Qyoto is a C# language binding for Qt
The QLabel widget provides a text or image display. More...
Public Member Functions | |
QLabel (QWidget parent=null, Qt.WindowType f=0) | |
| |
QLabel (string text, QWidget parent=null, Qt.WindowType f=0) | |
| |
override void | CreateProxy () |
new Qt.AlignmentFlag | alignment () |
new void | Clear () |
| |
override bool | OnEvent (QEvent e) |
| |
override int | HeightForWidth (int arg1) |
| |
override QSize | MinimumSizeHint () |
| |
new QPixmap | pixmap () |
new int | SelectionStart () |
| |
new void | SetAlignment (Qt.AlignmentFlag arg1) |
new void | SetNum (int arg1) |
| |
new void | SetNum (double arg1) |
| |
new void | SetSelection (int arg1, int arg2) |
| |
new void | SetTextInteractionFlags (Qt.TextInteractionFlag flags) |
override QSize | SizeHint () |
| |
new Qt.TextInteractionFlag | textInteractionFlags () |
new void | Dispose () |
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QFrame (QWidget parent=null, Qt.WindowType f=0) | |
| |
new void | Dispose () |
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QWidget (QWidget parent=null, Qt.WindowType f=0) | |
| |
override void | CreateProxy () |
new System.Collections.Generic.List < QAction > | Actions () |
| |
new void | ActivateWindow () |
| |
new void | AddAction (QAction action) |
| |
new void | AddActions (System.Collections.Generic.List< QAction > actions) |
| |
new void | AdjustSize () |
| |
new QWidget | ChildAt (QPoint p) |
| |
new QWidget | ChildAt (int x, int y) |
| |
new void | ClearFocus () |
| |
new void | ClearMask () |
| |
new bool | Close () |
| |
new QRect | ContentsRect () |
| |
new void | CreateWinId () |
virtual int | DevType () |
new NativeULong | EffectiveWinId () |
| |
new void | EnsurePolished () |
| |
override bool | OnEvent (QEvent arg1) |
| |
new QWidget | FocusWidget () |
| |
new QFont | font () |
new QFontInfo | FontInfo () |
| |
new QFontMetrics | FontMetrics () |
| |
new QRect | geometry () |
new void | GetContentsMargins (ref int left, ref int top, ref int right, ref int bottom) |
| |
virtual System.IntPtr | GetDC () |
| |
new void | GrabGesture (Qt.GestureType type, Qt.GestureFlag flags=0) |
| |
new void | GrabKeyboard () |
| |
new void | GrabMouse () |
| |
new void | GrabMouse (QCursor arg1) |
| |
new int | GrabShortcut (QKeySequence key, Qt.ShortcutContext context=Qt.ShortcutContext.WindowShortcut) |
| |
new QGraphicsProxyWidget | GraphicsProxyWidget () |
| |
new void | Hide () |
| |
new Qt.InputMethodHint | inputMethodHints () |
virtual object | InputMethodQuery (Qt.InputMethodQuery arg1) |
| |
new void | InsertAction (QAction before, QAction action) |
| |
new void | InsertActions (QAction before, System.Collections.Generic.List< QAction > actions) |
| |
new NativeULong | InternalWinId () |
new bool | IsAncestorOf (QWidget child) |
| |
new bool | IsEnabledTo (QWidget arg1) |
| |
new bool | IsEnabledToTLW () |
| |
new bool | IsHidden () |
| |
new bool | IsLeftToRight () |
new bool | IsRightToLeft () |
new bool | IsTopLevel () |
| |
new bool | IsVisibleTo (QWidget arg1) |
| |
new bool | IsWindow () |
| |
new void | Lower () |
| |
new QPoint | MapFrom (QWidget arg1, QPoint arg2) |
| |
new QPoint | MapFromGlobal (QPoint arg1) |
| |
new QPoint | MapFromParent (QPoint arg1) |
| |
new QPoint | MapTo (QWidget arg1, QPoint arg2) |
| |
new QPoint | MapToGlobal (QPoint arg1) |
| |
new QPoint | MapToParent (QPoint arg1) |
| |
new void | Move (int x, int y) |
new QWidget | NativeParentWidget () |
| |
new QWidget | NextInFocusChain () |
| |
new void | OverrideWindowFlags (Qt.WindowType type) |
| |
new void | OverrideWindowState (Qt.WindowState state) |
virtual QPaintEngine | PaintEngine () |
| |
new QPalette | palette () |
new QWidget | ParentWidget () |
| |
new QWidget | PreviousInFocusChain () |
| |
new void | Raise () |
| |
virtual void | ReleaseDC (System.IntPtr arg1) |
| |
new void | ReleaseKeyboard () |
| |
new void | ReleaseMouse () |
| |
new void | ReleaseShortcut (int id) |
| |
new void | RemoveAction (QAction action) |
| |
new void | Render (IQPaintDevice target) |
| |
new void | Render (QPainter painter) |
| |
new void | Render (IQPaintDevice target, QPoint targetOffset) |
| |
new void | Render (QPainter painter, QPoint targetOffset) |
| |
new void | Render (IQPaintDevice target, QPoint targetOffset, QRegion sourceRegion, QWidget.RenderFlag renderFlags=QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground|QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren) |
| |
new void | Render (QPainter painter, QPoint targetOffset, QRegion sourceRegion, QWidget.RenderFlag renderFlags=QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground|QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren) |
| |
new void | Repaint () |
| |
new void | Repaint (QRect arg1) |
| |
new void | Repaint (QRegion arg1) |
| |
new void | Repaint (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
| |
new void | Resize (int w, int h) |
new bool | RestoreGeometry (QByteArray geometry) |
| |
new QByteArray | SaveGeometry () |
