#include <GeoDataPlacemark.h>

Public Types | |
enum | GeoDataVisualCategory { None , Default , Unknown , SmallCity , SmallCountyCapital , SmallStateCapital , SmallNationCapital , MediumCity , MediumCountyCapital , MediumStateCapital , MediumNationCapital , BigCity , BigCountyCapital , BigStateCapital , BigNationCapital , LargeCity , LargeCountyCapital , LargeStateCapital , LargeNationCapital , Nation , Mountain , Volcano , Mons , Valley , Continent , Ocean , OtherTerrain , Crater , Mare , GeographicPole , MagneticPole , ShipWreck , AirPort , Observatory , MilitaryDangerArea , OsmSite , Coordinate , MannedLandingSite , RoboticRover , UnmannedSoftLandingSite , UnmannedHardLandingSite , Bookmark , Satellite , PlaceCity , PlaceCityCapital , PlaceCityNationalCapital , PlaceSuburb , PlaceHamlet , PlaceLocality , PlaceTown , PlaceTownCapital , PlaceTownNationalCapital , PlaceVillage , PlaceVillageCapital , PlaceVillageNationalCapital , NaturalWater , NaturalReef , NaturalWood , NaturalBeach , NaturalWetland , NaturalGlacier , NaturalIceShelf , NaturalScrub , NaturalCliff , NaturalHeath , HighwayTrafficSignals , HighwayElevator , HighwaySteps , HighwayUnknown , HighwayPath , HighwayFootway , HighwayTrack , HighwayPedestrian , HighwayCorridor , HighwayCycleway , HighwayService , HighwayRoad , HighwayResidential , HighwayLivingStreet , HighwayUnclassified , HighwayTertiaryLink , HighwayTertiary , HighwaySecondaryLink , HighwaySecondary , HighwayPrimaryLink , HighwayPrimary , HighwayRaceway , HighwayTrunkLink , HighwayTrunk , HighwayMotorwayLink , HighwayMotorway , Building , AccomodationCamping , AccomodationHostel , AccomodationHotel , AccomodationMotel , AccomodationYouthHostel , AccomodationGuestHouse , EducationCollege , EducationSchool , EducationUniversity , FoodBar , FoodBiergarten , FoodCafe , FoodFastFood , FoodPub , FoodRestaurant , HealthDentist , HealthDoctors , HealthHospital , HealthPharmacy , HealthVeterinary , MoneyAtm , MoneyBank , AmenityLibrary , AmenityKindergarten , AmenityEmbassy , AmenityEmergencyPhone , AmenityMountainRescue , AmenityCommunityCentre , AmenityCinema , AmenityFountain , AmenityNightClub , AmenityBench , AmenityCourtHouse , AmenityFireStation , AmenityHuntingStand , AmenityPolice , AmenityPostBox , AmenityPostOffice , AmenityPrison , AmenityRecycling , AmenityShelter , AmenityTelephone , AmenityTheatre , AmenityToilets , AmenityTownHall , AmenityWasteBasket , AmenityDrinkingWater , AmenityGraveyard , AmenityChargingStation , AmenityCarWash , AmenitySocialFacility , BarrierCityWall , BarrierGate , BarrierLiftGate , BarrierWall , NaturalPeak , NaturalVolcano , NaturalTree , NaturalCave , ShopBeverages , ShopHifi , ShopSupermarket , ShopAlcohol , ShopBakery , ShopButcher , ShopConfectionery , ShopConvenience , ShopGreengrocer , ShopSeafood , ShopDepartmentStore , ShopKiosk , ShopBag , ShopClothes , ShopFashion , ShopJewelry , ShopShoes , ShopVarietyStore , ShopBeauty , ShopChemist , ShopCosmetics , ShopHairdresser , ShopOptician , ShopPerfumery , ShopDoitYourself , ShopFlorist , ShopHardware , ShopFurniture , ShopElectronics , ShopMobilePhone , ShopBicycle , ShopCar , ShopCarRepair , ShopCarParts , ShopMotorcycle , ShopOutdoor , ShopSports , ShopCopy , ShopArt , ShopMusicalInstrument , ShopPhoto , ShopBook , ShopGift , ShopStationery , ShopLaundry , ShopPet , ShopToys , ShopTravelAgency , ShopDeli , ShopTobacco , ShopTea , ShopComputer , ShopGardenCentre , Shop , ManmadeBridge , ManmadeLighthouse , ManmadePier , ManmadeWaterTower , ManmadeWindMill , ManmadeCommunicationsTower , TourismArtwork , TourismAttraction , TourismInformation , TourismMuseum , TourismThemePark , TourismViewPoint , TourismZoo , TourismAlpineHut , TourismWildernessHut , HistoricArchaeologicalSite , HistoricCastle , HistoricMemorial , HistoricMonument , HistoricRuins , TransportAerodrome , TransportHelipad , TransportAirportTerminal , TransportAirportGate , TransportAirportRunway , TransportAirportTaxiway , TransportAirportApron , TransportBusStation , TransportBusStop , TransportCarShare , TransportFuel , TransportParking , TransportParkingSpace , TransportPlatform , TransportRentalBicycle , TransportRentalCar , TransportRentalSki , TransportTaxiRank , TransportTrainStation , TransportTramStop , TransportBicycleParking , TransportMotorcycleParking , TransportSubwayEntrance , TransportSpeedCamera , ReligionPlaceOfWorship , ReligionBahai , ReligionBuddhist , ReligionChristian , ReligionMuslim , ReligionHindu , ReligionJain , ReligionJewish , ReligionShinto , ReligionSikh , ReligionTaoist , LeisureGolfCourse , LeisureMarina , LeisureWaterPark , LeisurePark , LeisurePlayground , LeisurePitch , LeisureSportsCentre , LeisureStadium , LeisureTrack , LeisureSwimmingPool , LeisureMinigolfCourse , LanduseAllotments , LanduseBasin , LanduseCemetery , LanduseCommercial , LanduseConstruction , LanduseFarmland , LanduseFarmyard , LanduseGarages , LanduseGrass , LanduseIndustrial , LanduseLandfill , LanduseMeadow , LanduseMilitary , LanduseQuarry , LanduseRailway , LanduseReservoir , LanduseResidential , LanduseRetail , LanduseOrchard , LanduseVineyard , RailwayRail , RailwayNarrowGauge , RailwayTram , RailwayLightRail , RailwayAbandoned , RailwaySubway , RailwayPreserved , RailwayMiniature , RailwayConstruction , RailwayMonorail , RailwayFunicular , PowerTower , AerialwayStation , AerialwayPylon , AerialwayCableCar , AerialwayGondola , AerialwayChairLift , AerialwayMixedLift , AerialwayDragLift , AerialwayTBar , AerialwayJBar , AerialwayPlatter , AerialwayRopeTow , AerialwayMagicCarpet , AerialwayZipLine , AerialwayGoods , PisteDownhill , PisteNordic , PisteSkitour , PisteSled , PisteHike , PisteSleigh , PisteIceSkate , PisteSnowPark , PistePlayground , PisteSkiJump , WaterwayCanal , WaterwayDitch , WaterwayDrain , WaterwayRiver , WaterwayWeir , WaterwayStream , CrossingSignals , CrossingIsland , CrossingZebra , CrossingRailway , AdminLevel1 , AdminLevel2 , AdminLevel3 , AdminLevel4 , AdminLevel5 , AdminLevel6 , AdminLevel7 , AdminLevel8 , AdminLevel9 , AdminLevel10 , AdminLevel11 , BoundaryMaritime , IndoorDoor , IndoorWall , IndoorRoom , Landmass , UrbanArea , InternationalDateLine , Bathymetry , LastIndex } |
Public Member Functions | |
GeoDataPlacemark () | |
GeoDataPlacemark (const GeoDataPlacemark &placemark) | |
GeoDataPlacemark (const QString &name) | |
~GeoDataPlacemark () override | |
qreal | area () const |
QString | categoryName () const |
void | clearOsmData () |
GeoDataFeature * | clone () const override |
GeoDataCoordinates | coordinate (const QDateTime &dateTime=QDateTime(), bool *iconAtCoordinates=nullptr) const |
void | coordinate (qreal &longitude, qreal &latitude, qreal &altitude) const |
const QString | countryCode () const |
QString | displayName () const |
GeoDataGeometry * | geometry () |
const GeoDataGeometry * | geometry () const |
bool | hasOsmData () const |
bool | isBalloonVisible () const |
GeoDataLookAt * | lookAt () |
const GeoDataLookAt * | lookAt () const |
const char * | nodeType () const override |
bool | operator!= (const GeoDataPlacemark &other) const |
virtual QXmlStreamWriter & | operator<< (QXmlStreamWriter &stream) const |
GeoDataPlacemark & | operator= (const GeoDataPlacemark &other) |
bool | operator== (const GeoDataPlacemark &other) const |
OsmPlacemarkData & | osmData () |
const OsmPlacemarkData & | osmData () const |
void | pack (QDataStream &stream) const override |
virtual QXmlStreamWriter & | pack (QXmlStreamWriter &stream) const |
qint64 | population () const |
void | setArea (qreal area) |
void | setBalloonVisible (bool visible) |
void | setCoordinate (const GeoDataCoordinates &coordinate) |
void | setCoordinate (qreal longitude, qreal latitude, qreal altitude=0, GeoDataCoordinates::Unit _unit=GeoDataCoordinates::Radian) |
