for \"confirm alarm acknowledgement\".") );
228 mDefaultCopyToKOrganizerItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CopyKOrg" ), mDefaultCopyToKOrganizer, false );
230 mDefaultCopyToKOrganizerItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default setting in the alarm edit dialog for \"show in KOrganizer\".") );
254 mDefaultSoundTypeItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SoundType" ), mDefaultSoundType, valuesDefaultSoundType, Sound_None );
256 mDefaultSoundTypeItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default sound type in the alarm edit dialog.") );
258 mDefaultSoundFileItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemPath( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SoundFile" ), mDefaultSoundFile );
260 mDefaultSoundFileItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default sound file path in the alarm edit dialog.") );
262 mBase_DefaultSoundVolumeItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SoundVolume" ), mBase_DefaultSoundVolume, -1 );
266 mBase_DefaultSoundVolumeItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default sound volume in the alarm edit dialog. -1 to deselect volume, or 0 - 100 %") );
268 mDefaultSoundRepeatItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SoundRepeat" ), mDefaultSoundRepeat, false );
270 mDefaultSoundRepeatItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default setting in the alarm edit dialog for sound repetition.") );
272 mDefaultCmdScriptItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CmdScript" ), mDefaultCmdScript, false );
274 mDefaultCmdScriptItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default setting in the alarm edit dialog for command script entry.") );
295 mDefaultCmdLogTypeItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CmdLogType" ), mDefaultCmdLogType, valuesDefaultCmdLogType, Log_Discard );
297 mDefaultCmdLogTypeItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default setting in the alarm edit dialog for where to send command alarm output.") );
299 mDefaultCmdLogFileItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemPath( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "LogFile" ), mDefaultCmdLogFile );
301 mDefaultCmdLogFileItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default log file path for command alarms in the alarm edit dialog.") );
303 mDefaultEmailBccItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "EmailBcc" ), mDefaultEmailBcc, false );
305 mDefaultEmailBccItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default setting in the alarm edit dialog for blind copying emails to self.") );
346 mDefaultRecurPeriodItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "RecurPeriod" ), mDefaultRecurPeriod, valuesDefaultRecurPeriod, Recur_None );
348 mDefaultRecurPeriodItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "The default setting for the recurrence rule in the alarm edit dialog.") );
369 mDefaultFeb29TypeItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Feb29Recur" ), mDefaultFeb29Type, valuesDefaultFeb29Type, Feb29_Mar1 );
370 mDefaultFeb29TypeItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "In non-leap years, repeat yearly February 29th alarms on:") );
371 mDefaultFeb29TypeItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "For yearly recurrences, choose what date, if any, alarms due on February 29th should occur in non-leap years.<note>The next scheduled occurrence of existing alarms is not re-evaluated when you change this setting.</note>") );
385 mDefaultReminderUnitsItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "RemindUnits" ), mDefaultReminderUnits, valuesDefaultReminderUnits, TimePeriod::HoursMinutes );
387 mDefaultReminderUnitsItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default reminder time units in the alarm edit dialog.") );
389 mDefaultPreActionItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "PreAction" ), mDefaultPreAction );
391 mDefaultPreActionItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default command to execute before displaying alarms.") );
393 mDefaultExecPreActionOnDeferralItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "PreActionExecDefer" ), mDefaultExecPreActionOnDeferral, false );
394 mDefaultExecPreActionOnDeferralItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Execute pre-alarm action for deferred alarms") );
395 mDefaultExecPreActionOnDeferralItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default setting for whether to execute the pre-alarm action before deferred alarms trigger.") );
396 addItem( mDefaultExecPreActionOnDeferralItem, QLatin1String( "DefaultExecPreActionOnDeferral" ) );
397 mDefaultCancelOnPreActionErrorItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "PreActionErrCancel" ), mDefaultCancelOnPreActionError, false );
398 mDefaultCancelOnPreActionErrorItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Cancel alarm on pre-alarm action error") );
399 mDefaultCancelOnPreActionErrorItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default setting for whether to cancel the alarm if the pre-alarm action command fails.") );
400 addItem( mDefaultCancelOnPreActionErrorItem, QLatin1String( "DefaultCancelOnPreActionError" ) );
401 mDefaultDontShowPreActionErrorItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "PreActionErrDontShow" ), mDefaultDontShowPreActionError, false );
402 mDefaultDontShowPreActionErrorItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Do not notify pre-alarm action errors") );
403 mDefaultDontShowPreActionErrorItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default setting for whether to show no error status or error message if the pre-alarm action command fails.") );
404 addItem( mDefaultDontShowPreActionErrorItem, QLatin1String( "DefaultDontShowPreActionError" ) );
405 mDefaultPostActionItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "PostAction" ), mDefaultPostAction );
407 mDefaultPostActionItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Default command to execute after alarm message windows are closed.") );
412 mBase_QuitWarnItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "QuitWarn" ), mBase_QuitWarn, true );
414 mBase_QuitWarnItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Whether to suppress a warning prompt before quitting KAlarm.") );
416 mBase_ConfirmAlarmDeletionItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ConfirmAlarmDeletion" ), mBase_ConfirmAlarmDeletion, true );
418 mBase_ConfirmAlarmDeletionItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Check to be prompted for confirmation each time you delete an alarm.") );
420 mBase_EmailQueuedNotifyItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "EmailQueuedNotify" ), mBase_EmailQueuedNotify, false );
421 mBase_EmailQueuedNotifyItem->setLabel( i18nc("@label", "Notify when remote emails are queued") );
422 mBase_EmailQueuedNotifyItem->setWhatsThis( i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Display a notification message whenever an email alarm has queued an email for sending to a remote system. This could be useful if, for example, you have a dial-up connection, so that you can then ensure that the email is actually transmitted.") );
void messageFontChanged(const QFont &MessageFont)
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:24
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:23
void askResourceChanged(bool AskResource)
void base_HolidayRegionChanged(const QString &Base_HolidayRegion)
void archivedColourChanged(const QColor &ArchivedColour)
void showInSystemTrayChanged(bool ShowInSystemTray)
void base_TimeZoneChanged(const QString &Base_TimeZone)
void tooltipPreferencesChanged()
uint defaultWorkDays()
void base_WorkTimeChanged(const QDateTime &Base_WorkDayStart, const QDateTime &Base_WorkDayEnd, int Base_WorkDays)
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:21
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:22
void feb29TypeChanged(Feb29Type DefaultFeb29Type)
void autoHideSystemTrayChanged(int AutoHideSystemTray)
bool mDefaultDontShowPreActionError
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:1722
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:25
void archivedKeepDaysChanged(int ArchivedKeepDays)
void base_StartOfDayChanged(const QDateTime &Base_StartOfDay)
void disabledColourChanged(const QColor &DisabledColour)
bool mBase_ConfirmAlarmDeletion
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:1727
bool mDefaultCopyToKOrganizer
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:1707
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:16
int mBase_DefaultSoundVolume
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:1710
bool mDefaultExecPreActionOnDeferral
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:1720
bool mDefaultCancelOnPreActionError
Definition: kalarmconfig.h:1721
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:59:10 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:59:10 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.