Go to the documentation of this file.
135 actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::Preferences, QLatin1String( "options_configure" ), this, SLOT(showOptions()));
137 openEditor = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("kgpg_editor"), this, SLOT(slotOpenEditor()));
141 kserver = actionCollection()->addAction( QLatin1String("key_server"), this, SLOT(showKeyServer()));
145 goToDefaultKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("go_default_key"), this, SLOT(slotGotoDefaultKey()));
175 longId = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>(QLatin1String("show_long_keyid"), this, SLOT(slotShowLongId(bool)));
179 QAction *infoKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_info"), this, SLOT(keyproperties()));
183 QAction *openKeyUrl = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_url"), this, SLOT(slotOpenKeyUrl()));
192 KAction *generateKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_gener"), this, SLOT(slotGenerateKey()));
197 exportPublicKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_export"), this, SLOT(slotexport()));
201 KAction *importKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_import"), this, SLOT(slotPreImportKey()));
206 m_sendEmail = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("send_mail"), this, SLOT(slotSendEmail()));
210 QAction *newContact = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("add_kab"), this, SLOT(addToKAB()));
214 createGroup = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("create_group"), this, SLOT(createNewGroup()));
217 editCurrentGroup = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("edit_group"), this, SLOT(editGroup()));
220 delGroup = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("delete_group"), this, SLOT(deleteGroup()));
224 m_groupRename = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("rename_group"), this, SLOT(renameGroup()));
229 deleteKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_delete"), this, SLOT(confirmdeletekey()));
233 setDefaultKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_default"), this, SLOT(slotSetDefKey()));
236 QAction *addPhoto = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("add_photo"), this, SLOT(slotAddPhoto()));
239 QAction *addUid = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("add_uid"), this, SLOT(slotAddUid()));
242 QAction *exportSecretKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_sexport"), this, SLOT(slotexportsec()));
245 QAction *deleteKeyPair = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_pdelete"), this, SLOT(deleteseckey()));
249 m_revokeKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_revoke"), this, SLOT(revokeWidget()));
252 QAction *regeneratePublic = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_regener"), this, SLOT(slotregenerate()));
258 setPrimUid = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("prim_uid"), this, SLOT(slotPrimUid()));
261 QAction *openPhoto = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_photo"), this, SLOT(slotShowPhoto()));
265 QAction *deletePhoto = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("delete_photo"), this, SLOT(slotDeletePhoto()));
269 delSignKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_delsign"), this, SLOT(delsignkey()));
273 importAllSignKeys = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_importallsign"), this, SLOT(importallsignkey()));
277 refreshKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_server_refresh"), this, SLOT(refreshKeyFromServer()));
286 signMailUid = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_sign_mail_uid"), this, SLOT(caff()));
289 importSignatureKey = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("key_importsign"), this, SLOT(preimportsignkey()));
292 sTrust = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>(QLatin1String("show_trust"), this, SLOT(slotShowTrust()));
295 sSize = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>(QLatin1String("show_size"), this, SLOT(slotShowSize()));
298 sCreat = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>(QLatin1String("show_creat"), this, SLOT(slotShowCreation()));
301 sExpi = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>(QLatin1String("show_expi"), this, SLOT(slotShowExpiration()));
