MauiKit Controls
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼NMaui | |
CPlatformTheme | This class is the base for color management in Maui, different platforms can reimplement this class to integrate with system platform colors of a given platform |
CAbstractPlatform | The AbstractPlatform class Defines abstract methods and properties that are common to be implemeted by each different platform Maui supports |
CAltBrowser | A convinient way of switching between a grid an a list view |
CAnimatedImageViewer | A view for displaying animated images, such as GIF documents |
CAppSettings | The AppSettings class |
CBadge | A Badge item to display text - as a counter - or an icon as a notification hint |
CBaseWindow | A base window implementation for window dialogs and the main application window |
CCloseButton | The standard control for presenting a close button |
CCollageItem | A custom item to be used as a delegate in the browsing views or as a standalone card. This element presents a group of images in a vignette-form |
CColorsRow | A row of color buttons |
CContextualMenu | A convergent contextual menu that adapats to the screen size and device input method |
CControls | The Controls class |
CCSDButton | An abstraction for a client-side-decoration button |
CCSDControls | The client-side-decorations manager for the MauiKit application |
CDialogWindow | A window that provides some basic features needed for most applications |
CDoodle | A drawing component wrapped in a popup surface. This controls inherits from MauiKit PopupPage, to checkout its inherited properties refer to the docs |
CDoodleCanvas | The canvas element for the Doodle component |
CFlexListItem | A template to position information next to a flexing right-content section, that wraps into a new line under constrained space conditions |
CFlexSectionItem | An item used for holding information in a responsive layout. This control inherits from MauiKit FlexListItem, to checkout its inherited properties refer to the docs |
CFontPicker | A custom control use to pick a font and its properties |
CFontPickerDialog | The Mauikit FontPicker component wrapped inside a popup dialog for convenience |
CFontPickerModel | A model of fonts and its properties |
CFontsComboBox | A combo-box element to list the system fonts with a inline style preview |
CGalleryRollItem | A custom item to be used as a delegate in the browsing views or as a standalone card. This element presents a group of images in a carousel form |
CGalleryRollTemplate | A template control to display images in a carousel form |
CGridBrowser | A browser view with a grid layout |
CGridBrowserDelegate | A MauiKit ItemDelegate with some extra functionality and an informational column layout |
CGridItemTemplate | A template with a icon or image and a two bottom labels |
CGroupSizes | The sizes group for some Style properties, such as Style::iconSize, Style::space, etc |
CHandy | The Handy class |
CHolder | Holder A component meant to be used as a placeholder element with support for a title, message body, icon image - animated or not -, and a set of contextual actions |
CIconItem | An element to display an icon from the icon theme or file asset; or an image from a local file or a remote URL |
CIconLabel | A icon and a label put together in two possible positions, a horizontal or vertical layout |
CInfoDialog | A Dialog with a built-in template container for displaying information, with a title, image and message body |
CInputDialog | An InfoDialog with a text entry field |
CItemDelegate | ItemDelegate is the base for the MauiKit delegate controls |
CLabelDelegate | A basic MauiKit delegate for displaying a text label with an icon in a horizontal layout |
CListBrowser | A browser view with a list layout |
CListBrowserDelegate | A MauiKit ItemDelegate with an informational row layout |
CListDelegate | A basic delagate for a label and an icon, to be used in a list browser |
CListItemTemplate | A template for an horizontal layout of information |
CMAUIAndroid | The MAUIAndroid class |
CMauiApp | The MauiApp class The MauiApp is a global singleton instance, can be accessed from QML as an attached property, so it can be used by importing org.mauikit.controls |
CMauiList | MauiList class |
CMAUIMacOS | The MAUIMacOS class |
CMauiModel | The MauiModel class |
CMenuItemActionRow | A menu item entry for placing a set of actions as the children |
CNotify | |
CPageLayout | A MauiKit Page with a toolbar bar content that is dynamically split onto two bars upon request |
CPieButton | A group of actions positioned in a plegable ribbon that fold/unfolds from a big floating colored button |
CPopup | Popup A global sidebar for the application window that can be collapsed |
CPopupPage | A QQC2 Popup with extra built-in features, such as a snapping surface, scrollable contents, and action buttons |
CProgressIndicator | A QQC2 ProgressBar bu styled to be used as a indetermined progress indicator |
CScrollColumn | A QQC2 ScrollView setup ready for adding any children into a column layout that is scrollable |
CSectionGroup | A control to group children elements into a column layout with a header section with a title and message body |
CSectionHeader | A control for dividing sections with a title label and a message body. This controls inherits from QQC2 Pane, to checkout its inherited properties refer to the Qt Docs. |
CSectionItem | An item used for holding information in a vertical column layout |
CSelectionBar | A bar to group selected items and a list of actions to perform to such selection |
CSettingsDialog | A popup page with a scrollable vertical layout, and support for a stack of multiple pages |
CSettingsPage | A friend control for the SettingsDialog |
CShareDialog | A dialog listing the available services for sharing the given set of local files |
CShareDialogLinux | The Linux implementation for the ShareDialog |
CSideBar | The container for the sidebar section in the SideBarView |
CSideBarView | A view with a collapsible sidebar |
CSplitView | An extension to the QQC2 SplitView control, adding some extra functionality |
CSplitViewItem | An item to be used as a view container for the MauiKit SplitView |
CStyle | The MauiKit Style preferences singleton object |
CSwipeBrowserDelegate | A control used to display information in a horizontal layout, and with a set of actions placed underneath that is revealed by swiping to the left |
CSwipeItemDelegate | A template base for presenting an upper and under layer of content |
CSwipeView | Views switcher component |
CSwipeViewLoader | A companion for the MauiKit SwipeView control, for lazy-loading the views to not drain too much resources |
CTabBar | Tab bar alternative to QQC TabBar, and based on it |
CTabButton | A expanded implementation of the QQC2 TabButton with a predefined horizontal layout |
CTabView | Container to organize items as a tab view |
CTabViewButton | A TabButton crafted to be use along with the MauiKit TabView |
CTabViewItem | Just a basic wrapper around a QQC2 Loader, to put in a TabView view and lazy-load it, only when it is the current view or already has been activated |
CTextField | TextField A global sidebar for the application window that can be collapsed |
CTextFieldPopup | A TextField control with an attached popup surface |
CTileSet | Tilesets are collections of stretchable pixmaps corresponding to a given widget corners, sides, and center |
CToolActions | A set of grouped action visually joined together |
CToolBar | An alternative to QQC2 ToolBar, with a custom horizontal layout - divided into three main sections - left, middle and right |
CToolButtonMenu | A control to host into a Menu popup, a set of MenuItem or Actions as its children |
CUnits | The Unit group properties |
CWindowControls | The window control buttons for windows using client side decorations |
CWindowControlsMac |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Jan 3 2025 12:00:18 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Jan 3 2025 12:00:18 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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