| |
new void | Scroll (int dx, int dy) |
| |
new void | Scroll (int dx, int dy, QRect arg3) |
| |
new void | SetAttribute (Qt.WidgetAttribute arg1, bool on=true) |
| |
new void | SetBaseSize (int basew, int baseh) |
new void | SetContentsMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) |
| |
new void | SetDisabled (bool arg1) |
| |
new void | SetFixedHeight (int h) |
| |
new void | SetFixedSize (QSize arg1) |
| |
new void | SetFixedSize (int w, int h) |
| |
new void | SetFixedWidth (int w) |
| |
new void | SetFocus () |
| |
new void | SetFocus (Qt.FocusReason reason) |
| |
new void | SetGeometry (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
new void | SetHidden (bool hidden) |
| |
new void | SetInputMethodHints (Qt.InputMethodHint hints) |
new void | SetMask (QBitmap arg1) |
| |
new void | SetMaximumSize (int maxw, int maxh) |
new void | SetMinimumSize (int minw, int minh) |
new void | SetParent (QWidget parent) |
| |
new void | SetParent (QWidget parent, Qt.WindowType f) |
| |
new void | SetShortcutAutoRepeat (int id, bool enable=true) |
| |
new void | SetShortcutEnabled (int id, bool enable=true) |
| |
new void | SetShown (bool shown) |
new void | SetSizeIncrement (int w, int h) |
new void | SetSizePolicy (QSizePolicy.Policy horizontal, QSizePolicy.Policy vertical) |
virtual void | SetVisible (bool visible) |
new void | Show () |
| |
new void | ShowFullScreen () |
| |
new void | ShowMaximized () |
| |
new void | ShowMinimized () |
| |
new void | ShowNormal () |
| |
new void | StackUnder (QWidget arg1) |
| |
new bool | TestAttribute (Qt.WidgetAttribute arg1) |
| |
new QWidget | TopLevelWidget () |
| |
new bool | UnderMouse () |
| |
new void | UngrabGesture (Qt.GestureType type) |
| |
new void | UnsetCursor () |
new void | UnsetLayoutDirection () |
new void | UnsetLocale () |
new void | Update () |
| |
new void | Update (QRect arg1) |
| |
new void | Update (QRegion arg1) |
| |
new void | Update (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
| |
new void | UpdateGeometry () |
| |
new QRegion | VisibleRegion () |
| |
new NativeULong | WinId () |
| |
new QWidget | Window () |
| |
new Qt.WindowType | WindowType () |
| |
new void | Dispose () |
new int | ColorCount () |
new int | Depth () |
new int | HeightMM () |
new int | LogicalDpiX () |
new int | LogicalDpiY () |
new int | NumColors () |
new bool | PaintingActive () |
new int | PhysicalDpiX () |
new int | PhysicalDpiY () |
new int | WidthMM () |
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QObject (QObject parent=null) | |
| |
new bool | BlockSignals (bool b) |
| |
new System.Collections.Generic.List < QObject > | Children () |
| |
new bool | Connect (QObject sender, string signal, string member, Qt.ConnectionType type=Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) |
| |
new void | DeleteLater () |
| |
new bool | Disconnect (QObject receiver, string member=null) |
| |
new bool | Disconnect (string signal=null, QObject receiver=null, string member=null) |
| |
new void | DumpObjectInfo () |
| |
new void | DumpObjectTree () |
| |
new System.Collections.Generic.List < QByteArray > | DynamicPropertyNames () |
| |
virtual bool | EventFilter (QObject arg1, QEvent arg2) |
| |
new bool | Inherits (string classname) |
| |
new void | InstallEventFilter (QObject arg1) |
| |
new bool | IsWidgetType () |
| |
new void | KillTimer (int id) |
| |
new object | Property (string name) |
| |
new void | RemoveEventFilter (QObject arg1) |
| |
new bool | SetProperty (string name, object value) |
| |
new void | SetUserData (uint id, QObjectUserData data) |
new bool | SignalsBlocked () |
| |
new int | StartTimer (int interval) |
| |
new QObjectUserData | UserData (uint id) |
new void | Dispose () |
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delegate QTextStream | FuncQTextStreamQTextStream (QTextStream qTextStream) |
delegate string | FuncStringQByteArray (QByteArray qByteArray) |
delegate QByteArray | FuncQByteArrayString (string @string) |
delegate void | ActionQtMsgTypeString (QtMsgType qtMsgType, string @string) |
delegate QObject | FuncQObject () |
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new int | ColorCount () |
new int | Depth () |
int | DevType () |
System.IntPtr | GetDC () |
new int | Height () |
new int | HeightMM () |
new int | LogicalDpiX () |
new int | LogicalDpiY () |
new int | NumColors () |
QPaintEngine | PaintEngine () |
new bool | PaintingActive () |
new int | PhysicalDpiX () |
new int | PhysicalDpiY () |
void | ReleaseDC (System.IntPtr hdc) |
new int | Width () |
new int | WidthMM () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static string | Tr (string s, string c=null) |
static string | Tr (string s, string c, int n) |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c=null) |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c, int n) |
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static string | Tr (string s, string c=null) |