342 connect(iview->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(checkList()));
346 hPublic = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>(QLatin1String("show_secret"), iproxy, SLOT(setOnlySecret(bool)));
442 KAction *searchLineAction = new KAction(i18nc("Name of the action that is a search line, shown for example in the toolbar configuration dialog",
447 action = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("search_focus"), m_listviewsearch, SLOT(setFocus()));
448 action->setText(i18nc("Name of the action that gives the focus to the search line", "Focus Search Line"));
450 connect(m_listviewsearch, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), iproxy, SLOT(setFilterFixedString(QString)));
455 setupGUI(KXmlGuiWindow::Create | Save | ToolBar | StatusBar | Keys, QLatin1String( "keysmanager.rc" ));
481 toggleNetworkActions(Solid::Networking::status() == Solid::Networking::Unknown || Solid::Networking::status() == Solid::Networking::Connected);
497 i18n("Another key generation operation is still in progress.\nPlease wait a moment until this operation is complete."),
573 const KGpgGenerateKey * const genkey = qobject_cast<const KGpgGenerateKey *>(tjob->getTransaction());
583 KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Aborted by the user. Cannot generate a new key pair."), infomessage);
586 KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("The email address is not valid. Cannot generate a new key pair."), infomessage);
589 KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("The name is not accepted by gpg. Cannot generate a new key pair."), infomessage);
614 page->kURLRequester1->setUrl(QString(revurl + email.section(QLatin1Char( '@' ), 0, 0) + QLatin1String( ".revoke" )));
616 page->kURLRequester1->setUrl(QString(revurl + genkey->getName().section(QLatin1Char(' '), 0, 0) + QLatin1String(".revoke")));
760 KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You can only refresh primary keys. Please check your selection."));
769 KGpgRefreshKeys *t = new KGpgRefreshKeys(this, KGpgSettings::keyServers().first(), keyIDS, true, proxy);
796 (void) new KgpgDetailedInfo(this, message.join(QLatin1String("\n")), log.join(QLatin1String("<br/>")),
884 KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Another operation is still in progress.\nPlease wait a moment until this operation is complete."),
900 connect(keyUid->kLineEdit1, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotAddUidEnable(QString)));
926 QString mess = i18n("The image must be a JPEG file. Remember that the image is stored within your public key, so "
927 "if you use a very large picture, your key will become very large as well. The size should not exceed 6 KiB. "
958 QString mess = i18n("<qt>Are you sure you want to delete Photo id <b>%1</b><br/>from key <b>%2 <%3></b>?</qt>",
1182 connect(optionsDialog, SIGNAL(refreshTrust(KgpgCore::KgpgKeyTrust,QColor)), imodel, SLOT(refreshTrust(KgpgCore::KgpgKeyTrust,QColor)));
1233 refreshKey->setText(i18np("&Refresh Key From Keyserver", "&Refresh Keys From Keyserver", cnt));
1234 createGroup->setText(i18np("&Create Group with Selected Key...", "&Create Group with Selected Keys...", cnt));
1238 importSignatureKey->setText(i18np("Import Key From Keyserver", "Import Keys From Keyserver", cnt));
1338 KGpgGenerateRevoke *genRev = new KGpgGenerateRevoke(this, keyRevokeDialog->getId(), keyRevokeDialog->saveUrl(),
1362 KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Creation of the revocation certificate failed..."), genRev->getOutput());
1378 "If someone else can access this file, encryption with this key will be compromised.<br/>Continue key export?</qt>"));
1384 QString sname(nd->getEmail().section(QLatin1Char( '@' ), 0, 0).section(QLatin1Char( '.' ), 0, 0));
1389 KUrl url(KFileDialog::getSaveUrl(sname, i18n( "*.asc|*.asc Files" ), this, i18n("Export PRIVATE KEY As")));
1392 KGpgExport *exp = new KGpgExport(this, QStringList(nd->getId()), url.path(), QStringList(QLatin1String( "--armor" )), true);
1407 i18n("<qt>Your <b>private</b> key \"%1\" was successfully exported to<br/>%2.<br/><b>Do not</b> leave it in an insecure place.</qt>",
1428 sname =>getEmail().section(QLatin1Char( '@' ), 0, 0).section(QLatin1Char( '.' ), 0, 0);
1443 serverList.replaceInStrings(QRegExp( QLatin1String( " .*") ), QLatin1String( "" ) ); // Remove kde 3.5 (Default) tag.
