Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
CAddr | Addresses are 64bit values like costs to be able to always load profile data produced on 64bit architectures |
CAppendList | A list of pointers, only able to append items |
CAutoToolTipDelegate | |
CBasePartItem | |
CCalleeCoverageItem | |
CCallerCoverageItem | |
CCallGraphView | A QGraphicsView showing a part of the call graph and another zoomed out CanvasView in a border acting as a panner to select to visible part (only if needed) |
CCallItem | |
CCallMapBaseItem | |
CCallMapCallerItem | |
CCallMapCallingItem | |
CCallMapView | |
CCallView | |
CCanvasEdge | |
CCanvasEdgeArrow | |
CCanvasEdgeLabel | |
CCanvasFrame | |
CCanvasNode | |
CColorSettings | |
CConfigColorSetting | Color setting for a cost item Helper class for color settings in configuration |
CConfigDialog | |
CConfigDlg | |
CConfigDlgBase | |
CConfigGroup | A group of configuration settings |
CConfigPage | |
CConfigStorage | This is an adapter class for different configuration backends |
CCostItem | Base class for cost items |
CCostListItem | |
CCoverage | Coverage of a function |
CCoverageView | |
CDrawParams | Drawing parameters for an object |
CDump | A loadable profile Dump |
CDumpManager | |
CDumpSelection | |
CDumpSelectionBase | |
CDynPool | DynPool |
CEventType | A cost type, e.g |
CEventTypeItem | |
CEventTypeMapping | A index list into a EventTypeSet |
CEventTypeSet | A class for managing a set of event types |
CEventTypeView | |
CFixCallCost | A FixCallCost will be inserted into a |
CFixCost | A class holding an unchangable cost item of an input file |
CFixFile | A class for fast line by line reading of a read-only ASCII file |
CFixJump | A class holding a jump (mostly) inside of a function |
CFixPool | FixPool |
CFixString | A simple, constant string class |
►CFunctionListModel | |
CFunctionSelection | |
CGeneralSettings | |
CGlobalConfig | Global configuration (only non-GUI options) |
CGlobalGUIConfig | Extension of global configuration for GUI options |
CGraphEdge | |
CGraphExporter | GraphExporter |
CGraphNode | |
CGraphOptions | |
CHighestCostList | A class to calculate the <maxSize> ProfileCostArray items with highest cost |
CHistoryItem | |
CInstrItem | |
CInstrItemDelegate | |
CInstrView | |
CKDEConfigGroup | |
CKDEConfigStorage | |
CKXmlGuiWindow | |
CLoader | To implement a new loader, inherit from the Loader class and and reimplement canLoad() and load() |
CLogger | |
CMultiView | |
CPanningView | A panner laid over a QGraphicsScene |
CPartAreaWidget | |
CPartItem | |
CPartListItem | For info tab, trace part list |
CPartSelection | |
CPartView | |
CPositionSpec | |
CProfileContext | Base class for source contexts which event costs contained in a ProfileData instance, ie |
CProfileCostArray | An array of basic cost metrics for a trace item |
CQAbstractItemModel | |
CQCGConfigGroup | |
CQCGConfigStorage | |
CQCGTopLevel | |
CQDialog | |
CQGraphicsPathItem | |
CQGraphicsPolygonItem | |
CQGraphicsRectItem | |
CQGraphicsView | |
CQItemDelegate | |
CQList | |
CQMainWindow | |
CQSplitter | |
CQStyledItemDelegate | |
CQTabBar | |
CQTabWidget | |
CQtColorButton | |
CQToolButton | |
CQTreeWidget | |
CQTreeWidgetItem | |
CQWidget | |
CRectDrawing | |
CSourceItem | |
CSourceItemDelegate | |
CSourceSettings | |
CSourceView | |
CSplitter | Own Splitter: Call checkVisiblity for all TabWidget children of the splitter on a MoveEvent |
CStack | |
CStackBrowser | |
CStackItem | |
CStackSelection | |
CStorableGraphOptions | |
CStoredDrawParams | |
CSubCost | Cost event counter, simple wrapper around a 64bit entity |
CSubPartItem | |
CTabBar | Subclass of QTabBar to enable context menu on tabs |
CTabView | |
CTabWidget | Own TabView: |
CTopLevel | |
CTopLevelBase | |
CTraceAssoziation | For temporary assoziation of objects with TraceFunctions |
CTraceCall | A call from one to another function |
CTraceCallCost | Cost item with additional call count metric |
CTraceCallListCost | Call Cost Item depends on a list of Call cost items |
CTraceClass | A C++ Class / Namespace |
CTraceCostItem | |
CTraceData | This class holds profiling data of multiple tracefiles generated with cachegrind on one command |
CTraceFile | A source file containing function definitions |
CTraceFunction | A traced function |
CTraceFunctionCycle | A cycle of recursive calling functions |
CTraceFunctionSource | A container helper class for TraceFunction for source lines where a function is implemented in |
CTraceInclusiveCost | Cost item with additional inclusive metric |
CTraceInclusiveListCost | Inclusive Cost Item depends on a list of inclusive cost items |
CTraceInstr | A code instruction address of the program |
CTraceInstrCall | A call from an instruction of one function to another function |
CTraceInstrJump | A jump from an instruction to another inside of a function |
CTraceItemView | Abstract Base Class for KCachegrind Views |
CTraceItemViewUpdateTimer | |
CTraceJumpCost | Cost of a (conditional) jump |
CTraceJumpListCost | Jump Cost Item depends on a list of Jump cost items |
CTraceLine | A source line of the program |
CTraceLineCall | A call from a line of one function to another function |
CTraceLineJump | A jump from one line to another inside of a function |
CTraceLineRegion | Cost of a source region |
CTraceListCost | Cost Item depends on a list of cost items |
CTraceObject | A object containing a text segment (shared lib/executable) with defined functions |
CTracePart | A Trace Part: All data read from a trace file, containing all costs that happened in a specified time interval of the executed command |
CTracePartCall | Cost of a call at a function to another function, from a single trace file |
CTracePartClass | Cost of a class, from a single trace file |
CTracePartFile | Cost of a source file, from a single trace file |
CTracePartFunction | Cost of a function, from a single trace file |
CTracePartInstr | Cost of a code instruction address from a trace file |
CTracePartInstrCall | Cost of a call at a instruction code address from a trace file |
CTracePartInstrJump | Cost of jump at a instruction code address from a trace file |
CTracePartLine | Cost of a line from a trace file |
CTracePartLineCall | Cost of a call at a line from a trace file |
CTracePartLineJump | Cost of jump at a source line from a trace file |
CTracePartLineRegion | Cost of a source region |
CTracePartObject | Cost of a object, from a single trace file |
CTreeMapItem | Base class of items in TreeMap |
CTreeMapItemList | |
CTreeMapWidget | Class for visualization of a metric of hierarchically nested items as 2D areas |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 23:03:28 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 23:03:28 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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