void | setCountryCode (const QString &code) |
void | setGeometry (GeoDataGeometry *entry) |
void | setOsmData (const OsmPlacemarkData &osmData) |
void | setPopulation (qint64 population) |
void | setState (const QString &state) |
void | setVisualCategory (GeoDataVisualCategory index) |
const QString | state () const |
void | unpack (QDataStream &stream) override |
GeoDataVisualCategory | visualCategory () const |
![]() | |
GeoDataFeature (const GeoDataFeature &other) | |
GeoDataFeature (const QString &name) | |
GeoDataAbstractView * | abstractView () |
const GeoDataAbstractView * | abstractView () const |
QString | address () const |
QSharedPointer< const GeoDataStyle > | customStyle () const |
QString | description () const |
bool | descriptionIsCDATA () const |
GeoDataExtendedData & | extendedData () |
const GeoDataExtendedData & | extendedData () const |
EnumFeatureId | featureId () const |
bool | isGloballyVisible () const |
bool | isVisible () const |
QString | name () const |
bool | operator!= (const GeoDataFeature &other) const |
GeoDataFeature & | operator= (const GeoDataFeature &other) |
bool | operator== (const GeoDataFeature &other) const |
void | pack (QDataStream &stream) const override |
QString | phoneNumber () const |
qint64 | popularity () const |
GeoDataRegion & | region () |
const GeoDataRegion & | region () const |
const QString | role () const |
void | setAbstractView (GeoDataAbstractView *abstractView) |
void | setAddress (const QString &value) |
void | setDescription (const QString &value) |
void | setDescriptionCDATA (bool cdata) |
void | setExtendedData (const GeoDataExtendedData &extendedData) |
void | setName (const QString &value) |
void | setPhoneNumber (const QString &value) |
void | setPopularity (qint64 popularity) |
void | setRegion (const GeoDataRegion ®ion) |
void | setRole (const QString &role) |
void | setSnippet (const GeoDataSnippet &value) |
void | setStyle (const QSharedPointer< GeoDataStyle > &style) |
void | setStyleMap (const GeoDataStyleMap *map) |
void | setStyleUrl (const QString &value) |
void | setTimeSpan (const GeoDataTimeSpan &timeSpan) |
void | setTimeStamp (const GeoDataTimeStamp &timeStamp) |
void | setVisible (bool value) |
void | setZoomLevel (int index) |
GeoDataSnippet | snippet () const |
QSharedPointer< const GeoDataStyle > | style () const |
const GeoDataStyleMap * | styleMap () const |
QString | styleUrl () const |
GeoDataTimeSpan & | timeSpan () |
const GeoDataTimeSpan & | timeSpan () const |
GeoDataTimeStamp & | timeStamp () |
const GeoDataTimeStamp & | timeStamp () const |
void | unpack (QDataStream &stream) override |
int | zoomLevel () const |
![]() | |
GeoDataObject (const GeoDataObject &) | |
QString | id () const |
GeoDataObject & | operator= (const GeoDataObject &) |
void | pack (QDataStream &stream) const override |
GeoDataObject * | parent () |
const GeoDataObject * | parent () const |
QString | resolvePath (const QString &relativePath) const |
void | setId (const QString &value) |
void | setParent (GeoDataObject *parent) |
void | setTargetId (const QString &value) |
QString | targetId () const |
void | unpack (QDataStream &steam) override |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static bool | placemarkLayoutOrderCompare (const GeoDataPlacemark *a, const GeoDataPlacemark *b) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
GeoDataFeature (const GeoDataFeature &other, GeoDataFeaturePrivate *dd) | |
GeoDataFeature (GeoDataFeaturePrivate *dd) | |
bool | equals (const GeoDataFeature &other) const |
virtual bool | equals (const GeoDataObject &other) const |
![]() | |
GeoDataFeaturePrivate *const | d_ptr |
Detailed Description
a class representing a point of interest on the map
This class represents a point of interest, e.g. a city or a mountain. It is filled with data by the KML or GPX loader and the PlacemarkModel makes use of it.