1530 KToolInvocation::invokeMailer(QString(), QString(), QString(), QString(),QLatin1String( exp->getOutputData() ));
1566 KMessageBox::sorry(NULL, i18n("<qt>A viewer for JPEG images is not specified.<br/>Please check your installation.</qt>"),
1643 connect(opts->keychange, SIGNAL(keyNeedsRefresh(KGpgKeyNode*)), imodel, SLOT(refreshKey(KGpgKeyNode*)));
1664 i18n("<p>This key is an orphaned secret key (secret key without public key.) It is currently not usable.</p>"
1696 int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("<qt>Are you sure you want to delete group <b>%1</b> ?</qt>",
1727 KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("<qt>You cannot create a group containing signatures, subkeys or other groups.</qt>"));
1754 KMessageBox::informationList(this, i18n("Following keys are not valid or not trusted and will not be added to the group:"), badkeys);
1760 i18n("<qt>No valid or trusted key was selected. The group <b>%1</b> will not be created.</qt>",
1803 KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You can only sign primary keys. Please check your selection."));
1812 opt = i18n("<qt>You are about to sign key:<br /><br />%1<br />ID: %2<br />Fingerprint: <br /><b>%3</b>.<br /><br />"
1813 "You should check the key fingerprint by phoning or meeting the key owner to be sure that someone "
1817 opt = i18n("<qt>You are about to sign key:<br /><br />%1 (%2)<br />ID: %3<br />Fingerprint: <br /><b>%4</b>.<br /><br />"
1818 "You should check the key fingerprint by phoning or meeting the key owner to be sure that someone "
1834 signKeyList += i18nc("Name (Email): ID", "%1 (%2): %3", nd->getName(), nd->getEmail(), nd->getBeautifiedFingerprint());
1840 i18n("<qt>You are about to sign the following keys in one pass.<br/><b>If you have not carefully checked all fingerprints,"
1882 KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You can only sign user ids and photo ids. Please check your selection."));
1896 opt = i18n("<qt>You are about to sign user id:<br /><br />%1<br />ID: %2<br />Fingerprint: <br /><b>%3</b>.<br /><br />"
1897 "You should check the key fingerprint by phoning or meeting the key owner to be sure that someone "
1898 "is not trying to intercept your communications.</qt>", nd->getName(), nd->getId(), pnd->getBeautifiedFingerprint());
1900 opt = i18n("<qt>You are about to sign user id:<br /><br />%1 (%2)<br />ID: %3<br />Fingerprint: <br /><b>%4</b>.<br /><br />"
1901 "You should check the key fingerprint by phoning or meeting the key owner to be sure that someone "
1902 "is not trying to intercept your communications.</qt>", nd->getName(), nd->getEmail(), nd->getId(), pnd->getBeautifiedFingerprint());
1926 i18n("<qt>You are about to sign the following user ids in one pass.<br/><b>If you have not carefully checked all fingerprints,"
1963 const KGpgSignTransactionHelper::carefulCheck cc = static_cast<KGpgSignTransactionHelper::carefulCheck>(checklevel);
2030 KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You can only sign user ids and photo ids. Please check your selection."));
2046 QPointer<KgpgSelectSecretKey> opts = new KgpgSelectSecretKey(this, imodel, slist.count(), false, false);
2052 KGpgCaff *ca = new KGpgCaff(this, slist, QStringList(opts->getKeyID()), opts->getSignTrust(), KGpgCaff::IgnoreAlreadySigned);
2068 void KeysManager::signKeyOpenConsole(const QString &signer, const QString &keyid, const int checking, const bool local)
2156 KGpgReceiveKeys *proc = new KGpgReceiveKeys(this, kservers.first(), keyIDs, dialog, QLatin1String( qgetenv("http_proxy") ));
2222 QString ask = i18n("<qt>Are you sure you want to delete signature<br /><b>%1</b><br />from user id <b>%2</b><br />of key: <b>%3</b>?</qt>",
2225 if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, ask, QString(), KStandardGuiItem::del(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel()) != KMessageBox::Yes)
