Go to the documentation of this file.
249 return (static_cast<WithPosition>(l) == static_cast<WithPosition>(r) && ==;
1870 using LabeledHeadings = typename Trait::template Map<typename Trait::String, HeadingSharedPointer>;
~Anchor() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this anchor.
Definition doc.h:408
typename Trait::template Vector< ItemSharedPointer > Items
Type of list of children.
Definition doc.h:614
void insertItem(long long int idx, ItemSharedPointer i)
Insert child item at give position.
Definition doc.h:636
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > ItemSharedPointer
Type of pointer to child item.
Definition doc.h:612
~Block() override=default
void applyBlock(const Block< Trait > &other, Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr)
Apply other block to this.
Definition doc.h:617
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this blockquote.
Definition doc.h:869
~Blockquote() override=default
typename Trait::template Vector< WithPosition > Delims
Type of a list of service characters.
Definition doc.h:885
void setSyntaxPos(const WithPosition &p)
Set position of the syntax of the fensed code block.
Definition doc.h:1383
~Code() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this code.
Definition doc.h:1324
void setEndDelim(const WithPosition &d)
Set position of the ending service characters.
Definition doc.h:1407
void setStartDelim(const WithPosition &d)
Set position of the start service characters.
Definition doc.h:1395
void setSyntax(const typename Trait::String &s)
Set syntax of the fensed code block.
Definition doc.h:1371
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this document.
Definition doc.h:1813
std::shared_ptr< Heading< Trait > > HeadingSharedPointer
Type of a smart pointer to heading.
Definition doc.h:1868
std::shared_ptr< Link< Trait > > LinkSharedPointer
Type of a smart pointer to link.
Definition doc.h:1851
void insertFootnote(const typename Trait::String &id, FootnoteSharedPointer fn)
Insert footnote with the give ID.
Definition doc.h:1845
typename Trait::template Map< typename Trait::String, HeadingSharedPointer > LabeledHeadings
Type of a map of headings.
Definition doc.h:1870
~Document() override=default
void insertLabeledHeading(const typename Trait::String &label, HeadingSharedPointer h)
Insert heading with the given label.
Definition doc.h:1879
void insertLabeledLink(const typename Trait::String &label, LinkSharedPointer lnk)
Insert shortcut link with the given label.
Definition doc.h:1862
std::shared_ptr< Footnote< Trait > > FootnoteSharedPointer
Type of a smart pointer to footnote.
Definition doc.h:1834
typename Trait::template Map< typename Trait::String, FootnoteSharedPointer > Footnotes
Type of a map of footnotes.
Definition doc.h:1836
typename Trait::template Map< typename Trait::String, LinkSharedPointer > LabeledLinks
Type of a map of shortcut links.
Definition doc.h:1853
~FootnoteRef() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this footnote reference.
Definition doc.h:1703
~Footnote() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this footnote.
Definition doc.h:1760
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this heading.
Definition doc.h:724
typename Trait::template Vector< WithPosition > Delims
Type of list of service chanracters.
Definition doc.h:721
typename Trait::template Vector< typename Trait::String > LabelsVector
Type of a vector of labels.
Definition doc.h:819
std::shared_ptr< Paragraph< Trait > > ParagraphSharedPointer
Type of smart pointer to paragraph.
Definition doc.h:750
~Heading() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this horizontal line.
Definition doc.h:377
~HorizontalLine() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this image.
Definition doc.h:1216
~Image() override=default
void applyItemWithOpts(const ItemWithOpts< Trait > &other)
Apply other item with options to this.
Definition doc.h:268
~ItemWithOpts() override=default
virtual std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const =0
Clone this item.
virtual ItemType type() const =0
~Item() override=default
~LineBreak() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this line break.
Definition doc.h:577
void setP(ParagraphSharedPointer v)
Set pointer to parsed text of link's description.
Definition doc.h:1159
std::shared_ptr< Paragraph< Trait > > ParagraphSharedPointer
Type of a smart pointer to link's description.
Definition doc.h:1120
~LinkBase() override=default
void setText(const typename Trait::String &t)
Set not parsed text of link's description.
Definition doc.h:1141
void applyLinkBase(const LinkBase< Trait > &other, Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr)
Apply other base of link to this.
Definition doc.h:1107
std::shared_ptr< Image< Trait > > ImageSharedPointer
Type of a smart pointer to image.
Definition doc.h:1268
~Link() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this link.
Definition doc.h:1250
~ListItem() override=default
void setTaskDelim(const WithPosition &d)
Set position of the task list "checkbox" in Markdown.
Definition doc.h:1035
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this list item.
Definition doc.h:919
OrderedListPreState orderedListPreState() const
Definition doc.h:969
void setOrderedListPreState(OrderedListPreState s)
Set preliminary state of the ordered list.
Definition doc.h:975
~List() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this list.
Definition doc.h:1072
~Math() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this LaTeX math expression.
Definition doc.h:1460
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this page break.
Definition doc.h:347
~PageBreak() override=default
~Paragraph() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this paragraph.
Definition doc.h:686
~RawHtml() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this raw HTML.
Definition doc.h:447
~StyleDelim() override=default
StyleDelim(int s, long long int startColumn, long long int startLine, long long int endColumn, long long int endLine)
Definition doc.h:219
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this table cell.
Definition doc.h:1505
~TableCell() override=default
typename Trait::template Vector< TableCellSharedPointer > Cells
Type of a list of table cells.
Definition doc.h:1557
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this table row.
Definition doc.h:1536
~TableRow() override=default
std::shared_ptr< TableCell< Trait > > TableCellSharedPointer
Type of a smart pointer to table cell.
Definition doc.h:1555
~Table() override=default
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this table.
Definition doc.h:1597
void setColumnAlignment(int idx, Alignment a)
Set alignment of the given column.
Definition doc.h:1656
std::shared_ptr< TableRow< Trait > > TableRowSharedPointer
Type of a smart pointer to table row.
Definition doc.h:1620
typename Trait::template Vector< TableRowSharedPointer > Rows
Type of list of rows.
Definition doc.h:1622
typename Trait::template Vector< Alignment > ColumnsAlignments
Type of list alignments.
Definition doc.h:1647
std::shared_ptr< Item< Trait > > clone(Document< Trait > *doc=nullptr) const override
Clone this text item.
Definition doc.h:529
~Text() override=default
WithPosition(long long int startColumn, long long int startLine, long long int endColumn, long long int endLine)
Definition doc.h:82
virtual ~WithPosition()=default
void applyPositions(const WithPosition &other)
Apply positions to this from other.
Definition doc.h:94
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:46:51 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:46:51 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.