
1// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
3// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Marius-Valeriu Stanciu <>
9// Qt
10#include <QHash>
11#include <QMetaType>
12#include <QString>
14// Marble
15#include "GeoDataCoordinates.h"
16#include "GeoDocument.h"
17#include <marble_export.h>
21namespace Marble
24/** Type of OSM element. */
25enum class OsmType {
26 Node,
27 Way,
28 Relation
31/** Identifier for an OSM element.
32 * @note OSM uses distinct id spaces for all its three basic element types, so just the numeric id
33 * on its own doesn't identify an element without knowing its type.
34 */
35struct OsmIdentifier {
36 inline OsmIdentifier() = default;
37 inline OsmIdentifier(qint64 _id, OsmType _type)
38 : id(_id)
39 , type(_type)
40 {
41 }
43 qint64 id = 0;
44 OsmType type = OsmType::Way;
46 inline bool operator==(OsmIdentifier other) const
47 {
48 return id == && type == other.type;
49 }
52/** Forward declaration */
56 * This class is used to encapsulate the osm data fields kept within a placemark's extendedData.
57 * It stores OSM server generated data: id, version, changeset, uid, visible, user, timestamp;
58 * It also stores a hash map of <tags> ( key-value mappings ) and a hash map of component osm
59 * placemarks @see m_nodeReferences @see m_memberReferences
60 *
61 * The usual workflow with osmData goes as follows:
62 *
63 * Parsing stage:
64 * The OsmParser parses tags (they have server-generated attributes), creates new placemarks and
65 * assigns them new OsmPlacemarkData objects with all the needed information.
66 *
67 * Editing stage:
68 * While editing placemarks that have OsmPlacemarkData, all relevant changes reflect on the
69 * OsmPlacemarkData object as well, so as not to uncorrelate data from the actual placemarks.
70 *
71 * Writing stage:
72 * The OsmObjectManager assigns OsmPlacemarkData objects to placemarks that do not have it
73 * ( these are usually newly created placemarks within the editor, or placemarks loaded from
74 * ".kml" files ). Placemarks that already have it, are simply written as-is.
75 */
76class MARBLE_EXPORT OsmPlacemarkData : public GeoNode
79 OsmPlacemarkData();
80 ~OsmPlacemarkData() override;
82 qint64 id() const;
83 qint64 oid() const;
84 QString version() const;
85 QString changeset() const;
86 QString uid() const;
87 QString isVisible() const;
88 QString user() const;
89 QString timestamp() const;
90 QString action() const;
91 const char *nodeType() const override;
93 void setId(qint64 id);
94 void setVersion(const QString &version);
95 void setChangeset(const QString &changeset);
96 void setUid(const QString &uid);
97 void setVisible(const QString &visible);
98 void setUser(const QString &user);
99 void setTimestamp(const QString &timestamp);
100 void setAction(const QString &action);
102 /**
103 * @brief tagValue returns the value of the tag that has @p key as key
104 * or an empty qstring if there is no such tag
105 */
106 QString tagValue(const QString &key) const;
108 /**
109 * @brief addTag this function inserts a string key=value mapping,
110 * equivalent to the <tag k="@p key" v="@p value"> osm core data
111 * element
112 */
113 void addTag(const QString &key, const QString &value);
115 /**
116 * @brief removeTag removes the tag from the tag hash
117 */
118 void removeTag(const QString &key);
120 /**
121 * @brief containsTag returns true if the tag hash contains an entry with
122 * the @p key as key and @p value as value
123 */
124 bool containsTag(const QString &key, const QString &value) const;
126 /**
127 * @brief containsTagKey returns true if the tag hash contains an entry with
128 * the @p key as key
129 */
130 bool containsTagKey(const QString &key) const;
132 /**
133 * @brief tagValue returns a pointer to the tag that has @p key as key
134 * or the end iterator if there is no such tag
135 */
138 /**
139 * @brief iterators for the tags hash.