2244 KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Requested operation was unsuccessful, please edit the key manually."));
2256 maillist << QLatin1Char('"') + nd->getName() + QLatin1String("\" <") + nd->getEmail() + QLatin1Char('>');
2326 const QString ask = i18np("<qt>The key you are deleting is a member of the following key group. Do you want to remove it from this group?</qt>",
2327 "<qt>The key you are deleting is a member of the following key groups. Do you want to remove it from these groups?</qt>",
2330 if (KMessageBox::questionYesNoList(this, ask, groupNames, i18n("Delete key")) != KMessageBox::Yes)
2342 i18n("You are removing the last key from key group %1.<br/>Do you want to delete the group, too?", group->getName()),
2366 i18n("<p>Delete <b>secret</b> key pair <b>%1</b>?</p>Deleting this key pair means you will never be able to decrypt files encrypted with this key again.",
2377 i18n("Another key delete operation is still in progress.\nPlease wait a moment until this operation is complete."),
2393 KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Key <b>%1</b> deleted.", delkey->getBeautifiedFingerprint()), i18n("Delete key"));
2396 KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Deleting key <b>%1</b> failed.", delkey->getBeautifiedFingerprint()), i18n("Delete key"));
2406 i18n("Another key delete operation is still in progress.\nPlease wait a moment until this operation is complete."),
2468 i18n("You have selected items that are not keys. They can not be deleted with this menu entry."),
2493 i18n("<qt>The following are secret key pairs:<br/><b>%1</b><br/>They will not be deleted.</qt>",
2570 i18n("<qt>The text in the clipboard does not look like a key, but like encrypted text.<br />Do you want to decrypt it first"
2604 KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Key importing failed. Please see the detailed log for more information."),
2616 new KgpgDetailedInfo(this, msg, rawmsgs.join(QLatin1String("\n")), keynames, i18n("Key Import"));
2688 QAction *KgpgOpenManager = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("kgpg_manager"), this, SLOT(show()));
2692 QAction *KgpgEncryptClipboard = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("clip_encrypt"), this, SLOT(clipEncrypt()));
2695 QAction *KgpgDecryptClipboard = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("clip_decrypt"), this, SLOT(clipDecrypt()));
2698 QAction *KgpgSignClipboard = actionCollection()->addAction(QLatin1String("clip_sign"), this, SLOT(clipSign()));
2702 QAction *KgpgPreferences = KStandardAction::preferences(this, SLOT(showOptions()), actionCollection());
2740 QPointer<KgpgSelectPublicKeyDlg> dialog = new KgpgSelectPublicKeyDlg(this, imodel, goToDefaultKey->shortcut(), true);
2756 KGpgEncrypt *enc = new KGpgEncrypt(this, dialog->selectedKeys(), cliptext, encOptions, options);
2781 m_trayicon->showMessage(QString(), i18n("Text successfully encrypted."), QLatin1String( "kgpg" ));
static void setShowLongKeyId(bool v)
Set Show long key id in key manager.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:468
void setText(const QString &text)
Definition: kgpgitemmodel.h:44
void clear()
static void setShowExpi(bool v)
Set Show the expiration value in key manager.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:392
QString & append(QChar ch)
helper class for key signing transactions
Definition: kgpgsigntransactionhelper.h:25
Type type() const
void readAgainOptions()
void setAlternatingRowColors(bool enable)
static bool allowUntrustedGroupMembers()
Get Allow untrusted keys to become members of key groups.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:212
KGpgExpandableNode * getParentKeyNode() const
Returns the parent node in the key hierarchy.
