MauiKit Controls

2 * Copyright 2018 Camilo Higuita <>
3 *
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
6 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
15 * License along with this program; if not, write to the
16 * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 */
20import QtQuick
21import QtQuick.Controls
23import org.mauikit.controls 1.3 as Maui
26 * @inherit QtQuick.Item
27 * @brief A browser view with a grid layout.
28 *
29 * <a href="">This controls inherits from QQC2 Item, to checkout its inherited properties refer to the Qt Docs.</a>
30 *
31 * This component might seem similar to QQC2 GridView - and it does uses it underneath - but this one includes a few more predefined elements, such as auto adaptable uniform cell width, a placeholder element, pinch to zoom gestures, and lasso selection support.
32 *
33 * @section structure Structure
34 * The browser has a dedicated placeholder element handled by MauiKit Holder, where a message can be set when the view is on a determined state the user should be warned about, such as if the view is empty, or not search results were found.
35 * @see Holder
36 *
37 * The lasso selection feature works with a mouse or a track-pad, and allows to select multiple items in the browser-view that are under the lasso rectangle area. A signal is emitted when the selection has been triggered - this is when the lasso rectangle is released - sending as an argument an array of numbers representing the indexes of the selected items.
38 * @see itemsSelected
39 *
40 * @image html Browsers/gridbrowser_resize.gif "The GridBrowser with adaptable content enabled"
41 *
42 * @note Notice the yellow rectangles vs the grey ones. The yellow rectangles will preserve the `itemSize` dimensions, while the cell area, represented by the gray rectangle, will vary. The example below demonstrates this behavior.
43 *
44 * @section notes Notes
45 * Use the `itemSize` property to set an uniform size for the cell item. At first the `cellWidth` will have the same value as the `itemSize`.
46 *
47 * If the `adaptContent` is enabled, the cell width will vary, while the cell height will maintain the same value as the `itemSize`.
48 * @see adaptContent
49 *
50 * When the view is resized and the `adaptContent` is enabled, the cell width - `cellWidth` - values will be updated to a value that can fill the width of the view-port uniformly. The modified values of the `cellWidth` will never be less than the value defined in the `itemSize` property.
51 * @see itemSize
52 *
53 * @warning Keep in mind that the `cellWidth` values will be modified when enabling the `adaptContent` property. So any binding to this property will break.
54 *
55 * @code
56 * Maui.Page
57 * {
58 * id: _page
59 * anchors.fill: parent
60 * Maui.Controls.showCSD: true
61 * headBar.forceCenterMiddleContent: true
62 *
63 * headBar.leftContent: Switch
64 * {
65 * text: "Adapt Content"
66 * checked: _gridBrowser.adaptContent
67 * onToggled: _gridBrowser.adaptContent = !_gridBrowser.adaptContent
68 * }
69 *
70 * Maui.GridBrowser
71 * {
72 * id: _gridBrowser
73 * anchors.fill: parent
74 * model: 30
75 *
76 * itemSize: 200
77 * itemHeight: 300
78 *
79 * adaptContent: true
80 *
81 * delegate: Rectangle
82 * {
83 * width: GridView.view.cellWidth
84 * height: GridView.view.cellHeight
85 * color: "gray"
86 * border.color: "white"
87 *
88 * Rectangle
89 * {
90 * width: _gridBrowser.itemSize
91 * height: _gridBrowser.itemSize
92 *
93 * color: "yellow"
94 *
95 * anchors.centerIn: parent
96 * }
97 * }
98 * }
99 * }
100 * @endcode
101 *
102 * @note You can use the GridView attached properties to refer to the control properties from the delegates. For example, you could use `GridView.view.itemSize` or GridView.view.cellWidth`. *
103 *
104 * @image html Browsers/gridbrowser_alt.png "The GridBrowser with adaptable content disabled"
105 *
106 * @note Notice the yellow rectangles vs the grey ones. The yellow rectangles will preserve the `itemSize` dimensions, and the cell width - as the gray area- will also keep the same dimensions as `itemSize`.