A Placemark can have an associated geometry which will be rendered to the map along with the placemark's point icon. If you would like to render more than one geometry for any one placemark than use
- See also
- setGeometry() to set add a
- MultiGeometry.
This is more or less only a GeoDataFeature with a geographic position and a country code attached to it. The country code is not provided in a KML file.
Definition at line 46 of file GeoDataPlacemark.h.
Member Enumeration Documentation
◆ GeoDataVisualCategory
A categorization of a placemark as defined by ...FIXME.
There is an additional osm tag mapping to GeoDataVisualCategory in OsmPlacemarkData
Definition at line 86 of file GeoDataPlacemark.h.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
◆ GeoDataPlacemark() [1/3]
Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::GeoDataPlacemark | ( | ) |
Create a new placemark.
Definition at line 34 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ GeoDataPlacemark() [2/3]
Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::GeoDataPlacemark | ( | const GeoDataPlacemark & | placemark | ) |
Create a new placemark from existing placemark placemark
Definition at line 41 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ GeoDataPlacemark() [3/3]
explicit |
Create a new placemark with the given name
Definition at line 50 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ ~GeoDataPlacemark()
override |
Delete the placemark.
Definition at line 58 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
Member Function Documentation
◆ area()
qreal Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::area | ( | ) | const |
Return the area size of the feature in square km.
FIXME: Once we make Marble more area-aware we need to move this into the GeoDataArea class which will get inherited from GeoDataPlacemark (or GeoDataFeature).
Definition at line 1018 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ categoryName()
QString Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::categoryName | ( | ) | const |
- Since
- 0.26.0
Definition at line 295 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ clearOsmData()
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::clearOsmData | ( | ) |
- Since
- 0.26.0
Definition at line 173 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ clone()
overridevirtual |
Duplicate into another equal instance.
Implements Marble::GeoDataFeature.
Definition at line 120 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ coordinate() [1/2]
GeoDataCoordinates Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::coordinate | ( | const QDateTime & | dateTime = QDateTime(), |
bool * | iconAtCoordinates = nullptr ) const |
Return the coordinates of the placemark at time dateTime
as a GeoDataCoordinates.
The dateTime
parameter should be used if the placemark geometry() is a GeoDataTrack and thus contains several coordinates associated with a date and time.
The iconAtCoordinates
boolean is set to true if an icon should be drawn to represent the placemark at these coordinates as described in, it is set to false otherwise.
- See also
- GeoDataTrack::GeoDataTrack
Definition at line 206 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ coordinate() [2/2]
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::coordinate | ( | qreal & | longitude, |
qreal & | latitude, | ||
qreal & | altitude ) const |
Return the coordinates of the placemark as longitude
, latitude
and altitude
Definition at line 252 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ countryCode()
const QString Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::countryCode | ( | ) | const |
Return the country code of the placemark.
Definition at line 1062 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ displayName()
QString Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::displayName | ( | ) | const |
displays the name of a place in the locale language of the user
Definition at line 275 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ geometry() [1/2]
GeoDataGeometry * Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::geometry | ( | ) |
The geometry of the GeoDataPlacemark is to be rendered to the marble map along with the icon at the coordinate associated with this Placemark.
- Returns
- a pointer to the current Geometry object
Definition at line 137 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ geometry() [2/2]
const GeoDataGeometry * Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::geometry | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 143 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ hasOsmData()
bool Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::hasOsmData | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 167 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ isBalloonVisible()
bool Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::isBalloonVisible | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether balloon is visible or not.
Definition at line 1078 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ lookAt() [1/2]
GeoDataLookAt * Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::lookAt | ( | ) |
Definition at line 185 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ lookAt() [2/2]
const GeoDataLookAt * Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::lookAt | ( | ) | const |
Returns GeoDataLookAt object if lookAt is setup earlier otherwise It will convert GeoDataCoordinates of Placemark to GeoDataLookAt with range equals to altitude of GeoDataCoordinate.
