
Marble Namespace Reference


class  AbstractDataPlugin
class  AbstractDataPluginModel
class  AbstractFloatItem
class  AbstractProjection
class  AbstractWorkerThread
class  AzimuthalEquidistantProjection
class  AzimuthalProjection
class  BillboardGraphicsItem
class  BookmarkManager
class  CelestialSortFilterProxyModel
class  CylindricalProjection
class  DialogConfigurationInterface
class  DownloadQueueSet
class  EditPlacemarkDialog
class  EquirectProjection
class  FileManager
class  FloatItemsLayer
class  GeoDataAbstractView
class  GeoDataBuilding
class  GeoDataColorStyle
class  GeoDataContainer
class  GeoDataCoordinates
class  GeoDataDocument
class  GeoDataDocumentWriter
class  GeoDataExtendedData
class  GeoDataFeature
class  GeoDataFolder
class  GeoDataGeometry
class  GeoDataLabelStyle
class  GeoDataLatLonAltBox
class  GeoDataLatLonBox
class  GeoDataLinearRing
class  GeoDataLineString
class  GeoDataLineStyle
class  GeoDataLod
class  GeoDataMultiGeometry
class  GeoDataObject
class  GeoDataPlacemark
class  GeoDataPoint
class  GeoDataPolygon
class  GeoDataPolyStyle
class  GeoDataRegion
class  GeoDataStyle
class  GeoDataStyleMap
class  GeoDataStyleSelector
class  GeoDataTimePrimitive
class  GeoDataTrack
class  GeoDataTreeModel
class  GeoDocument
class  GeoGraphicsScene
class  GeoNode
class  GeoPainter
class  GeoSceneAbstractDataset
class  GeoSceneAbstractTileProjection
class  GeoSceneDocument
class  GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection
class  GeoSceneFilter
class  GeoSceneGroup
class  GeoSceneHead
class  GeoSceneIcon
class  GeoSceneItem
class  GeoSceneLayer
class  GeoSceneLegend
class  GeoSceneMap
class  GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection
class  GeoScenePalette
class  GeoSceneProperty
class  GeoSceneSection
class  GeoSceneSettings
class  GeoSceneVector
class  GeoSceneZoom
class  GeoTagHandler
class  GeoTagWriter
class  GeoUriParser
class  GeoWriter
class  GeoWriterBackendRegistrar
class  GnomonicProjection
class  GoToDialog
class  HttpDownloadManager
class  InstructionTransformation
class  KDescendantsProxyModel
class  KmlOsmPlacemarkDataTagWriter
class  LabelGraphicsItem
class  LambertAzimuthalProjection
class  LayerManager
class  MapThemeManager
class  MapViewItemDelegate
class  MarbleDirs
class  MarbleLineEdit
class  MarbleLocale
class  MarbleMap
class  MarbleModel
class  MarbleNavigator
class  MarblePlacemarkModel
class  MarbleWidget
class  MarbleWidgetPopupMenu
class  MercatorProjection
struct  OsmIdentifier
class  OsmObjectManager
class  OsmPlacemarkData
class  OsmPlacemarkDataHashRef
class  OsmRelationEditorDialog
class  OsmRelationManagerWidget
class  ParseRunnerPlugin
class  ParsingTask
class  Placemark
class  PlacemarkLayout
class  PlanetFactory
class  PluginInterface
class  PluginManager
class  PopupItem
class  PopupLayer
class  PositionProviderPlugin
class  PositionProviderPluginInterface
class  RenderPlugin
class  RenderPluginInterface
class  RenderPluginModel
class  ReverseGeocodingRunnerPlugin
class  ReverseGeocodingTask
class  RouteRequest
class  RoutingInputWidget
class  RoutingInstruction
class  RoutingLayer
class  RoutingManager
class  RoutingPoint
class  RoutingRunnerPlugin
class  RoutingTask
class  RoutingWaypoint
class  RoutingWidget
class  SearchRunnerPlugin
class  SearchTask
class  SphericalProjection
class  StackedTile
class  StackedTileLoader
class  StereographicProjection
class  TemplateDocument
class  TextureTile
class  Tile
class  TileCreatorSource
class  TinyWebBrowser
class  VerticalPerspectiveProjection
class  ViewParams
class  ViewportParams
class  VisiblePlacemark


using GeoDataGenericSourceType = int
typedef QFlags< LabelPositionFlagLabelPositionFlags
using Mapping = KHash2Map<QPersistentModelIndex, int>
typedef xmmfloat matrix[3]
using RoutingInstructions = QList<RoutingInstruction>
using RoutingWaypoints = QList<RoutingWaypoint>
typedef QFlags< TessellationFlag > TessellationFlags
typedef qreal xmmfloat[4]