140 */
144 /**
145 * @brief this function returns the osmData associated with a nd
146 */
147 OsmPlacemarkData &nodeReference(const GeoDataCoordinates &coordinates);
148 OsmPlacemarkData nodeReference(const GeoDataCoordinates &coordinates) const;
150 /**
151 * @brief addRef this function inserts a GeoDataCoordinates = OsmPlacemarkData
152 * mapping into the reference hash, equivalent to the <member ref="@p key" >
153 * osm core data element
154 */
155 void addNodeReference(const GeoDataCoordinates &key, const OsmPlacemarkData &value);
156 void removeNodeReference(const GeoDataCoordinates &key);
157 bool containsNodeReference(const GeoDataCoordinates &key) const;
159 /**
160 * @brief changeNodeReference is a convenience function that allows the quick change of
161 * a node hash entry. This is generally used to update the osm data in case
162 * nodes are being moved in the editor.
163 */
164 void changeNodeReference(const GeoDataCoordinates &oldKey, const GeoDataCoordinates &newKey);
166 /**
167 * @brief this function returns the osmData associated with a member boundary's index
168 * -1 represents the outer boundary of a polygon, and 0,1,2... the inner boundaries,
169 * in the order provided by polygon->innerBoundaries();
170 */
171 OsmPlacemarkData &memberReference(int key);
172 OsmPlacemarkData memberReference(int key) const;
174 /**
175 * @brief addRef this function inserts a int = OsmplacemarkData
176 * mapping into the reference hash, equivalent to the osm <nd ref="@p boundary of index @key" >
177 * core data element
178 * @see m_memberReferences
179 */
180 void addMemberReference(int key, const OsmPlacemarkData &value);
181 void removeMemberReference(int key);
182 bool containsMemberReference(int key) const;
184 /**
185 * @brief addRelation calling this makes the osm placemark a member of the relation
186 * with @p id as id, while having the role @p role
187 */
188 void addRelation(qint64 id, OsmType type, const QString &role);
189 void removeRelation(qint64 id);
190 bool containsRelation(qint64 id) const;
192 QHash<OsmIdentifier, QString>::const_iterator relationReferencesBegin() const;
193 QHash<OsmIdentifier, QString>::const_iterator relationReferencesEnd() const;
195 /**
196 * @brief isNull returns false if the osmData is loaded from a source
197 * or true if its just default constructed
198 */
199 bool isNull() const;
201 /**
202 * @brief isEmpty returns true if no attribute other than the id has been set
203 */
204 bool isEmpty() const;
206 /**
207 * @brief fromParserAttributes is a convenience function that parses all osm-related
208 * arguments of a tag
209 * @return an OsmPlacemarkData object containing all the necessary data
210 */
211 static OsmPlacemarkData fromParserAttributes(const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes);
213 /**
214 * Return the insternal instance of the hash-table functions container.
215 */
219 qint64 m_id;
222 /**
223 * @brief m_relationReferences is used to store the relations the placemark is part of
224 * and the role it has within them.
225 * Eg. an entry ( "123", "stop" ) means that the parent placemark is a member of
226 * the relation with id "123", while having the "stop" role
227 */
228 QHash<OsmIdentifier, QString> m_relationReferences;
230 /**
231 * Store the insternal instance of the hash-table functions container.
232 */
233 std::shared_ptr<OsmPlacemarkDataHashRef> m_href;
237 * Container to host hash-table functions with OsmPlacemarkData as values.
238 * This container is necessary with Qt 6.6 under MSVC 2022 as compiler refuse to build
239 * a QHash of a not fully defined class as value.
240 *
241 * E:\dk\x64-windows\include\Qt6\QtCore/qhash.h(76,7): error C2079: 'QHashPrivate::Node<Key,T>::value' uses undefined class 'Marble::OsmPlacemarkData'
242 * [C:\Users\gilles\Documents\marble\build.vcpkg\src\lib\marble\marblewidget.vcxproj] with
243 * [
244 * Key=Marble::GeoDataCoordinates,
245 * T=Marble::OsmPlacemarkData
246 * ]
247 * E:\dk\x64-windows\include\Qt6\QtCore/qhash.h(858,1): message : see reference to class template instantiation 'QHashPrivate::Node<Key,T>' being compiled
248 * [C:\Users\gilles\Documents\marble\build.vcpkg\src\lib\marble\marblewidget.vcxproj] with
249 * [
250 * Key=Marble::GeoDataCoordinates,
251 * T=Marble::OsmPlacemarkData
252 * ]
253 *
254 */
255class MARBLE_EXPORT OsmPlacemarkDataHashRef
258 OsmPlacemarkDataHashRef();
260 /**
261 * @brief iterators for the reference hashes.