Definition at line 180 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ nodeType()
overridevirtual |
Provides type information for downcasting a GeoNode.
Implements Marble::GeoNode.
Definition at line 115 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ operator!=()
bool Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::operator!= | ( | const GeoDataPlacemark & | other | ) | const |
Definition at line 110 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ operator<<()
virtual |
Definition at line 1118 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ operator=()
GeoDataPlacemark & Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::operator= | ( | const GeoDataPlacemark & | other | ) |
Definition at line 63 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ operator==()
bool Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::operator== | ( | const GeoDataPlacemark & | other | ) | const |
Equality operators.
Definition at line 76 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ osmData() [1/2]
OsmPlacemarkData & Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::osmData | ( | ) |
Quick, safe accessor to the placemark's OsmPlacemarkData stored within it's ExtendedData.
If the extendedData does not contain osmData, the function inserts a default-constructed one, and returns a reference to it.
Definition at line 161 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ osmData() [2/2]
const OsmPlacemarkData & Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::osmData | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 149 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ pack() [1/2]
override |
Serialize the Placemark to a data stream.
This is a binary serialisation and is deserialised using
- See also
- unpack()
- Parameters
stream the QDataStream to serialise object to.
Definition at line 1094 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ pack() [2/2]
virtual |
Serialise this Placemark to a XML stream writer.
- See also
- QXmlStreamWriter in the Qt documentation for more info. This will output the XML representation of this Placemark. The default XML format is KML, to have other formats supported you need to create a subclass and override this method.
- Parameters
stream the XML Stream Reader to output to.
Definition at line 1110 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ placemarkLayoutOrderCompare()
static |
Definition at line 190 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ population()
qint64 Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::population | ( | ) | const |
Return the population of the placemark.
Definition at line 1034 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ setArea()
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::setArea | ( | qreal | area | ) |
Set the area size of the feature in square km.
Definition at line 1024 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ setBalloonVisible()
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::setBalloonVisible | ( | bool | visible | ) |
Set visibility of the balloon.
Definition at line 1084 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ setCoordinate() [1/2]
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::setCoordinate | ( | const GeoDataCoordinates & | coordinate | ) |
Set the coordinate of the placemark with an GeoDataPoint
Definition at line 262 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ setCoordinate() [2/2]
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::setCoordinate | ( | qreal | longitude, |
qreal | latitude, | ||
qreal | altitude = 0, | ||
GeoDataCoordinates::Unit | _unit = GeoDataCoordinates::Radian ) |
Set the coordinate of the placemark in longitude
and latitude
Definition at line 257 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ setCountryCode()
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::setCountryCode | ( | const QString & | code | ) |
Set the country code
of the placemark.
Definition at line 1068 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ setGeometry()
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::setGeometry | ( | GeoDataGeometry * | entry | ) |
Sets the current Geometry of this Placemark.
- See also
- geometry() and the class overview for description of the geometry concept. The geometry can be set to any
- GeoDataGeometry like
- GeoDataPoint,
- GeoDataLineString,
- GeoDataLinearRing and
- GeoDataMultiGeometry
Definition at line 267 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ setOsmData()
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::setOsmData | ( | const OsmPlacemarkData & | osmData | ) |
Definition at line 155 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ setPopulation()
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::setPopulation | ( | qint64 | population | ) |
Sets the population
of the placemark.
- Parameters
population the new population value
Definition at line 1040 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ setState()
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::setState | ( | const QString & | state | ) |
Set the state state
of the placemark.
Definition at line 1052 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ setVisualCategory()
void Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::setVisualCategory | ( | GeoDataPlacemark::GeoDataVisualCategory | index | ) |
Sets the symbol category
of the placemark.
- Parameters
index the new category to be used.
Definition at line 131 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ state()
const QString Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::state | ( | ) | const |
Return the state of the placemark.
Definition at line 1046 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ unpack()
override |
Deserialize the Placemark from a data stream.
This has the opposite effect from
- See also
- pack()
- Parameters
stream the QDataStream to deserialise from.
Definition at line 1124 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
◆ visualCategory()
GeoDataPlacemark::GeoDataVisualCategory Marble::GeoDataPlacemark::visualCategory | ( | ) | const |
Return the symbol index of the placemark.
Definition at line 125 of file GeoDataPlacemark.cpp.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 7 2025 11:48:30 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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