enum  { PositiveSphereIndex = 0 , NegativeSphereIndex = 1 }
enum  { Q_X = 0 , Q_Y = 1 , Q_Z = 2 , Q_W = 3 }
enum  AltitudeMode {
  ClampToGround , RelativeToGround , Absolute , RelativeToSeaFloor ,
enum  AngleUnit { DMSDegree , DecimalDegree , UTM }
enum  Column { Name = 0 , Type = 1 , Role = 2 }
enum  DocumentRole {
  UnknownDocument , MapDocument , UserDocument , TrackingDocument ,
  BookmarkDocument , SearchResultDocument
enum  DownloadUsage { DownloadBulk , DownloadBrowse }
enum  DragLocation { KeepAxisVertically , FollowMousePointer }
enum  EnumFeatureId {
  InvalidFeatureId = -1 , GeoDataDocumentId = 1 , GeoDataFolderId , GeoDataPlacemarkId ,
  GeoDataNetworkLinkId , GeoDataScreenOverlayId , GeoDataGroundOverlayId
enum  EnumGeometryId {
  InvalidGeometryId = -1 , GeoDataPointId = 1 , GeoDataLineStringId , GeoDataLinearRingId ,
  GeoDataPolygonId , GeoDataMultiGeometryId , GeoDataMultiTrackId , GeoDataModelId ,
  GeoDataTrackId , GeoDataBuildingId
enum  FlyToMode { Automatic , Instant , Linear , Jump }
enum  GeoDataSourceType { GeoData_UNKNOWN = -1 , GeoData_KML = 1 , GeoData_GeoRSS = 2 }
enum  GeoSceneSourceType { GeoScene_DGML = 0 }
enum  ImageResultType { GenericImage , LevelZeroTile , PreviewImage , LegendImage }
enum  LabelLocalization { CustomAndNative , Custom , Native }
enum  LabelPositionFlag {
  NoLabel = 0x0 , LineStart = 0x1 , LineCenter = 0x2 , LineEnd = 0x4 ,
  IgnoreXMargin = 0x8 , IgnoreYMargin = 0x10 , FollowLine = 0x20
enum  MapQuality {
  OutlineQuality , LowQuality , NormalQuality , HighQuality ,
enum  OnStartup { ShowHomeLocation , LastLocationVisited }
enum class  OsmType { Node , Way , Relation }
enum  OwsCapabilitiesStatus {
  OwsCapabilitiesNone , OwsCapabilitiesSuccess , OwsCapabilitiesNoOwsServer , OwsCapabilitiesReplyUnreadable ,
enum  OwsServiceType {
  NoOwsType , WmsType , WmtsType , WfsType ,
enum  Pole { AnyPole , NorthPole , SouthPole }
enum  PositionProviderStatus { PositionProviderStatusError = 0 , PositionProviderStatusUnavailable , PositionProviderStatusAcquiring , PositionProviderStatusAvailable }
enum  Projection {
  Spherical , Equirectangular , Mercator , Gnomonic ,
  Stereographic , LambertAzimuthal , AzimuthalEquidistant , VerticalPerspective
enum  ProxyType { HttpProxy , Socks5Proxy }
enum  RenderStatus { Complete , WaitingForUpdate , WaitingForData , Incomplete }
enum  SearchMode { GlobalSearch , AreaSearch }
enum  StyleEffect { NoEffect , InvertedEffect , GrayscaleEffect , RedModeEffect }
enum  TessellationFlag {
  NoTessellation = 0x0 , Tessellate = 0x1 , RespectLatitudeCircle = 0x2 , FollowGround = 0x4 ,
  PreventNodeFiltering = 0x8
enum  TileType { TextureTileType , VectorTileType }
enum  ViewContext { Still , Animation }
enum  wizardPage {
  WelcomePage , WmsSelectionPage , LayerSelectionPage , GlobalSourceImagePage ,
  XYZUrlPage , ThemeInfoPage , LegendPage , SummaryPage
enum  WmsImageStatus { WmsImageNone , WmsImageSuccess , WmsImageFailed , WmsImageFailedServerMessage }