Definition: KGpgNode.cpp:330
Definition: keyservers.h:51
void setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode mode)
virtual const KGpgNode::List & getChildren() const
Definition: KGpgExpandableNode.cpp:71
const QByteArray & getOutputData() const
return the data read from standard output
Definition: kgpgexport.cpp:117
static QString gpgConfigPath()
Get The path of the gpg configuration file.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:288
bool isDefaultKey(const KGpgNode *node) const
Definition: kgpgitemmodel.cpp:515
void slotSetKeyserver(const QString &server)
Definition: keyservers.cpp:364
shows a dialog to select a public key for encryption
Definition: selectpublickeydialog.h:39
output the data as printable ASCII as opposed to binary data
Definition: kgpgencrypt.h:38
Definition: keytreeview.h:35
QItemSelectionModel * selectionModel() const
const QString & getOutputFile() const
return the output filename currently set
Definition: kgpgexport.cpp:111
KGpgGroupNode * addGroup(const QString &name, const KGpgKeyNode::List &keys)
Definition: kgpgitemmodel.cpp:281
QStringList split(const QString &sep, SplitBehavior behavior, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const
QString & prepend(QChar ch)
transaction class to change the primary user id of a key
Definition: kgpgprimaryuid.h:27
void setIcon(const QIcon &icon)
const T & at(int i) const
KGpgNode * nodeForIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const
Definition: keylistproxymodel.cpp:484
bool registerObject(const QString &path, QObject *object, QFlags< QDBusConnection::RegisterOption > options)
QString simplified() const
QPoint mapToGlobal(const QPoint &pos) const
QList< KGpgNode * > selectedNodes(bool *psame=NULL, KgpgCore::KgpgItemType *pt=NULL) const
Definition: keytreeview.cpp:45
QString getImportMessage() const
get textual summary of the import events
Definition: kgpgimport.cpp:96
carefulCheck getChecking(void) const
check if local signing is requested
Definition: kgpgsigntransactionhelper.cpp:116
QString getSigner(void) const
get key id which is used to sign
Definition: kgpgsigntransactionhelper.cpp:130
QDBusConnection sessionBus()
static QString statusCountMessageString(const unsigned int keys, const unsigned int groups)
Definition: kgpgitemmodel.cpp:265
QString join(const QString &separator) const
Definition: keyinfodialog.h:63
QString getKeyId(void) const
return the key id of the current transaction
Definition: kgpguidtransaction.cpp:74
void setInputTransaction(KGpgTransaction *ta)
connect the standard input of this transaction to another process
Definition: kgpgtransaction.cpp:709
static QStringList infoServers()
Get List of URLs that show details and analysis of the given key.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:915
void setDefaultKeyNode(KGpgKeyNode *key)
Definition: keysmanager.cpp:1214
QString homePath()
virtual KGpgNode * getChild(const int index) const
Returns the child node at the given index.
Definition: KGpgExpandableNode.cpp:41
void signVerifyText(const QString &message)
Definition: kgpgtextedit.cpp:346
void setKeyModel(KGpgItemModel *)
Definition: keylistproxymodel.cpp:253
Definition: kgpgdeluid.h:27
bool getLocal(void) const
check if local signing is requested
Definition: kgpgsigntransactionhelper.cpp:104
QString getKeyid() const
return the id of the key we are editing
Definition: kgpgeditkeytransaction.cpp:46
static QString getDetailedImportMessage(const QStringList &log, const KGpgItemModel *model=NULL)
get detailed summary of import
Definition: kgpgimport.cpp:206
static void setShowSize(bool v)
Set Show the size value in key manager.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:411
int indexOf(const T &value, int from) const
static bool isEncryptedText(const QString &text, int *startPos=NULL, int *endPos=NULL)
check if the given text contains an encoded message
Definition: kgpgdecrypt.cpp:93
Definition: kgpgaddphoto.h:23
virtual KgpgCore::KgpgItemType getType() const =0
Returns the item type of this object.