107 *
108 * <a href="">You can find a more complete example at this link.</a>
109 */
112 id: control
113 focus: true
114 clip: false
116 implicitHeight: contentHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding
117 implicitWidth: contentWidth + leftPadding + rightPadding
119 /**
120 * @brief The uniform size of the element in the cell. This value is used for the width and height. This value will stay the same even when the width of the cell changes.
121 *
122 * The dimensions of the item can be changed manually for its height and its width.
123 * @see itemHeight
124 * @see itemWidth
125 *
126 * @note This is meant to set an initial uniform size, so notice this value will be use for the `cellWidth`, `cellHeight`, `itemHeight` and `itemWidth`.
127 *
128 * @property int GridBrowser::itemSize
129 */
130 property alias itemSize: controlView.itemSize
132 /**
133 * @brief The width of the element in the cell. This value will vary even if `adaptContent` is enabled.
134 * This value is used as the `cellWidth` value by default.
135 * @property int GridBrowser::itemWidth
136 */
137 property alias itemWidth : controlView.itemWidth
139 /**
140 * @brief The height of the element in the cell. This value will vary even if `adaptContent` is enabled.
141 * This value is used as the `cellHeight` value by default.
142 * @property int GridBrowser::itemHeight
143 */
144 property alias itemHeight : controlView.itemHeight
146 /**
147 * @brief The width size of the cell area.
148 *
149 * @warning This value will be modified when the viewport area is resized and the `adaptContent` is enabled. So any binding will be lost. To have a fixed cell width value, set `adaptContent: false`.
150 * @see adaptContent
151 * @property int GridBrowser::cellWidth
152 */
153 property alias cellWidth: controlView.cellWidth
155 /**
156 * @brief The height size of the cell area.
157 * This value is set to the `itemHeight` value, or `itemSize` if the formerly one has not been set.
158 * This value will not be modified by the adaptable behaviour.
159 * Notice you can make the cell bigger than the itemHeight, in order to create a sense of vertical padding for each cell element.
160 * @property int GridBrowser::cellHeight
161 */
162 property alias cellHeight: controlView.cellHeight
164 /**
165 * @brief The model to be used to populate the browsing view.
166 * @property var GridBrowser::model
167 */
168 property alias model : controlView.model
170 /**
171 * @brief The component to be used as the delegate.
172 * @note Consider using the MauiKit delegate controls, such as GridBrowserDelegate, GalleryRollItem or CollageItem.
173 * @property Component GridBrowser::delegate
174 */
175 property alias delegate : controlView.delegate
177 /**
178 * @brief The position of the view contents on the Y axis.
179 * @property double GridBrowser::contentY
180 */
181 property alias contentY: controlView.contentY
183 /**
184 * @brief The index number of the current element selected.
185 * @property int GridBrowser::currentIndex
186 */
187 property alias currentIndex : controlView.currentIndex
189 /**
190 * @brief The total amount of elements listed in the view.
191 * @property int GridBrowser::count
192 */
193 property alias count : controlView.count
195 /**
196 * @brief The cache buffer.
197 * Refer to the QQC2 GridView documentation.
198 * @property int GridBrowser::cacheBuffer
199 */
200 property alias cacheBuffer : controlView.cacheBuffer
202 /**
203 * @brief The element controlling the layout fo element, AKA the flickable element.
204 * This is an alias to the QQC2 GridView control.
205 * @property GridView GridBrowser::flickable
206 */
207 property alias flickable : controlView
209 /**
210 * @brief The total height of all the elements listed in the view.
211 * @property int GridBrowser::contentHeight
212 */
213 property alias contentHeight : controlView.contentHeight
215 /**
216 * @brief The total width of all the elements.
217 * @property int GridBrowser::contentWidth
218 */
219 property alias contentWidth : controlView.contentWidth
221 /**
222 * @brief An alias to the QQC2 ScrollView element attached to the view.
223 * @property ScrollView GridBrowser::scrollView
224 */
225 property alias scrollView: _scrollView
227 /**
228 * @brief Top padding of the view. This padding is added to the scroll view container.