QSet< GeoDataPlacemark::GeoDataVisualCategoryacceptedVisualCategories ()
template<class Iface, class Plugin>
bool appendPlugin (QObject *obj, const QPluginLoader *loader, QList< Plugin > &plugins)
static qreal baseTileXFromLon (qreal lon, unsigned int tileCount)
static qreal baseTileXFromLon (qreal lon, unsigned int tileCount)
static qreal baseTileYFromLat (qreal lat, unsigned int tileCount)
static qreal baseTileYFromLat (qreal latitude, unsigned int tileCount)
static void copyUInt (uchar *dest, const uchar *src)
static void copyUShort (uchar *dest, const uchar *src)
static QHash< Maneuver::Direction, QStringcreateTurnTypePixmapMap ()
static int deflate (Bytef *dest, ulong *destLen, const Bytef *source, ulong sourceLen)
qreal distanceSphere (qreal lon1, qreal lat1, qreal lon2, qreal lat2)
qreal distanceSphereApprox (qreal lon1, qreal lat1, qreal lon2, qreal lat2)
static unsigned int eastBoundTileXFromLon (qreal lon, unsigned int tileCount)
static unsigned int eastBoundTileXFromLon (qreal lon, unsigned int tileCount)
qreal gdInv (qreal x)
template<typename T>
const T * geodata_cast (const GeoDataObject *node)
template<typename T>
T * geodata_cast (GeoDataObject *node)
GeoDataDocumentgeoDataDoc (GeoParser &parser)
GeoSceneDocumentgeoSceneDoc (GeoParser &parser)
static QModelIndex getFirstDeepest (QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &parent, int *count)
static QString guessWikipediaDomain ()
static int inflate (Bytef *dest, ulong *destLen, const Bytef *source, ulong sourceLen)
static qreal latFromTileY (unsigned int y, unsigned int tileCount)
static bool lessThanByPointer (const AbstractDataPluginItem *item1, const AbstractDataPluginItem *item2)
static qreal lonFromTileX (unsigned int x, unsigned int tileCount)
static unsigned int lowerBoundTileIndex (qreal baseTileIndex)
static unsigned int lowerBoundTileIndex (qreal baseTileIndex)
static QFile::Permissions modeToPermissions (quint32 mode)
static void normalizeWindingOrder (QPolygonF *polygon)
static unsigned int northBoundTileYFromLat (qreal lat, unsigned int tileCount)
static unsigned int northBoundTileYFromLat (qreal lat, unsigned int tileCount)
bool operator!= (GeoDataLatLonBox const &lhs, GeoDataLatLonBox const &rhs)
QTextStreamoperator<< (QTextStream &stream, const RoutingInstruction &i)
QTextStreamoperator<< (QTextStream &stream, const RoutingPoint &p)
bool operator== (const DownloadPolicy &lhs, const DownloadPolicy &rhs)
bool operator== (const DownloadPolicyKey &lhs, const DownloadPolicyKey &rhs)
bool operator== (GeoDataLatLonAltBox const &lhs, GeoDataLatLonAltBox const &rhs)
bool operator== (GeoDataLatLonBox const &lhs, GeoDataLatLonBox const &rhs)
static quint32 permissionsToMode (QFile::Permissions perms)
size_t qHash (const GeoDataCoordinates &coordinates)
uint qHash (const GeoDataLatLonAltBox &box, uint seed)
uint qHash (Marble::OsmIdentifier ident, uint seed)
uint qHash (TileId const &)
static QDateTime readMSDosDate (const uchar *src)
static uint readUInt (const uchar *data)
static ushort readUShort (const uchar *data)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerAnimatedUpdate (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataAnimatedUpdateType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlAnimatedUpdateTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerBallonStyle (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataBalloonStyleType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlBalloonStyleTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerCamera (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataCameraType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlCameraTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerData (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataDataType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlDataTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerDgml (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName({}, QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerDocument (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataDocumentType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlDocumentTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerDocument (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataFolderType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlFolderTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerDocument (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QStringLiteral("GeoSceneDocument"), QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlDocumentTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerExtendedData (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataExtendedDataType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlExtendedDataTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerFlyTo (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataFlyToType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlFlyToTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerGeodata (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoSceneTypes::GeoSceneGeodataType), QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlGeodataTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerHead (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoSceneTypes::GeoSceneHeadType), QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlHeadTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerIconStyle (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataIconStyleType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlIconStyleTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerItem (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoSceneTypes::GeoSceneItemType), QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlItemTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerKml (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName({}, QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLatLonAltBox (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLatLonAltBoxType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlLatLonAltBoxWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLatLonQuad (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLatLonQuadType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlLatLonQuadWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLayer (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoSceneTypes::GeoSceneLayerType), QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlLayerTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLegend (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoSceneTypes::GeoSceneLegendType), QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlLegendTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLineStyle (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLabelStyleType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlLabelStyleTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLineStyle (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLineStyleType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlLineStyleTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLineStyle (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataPolyStyleType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlPolyStyleTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLink (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLinkType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlLinkTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerListStyle (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataListStyleType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlListStyleTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLod (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLodType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlLodTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLookAt (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataGroundOverlayType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlGroundOverlayWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLookAt (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLatLonBoxType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlLatLonBoxWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLookAt (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLinearRingType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlLinearRingTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLookAt (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLineStringType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlLineStringTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLookAt (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLookAtType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlLookAtTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLookAt (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataPhotoOverlayType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlPhotoOverlayWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLookAt (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataPolygonType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlPolygonTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLookAt (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataScreenOverlayType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlScreenOverlayWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerLookAt (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataTimeSpanType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlTimeSpanWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerMap (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoSceneTypes::GeoSceneMapType), QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlMapTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerModel (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataModelType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlModelTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerMultiGeometry (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataMultiGeometryType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlMultiGeometryTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerMultiTrack (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataMultiTrackType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlMultiTrackTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerNetworkLink (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataNetworkLinkType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlNetworkLinkTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerNetworkLinkControl (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataNetworkLinkControlType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlNetworkLinkControlTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerPlacemark (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataPlacemarkType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlPlacemarkTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerPlaylist (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataPlaylistType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlPlaylistTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerPoint (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataPointType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlPointTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerRegion (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataRegionType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlRegionTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerSchema (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataSchemaType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlSchemaTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerSchemaData (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataSchemaDataType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlSchemaDataTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerSection (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoSceneTypes::GeoSceneSectionType), QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlSectionTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerSettings (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoSceneTypes::GeoSceneSettingsType), QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlSettingsTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerSimpleData (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataSimpleDataType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlSimpleDataTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerSimpleField (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataSimpleFieldType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlSimpleFieldTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerStyle (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataStyleType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlStyleTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerStyleMap (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataStyleMapType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlStyleMapTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerTexture (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoSceneTypes::GeoSceneTileDatasetType), QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlTextureTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerTimeStamp (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataTimeStampType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlTimeStampTagWriter())
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerTour (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataTourType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlTourTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerUpdate (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoDataTypes::GeoDataUpdateType), QString::fromLatin1(kml::kmlTag_nameSpaceOgc22)), new KmlUpdateTagWriter)
static GeoTagWriterRegistrar s_writerVector (GeoTagWriter::QualifiedName(QString::fromLatin1(GeoSceneTypes::GeoSceneVectorType), QString::fromLatin1(dgml::dgmlTag_nameSpace20)), new DgmlVectorTagWriter())
static unsigned int southBoundTileYFromLat (qreal lat, unsigned int tileCount)
static unsigned int southBoundTileYFromLat (qreal lat, unsigned int tileCount)
static void switchSign (QComboBox *sign)
QString templateName (RoutingProfilesModel::ProfileTemplate profileTemplate)
static unsigned int upperBoundTileIndex (qreal baseTileIndex)
static unsigned int upperBoundTileIndex (qreal baseTileIndex)
static unsigned int westBoundTileXFromLon (qreal lon, unsigned int tileCount)
static unsigned int westBoundTileXFromLon (qreal lon, unsigned int tileCount)
static void writeMSDosDate (uchar *dest, const QDateTime &dt)
static void writeUInt (uchar *data, uint i)
static void writeUShort (uchar *data, ushort i)