static string | Tr (string s, string c, int n) |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c=null) |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c, int n) |
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static QWidget | Find (NativeULong arg1) |
| |
static QWidget | KeyboardGrabber () |
| |
static QWidget | MouseGrabber () |
| |
static void | SetTabOrder (QWidget arg1, QWidget arg2) |
| |
static string | Tr (string s, string c=null) |
static string | Tr (string s, string c, int n) |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c=null) |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c, int n) |
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static bool | Connect (QObject sender, QMetaMethod signal, QObject receiver, QMetaMethod method, Qt.ConnectionType type=Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) |
| |
static bool | Connect (QObject sender, string signal, QObject receiver, string member, Qt.ConnectionType arg5=Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) |
| |
static bool | Disconnect (QObject sender, QMetaMethod signal, QObject receiver, QMetaMethod member) |
| |
static bool | Disconnect (QObject sender, string signal, QObject receiver, string member) |
| |
static uint | RegisterUserData () |
static string | Tr (string s, string c=null) |
| |
static string | Tr (string s, string c, int n) |
| |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c=null) |
| |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c, int n) |
| |
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static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream s, object p) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QSizeF arg2) |
static QTextStream | Write (QTextStream s, Qt.FuncQTextStreamQTextStream f) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QPoint arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QLineF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QPointF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QChar arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QByteArray arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QEasingCurve arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QRectF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QDateTime arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QUrl arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QTime arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QLocale arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QBitArray arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QUuid arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QLine arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QDate arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream @out, QRegExp regExp) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QRect arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QSize arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream s, QVariant.Type p) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, string arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream @out, System.Collections.Generic.List< string > list) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QChar arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QLocale arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QRect arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QEasingCurve arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QDate arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QUrl arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QUuid arg2) |
static QTextStream | Read (QTextStream s, Qt.FuncQTextStreamQTextStream f) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QLineF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QRectF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QPointF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QLine arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QBitArray arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QSize arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QDateTime arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QTime arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QPoint arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream @in, QRegExp regExp) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream s, object p) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QByteArray arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QSizeF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, string arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream s, QVariant.Type p) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream @in, System.Collections.Generic.List< string > list) |
static double | qAcos (double v) |
static void | qAddPostRoutine (System.Action arg1) |
static string | qAppName () |
static double | qAsin (double v) |
static double | qAtan (double v) |
static double | qAtan2 (double x, double y) |
static void | qBadAlloc () |
static int | qCeil (double v) |
static ushort | qChecksum (string s, uint len) |