229 * @see scrollView
230 * @property int GridBrowser::topPadding
231 */
232 property alias topPadding: _scrollView.topPadding
234 /**
235 * @brief Bottom padding of the view. This padding is added to the scroll view container.
236 * @see scrollView
237 * @property int GridBrowser::bottomPadding
238 */
239 property alias bottomPadding: _scrollView.bottomPadding
241 /**
242 * @brief Right padding of the view. This padding is added to the scroll view container.
243 * @see scrollView
244 * @property int GridBrowser::rightPadding
245 */
246 property alias rightPadding: _scrollView.rightPadding
248 /**
249 * @brief Left padding of the view. This padding is added to the scroll view container.
250 * @see scrollView
251 * @property int GridBrowser::leftPadding
252 */
253 property alias leftPadding: _scrollView.leftPadding
255 /**
256 * @brief Padding of the view. This padding is added to the scroll view container.
257 * @see scrollView
258 * @property int GridBrowser::padding
259 */
260 property alias padding: _scrollView.padding
262 /**
263 * @brief The policy of the vertical scroll bar from the scroll view.
264 * @see scrollView
265 * The default value of this is picked based on the Style property `Style.scrollBarPolicy`, unless the orientation of the view is set to horizontal, in which case this is set to 'ScrollBar.AlwaysOff`.
266 * Possible values are:
267 * - ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
268 * - ScrollBar.AlwaysOn
269 * - ScrollBar.AsNeeded
270 */
271 property int verticalScrollBarPolicy:
272 {
273 if(control.orientation === GridView.Horizontal)
274 return ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
276 switch(Maui.Style.scrollBarPolicy)
278 case Maui.Style.AlwaysOn: return ScrollBar.AlwaysOn;
279 case Maui.Style.AlwaysOff: return ScrollBar.AlwaysOff;
280 case Maui.Style.AsNeeded: return ScrollBar.AsNeeded;
281 case Maui.Style.AutoHide: return ScrollBar.AsNeeded;
282 }
283 }
285 /**
286 * @brief The policy of the horizontal scroll bar from the scroll view.
287 * @see scrollView
288 * The default value of this is picked based on the Style property `Style.scrollBarPolicy`, unless the orientation of the view is set to vertical, in which case this is set to 'ScrollBar.AlwaysOff`.
289 * Possible values are:
290 * - ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
291 * - ScrollBar.AlwaysOn
292 * - ScrollBar.AsNeeded
293 */
294 property int horizontalScrollBarPolicy:
295 {
296 if(control.orientation === GridView.Vertical)
297 return ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
299 switch(Maui.Style.scrollBarPolicy)
300 {
301 case Maui.Style.AlwaysOn: return ScrollBar.AlwaysOn;
302 case Maui.Style.AlwaysOff: return ScrollBar.AlwaysOff;
303 case Maui.Style.AsNeeded: return ScrollBar.AsNeeded;
304 case Maui.Style.AutoHide: return ScrollBar.AsNeeded;
305 }
306 }
308 /**
309 * @brief An alias to access the placeholder properties. This is handled by a MauiKit Holder.
310 * @see Holder::title
311 * @see Holder::body
312 *
313 * @property Holder GridBrowser::holder
314 */
315 property alias holder : _holder
317 /**
318 * @brief Whether the width value of the cells should be recalculated when the view-port is resized. This will result in a uniform set of cells. The minimum width of the cells is constrained by the `itemSize` property.
319 * By default this is set to `true`.
320 */
321 property bool adaptContent: true
322 onAdaptContentChanged:
323 {
324 if(adaptContent)
325 control.adaptGrid()
326 else
327 control.resetCellWidth()
328 }
330 /**
331 * @brief Whether to enable the lasso selection, to select multiple items.
332 * By default this is set to `false`.
333 * @see itemsSelected
334 */
335 property bool enableLassoSelection : false
337 /**
338 * @brief
339 */
340 property bool selectionMode: false
342 /**
343 * @brief An alias to the lasso rectangle.