int averageTextureTileSize = 13
int averageVectorTileSize = 30
const qreal boxComparisonFactor = 16.0
const unsigned int c_defaultTileSize = 675
const qreal CM2M = 1.0 / M2CM
int dataTabIndex = 2
const int defaultLevelZeroColumns = 2
const int defaultLevelZeroRows = 1
static const int defaultSize = 8
const qreal DEG2RAD = M_PI / 180.0
const QString descriptionPrefix (QStringLiteral("description_"))
const qreal EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137.0
const QChar fileIdSeparator = QLatin1Char('_')
const qreal FT2IN = 12.0
const qreal FT2M = 1.0 / M2FT
const qreal HOUR2MIN = 60.0
const qreal HOUR2SEC = 3600.0
const qreal IN2M = 1.0 / M2IN
const qreal KM2METER = 1000.0
const qreal KM2MI = 1.0 / MI2KM
const qreal KM2NM = 1.0 / NM2KM
static const int latLonAltBoxSamplingRate = 4
int const layerIdRole = 1001
const qreal M2CM = 100.0
const qreal M2FT = 3.2808
const qreal M2IN = 39.3701
const qreal M2MM = 1000.0
const qreal M2YD = 1.09361
const int maxBaseTileLevel = 4
int const maximumRouteOffset = 10000
int const maxTilesCount = 100000
const qreal METER2KM = 1.0 / KM2METER
const qreal MI2KM = 1.609344
const qreal MIN2HOUR = 1.0 / HOUR2MIN
const qreal MIN2SEC = 60.0
int const minimumRouteOffset = 0
const qreal MM2M = 1.0 / M2MM
const qreal NM2FT = 6080
const qreal NM2KM = 1.852
static const char NOT_AVAILABLE [] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Marble", "not available")
const qreal RAD2DEG = 180.0 / M_PI
static const qreal s_labelOutlineWidth = 2.5
static const QSize s_maximumIconSize = QSize(100, 100)
static const QSize s_minimumIconSize = QSize(10, 10)
const qreal SEC2HOUR = 1.0 / HOUR2SEC
const qreal SEC2MIN = 1.0 / MIN2SEC
static const int tessellationPrecision = 10
const int tileDigits = 6
const int timeBetweenDownloads = 1500
const int timeBetweenTriedDownloads = 500
const qreal TWOPI = 2 * M_PI
const int WAIT_ATTEMPTS = 20
const int WAIT_TIME = 100
const qreal YD2M = 1.0 / M2YD

Detailed Description

Binds a QML item to a specific geodetic location in screen coordinates.

A QAbstractItemModel that contains a list of routing instructions.

A public class that adds methods to the UI Plugins Settings Widget.

Tiled dataset stored in a layer.

Represents the maptheme with its most important properties.

Represents a coordinate with the properties of a name and coordinates.

: Introduce GeoDataCoordinates
: Expose more properties
FIXME after freeze: Rename to AddBookmarkDialog

TextureTile and VectorTile layes inherit from this class.

Each item represents a routing step in the way from source to destination. Steps near the source come first, steps near the target last.

Typedef Documentation

◆ GeoDataGenericSourceType

using Marble::GeoDataGenericSourceType = int

Definition at line 18 of file GeoParser.h.

◆ LabelPositionFlags

Definition at line 102 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ Mapping

using Marble::Mapping = KHash2Map<QPersistentModelIndex, int>

Definition at line 19 of file kdescendantsproxymodel.cpp.

◆ matrix

typedef xmmfloat Marble::matrix[3]

Definition at line 32 of file Quaternion.h.

◆ RoutingInstructions

◆ RoutingWaypoints

Definition at line 74 of file RoutingWaypoint.h.

◆ TessellationFlags

typedef QFlags< TessellationFlag > Marble::TessellationFlags

Definition at line 35 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ xmmfloat

typedef qreal Marble::xmmfloat[4]

Definition at line 31 of file Quaternion.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 25 of file LatLonEdit.cpp.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 24 of file Quaternion.h.

◆ AltitudeMode


Altitude always sticks to ground level.