const QStringList & getLog() const
Definition: kgpgkeyservergettransaction.cpp:59
int columnWidth(int column) const
void addWidget(QWidget *widget, int stretch, QFlags< Qt::AlignmentFlag > alignment)
int count(const T &value) const
void slotSetDefaultKey(const QString &newID)
Definition: keysmanager.cpp:1201
void append(const T &value)
void setTrustFilter(const KgpgCore::KgpgKeyTrustFlag t)
set the minimum trust level to be shown
Definition: keylistproxymodel.cpp:466
bool empty() const
static QString gpgBinaryPath()
Get The path of the gpg binary used by KGpg.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:307
static void setDefaultKey(const QString &_defaultKey)
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:34
static int trustLevel()
Get Show only keys with at least that trust level in key manager.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:497
Definition: detailedconsole.h:23
void resizeColumnToContents(int column)
Definition: kgpgrevokewidget.h:37
uids that are already signed will not be mailed again
Definition: caff.h:35
bool isNull() const
user id is alredy signed by given key
Definition: kgpgsigntransactionhelper.h:46
bool isEmpty() const
const KGpgTransaction * getTransaction() const
get the transaction this job is handling
Definition: kgpgtransactionjob.cpp:44
bool isEmpty() const
QModelIndexList selectedIndexes() const
int removeAll(const T &value)
void setOverrideCursor(const QCursor &cursor)
Definition: kgpgeditor.h:33
Definition: keyexport.h:25
bool importRemoteKey(const QString &keyIDs)
Definition: keysmanager.cpp:2145
void clipEncrypt()
When you click on "encrypt the clipboard" in the systray, this slot will open the dialog to choose a ...
Definition: keysmanager.cpp:2730
void restoreOverrideCursor()
QString statusCountMessage() const
Definition: kgpgitemmodel.cpp:256
void deleteLater()
void changeGroup(KGpgGroupNode *node, const KGpgNode::List &keys)
Definition: kgpgitemmodel.cpp:306
T & first()
virtual KGpgGroupNode * getParentKeyNode() const
Definition: KGpgGroupMemberNode.cpp:97
void fontChanged(QFont)
int count() const
virtual KGpgKeyNode * getParentKeyNode() const
Definition: KGpgUatNode.cpp:125
void setMargin(int margin)
remove anything that shows which key ids this data is encrypted to, ignored for symmetric encryption ...
Definition: kgpgencrypt.h:40
static bool useMouseSelection()
Get Use the mouse selection instead of the clipboard.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:516
QString right(int n) const
static void setShowCreat(bool v)
Set Show the creation value in key manager.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:430
const T value(const Key &key) const
void setColumnHidden(int column, bool hide)
void setIdLength(const int length)
Definition: keylistproxymodel.cpp:549
virtual KGpgKeyNode * getRefNode() const
Get the node of the primary key this node references to.
Definition: KGpgRefNode.cpp:146
The abstract base class for all classes representing keyring data.
Definition: KGpgNode.h:42
static KgpgCore::KgpgItemType getType(const KgpgCore::KgpgKey *k)
Definition: KGpgKeyNode.cpp:60
static bool allowCustomEncryptionOptions()
Get Allow custom encryption options.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:117
bool waitForStarted(int msecs)
trust value undefined (i.e. you did not set a trust level)
Definition: kgpgkey.h:59
void setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ContextMenuPolicy policy)
bool contains(const T &value) const
const KGpgKeyNode * getKey(void) const
get the key node this transaction is using
Definition: kgpgsigntransactionhelper.cpp:39
KGpgKeyNode * findKey(const QString &keyId)
Find a key node with the given id.
Definition: KGpgRootNode.cpp:118
bool invokeMethod(QObject *obj, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type, QGenericReturnArgument ret, QGenericArgument val0, QGenericArgument val1, QGenericArgument val2, QGenericArgument val3, QGenericArgument val4, QGenericArgument val5, QGenericArgument val6, QGenericArgument val7, QGenericArgument val8, QGenericArgument val9)
Definition: keylistproxymodel.h:30
The abstract base class for all classes that may have child objects.