static QByteArray | qCompress (QByteArray data) |
static QByteArray | qCompress (QByteArray data, int compressionLevel=-1) |
static QByteArray | qCompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes) |
static QByteArray | qCompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes, int compressionLevel=-1) |
static double | qCos (double v) |
static double | qExp (double v) |
static double | qFabs (double v) |
static double | qFastCos (double x) |
static double | qFastSin (double x) |
static string | qFlagLocation (string method) |
static int | qFloor (double v) |
static bool | qFuzzyCompare (double p1, double p2) |
static bool | qFuzzyCompare (float p1, float p2) |
static bool | qFuzzyIsNull (double d) |
static bool | qFuzzyIsNull (float f) |
static uint | qHash (QBitArray key) |
static uint | qHash (QChar key) |
static uint | qHash (QStringRef key) |
static uint | qHash (QUrl url) |
static uint | qHash (QPersistentModelIndex index) |
static uint | qHash (QByteArray key) |
static uint | qHash (QModelIndex index) |
static uint | qHash (uint key) |
static uint | qHash (sbyte key) |
static uint | qHash (byte key) |
static uint | qHash (short key) |
static uint | qHash (NativeLong key) |
static uint | qHash (ushort key) |
static uint | qHash (long key) |
static uint | qHash (ulong key) |
static uint | qHash (int key) |
static uint | qHash (string key) |
static uint | qHash (NativeULong key) |
static double | qInf () |
static Qt.ActionQtMsgTypeString | qInstallMsgHandler (Qt.ActionQtMsgTypeString arg1) |
static int | qIntCast (float f) |
static int | qIntCast (double f) |
static bool | qIsFinite (double d) |
static bool | qIsFinite (float f) |
static bool | qIsInf (float f) |
static bool | qIsInf (double d) |
static bool | qIsNaN (float f) |
static bool | qIsNaN (double d) |
static bool | qIsNull (float f) |
static bool | qIsNull (double d) |
static double | qLn (double v) |
static double | qPow (double x, double y) |
static double | qQNaN () |
static void | qRegisterStaticPluginInstanceFunction (Qt.FuncQObject function) |
static void | qRemovePostRoutine (System.Action arg1) |
static int | qRound (double d) |
static long | qRound64 (double d) |
static double | qSNaN () |
static bool | qSharedBuild () |
static double | qSin (double v) |
static double | qSqrt (double v) |
static bool | qStringComparisonHelper (QStringRef s1, string s2) |
static double | qTan (double v) |
static QByteArray | qUncompress (QByteArray data) |
static QByteArray | qUncompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes) |
static string | qVersion () |
static void | Qbswap_helper (Pointer< byte > src, Pointer< byte > dest, int size) |
static QByteArray | Qgetenv (string varName) |
static bool | Qputenv (string varName, QByteArray value) |
static int | Qrand () |
static void | Qsrand (uint seed) |
static int | Qstrcmp (QByteArray str1, QByteArray str2) |
static int | Qstrcmp (QByteArray str1, string str2) |
static int | Qstrcmp (string str1, QByteArray str2) |
static int | Qstrcmp (string str1, string str2) |
static Pointer< sbyte > | Qstrcpy (Pointer< sbyte > dst, string src) |
static Pointer< sbyte > | Qstrdup (string arg1) |
static int | Qstricmp (string arg1, string arg2) |
static uint | Qstrlen (string str) |
static int | Qstrncmp (string str1, string str2, uint len) |
static Pointer< sbyte > | Qstrncpy (Pointer< sbyte > dst, string src, uint len) |
static int | Qstrnicmp (string arg1, string arg2, uint len) |
static uint | Qstrnlen (string str, uint maxlen) |
static string | QtTrId (string id, int n=-1) |
Protected Member Functions | |
QLabel (System.Type dummy) | |
override void | OnChangeEvent (QEvent arg1) |
| |
override void | OnContextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent ev) |
| |
override void | OnFocusInEvent (QFocusEvent ev) |
| |
override bool | FocusNextPrevChild (bool next) |
| |
override void | OnFocusOutEvent (QFocusEvent ev) |
| |
override void | OnKeyPressEvent (QKeyEvent ev) |
| |
new void | OnLinkActivated (string link) |
| |
new void | OnLinkHovered (string link) |
| |
override void | OnMouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent ev) |
| |
override void | OnMousePressEvent (QMouseEvent ev) |
| |
override void | OnMouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent ev) |
| |
override void | OnPaintEvent (QPaintEvent arg1) |
| |
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QFrame (System.Type dummy) | |
new void | DrawFrame (QPainter arg1) |
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QWidget (System.Type dummy) | |
virtual void | OnActionEvent (QActionEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | OnCloseEvent (QCloseEvent arg1) |
| |
new void | Create () |
| |
new void | Create (NativeULong arg1, bool initializeWindow=true, bool destroyOldWindow=true) |
| |
new void | OnCustomContextMenuRequested (QPoint pos) |
| |
new void | Destroy (bool destroyWindow=true, bool destroySubWindows=true) |
| |
