Go to the documentation of this file.
79 && (mouseEvent->globalPos()-mDoubleClickPoint).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance() )
82 const Address indexAtFirstDoubleClickLinePosition = tableLayout->indexAtFirstLinePosition( mDoubleClickLine );
107 if( tableRanges->hasSelection() && tableRanges->selectionIncludes(mView->indexByPoint( mousePoint )) )
133 if( !mView->isReadOnly() && (mouseEvent->modifiers()&Qt::SHIFT) ) // TODO: why only for readwrite?
192 tableRanges->hasSelection() && tableRanges->selectionIncludes( mView->indexByPoint(movePoint) );
216 // const int pos = mActiveColumn->linePositionOfX( releasePoint.x() ); // TODO: can we be sure here about the active column?
217 // const Address index = tableLayout->indexAtCCoord( Coord(pos,line) ); // TODO: can this be another index than the one of the cursor???
306 handleMouseMove( mView->viewportToColumns(mView->viewport()->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() )) );
310 void MouseNavigator::handleMouseMove( const QPoint& point ) // handles the move of the mouse with pressed buttons
397 Qt::DropActions request = (mView->isReadOnly()||mView->isOverwriteMode()) ? Qt::CopyAction : Qt::CopyAction|Qt::MoveAction;
402 AbstractByteArrayView* targetByteArrayView = qobject_cast<AbstractByteArrayView*>( drag->target() );
ByteArrayTableCursor * tableCursor() const
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:106
void ensureWordSelectionForward(bool Forward)
Definition: bytearraytableranges.cpp:300
void removeSelectedData()
removes the selected data, takes care of the cursor
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:226
QMimeData * selectionAsMimeData() const
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:177
a class to control all the ranges like marking and selections holds also all modified ranges and merg...
Definition: bytearraytableranges.h:45
AddressRange firstWordSelection() const
Definition: bytearraytableranges.h:130
QPoint viewportToColumns(const QPoint &point) const
translates the point to coordinates in the columns
Definition: columnsview.cpp:120
void updateChanged()
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:505
virtual bool handleMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
Definition: abstractmousecontroller.cpp:35
Address cursorPosition() const
returns the index of the cursor position
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:133
bool isReadOnly() const
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:59
bool selectionIncludes(Address index) const
Definition: bytearraytableranges.h:141
CodingTypeId activeCoding() const
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:297
bool isOverwriteMode() const
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:49
void cutAvailable(bool Really)
there is a cut available or not
virtual bool handleMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
Definition: abstractmousecontroller.cpp:39
void copyAvailable(bool Really)
there is a copy available or not
the logical layout of a byte array table for a view
Definition: bytearraytablelayout.h:61
bool selectionJustStarted() const
Definition: bytearraytableranges.h:138
void gotoIndex(Address index)
Definition: bytearraytablecursor.cpp:260
bool hasSelection() const
Definition: bytearraytableranges.h:136
Address indexByPoint(const QPoint &point) const
detects the index of the byte at the given point
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:480
void removeFurtherSelections()
removes all but the standard selection and returns true if something changed
Definition: bytearraytableranges.cpp:67
virtual bool handleMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
Definition: abstractmousecontroller.cpp:43
AbstractByteArrayView * mView
Definition: abstractmousecontroller.h:48
Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel * byteArrayModel() const
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:44
Address validIndex() const
returns the true index if it is valid index that is it is inside the data's range.
Definition: bytearraytablecursor.cpp:329
void setSelectionStart(Address startIndex)
Definition: bytearraytableranges.cpp:83
void cursorPositionChanged(Okteta::Address index)
void copyToClipboard(QClipboard::Mode mode) const
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:511
void finishByteEdit()
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:487
navigates through the buffer in an abstract way, based on the layout
Definition: bytearraytablecursor.h:60
ByteArrayTableLayout * layout() const
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:75
bool selectWord(Address index)
selects word at index, returns true if there is one
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:339
AddressRange selection() const
Definition: bytearraytableranges.h:129
static const int DefaultScrollTimerPeriod
Definition: mousenavigator.cpp:40
ByteArrayTableRanges * tableRanges() const
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:111
const Okteta::CharCodec * charCodec() const
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:100
Address indexAtFirstLinePosition(Line line) const
calculates the index of the first pos in line.
Definition: bytearraytablelayout.cpp:201
bool selectionStarted() const
Definition: bytearraytableranges.h:137
void setSelectionEnd(Address startIndex)
Definition: bytearraytableranges.cpp:93
virtual bool handleMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
Definition: abstractmousecontroller.cpp:47
AddressRange removeSelection(int id=0)
removes selection with id and returns it
Definition: bytearraytableranges.cpp:156
bool hasFirstWordSelection() const
Definition: bytearraytableranges.h:139
void ensureCursorVisible()
scrolls the view as much as needed to have the cursor fully visible
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:390
void selectionChanged(const Okteta::AddressRange &selection)
void placeCursor(const QPoint &point)
puts the cursor in the column at the pos of Point (in absolute coord), does not handle the drawing ...
Definition: abstractbytearrayview.cpp:396
bool isModified() const
Definition: bytearraytableranges.h:133
void hasSelectedDataChanged(bool hasSelectedData)
selection has changed
void doubleClicked(Okteta::Address index)
Index of the byte that was double clicked.
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 23:04:08 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 23:04:08 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.