344 * @property Rectangle GridBrowser::lassoRec
345 */
346 readonly property alias lassoRec : selectLayer
348 /**
349 * @brief Whether the pinch-to-zoom gesture is enabled.
350 * By default this is set to `false`.
351 */
352 property bool pinchEnabled : false
354 /**
355 * @brief The current item selected.
356 * @property Item GridBrowser::currentItem
357 */
358 property alias currentItem : controlView.currentItem
360 /**
361 * @brief The header section of the GridView element.
362 * @see flickable
363 * @property Component GridBrowser::header
364 */
365 property alias header : controlView.header
367 /**
368 * @brief The footer section of the GridView element
369 * @see flickable
370 * @property Component GridBrowser::footer
371 */
372 property alias footer : controlView.footer
374 /**
375 * @brief The actual width of the view-port. This is the actual width without any padding.
376 * @property int GridBrowser::availableWidth
377 */
378 readonly property alias availableWidth: controlView.width
380 /**
381 * @brief The actual height of the view-port. This is the actual height without any padding.
382 * @property int GridBrowser::availableHeight
383 */
384 readonly property alias availableHeight: controlView.height
386 /**
387 * @brief Whether the view is moving horizontally or vertically. This reacts to changes in the content Y and/or X axis.
388 * @see contentY
389 * @see contentX
390 * @property bool GridBrowser::moving
391 */
392 readonly property alias moving: updateContentDelay.running
394 /**
395 * @brief Emitted when the lasso selection has been released.
396 * @param indexes A array of index numbers is sent as the argument, representing the index value of the items under the lasso rectangle area.
397 */
398 signal itemsSelected(var indexes)
400 /**
401 * @brief Emitted when an empty space of the background area has been clicked.
402 * @param mouse Object with information about the click event.
403 */
404 signal areaClicked(var mouse)
406 /**
407 * @brief Emitted when an empty space of the area area background has been right clicked.
408 */
409 signal areaRightClicked()
411 /**
412 * @brief Emitted when a physical key from the device has been pressed.
413 * @param event The object with information about the event.
414 */
415 signal keyPress(var event)
417 Keys.enabled : true
418 Keys.forwardTo : controlView
420 onItemSizeChanged :
421 {
422 controlView.size_ = itemSize
423 control.itemWidth = itemSize
424 control.cellWidth = itemWidth
425 if(adaptContent)
426 control.adaptGrid()
427 }
430 {
431 id: _scrollView
432 anchors.fill: parent
433 focus: true
434 padding: Maui.Style.contentMargins
436 clip: control.clip
438 ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: control.horizontalScrollBarPolicy
439 ScrollBar.vertical.policy: control.verticalScrollBarPolicy
441 contentHeight: controlView.contentHeight
442 contentWidth: availableWidth
445 {
446 id: controlView
447 focus: true
449 /**
450 * itemSize : int
451 */
452 property int itemSize: 0
454 /**
455 * itemWidth : int
456 */
457 property int itemWidth : itemSize
459 /**
460 * itemHeight : int
461 */
462 property int itemHeight : itemSize
465 property bool firstSelectionPress
466 property var selectedIndexes : []
468 //nasty trick
469 property int size_
470 Component.onCompleted:
471 {
472 controlView.size_ = control.itemWidth
473 }
475 flow: GridView.FlowLeftToRight
476 clip: control.clip
478 displayMarginBeginning: Maui.Style.effectsEnabled ? Maui.Style.toolBarHeight * 4 : 0
479 displayMarginEnd: displayMarginBeginning