virtual void | OnDragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | OnDragLeaveEvent (QDragLeaveEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | OnDragMoveEvent (QDragMoveEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | OnDropEvent (QDropEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | EnabledChange (bool arg1) |
virtual void | OnEnterEvent (QEvent arg1) |
| |
new bool | FocusNextChild () |
| |
new bool | FocusPreviousChild () |
| |
virtual void | FontChange (QFont arg1) |
virtual void | OnHideEvent (QHideEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | OnInputMethodEvent (QInputMethodEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | OnKeyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | LanguageChange () |
| |
virtual void | OnLeaveEvent (QEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual int | Metric (QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric arg1) |
| |
virtual void | OnMouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | OnMoveEvent (QMoveEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | PaletteChange (QPalette arg1) |
new void | ResetInputContext () |
| |
virtual void | OnResizeEvent (QResizeEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | OnShowEvent (QShowEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | StyleChange (QStyle arg1) |
virtual void | OnTabletEvent (QTabletEvent arg1) |
| |
new void | UpdateMicroFocus () |
| |
virtual void | OnWheelEvent (QWheelEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | WindowActivationChange (bool arg1) |
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QObject (System.Type dummy) | |
virtual void | OnChildEvent (QChildEvent arg1) |
| |
virtual void | ConnectNotify (string signal) |
| |
virtual void | OnCustomEvent (QEvent arg1) |
| |
new void | OnDestroyed (QObject arg1=null) |
| |
virtual void | DisconnectNotify (string signal) |
| |
new int | Receivers (string signal) |
| |
new QObject | Sender () |
| |
new int | SenderSignalIndex () |
| |
virtual void | OnTimerEvent (QTimerEvent arg1) |
| |
Properties | |
Slot< System.String > | LinkActivated |
| |
Slot< System.String > | LinkHovered |
| |
new QWidget | Buddy [get, set] |
| |
new QMovie | Movie [get, set] |
| |
new QPicture | Picture [get, set] |
| |
new string | Text [get, set] |
| |
new Qt.TextFormat | TextFormat [get, set] |
| |
new QPixmap | Pixmap [get, set] |
| |
new bool | ScaledContents [get, set] |
| |
new Qt.AlignmentFlag | Alignment [get, set] |
| |
new bool | WordWrap [get, set] |
| |
new int | Margin [get, set] |
| |
new int | Indent [get, set] |
| |
new bool | OpenExternalLinks [get, set] |
new Qt.TextInteractionFlag | TextInteractionFlags [get, set] |
new bool | HasSelectedText [get] |
| |
new string | SelectedText [get] |
| |
static new QMetaObject | StaticMetaObject [get] |
new IQLabelSignals | Emit [get] |
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new int | FrameStyle [get, set] |
| |
new Shape | FrameShape [get, set] |
| |
new Shadow | FrameShadow [get, set] |
| |
new int | LineWidth [get, set] |
| |
new int | MidLineWidth [get, set] |
| |
new int | FrameWidth [get] |
| |
new QRect | FrameRect [get, set] |
| |
static new QMetaObject | StaticMetaObject [get] |
new IQFrameSignals | Emit [get] |
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virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QActionEvent > > | ActionEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QEvent > > | ChangeEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QCloseEvent > > | CloseEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs < QContextMenuEvent > > | ContextMenuEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QDragEnterEvent > > | DragEnterEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QDragLeaveEvent > > | DragLeaveEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QDragMoveEvent > > | DragMoveEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QDropEvent > > | DropEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QEvent > > | EnterEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QFocusEvent > > | FocusInEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QFocusEvent > > | FocusOutEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QHideEvent > > | HideEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs < QInputMethodEvent > > | InputMethodEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QKeyEvent > > | KeyPressEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QKeyEvent > > | KeyReleaseEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QEvent > > | LeaveEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QMouseEvent > > | MouseDoubleClickEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QMouseEvent > > | MouseMoveEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QMouseEvent > > | MousePressEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QMouseEvent > > | MouseReleaseEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QMoveEvent > > | MoveEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QPaintEvent > > | PaintEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QResizeEvent > > | ResizeEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QShowEvent > > | ShowEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QTabletEvent > > | TabletEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QWheelEvent > > | WheelEvent |