Altitude is always given relative to ground level.


Altitude is given relative to the sealevel.


Altitude is given relative to the sea floor.


Altitude always sticks to sea floor.

Definition at line 130 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ AngleUnit

This enum is used to choose the unit chosen to measure angles.


Degrees in DMS notation.


Degrees in decimal notation.



Definition at line 56 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ Column

enum Marble::Column

Definition at line 23 of file OsmRelationManagerWidget.h.

◆ DocumentRole

enum Marble::DocumentRole

Definition at line 23 of file GeoDataDocument.h.

◆ DownloadUsage

This enum is used to describe the type of download.


Bulk download, for example "File/Download region".


Browsing mode, normal operation of Marble, like a web browser.

Definition at line 152 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ DragLocation

This enum is used to choose how the globe behaves while dragging.


Keep planet axis vertically.


Follow mouse pointer exactly.

Definition at line 117 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ EnumFeatureId

enum Marble::EnumFeatureId

Definition at line 25 of file Serializable.h.

◆ EnumGeometryId

enum Marble::EnumGeometryId

Definition at line 35 of file Serializable.h.

◆ FlyToMode

Describes possible flight mode (interpolation between source and target camera positions)


A sane value is chosen automatically depending on animation settings and the action.


Change camera position immediately (no interpolation)


Linear interpolation of lon, lat and distance to ground.


Linear interpolation of lon and lat, distance increases towards the middle point, then decreases.

Definition at line 161 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ GeoDataSourceType

enum Marble::GeoDataSourceType

Definition at line 19 of file GeoDataParser.h.

◆ GeoSceneSourceType

enum Marble::GeoSceneSourceType

Definition at line 19 of file GeoSceneParser.h.

◆ ImageResultType

enum Marble::ImageResultType

Definition at line 123 of file OwsServiceManager.h.

◆ LabelLocalization

This enum is used to choose the localization of the labels.


Custom and native labels.


Shows the name in the user's language.


Display the name in the official language and glyphs of the labeled place.

Definition at line 107 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ LabelPositionFlag

This enum is used to choose the localization of the labels.

Definition at line 92 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ MapQuality

This enum is used to choose the map quality shown in the view.


Only a wire representation is drawn.


Low resolution (e.g. interlaced)


Normal quality.


High quality (e.g. antialiasing for lines)


Print quality.

Definition at line 73 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ OnStartup

This enum is used to choose how the globe behaves while dragging.


Show home location on startup.


Show last location visited on quit.

Definition at line 125 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ OsmType

enum class Marble::OsmType

Type of OSM element.

Definition at line 25 of file OsmPlacemarkData.h.

◆ OwsCapabilitiesStatus

enum Marble::OwsCapabilitiesStatus

Definition at line 27 of file OwsServiceManager.h.

◆ OwsServiceType

enum Marble::OwsServiceType

Definition at line 19 of file OwsServiceManager.h.

◆ Pole


Any pole.


Only North Pole.


Only South Pole.

Definition at line 138 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ PositionProviderStatus

enum Marble::PositionProviderStatus

Definition at line 18 of file PositionProviderPluginInterface.h.

◆ Projection

This enum is used to choose the projection shown in the view.


Spherical projection ("Orthographic")


Flat projection ("plate carree")


Mercator projection.


Gnomonic projection.


Stereographic projection.


Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection.


Azimuthal Equidistant projection.


Vertical perspective projection.

Definition at line 40 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ ProxyType

This enum is used to specify the proxy that is used.


Uses an Http proxy.


Uses a Socks5Proxy.

Definition at line 84 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ RenderStatus


All data is there and up to date.


Rendering is based on complete, but outdated data, data update was requested.


Rendering is based on no or partial data, more data was requested (e.g. pending network queries)


Data is missing and some error occurred when trying to retrieve it (e.g. network failure)

Definition at line 179 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ SearchMode

Search mode: Global (worldwide) versus area (local, regional) search.


Search a whole planet.


Search a certain region of a planet (e.g. visible region)

Definition at line 171 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ StyleEffect

enum Marble::StyleEffect

Definition at line 35 of file StyleBuilder.h.

◆ TessellationFlag

enum Marble::TessellationFlag

Definition at line 27 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ TileType


Tiles that consist of bitmap data.


Tiles that consist of vector data.

Definition at line 144 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ ViewContext

This enum is used to choose context in which map quality gets used.


still image


animated view (e.g. while rotating the globe)

Definition at line 65 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ wizardPage

enum Marble::wizardPage

Definition at line 58 of file MapWizard.cpp.

◆ WmsImageStatus

enum Marble::WmsImageStatus

Definition at line 35 of file OwsServiceManager.h.

Function Documentation

◆ acceptedVisualCategories()

QSet< GeoDataPlacemark::GeoDataVisualCategory > Marble::acceptedVisualCategories ( )

Definition at line 57 of file PlacemarkLayout.cpp.

◆ appendPlugin()

template<class Iface, class Plugin>
bool Marble::appendPlugin ( QObject * obj,
const QPluginLoader * loader,
QList< Plugin > & plugins )

Append obj to the given plugins list if it inherits both T and U.

Definition at line 172 of file PluginManager.cpp.

◆ baseTileXFromLon() [1/2]

static qreal Marble::baseTileXFromLon ( qreal lon,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 35 of file GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection.cpp.