480 cacheBuffer: control.itemHeight * 4
482 cellWidth: control.itemWidth
483 cellHeight: control.itemHeight
485 boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
487 flickableDirection: Flickable.AutoFlickDirection
488 snapMode: GridView.NoSnap
489 highlightMoveDuration: 0
490 interactive: false
491 onWidthChanged: if(adaptContent) control.adaptGrid()
492 onCountChanged: if(adaptContent) control.adaptGrid()
494 keyNavigationEnabled : true
495 keyNavigationWraps : true
496 Keys.onPressed: (event) =>
497 {
498 control.keyPress(event)
499 }
501 Maui.Holder
502 {
503 id: _holder
504 visible: false
505 anchors.fill : parent
506 anchors.topMargin: controlView.headerItem ? controlView.headerItem.height : 0
507 anchors.bottomMargin: controlView.footerItem ? controlView.footerItem.height : 0
508 }
510 onContentXChanged:
511 {
512 updateContentDelay.restart()
513 }
515 onContentYChanged:
516 {
517 updateContentDelay.restart()
518 }
520 Timer
521 {
522 id: updateContentDelay
523 interval: 500
524 repeat: false
525 }
527 Loader
528 {
529 asynchronous: true
530 active: control.pinchEnabled
532 anchors.fill: parent
533 z: -1
535 sourceComponent: PinchArea
536 {
537 onPinchFinished: (pinch) =>
538 {
539 resizeContent(pinch.scale)
540 }
541 }
542 }
544 Loader
545 {
546 asynchronous: true
547 // active: !Maui.Handy.hasTransientTouchInput && !Maui.Handy.isMobile
548 anchors.fill: parent
549 z: parent.z-1
550 clip: false
552 sourceComponent: MouseArea
553 {
554 id: _mouseArea
556 propagateComposedEvents: true
557 preventStealing: true
558 acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton | Qt.LeftButton
560 onClicked: (mouse) =>
561 {
562 console.log("Area clicked")
563 control.areaClicked(mouse)
564 control.forceActiveFocus()
566 if(mouse.button === Qt.RightButton)
567 {
568 control.areaRightClicked()
569 return
570 }
571 }
573 onWheel: (wheel) =>
574 {
575 if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier)
576 {
577 if (wheel.angleDelta.y != 0)
578 {
579 var factor = 1 + wheel.angleDelta.y / 600;
580 control.resizeContent(factor)
581 }
582 }else
583 wheel.accepted = false
584 }
586 onPositionChanged: (mouse) =>
587 {
588 console.log("Area clicked >>> Moving")
590 if(_mouseArea.pressed && control.enableLassoSelection && selectLayer.visible)
591 {
592 if(mouseX >= selectLayer.newX)
593 {
594 selectLayer.width = (mouseX + 10) < (control.x + control.width) ? (mouseX - selectLayer.x) : selectLayer.width;
595 } else {
596 selectLayer.x = mouseX < control.x ? control.x : mouseX;
597 selectLayer.width = selectLayer.newX - selectLayer.x;
598 }
600 if(mouseY >= selectLayer.newY) {
601 selectLayer.height = (mouseY + 10) < (control.y + control.height) ? (mouseY - selectLayer.y) : selectLayer.height;
602 if(!controlView.atYEnd && mouseY > (control.y + control.height))
603 controlView.contentY += 10
604 } else {
605 selectLayer.y = mouseY < control.y ? control.y : mouseY;
606 selectLayer.height = selectLayer.newY - selectLayer.y;
608 if(!controlView.atYBeginning && selectLayer.y === 0)
609 controlView.contentY -= 10
610 }
611 }
612 }
614 onPressed: (mouse) =>
615 {
616 if (mouse.source === Qt.MouseEventNotSynthesized)
617 {
618 if(control.enableLassoSelection && mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton && control.count > 0)
619 {
620 selectLayer.visible = true;
621 selectLayer.x = mouseX;
622 selectLayer.y = mouseY;
623 selectLayer.newX = mouseX;
624 selectLayer.newY = mouseY;
625 selectLayer.width = 0
626 selectLayer.height = 0;
627 }
628 }
629 }
631 onPressAndHold: (mouse) =>