| |
Slot< QPoint > | CustomContextMenuRequested |
| |
new QPalette.ColorRole | BackgroundRole [get, set] |
| |
new QMargins | ContentsMargins [get, set] |
| |
new QWidget | FocusProxy [get, set] |
| |
new QPalette.ColorRole | ForegroundRole [get, set] |
| |
new QGraphicsEffect | GraphicsEffect [get, set] |
| |
new QInputContext | InputContext [get, set] |
| |
new QLayout | Layout [get, set] |
| |
new QRegion | Mask [get, set] |
| |
new QStyle | Style [get, set] |
| |
new Qt.WindowType | WindowFlags [get, set] |
new string | WindowRole [get, set] |
| |
new Qt.WindowState | WindowState [get, set] |
| |
new bool | Modal [get] |
| |
new Qt.WindowModality | WindowModality [get, set] |
| |
new bool | Enabled [get, set] |
| |
new QRect | Geometry [get, set] |
| |
new QRect | FrameGeometry [get] |
| |
new QRect | NormalGeometry [get] |
| |
new int | X [get] |
| |
new int | Y [get] |
| |
new QPoint | Pos [get, set] |
| |
new QSize | FrameSize [get] |
| |
new QSize | Size [get, set] |
| |
new int | Width [get] |
| |
new int | Height [get] |
| |
new QRect | Rect [get] |
| |
new QRect | ChildrenRect [get] |
| |
new QRegion | ChildrenRegion [get] |
| |
new QSizePolicy | SizePolicy [get, set] |
| |
new QSize | MinimumSize [get, set] |
| |
new QSize | MaximumSize [get, set] |
| |
new int | MinimumWidth [get, set] |
| |
new int | MinimumHeight [get, set] |
| |
new int | MaximumWidth [get, set] |
| |
new int | MaximumHeight [get, set] |
| |
new QSize | SizeIncrement [get, set] |
| |
new QSize | BaseSize [get, set] |
| |
new QPalette | Palette [get, set] |
| |
new QFont | Font [get, set] |
| |
new QCursor | Cursor [get, set] |
| |
new bool | MouseTracking [get, set] |
| |
new bool | IsActiveWindow [get] |
| |
new Qt.FocusPolicy | FocusPolicy [get, set] |
| |
new bool | Focus [get] |
| |
new Qt.ContextMenuPolicy | ContextMenuPolicy [get, set] |
| |
new bool | UpdatesEnabled [get, set] |
| |
new bool | Visible [get, set] |
| |
new bool | Minimized [get] |
| |
new bool | Maximized [get] |
| |
new bool | FullScreen [get] |
| |
new bool | AcceptDrops [get, set] |
| |
new string | WindowTitle [get, set] |
| |
new QIcon | WindowIcon [get, set] |
| |
new string | WindowIconText [get, set] |
| |
new double | WindowOpacity [get, set] |
| |
new bool | WindowModified [get, set] |
| |
new string | ToolTip [get, set] |
| |
new string | StatusTip [get, set] |
| |
new string | WhatsThis [get, set] |
| |
new string | AccessibleName [get, set] |
| |
new string | AccessibleDescription [get, set] |
| |
new Qt.LayoutDirection | LayoutDirection [get, set] |
| |
new bool | AutoFillBackground [get, set] |
| |
new string | StyleSheet [get, set] |
| |
new QLocale | Locale [get, set] |
| |
new string | WindowFilePath [get, set] |
| |
new Qt.InputMethodHint | InputMethodHints [get, set] |
| |
static new QMetaObject | StaticMetaObject [get] |
new ushort | Painters [get, set] |
new IQWidgetSignals | Emit [get] |
![]() | |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QChildEvent > > | ChildEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QEvent > > | CustomEvent |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QEvent > > | Event |
| |
virtual EventHandler < QEventArgs< QTimerEvent > > | TimerEvent |
| |
Slot< QObject > | DestroyedQObject |
Slot | Destroyed |
| |
new QObject | Parent [get, set] |
| |
virtual System.IntPtr | SmokeObject [get, set] |
new string | ObjectName [get, set] |
| |
static new QMetaObject | StaticMetaObject [get] |
| |
static new QMetaObject | StaticQtMetaObject [get] |
new IQObjectSignals | Emit [get] |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
enum | Shadow { Plain = 16, Raised = 32, Sunken = 48 } |
More... | |
enum | Shape { Box = 1, HLine = 4, NoFrame = 0, Panel = 2, StyledPanel = 6, VLine = 5, WinPanel = 3 } |
More... | |
enum | StyleMask { Shadow_Mask = 240, Shape_Mask = 15 } |
More... | |
![]() | |
object | Q_EMIT = null |
SmokeInvocation | interceptor |
readonly List< QEventHandler > | eventFilters = new List<QEventHandler>() |
The QLabel widget provides a text or image display.
QLabel is used for displaying text or an image. No user interaction functionality is provided. The visual appearance of the label can be configured in various ways, and it can be used for specifying a focus mnemonic key for another widget.
A QLabel can contain any of the following content types:
Plain text Pass a QString to setText().
Rich text Pass a QString that contains rich text to setText().
A pixmap Pass a QPixmap to setPixmap().
A movie Pass a QMovie to setMovie().
A number Pass an int or a double to setNum(), which converts the number to plain text.
Nothing The same as an empty plain text. This is the default. Set by clear().