◆ baseTileXFromLon() [2/2]

static qreal Marble::baseTileXFromLon ( qreal lon,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 36 of file GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection.cpp.

◆ baseTileYFromLat() [1/2]

static qreal Marble::baseTileYFromLat ( qreal lat,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 40 of file GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection.cpp.

◆ baseTileYFromLat() [2/2]

static qreal Marble::baseTileYFromLat ( qreal latitude,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 41 of file GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection.cpp.

◆ copyUInt()

static void Marble::copyUInt ( uchar * dest,
const uchar * src )

Definition at line 88 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

◆ copyUShort()

static void Marble::copyUShort ( uchar * dest,
const uchar * src )

Definition at line 96 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

◆ createTurnTypePixmapMap()

static QHash< Maneuver::Direction, QString > Marble::createTurnTypePixmapMap ( )

Definition at line 14 of file Maneuver.cpp.

◆ deflate()

static int Marble::deflate ( Bytef * dest,
ulong * destLen,
const Bytef * source,
ulong sourceLen )

Definition at line 191 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

◆ distanceSphere()

qreal Marble::distanceSphere ( qreal lon1,
qreal lat1,
qreal lon2,
qreal lat2 )

This method calculates the shortest distance between two points on a sphere.


lon1longitude of first point in radians
lat1latitude of first point in radians
lon2longitude of second point in radians
lat2latitude of second point in radians

Definition at line 45 of file MarbleMath.h.

◆ distanceSphereApprox()

qreal Marble::distanceSphereApprox ( qreal lon1,
qreal lat1,
qreal lon2,
qreal lat2 )

This method roughly calculates the shortest distance between two points on a sphere.

It's probably faster than distanceSphere(...) but for 7 significant digits only has

an accuracy of about 1 arcmin.


Definition at line 60 of file MarbleMath.h.

◆ eastBoundTileXFromLon() [1/2]

static unsigned int Marble::eastBoundTileXFromLon ( qreal lon,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 46 of file GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection.cpp.

◆ eastBoundTileXFromLon() [2/2]

static unsigned int Marble::eastBoundTileXFromLon ( qreal lon,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 54 of file GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection.cpp.

◆ gdInv()

qreal Marble::gdInv ( qreal x)

This method is a fast Mac Laurin power series approximation of the.

inverse Gudermannian. The inverse Gudermannian gives the vertical

position y in the Mercator projection in terms of the latitude.


Definition at line 71 of file MarbleMath.h.

◆ geodata_cast() [1/2]

template<typename T>
const T * Marble::geodata_cast ( const GeoDataObject * node)

Returns the given node cast to type const T if the node was instantiated as type T; otherwise returns 0.

If node is 0 then it will also return 0.

nodepointer to GeoNode object to be casted
the given node as type const T if cast is successful, otherwise 0

Definition at line 124 of file GeoDataObject.h.

◆ geodata_cast() [2/2]

template<typename T>
T * Marble::geodata_cast ( GeoDataObject * node)

Returns the given node cast to type T if the node was instantiated as type T; otherwise returns 0.

If node is 0 then it will also return 0.

nodepointer to GeoNode object to be casted
the given node as type T if cast is successful, otherwise 0

Definition at line 103 of file GeoDataObject.h.

◆ geoDataDoc()

GEODATA_EXPORT GeoDataDocument * Marble::geoDataDoc ( GeoParser & parser)

Definition at line 83 of file GeoDataParser.cpp.

◆ geoSceneDoc()

GeoSceneDocument * Marble::geoSceneDoc ( GeoParser & parser)

Definition at line 64 of file GeoSceneParser.cpp.

◆ getFirstDeepest()

static QModelIndex Marble::getFirstDeepest ( QAbstractItemModel * model,
const QModelIndex & parent,
int * count )

Definition at line 671 of file kdescendantsproxymodel.cpp.

◆ guessWikipediaDomain()

static QString Marble::guessWikipediaDomain ( )

Definition at line 32 of file TinyWebBrowser.cpp.

◆ inflate()

static int Marble::inflate ( Bytef * dest,
ulong * destLen,
const Bytef * source,
ulong sourceLen )

Definition at line 156 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

◆ latFromTileY()

static qreal Marble::latFromTileY ( unsigned int y,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 100 of file GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection.cpp.

◆ lessThanByPointer()

static bool Marble::lessThanByPointer ( const AbstractDataPluginItem * item1,
const AbstractDataPluginItem * item2 )

Definition at line 163 of file AbstractDataPluginModel.cpp.

◆ lonFromTileX()

static qreal Marble::lonFromTileX ( unsigned int x,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 95 of file GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection.cpp.

◆ lowerBoundTileIndex() [1/2]

static unsigned int Marble::lowerBoundTileIndex ( qreal baseTileIndex)

Definition at line 23 of file GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection.cpp.

◆ lowerBoundTileIndex() [2/2]

static unsigned int Marble::lowerBoundTileIndex ( qreal baseTileIndex)

Definition at line 24 of file GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection.cpp.

◆ modeToPermissions()

static QFile::Permissions Marble::modeToPermissions ( quint32 mode)

Definition at line 222 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

◆ normalizeWindingOrder()

static void Marble::normalizeWindingOrder ( QPolygonF * polygon)

Definition at line 68 of file BuildingGraphicsItem.cpp.