632 {
633 if ( mouse.source !== Qt.MouseEventNotSynthesized && control.enableLassoSelection && !selectLayer.visible )
634 {
635 selectLayer.visible = true;
636 selectLayer.x = mouseX;
637 selectLayer.y = mouseY;
638 selectLayer.newX = mouseX;
639 selectLayer.newY = mouseY;
640 selectLayer.width = 0
641 selectLayer.height = 0;
643 mouse.accepted = true
644 }else
645 {
646 mouse.accepted = false
647 }
648 }
650 onReleased: (mouse) =>
651 {
652 if(mouse.button !== Qt.LeftButton || !control.enableLassoSelection || !selectLayer.visible)
653 {
654 mouse.accepted = false
655 return;
656 }
658 if(selectLayer.y > controlView.contentHeight)
659 {
660 return selectLayer.reset();
661 }
663 var lassoIndexes = []
664 const limitX = mouse.x === lassoRec.x ? lassoRec.x+lassoRec.width : mouse.x
665 const limitY = mouse.y === lassoRec.y ? lassoRec.y+lassoRec.height : mouse.y
667 for(var i =lassoRec.x; i < limitX; i+=(lassoRec.width/(controlView.cellWidth* 0.5)))
668 {
669 for(var y = lassoRec.y; y < limitY; y+=(lassoRec.height/(controlView.cellHeight * 0.5)))
670 {
671 const index = controlView.indexAt(i,y+controlView.contentY)
672 if(!lassoIndexes.includes(index) && index>-1 && index< controlView.count)
673 lassoIndexes.push(index)
674 }
675 }
677 if(lassoIndexes.length > 0)
678 {
679 control.itemsSelected(lassoIndexes)
680 }
682 selectLayer.reset()
683 }
684 }
685 }
687 Maui.Rectangle
688 {
689 id: selectLayer
690 property int newX: 0
691 property int newY: 0
692 height: 0
693 width: 0
694 x: 0
695 y: 0
696 visible: false
697 color: Qt.rgba(control.Maui.Theme.highlightColor.r,control.Maui.Theme.highlightColor.g, control.Maui.Theme.highlightColor.b, 0.2)
698 opacity: 0.7
700 borderColor: control.Maui.Theme.highlightColor
701 borderWidth: 2
702 solidBorder: false
704 function reset()
705 {
706 selectLayer.x = 0;
707 selectLayer.y = 0;
708 selectLayer.newX = 0;
709 selectLayer.newY = 0;
710 selectLayer.visible = false;
711 selectLayer.width = 0;
712 selectLayer.height = 0;
713 }
714 }
715 }
718 }
720 /**
721 * @brief Request to resize the view elements. This will result in the `itemSize` property being modified.
722 * @param factor a factor for resizing.
723 * The minimum size is `Style.iconSizes.small`.
724 */
725 function resizeContent(factor)
726 {
727 const newSize = control.itemSize * factor
729 if(newSize > control.itemSize)
730 {
731 control.itemSize = newSize
732 }
733 else
734 {
735 if(newSize >= Maui.Style.iconSizes.small)
736 control.itemSize = newSize
737 }
738 }
740 /**
741 * @brief Forces to adapt the width of the grid cells. This will result on the `cellWidth` property being modified.
742 */
743 function adaptGrid()
744 {
745 var fullWidth = controlView.width
746 var realAmount = parseInt(fullWidth / controlView.size_, 0)
747 var amount = parseInt(fullWidth / control.cellWidth, 0)
749 var leftSpace = parseInt(fullWidth - ( realAmount * controlView.size_ ), 0)
750 var size = Math.min(amount, realAmount) >= control.count ? Math.max(control.cellWidth, control.itemSize) : parseInt((controlView.size_) + (parseInt(leftSpace/realAmount, 0)), 0)
752 control.cellWidth = size
753 }
755 /**
756 * @brief Resets the value of the `cellWidth` back to the initial size set with `itemSize`.
757 */
758 function resetCellWidth()
759 {
760 control.cellWidth = control.itemSize
761 }
AKONADI_CALENDAR_EXPORT KCalendarCore::Event::Ptr event(const Akonadi::Item &item)
QAction * repeat(const QObject *recvr, const char *slot, QObject *parent)
KGuiItem reset()
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