Warning: When passing a QString to the constructor or calling setText(), make sure to sanitize your input, as QLabel tries to guess whether it displays the text as plain text or as rich text. You may want to call setTextFormat() explicitly, e.g. in case you expect the text to be in plain format but cannot control the text source (for instance when displaying data loaded from the Web).
When the content is changed using any of these functions, any previous content is cleared.
By default, labels display left-aligned, vertically-centered text and images, where any tabs in the text to be displayed are automatically expanded. However, the look of a QLabel can be adjusted and fine-tuned in several ways.
The positioning of the content within the QLabel widget area can be tuned with setAlignment() and setIndent(). Text content can also wrap lines along word boundaries with setWordWrap(). For example, this code sets up a sunken panel with a two-line text in the bottom right corner (both lines being flush with the right side of the label):
QLabel label = new QLabel(this);
label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);
label->setText("first line\nsecond line");
label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignRight);
The properties and functions QLabel inherits from QFrame can also be used to specify the widget frame to be used for any given label.
A QLabel is often used as a label for an interactive widget. For this use QLabel provides a useful mechanism for adding an mnemonic (see QKeySequence) that will set the keyboard focus to the other widget (called the QLabel's "buddy"). For example:
QLineEdit phoneEdit = new QLineEdit(this);
QLabel* phoneLabel = new QLabel("&Phone:", this);
In this example, keyboard focus is transferred to the label's buddy (the QLineEdit) when the user presses Alt+P. If the buddy was a button (inheriting from QAbstractButton), triggering the mnemonic would emulate a button click.
A label shown in the Macintosh widget style.
A label shown in the Plastique widget style.
A label shown in the Windows XP widget style.
See also QLineEdit, QTextEdit, QPixmap, QMovie, and GUI Design Handbook: Label.
protected |
QtGui.QLabel.QLabel | ( | QWidget | parent = null , |
Qt.WindowType | f = 0 |
) |
Constructs an empty label.
The parent and widget flag f, arguments are passed to the QFrame constructor.
See also setAlignment(), setFrameStyle(), and setIndent().
QtGui.QLabel.QLabel | ( | string | text, |
QWidget | parent = null , |
Qt.WindowType | f = 0 |
) |
Constructs an empty label.
The parent and widget flag f, arguments are passed to the QFrame constructor.
See also setAlignment(), setFrameStyle(), and setIndent().
new Qt.AlignmentFlag QtGui.QLabel.alignment | ( | ) |
new void QtGui.QLabel.Clear | ( | ) |
Clears any label contents.
virtual |
Reimplemented from QtGui.QFrame.
new void QtGui.QLabel.Dispose | ( | ) |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::focusNextPrevChild().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QWidget.
virtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::heightForWidth().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QWidget.
virtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::minimumSizeHint().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::changeEvent().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QFrame.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::contextMenuEvent().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QWidget.
virtual |
Reimplemented from QObject::event().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QFrame.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::focusInEvent().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::focusOutEvent().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::keyPressEvent().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QWidget.
protected |
This signal is emitted when the user clicks a link. The URL referred to by the anchor is passed in link.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.
See also linkHovered().
protected |
This signal is emitted when the user hovers over a link. The URL referred to by the anchor is passed in link.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.
See also linkActivated().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::mouseMoveEvent().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::mousePressEvent().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::paintEvent().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QFrame.
new QPixmap QtGui.QLabel.pixmap | ( | ) |
new int QtGui.QLabel.SelectionStart | ( | ) |
selectionStart() returns the index of the first selected character in the label or -1 if no text is selected.
Note: The textInteractionFlags set on the label need to include either TextSelectableByMouse or TextSelectableByKeyboard.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.7.
See also selectedText().
new void QtGui.QLabel.SetAlignment | ( | Qt.AlignmentFlag | arg1 | ) |
new void QtGui.QLabel.SetNum | ( | int | arg1 | ) |
Sets the label contents to plain text containing the textual representation of integer num. Any previous content is cleared. Does nothing if the integer's string representation is the same as the current contents of the label.
The buddy shortcut, if any, is disabled.
See also setText(), QString::setNum(), and setBuddy().
new void QtGui.QLabel.SetNum | ( | double | arg1 | ) |
This is an overloaded function.
Sets the label contents to plain text containing the textual representation of double num. Any previous content is cleared. Does nothing if the double's string representation is the same as the current contents of the label.
The buddy shortcut, if any, is disabled.
See also setText(), QString::setNum(), and setBuddy().
new void QtGui.QLabel.SetSelection | ( | int | arg1, |
int | arg2 | ||
) |
Selects text from position start and for length characters.
Note: The textInteractionFlags set on the label need to include either TextSelectableByMouse or TextSelectableByKeyboard.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.7.
See also selectedText().
new void QtGui.QLabel.SetTextInteractionFlags | ( | Qt.TextInteractionFlag | flags | ) |
virtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget::sizeHint().