◆ northBoundTileYFromLat() [1/2]

static unsigned int Marble::northBoundTileYFromLat ( qreal lat,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 76 of file GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection.cpp.

◆ northBoundTileYFromLat() [2/2]

static unsigned int Marble::northBoundTileYFromLat ( qreal lat,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 85 of file GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection.cpp.

◆ operator!=()

bool Marble::operator!= ( GeoDataLatLonBox const & lhs,
GeoDataLatLonBox const & rhs )

Definition at line 46 of file GeoDataLatLonBox.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

QTextStream & Marble::operator<< ( QTextStream & stream,
const RoutingInstruction & i )

Definition at line 458 of file RoutingInstruction.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

QTextStream & Marble::operator<< ( QTextStream & stream,
const RoutingPoint & p )

Definition at line 53 of file RoutingPoint.cpp.

◆ operator==() [1/4]

bool Marble::operator== ( const DownloadPolicy & lhs,
const DownloadPolicy & rhs )

Definition at line 61 of file DownloadPolicy.h.

◆ operator==() [2/4]

bool Marble::operator== ( const DownloadPolicyKey & lhs,
const DownloadPolicyKey & rhs )

Definition at line 38 of file DownloadPolicy.h.

◆ operator==() [3/4]

bool GEODATA_EXPORT Marble::operator== ( GeoDataLatLonAltBox const & lhs,
GeoDataLatLonAltBox const & rhs )

Definition at line 35 of file GeoDataLatLonAltBox.cpp.

◆ operator==() [4/4]

bool Marble::operator== ( GeoDataLatLonBox const & lhs,
GeoDataLatLonBox const & rhs )

Definition at line 40 of file GeoDataLatLonBox.cpp.

◆ permissionsToMode()

static quint32 Marble::permissionsToMode ( QFile::Permissions perms)

Definition at line 126 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

◆ qHash() [1/4]

GEODATA_EXPORT size_t Marble::qHash ( const GeoDataCoordinates & coordinates)

Definition at line 1136 of file GeoDataCoordinates.cpp.

◆ qHash() [2/4]

uint GEODATA_EXPORT Marble::qHash ( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox & box,
uint seed )

Definition at line 266 of file GeoDataLatLonAltBox.cpp.

◆ qHash() [3/4]

uint Marble::qHash ( Marble::OsmIdentifier ident,
uint seed )

Definition at line 17 of file OsmPlacemarkData.cpp.

◆ qHash() [4/4]

uint Marble::qHash ( TileId const & tid)

Definition at line 86 of file TileId.h.

◆ readMSDosDate()

static QDateTime Marble::readMSDosDate ( const uchar * src)

Definition at line 252 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

◆ readUInt()

static uint Marble::readUInt ( const uchar * data)

Definition at line 64 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

◆ readUShort()

static ushort Marble::readUShort ( const uchar * data)

Definition at line 69 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

◆ southBoundTileYFromLat() [1/2]

static unsigned int Marble::southBoundTileYFromLat ( qreal lat,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 66 of file GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection.cpp.

◆ southBoundTileYFromLat() [2/2]

static unsigned int Marble::southBoundTileYFromLat ( qreal lat,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 74 of file GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection.cpp.

◆ switchSign()

static void Marble::switchSign ( QComboBox * sign)

Definition at line 134 of file LatLonEdit.cpp.

◆ templateName()

QString Marble::templateName ( RoutingProfilesModel::ProfileTemplate profileTemplate)

Definition at line 127 of file RoutingProfilesModel.cpp.

◆ upperBoundTileIndex() [1/2]

static unsigned int Marble::upperBoundTileIndex ( qreal baseTileIndex)

Definition at line 30 of file GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection.cpp.

◆ upperBoundTileIndex() [2/2]

static unsigned int Marble::upperBoundTileIndex ( qreal baseTileIndex)

Definition at line 31 of file GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection.cpp.

◆ westBoundTileXFromLon() [1/2]

static unsigned int Marble::westBoundTileXFromLon ( qreal lon,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 56 of file GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection.cpp.

◆ westBoundTileXFromLon() [2/2]

static unsigned int Marble::westBoundTileXFromLon ( qreal lon,
unsigned int tileCount )

Definition at line 64 of file GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection.cpp.

◆ writeMSDosDate()

static void Marble::writeMSDosDate ( uchar * dest,
const QDateTime & dt )

Definition at line 102 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

◆ writeUInt()

static void Marble::writeUInt ( uchar * data,
uint i )

Definition at line 74 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

◆ writeUShort()

static void Marble::writeUShort ( uchar * data,
ushort i )

Definition at line 82 of file MarbleZip.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ averageTextureTileSize

int Marble::averageTextureTileSize = 13

Definition at line 54 of file DownloadRegionDialog.cpp.

◆ averageVectorTileSize

int Marble::averageVectorTileSize = 30

Definition at line 55 of file DownloadRegionDialog.cpp.

◆ boxComparisonFactor

const qreal Marble::boxComparisonFactor = 16.0

Definition at line 43 of file AbstractDataPluginModel.cpp.