Definition: KGpgExpandableNode.h:34
QString & replace(int position, int n, QChar after)
void setSortingEnabled(bool enable)
bool importRemoteKeys(const QStringList &keyIDs, const bool dialog=true)
Definition: keysmanager.cpp:2150
T take(const Key &key)
static uint recentFiles()
Get The number of recently opened files shown in the editor menu.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:687
void refreshKeys(const QStringList &ids=QStringList())
Definition: kgpgitemmodel.cpp:441
void addStretch(int stretch)
virtual bool wasExpanded() const
check if there are any child nodes present in memory
Definition: KGpgExpandableNode.cpp:64
KGpgKeyNode::List keys() const
the keys that were requested to be removed
Definition: kgpgdelkey.cpp:40
const QChar at(int position) const
Definition: newkey.h:24
class for downloading new keys from keyserver
Definition: kgpgkeyservergettransaction.h:68
virtual KGpgNode * getChild(const int index) const
Returns the child node at the given index.
Definition: KGpgNode.cpp:268
the given email address is invalid
Definition: kgpgtransaction.h:64
int length() const
const QString & getOutput() const
returns the revokation certificate
Definition: kgpggeneraterevoke.cpp:121
bool isEmpty() const
QString section(QChar sep, int start, int end, QFlags< QString::SectionFlag > flags) const
void edit(const QModelIndex &index)
QList< KGpgGroupMemberNode * > getGroupRefs(void) const
returns a list of all group member nodes that reference this key
Definition: KGpgKeyNode.cpp:250
Definition: kgpgkeygenerate.h:27
static QStringList getImportedIds(const QStringList &log, const int reason=-1)
get the full fingerprints of the imported keys
Definition: kgpgimport.cpp:59
void showTrayMessage(const QString &message)
Definition: keysmanager.cpp:2715
virtual KGpgKeyNode * getParentKeyNode() const
Definition: KGpgUidNode.cpp:116
void show()
void deleteFromGroup(KGpgGroupNode *group, KGpgGroupMemberNode *member)
Definition: kgpgitemmodel.cpp:348
void setPreviewSize(const int pixel)
Definition: keylistproxymodel.cpp:500
static int isKey(const QString &text, const bool incomplete=false)
check if the given text contains a private or public key
Definition: kgpgimport.cpp:276
Definition: kgpgoptions.h:93
this key has highest possible level of trust (e.g. your own secret keys)
Definition: kgpgkey.h:64
QString getBeautifiedFingerprint() const
Print the full key fingerprint with spaces inserted.
Definition: KGpgKeyNode.cpp:137
QList< KGpgGroupNode * > getGroups(void) const
returns a list of all groups this key is member of
Definition: KGpgKeyNode.cpp:226
KShortcut goDefaultShortcut() const
returns the shortcut to go to the default key in a key selection
Definition: keysmanager.cpp:2724
static void setShowSecret(bool v)
Set Show only secret keys in key manager.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:449
void start(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments, QFlags< QIODevice::OpenModeFlag > mode)
the owners name is not accepted by GnuPG
Definition: kgpggeneratekey.h:35
static void setTrustLevel(int v)
Set Show only keys with at least that trust level in key manager.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:487
static void setShowTrust(bool v)
Set Show the trust value in key manager.
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:373
class for refreshing keys already in the keyring from keyserver
Definition: kgpgkeyservergettransaction.h:90
Definition: selectsecretkey.h:23
void slotSetExportAttribute(const QString &attr)
Definition: keyservers.cpp:288
allow encryption with untrusted keys, ignored for symmetric encryption
Definition: kgpgencrypt.h:39
bool waitForFinished(int msecs)
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2020 The KDE developers.
Generated on Mon Jun 22 2020 13:42:08 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2020 The KDE developers.
Generated on Mon Jun 22 2020 13:42:08 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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