Reimplemented from QtGui.QFrame.
new Qt.TextInteractionFlag QtGui.QLabel.textInteractionFlags | ( | ) |
static |
static |
static |
static |
getset |
This property holds the alignment of the label's contents.
By default, the contents of the label are left-aligned and vertically-centered.
getset |
Returns this label's buddy, or 0 if no buddy is currently set.
Sets this label's buddy to buddy.
When the user presses the shortcut key indicated by this label, the keyboard focus is transferred to the label's buddy widget.
The buddy mechanism is only available for QLabels that contain text in which one character is prefixed with an ampersand, '&'. This character is set as the shortcut key. See the QKeySequence::mnemonic() documentation for details (to display an actual ampersand, use '&&').
In a dialog, you might create two data entry widgets and a label for each, and set up the geometry layout so each label is just to the left of its data entry widget (its "buddy"), for example:
QLineEdit *nameEd = new QLineEdit(this);
QLabel *nameLb = new QLabel("&Name:", this);
QLineEdit *phoneEd = new QLineEdit(this);
QLabel *phoneLb = new QLabel("&Phone:", this);
// (layout setup not shown)
With the code above, the focus jumps to the Name field when the user presses Alt+N, and to the Phone field when the user presses Alt+P.
To unset a previously set buddy, call this function with buddy set to 0.
getprotected |
get |
This property holds whether there is any text selected.
hasSelectedText() returns true if some or all of the text has been selected by the user; otherwise returns false.
By default, this property is false.
Note: The textInteractionFlags set on the label need to include either TextSelectableByMouse or TextSelectableByKeyboard.
This property was introduced in Qt 4.7.
getset |
This property holds the label's text indent in pixels.
If a label displays text, the indent applies to the left edge if alignment() is Qt::AlignLeft, to the right edge if alignment() is Qt::AlignRight, to the top edge if alignment() is Qt::AlignTop, and to to the bottom edge if alignment() is Qt::AlignBottom.
If indent is negative, or if no indent has been set, the label computes the effective indent as follows: If frameWidth() is 0, the effective indent becomes 0. If frameWidth() is greater than 0, the effective indent becomes half the width of the "x" character of the widget's current font().
By default, the indent is -1, meaning that an effective indent is calculating in the manner described above.
addremove |
This signal is emitted when the user clicks a link. The URL referred to by the anchor is passed in link.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.
See also linkHovered().
addremove |
This signal is emitted when the user hovers over a link. The URL referred to by the anchor is passed in link.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.
See also linkActivated().
getset |
This property holds the width of the margin.
The margin is the distance between the innermost pixel of the frame and the outermost pixel of contents.
The default margin is 0.
getset |
Returns a pointer to the label's movie, or 0 if no movie has been set.
Sets the label contents to movie. Any previous content is cleared. The label does NOT take ownership of the movie.
The buddy shortcut, if any, is disabled.
getset |
getset |
Returns the label's picture or 0 if the label doesn't have a picture.
Sets the label contents to picture. Any previous content is cleared.
The buddy shortcut, if any, is disabled.
getset |
This property holds the label's pixmap.
If no pixmap has been set this will return 0.
Setting the pixmap clears any previous content. The buddy shortcut, if any, is disabled.
getset |
This property holds whether the label will scale its contents to fill all available space.
When enabled and the label shows a pixmap, it will scale the pixmap to fill the available space.
This property's default is false.
get |
This property holds the selected text.
If there is no selected text this property's value is an empty string.
By default, this property contains an empty string.
Note: The textInteractionFlags set on the label need to include either TextSelectableByMouse or TextSelectableByKeyboard.
This property was introduced in Qt 4.7.
staticget |
getset |
This property holds the label's text.
If no text has been set this will return an empty string. Setting the text clears any previous content.
The text will be interpreted either as plain text or as rich text, depending on the text format setting; see setTextFormat(). The default setting is Qt::AutoText; i.e. QLabel will try to auto-detect the format of the text set.
If a buddy has been set, the buddy mnemonic key is updated from the new text.
Note that QLabel is well-suited to display small rich text documents, such as small documents that get their document specific settings (font, text color, link color) from the label's palette and font properties. For large documents, use QTextEdit in read-only mode instead. QTextEdit can also provide a scroll bar when necessary.
Note: This function enables mouse tracking if text contains rich text.
getset |
This property holds the label's text format.
See the Qt::TextFormat enum for an explanation of the possible options.
The default format is Qt::AutoText.
getset |
getset |
This property holds the label's word-wrapping policy.
If this property is true then label text is wrapped where necessary at word-breaks; otherwise it is not wrapped at all.
By default, word wrap is disabled.