◆ c_defaultTileSize

const unsigned int Marble::c_defaultTileSize = 675

Definition at line 255 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ CM2M

const qreal Marble::CM2M = 1.0 / M2CM

Definition at line 219 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ dataTabIndex

int Marble::dataTabIndex = 2

Definition at line 20 of file PluginAboutDialog.cpp.

◆ defaultLevelZeroColumns

const int Marble::defaultLevelZeroColumns = 2

Definition at line 186 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ defaultLevelZeroRows

const int Marble::defaultLevelZeroRows = 1

Definition at line 187 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ defaultSize

const int Marble::defaultSize = 8

Definition at line 19 of file GeoDataLabelStyle.cpp.


const qreal Marble::DEG2RAD = M_PI / 180.0

Definition at line 222 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137.0

Definition at line 249 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ fileIdSeparator

const QChar Marble::fileIdSeparator = QLatin1Char('_')

Definition at line 46 of file AbstractDataPluginModel.cpp.


const qreal Marble::FT2IN = 12.0

Definition at line 207 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ FT2M

const qreal Marble::FT2M = 1.0 / M2FT

Definition at line 200 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::HOUR2MIN = 60.0

Definition at line 230 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::HOUR2SEC = 3600.0

Definition at line 238 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ IN2M

const qreal Marble::IN2M = 1.0 / M2IN

Definition at line 204 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::KM2METER = 1000.0

Definition at line 226 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::KM2MI = 1.0 / MI2KM

Definition at line 191 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::KM2NM = 1.0 / NM2KM

Definition at line 195 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ latLonAltBoxSamplingRate

const int Marble::latLonAltBoxSamplingRate = 4

Definition at line 33 of file AbstractProjection.h.

◆ layerIdRole

int const Marble::layerIdRole = 1001

Definition at line 56 of file MapWizard.cpp.

◆ M2CM

const qreal Marble::M2CM = 100.0

Definition at line 218 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ M2FT

const qreal Marble::M2FT = 3.2808

Definition at line 199 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ M2IN

const qreal Marble::M2IN = 39.3701

Definition at line 203 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ M2MM

const qreal Marble::M2MM = 1000.0

Definition at line 214 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ M2YD

const qreal Marble::M2YD = 1.09361

Definition at line 210 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ maxBaseTileLevel

const int Marble::maxBaseTileLevel = 4

Definition at line 252 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ maximumRouteOffset

int const Marble::maximumRouteOffset = 10000

Definition at line 53 of file DownloadRegionDialog.cpp.

◆ maxTilesCount

int const Marble::maxTilesCount = 100000

Definition at line 51 of file DownloadRegionDialog.cpp.


const qreal Marble::METER2KM = 1.0 / KM2METER

Definition at line 227 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::MI2KM = 1.609344

Definition at line 190 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::MIN2HOUR = 1.0 / HOUR2MIN

Definition at line 231 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::MIN2SEC = 60.0

Definition at line 234 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ minimumRouteOffset

int const Marble::minimumRouteOffset = 0

Definition at line 52 of file DownloadRegionDialog.cpp.

◆ MM2M

const qreal Marble::MM2M = 1.0 / M2MM

Definition at line 215 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::NM2FT = 6080

Definition at line 196 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::NM2KM = 1.852

Definition at line 194 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const char Marble::NOT_AVAILABLE[] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Marble", "not available")

Definition at line 243 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::RAD2DEG = 180.0 / M_PI

Definition at line 223 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const int Marble::REPAINT_SCHEDULING_INTERVAL = 1000

Definition at line 39 of file TextureLayer.cpp.

◆ s_labelOutlineWidth

const qreal Marble::s_labelOutlineWidth = 2.5

Definition at line 27 of file VisiblePlacemark.h.

◆ s_maximumIconSize

const QSize Marble::s_maximumIconSize = QSize(100, 100)

Definition at line 24 of file GeoDataIconStyle.h.

◆ s_minimumIconSize

const QSize Marble::s_minimumIconSize = QSize(10, 10)

Definition at line 25 of file GeoDataIconStyle.h.


const qreal Marble::SEC2HOUR = 1.0 / HOUR2SEC

Definition at line 239 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const qreal Marble::SEC2MIN = 1.0 / MIN2SEC

Definition at line 235 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ tessellationPrecision

const int Marble::tessellationPrecision = 10

Definition at line 32 of file AbstractProjection.h.

◆ tileDigits

const int Marble::tileDigits = 6

Definition at line 245 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

◆ timeBetweenDownloads

const int Marble::timeBetweenDownloads = 1500

Definition at line 39 of file AbstractDataPluginModel.cpp.

◆ timeBetweenTriedDownloads

const int Marble::timeBetweenTriedDownloads = 500

Definition at line 37 of file AbstractDataPluginModel.cpp.


const int Marble::TOOLTIP_START_INTERVAL = 1000

Definition at line 33 of file MarbleInputHandler.cpp.


const qreal Marble::TWOPI = 2 * M_PI

Definition at line 241 of file MarbleGlobal.h.


const int Marble::WAIT_ATTEMPTS = 20

Definition at line 16 of file AbstractWorkerThread.cpp.


const int Marble::WAIT_TIME = 100

Definition at line 17 of file AbstractWorkerThread.cpp.

◆ YD2M

const qreal Marble::YD2M = 1.0 / M2YD

Definition at line 211 of file MarbleGlobal.h.

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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 11:58:55 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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