262 */
267 QHash<int, OsmPlacemarkData> &memberReferences();
268 QHash<int, OsmPlacemarkData>::const_iterator memberReferencesBegin() const;
269 QHash<int, OsmPlacemarkData>::const_iterator memberReferencesEnd() const;
271 /**
272 * @brief m_ndRefs is used to store a way's component nodes
273 * ( It is empty for other placemark types )
274 */
277 /**
278 * @brief m_memberRefs is used to store a polygon's member boundaries
279 * the key represents the index of the boundary within the polygon geometry:
280 * -1 represents the outerBoundary, and 0,1,2... its innerBoundaries, in the
281 * order provided by polygon->innerBoundaries()
282 */
288// Makes qvariant_cast possible for OsmPlacemarkData objects
A 3d point representation.
Container to host hash-table functions with OsmPlacemarkData as values.
QHash< GeoDataCoordinates, OsmPlacemarkData > m_nodeReferences
m_ndRefs is used to store a way's component nodes ( It is empty for other placemark types )
QHash< GeoDataCoordinates, OsmPlacemarkData > & nodeReferences()
iterators for the reference hashes.
QHash< int, OsmPlacemarkData > m_memberReferences
m_memberRefs is used to store a polygon's member boundaries the key represents the index of the bound...
This class is used to encapsulate the osm data fields kept within a placemark's extendedData.
OsmPlacemarkData & nodeReference(const GeoDataCoordinates &coordinates)
this function returns the osmData associated with a nd
const char * nodeType() const override
Provides type information for downcasting a GeoNode.
OsmPlacemarkData & memberReference(int key)
this function returns the osmData associated with a member boundary's index -1 represents the outer b...
void removeTag(const QString &key)
removeTag removes the tag from the tag hash
bool containsTag(const QString &key, const QString &value) const
containsTag returns true if the tag hash contains an entry with the key as key and value as value
void addMemberReference(int key, const OsmPlacemarkData &value)
addRef this function inserts a int = OsmplacemarkData mapping into the reference hash,...
bool isEmpty() const
isEmpty returns true if no attribute other than the id has been set
bool isNull() const
isNull returns false if the osmData is loaded from a source or true if its just default constructed
void addTag(const QString &key, const QString &value)
addTag this function inserts a string key=value mapping, equivalent to the <tag k="@p key" v="@p valu...
bool containsRelation(qint64 id) const
void changeNodeReference(const GeoDataCoordinates &oldKey, const GeoDataCoordinates &newKey)
changeNodeReference is a convenience function that allows the quick change of a node hash entry.
static OsmPlacemarkData fromParserAttributes(const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes)
fromParserAttributes is a convenience function that parses all osm-related arguments of a tag
bool containsTagKey(const QString &key) const
containsTagKey returns true if the tag hash contains an entry with the key as key
void addNodeReference(const GeoDataCoordinates &key, const OsmPlacemarkData &value)
addRef this function inserts a GeoDataCoordinates = OsmPlacemarkData mapping into the reference hash,...
QHash< QString, QString >::const_iterator tagsBegin() const
iterators for the tags hash.
void addRelation(qint64 id, OsmType type, const QString &role)
addRelation calling this makes the osm placemark a member of the relation with id as id,...
QHash< QString, QString >::const_iterator findTag(const QString &key) const
tagValue returns a pointer to the tag that has key as key or the end iterator if there is no such tag
OsmPlacemarkDataHashRef * hRef() const
Return the insternal instance of the hash-table functions container.
QString tagValue(const QString &key) const
tagValue returns the value of the tag that has key as key or an empty qstring if there is no such tag
Binds a QML item to a specific geodetic location in screen coordinates.
Type of OSM element.
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Generated on Fri Feb 21 2025 11:46:26 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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